IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi kimberly
was told by fren tat will use gonal f instead of puregon at private?
cos i was using gonal f at nuh..now me on 2ww

btw, during ur last 2 pregnancy, any signs of u during implantaion stage in ur 2ww? and me sit down is more than lying down, is it ok... thanks gd luck

Hi Sagimoo ,

I just got a miscarriage/misabortion of 6ww during 22 Jan'09.. should be starting 2nd IVF shot in April..
Hi, has anyone got blood test negative and yet pregnant before? need advises...today is my D17 after ET and the nurse told me my blood test is negative. I was given asprin and progynova...but my menses is still not here yet...am I really not pregnant?
Hi FairyRose / Jane ,

Omg.. haha i missed your post as it is archive..
my trip is good.. btw, it is correct the 2nd stage IVF no need to pay during 1st try IVF.. it depends if u exceed the subsidise rates..

Hi Kimerly ,

which gynae are u with ?
Hi TTC ,

I believe your BT should not be negative.. but maybe very low HCG.. if your dr is not firm on
the confirmation of negative , he will not give you asprin and progynova.. no matter what , continue the medication and pray for miracle.. Stay positive okie !

Hi Sagimoo ,

No worries , i have already pick up from where i fall.. so will go for 2nd shot in a more positive and experience manner.. hope it turns well this time
Hi tnt, I am not sure of other pte hospitals but I had Puregon even with Raffles, injected thru Puregon pen (I suppose it's like most of you..). I am very blessed to be successful with 1 attempt and 1 cycle.

You and Develyn must be very strong.. really take my hats off you! And may you see the bundle of joy this time round!
Hi Kimberly ,

OIC .. How much did you pay in cash for the whole process of IVF with Dr Sheila ? Btw, how many months pregy are u in now ?

Sorry , just came back from holiday.. trying to catch up..
Ladies ... here are some blessing for Buddhism..

Tu ti gong gong take care of all of us here wherever we goes.. guang ying niang niang bless us with BFP + healthy BB.. Toa Pai Gong bless us for everything stages .. Cai shen ye give us or the blessing and save our pocket.. Tai Swee Ye dun come after us as we pray to him liao and siam all misfortunate.. Thailand elephant boost up all fertility in this forum...

Lastly ,laughing buddha makes u xiao ha ha.. !!
hi ttc,
did the nurse give u a hcg value for ur BT? Are u on any progesterone supplements cos these can stop menses from starting.
Hi Develyn, I am 22wks into my preg. My first day of Lucrin injection was Sept26 last year, forgot the actual date I started Puregon (could be Oct6), until Oct17, Pregnyl was Oct18 evening at the hospital and Oocytes retrieval was Oct20, implant on 22, PBT on Nov6 and preg confirmation (ultrasound scan) on Nov20. My PBT shows very high in preg hormones but I ended having only singleton (my first disappointment) then later, we were told it's a bb boy (my 2nd but my hubby;s very happy with this). But I still think I am very blessed to succeed in 1 attempt, so I would like to see the same goes for all the girls here!

I am not sure of the exact amount I paid but its within the range of 15k. I claimed 6k from Medisave, so I would say the cash is about 8-9k, but I really don't remember paying so much, really have to check my bills.

I am not sure if this applies to all hospitals, my claim from CPF came later, so I had to settle the payment upfront, I believe it's the day when I had my Oocytes retrieval.

There is an extra 10 or 15% discount in RH if you are a DBS platinum or something like that..

I was also told that there are "package" for ARP, I did not go for this but I heard it reduces the expenses.
Hi Kimerlyn ,

Oh nice ! Baby boy or gal doesn't matter.. as long as healthy baby
Too expensive le.. haha.. i am still with KKIVF.. :p

Hi Ladies ,

Nice to hear u like the cute blessing.. i cracked my head as i am not really good with han yu pin yin... keke
Hi dosb, I had the virginal progesterone (twice daily) until PBT and duphaston till middle of 1st trimester (I think). I don't have am sickness (blessed) and carving..

Re: duphaston, if you have friends who conceive naturally, but may be weak to "hold" the baby, they can take this to prevent spotting (which can result in miscarriage). Dr Loh prescribed duphaston to me (again) when I had a threaten abortion after start of 2nd trimester (1 weeks I think) on top of the 4 proluton depot injection every 3 days.

