IVF/ICSI Support Group

micky, how? continue lor...
the more the merrier leh
I used to want to have 4 but now... 1 is all I'm asking for.

hi, i am new to this ivf threads and spent some time reading and stil got some doubts, anyone can help me
How long is the cycle, from 1st consultation to the results of the IVF?
ALso read alot abt the needles, what to expecT?
Hi Lina
I'm all along with fertility doc Prof Ng SC at GlenE. Aiyo, just want to concentrate on my current cycle, if fail, still got 1 more try

hi Libby, doc placed in 3 this time round.

1st cycle(fresh) - 2 (successful)
2nd cycle (thaw) - 3 (chemical preg)
3rd cycle (fresh)- 3 (successful)
4th cycle (thaw) - 3 (??)

from above, i seems to react better only to fresh cycles...hopefully, i proved myself wrong this time round. asked doc during the ER and he said if this time successful and resulted in birth, i'm will be his first patient with 3 births ! kind of hope to be that. in fact, my doc moved from nuh and started his own clinic in early 2004 and i was his first patient to be delivered in oct 04 and the press was arranged. was auto upgraded to 1 bedder, so nice!

All ladies
i'm sure all of you will succeed one of this days, keep it up!
Hi equin0x, my hubby already done sperm test before at TMC, so we just show the report to Dr Loh. So he did not do any sperm test at KKH before IVF. Both of us only did blood tests.

Lina, how's your reaction towards purgeon so far?

Itjabi, yes the scan and BT very fast.. the nurse should have call you by now. hope you can promote to stage 2 soon ya

libby, hope I can be as lucky as your friend.. have twin is the best.. one shot 2 children.. hee.. My FSH level is high - 10.6
During stage 1 - lucrin injection, I never get to see Dr Loh. But the nurse told me after the scan & BT for stage 2, I will need to see doc. So think just wait for the nurse to advise you.

Boon Boon, I have went through a day surgery to remove polyp before I started IVF. Because Dr Loh say better to remove since I have to go through so much during IVF. From the report, it stated small polyp but Dr Loh told me I actually have a lot and he was surprised when he saw them. All removed! He even passed me the photo to keep. Omg.. heee.. I rested for about 1 month. Started IVF 21 days after my AF reported. Don't worry too much. The nurse at day surgery centre will help you make an appointment with doc after you woke up from the operation. I think you will need to see doc 1 week after the operation and from there, doc will advise you when you can start IVF.

sweetmama.. don't worry too much.. BFP.. hee..

Mickey, hope we can be as lucky as you!!! You are really blessed with caring and loving children.. envy you
Don't worry about frozen embryos, the more children the merrier!! Haha.. I love children!!! Actually I wanted to have a lot of children as I have big family.. 1 is all I'm asking for too (same as Fresh)!!!
earthling, welcome to this thread

When do you plan to start IVF? Regarding how long is the cycle, I can't advise as I'm still in the stage 2 of IVF. As for the needles, don't worry too much over it. Days pass very fast once you started the injection.
Dear ladies who intend to do ivf and have not call to book pls call early. I went to kkh for MSW 2day and at the same time tell the nurse i want to start in may but was told can only do in may menses due to overwhelming.
Hi all,

I'm scheduled to go for IVF in June 2009.
Was wondering if anyone is with Dr Kelly Loi?

Wanted to know if we can switch doctor?
When I went down to IVF center on Friday, the Staff nurse who went through the registration told us that we can switch doctors if we want. When I call in today to ask, the lady over the phone says I can change doctor but will be converted to Private.

If private, do we get the subsidy from Government for IVF? Sorry for asking so many questions. Need advices seriously. Many thanks!

I like the say you describe about the needle is fine but the jab is not fine... haha... is she rough?


Welcome to the thread.. why are you going thu IVF since you have 2? Could have tried natural. IVF is quite a joyful but yet painful process. A lot of sacrifices have to be made...
hi earthling
approximately 6-8 weeks for the whole process.
me lasted for total 8 weeks. now me on 2ww, on week 8 will do BT and hopelli BFP by then.
as for the needle, my personal experience is the stage 1 needle is painful cos using those insulin type needle, whereas stage 2 needle painless, cos using pen-type needle, very fine.
gd luck to u
hi ladies out there
when we on this 2ww, my mum said better to rest in bed most of time...but i prefer to sit in sofa to watch tv...is is ok? any advise
Hi orangey, i m starting my cycle in june 09 too but i m under Dr loh. I m under private i believe most of the ladies here are and we r entitled to the government grant of 3k.
Hi tee yong, i think to rest will be the best for u now. U have done a good job and now waiting for the good news soon.....

When is ur blood test gtg to be?
Hello Lyn,

Thank you! I don't mind paying for Private charges but because IVF can be quite costly so I thought if there wont be any subsidy from Government then I will probably stick to Dr Loi.

If Gov subsidy is entitled, I will definitely switch to Dr Loh then. By the way, I suppose 6K medisave can still be deducted right? Just that for private patients, we are paying private based on consultation charges?
hi libby,

wow i just lock in and the thread has become sooo long. Oh ya, once you have taken lucrin the nurse will give u an appt to go back for vaginal scan to determine the thickness of womb lining and blood test on your hormones to see if you react well to lucrin. The blood test result will be out in the afternoon and Dr will vet through and give the nurses further instructions. I received a call from the nurse around 4pm same day of blood test and she advised me to go back 2 days later to collect puregon, and you still continue with lucrin all the way till further advise from doc.
Hi baby,

How are you doing with your puregon shots. hahaha today my hubby "misfire" and i got blue-black near tummy area. sob..sob...

Now countdown to thurs to see Dr Loh.
I managed to speak to nurse sister phua today and she assured me that doxycycline is given to hubby to prevent urinary tract infection and it is the only antibiotic to be given. She assured me that it is for preventive measures only and since hb allergic, dr loh has advised us to skip. She mentioned that after ER/ET (hahaha memory failing me) we will be given antibiotics to be taken.
hi Sweetmama