Re: morning sickness, read somewhere that taking vitamin B6 or 12 (can't remember) can prevent nausea. And sickness usually happened in morning (that's why it's morning sickness) because of the long period of time our stomach did not have food. The book advised to standby some snacks by the bedside. Have the snack immediately after you wake up rest on bed for another minute or so before step out of bed.

It helped with some of my friends, I hope it helps for you!
I was just wondering if any ladies can advise the cash involved for IVF as a private patient in KKH?
I remembered that the Staff nurse told us that most of the procedures in IVF can be claim from Govt Grant and Medisave but there are a few that will requires cash payments.

If not wrong, it's the doctor consultation, registration, Sperm storage annual and Egg frozing annual. I see many of you mentioning about Puregon cost. Do we need to pay in cash for that? Cause I'll be seeing Dr SF Loh in 2 weeks time so have to know more so that I can prepare my cash portion. Times is bad, so hard to save $$
Hi humbug,

I reached around 8.30am cos need to send hb to work b4 coming. Me got to increase dosage too.. from 400mg to 600mg for 2 days then go back on saturday for scanning.
hi kimberley,
thanks for ur advice. I just had PBT and am waiting for scan with Dr loh in 2 wks time.

hi orangey,
puregon cost no need to pay cash. Other than those u mentioned, need to pay cash for bld tests and for insurance for embryos ($100+ ,if transfer 2 embryos).
Hi humbug and baby,

heehee wonder which is you? U came alone or with hb?

wow after taking the 600mg puregon, i felt very tired and sleepy. I went for my acup and went hope to catch a short nap. Even now I'm yawnzing away. Heard fr nurse sara that higher dosage of puregon will have strong side effects such as feeling lethargic and tired. hahaha Think I starting to feel the side effects after the increase in dosage.
Oh thanks dosb! The blood test I've already done so I think don't need to do le ba? Not sure in case later Dr SF Loh asked me to do again 0.o
Actually not much cash involved right? Apart from that both of us mention?

Sorry ah, I very loh soh and I'm so excited about meeting Dr Loh.. Mix feelings of nervous and anxious too!
Welcome back!! How was your cruise?? Yalah .. I hvn't been posting for sooooooo long liao. Saw many new nicks in here.
Is our gathering still on??

Develyn, didn't know that your Lucrin stage on your 1st try was also extended. It's due to insufficient suppression or due to KKH overflowing with patients? Cos at that time you started out pretty early rite ... like 2008? Siao liao.. then my turn, will probably be asked to extend Lucrin for 1mth. HAHAHAHA!

Ladies in KKH,
I understand that KKH will give 2 weeks MC (or Hospitalisation Leave) after ER (or was it after ET). Could you let me know what is written on the HL? Did it state ivf or some other things? Hv confirmed with my HR. MCs or HLs due to pregnancy is not recognised. What an evil company.
Develyn-welcome back. Glad u've enjoyed your holiday. Thanks for the prayers, ur such a nice lady.
Wow..this board is moving fast & super active. Welcome all newbies.
Bee-pls rest well & minimise movement, if possible just lie on the bed & let ur hubby take care of u, haha..how r u feeling now?hope the stain has stop.Can i hv the address+contact of u gybnae?
Kimberly-can i hv the contact of RH or Dr Sheila Loh? Congrats on being 22wks now, do pass around the baby dust to all of us.

GL to those in 2ww & going for BT soon...hope to hear good news fr u gals soon. AFM:
Taking A Break (pls incl. this in the next updates):

Plan for ivf in June/July (tentatively) HOORAY!!!

Was there with my hubby...yeah nurse sarah shot the jab for me...could not tell who is who cause I was so excited about my own results...but have to go back there on Sat to scan too hehe.. maybe we will er together hehe.. if you notice one lady come out of the room and keep rubbing her tummy with a very screwed face due to the pain that is me.. hehe.. cause they injected 700IU of purgeon plus something similar to Lucrin to hold ovluation but leave a stining pain like purgeon...
dosb, your dr. Loh is the same dr. Loh I went or Dr. Loh with KKH?

snowwhite, thanks! Women hospital is 63111222, there is another number I listed here before too.

Here are my breakdown of med bill:
Hormonal Study A: $100
Blood & Urine Screen: $78
Semen Analysis :$55
Ultrasound on BR/ PLV/ ABD: $65/ scan
Lucrin (14mg/2.8ml): $150.15
Puregon (300IUx10): $2688.30
Doxycycline: $8.32 (26 tablets)
Metroclopramide (10mg): $4.80 (15 tablets)
Ovidrel/ HCG (250mg): $264.82

Occytes retrieval day: $5488.45 (details as follows)
Consultation: $1000
Clinical & Surgical consumables: $283.09
Surgical/ Medical Fee: 3754.96
Crinone: $12.00
Progesterone (x2): $30
Sodium Chloride: $6

Embryo tfer day: $3643.95 (details below)
Consultation: $700
Medical & surgical consumables: $327.49
Aromag (x200): $10
Crinone (x30): $360
Pregnyl injection (5000IU): $34.78/ injection
Sodium Chloride: $6
Travocort (10gm): $11.29
Practice cost: $6
Embryo freezing: $700
Storage/year: $250
Embryo Tfer Lab charge: $1000
Duphaston: (10mg)(x28tablets): $40.60
HCG Beta SubUnit: 39.00
Folic acid (x30tablets): $6.30

Lucrin injection: Sept26-Oct17 (fr day20 of last mensus)
Puregon injection: Oct8-Oct17 (10days after Lucrin started)
Pregnyl injection: Oct18
Occytes retrieval: Oct20
Embryo tfer: Oct22
PBT: Nov6 (B-HCG was 1458IU/L)
Preg confirmation: Nov20

I hope that will also help you figure out a rough budget for IVF/ICSI with RH.
Hi tnt & develyn

thanks for being so encouraging....i really don't know what to do now except praying for miracles....the nurse only tell me the result this morning but never said i should continue the medication...when i told her my menses is not here yet..she wasn't interested at all too...just said since it's negative, then the next thing is to book another appmt to see the dr....(i'm quite disappointed)....but my hb said i should continue the medication for another few more days and see how....he is more hopeful then me...he said as long as menses is not here, there's still hope!
Itjabi, per box of puregon is $411.45. We purchased 7 boxes as per tube of puregon is 700IU. Yes, very ex. Luckily is deducted from Medisave. My scan is quite good, as mentioned by the doc. So far I am reacting well to the medication

develyn, how come your puregon so cheap? I still have the receipt with me. Mine is $411.45 per box leh. I also bought from KKH pharmacy.

Twinstars, how is your injection today?

humbug, I reached at about 8.30am. Very crowded today. Didn't know which one is you too.. hee..
I am also 2 more puregon to go.. going for ER soon. Dosage remain at 500IU as the doc say my eggs are growing well. Happy & excited too!!!

Chris, I went with my hubby. Too many people liao. I also don't know which one is you.. haha..
Don't think about the side effect and you will feel better. I have a lot of side effects throughout the injection. Till now still having. But just need to endure 2 more days. Jia you!!!

humbug & chris, so 3 of us are going back to kkh on this sat for 2nd scan ya???

Why don't you consult your doctor? yes I guess the nurses there see too many cases so they also quite immune or more like no feeling. Some are quite kind. What you can do is call and ask to talk to Sister (head nurse) then she can advise you what to do next. Don't give up ok. press on...we are all trying..
sierra79, KKH gives 2 weeks HL after ET where you will have to rest well during the 2WW.

Wow Kimberly, your breakdown very details. Good reference for those going for pte hospital.

Thanks for the detailed breakdown.. so far we did not keep track of the cost cause everything goes thru medisave and so far they have not sent us any statement yet so not sure how much we spent so far...but should be within limits if not they will call us hehe..
ttc_5yrs, don't give up hope yet. Monitor for a few more days. AF no report means still got chance. Best to consult your doc as mentioned by humbug. He will be able to check and advise.


good to hear that.. All the best for ur ER.. Did the doctor as how many follicles u had?

Twinklestar, Have u started Puregon?

When's ur ER? All the best ya..
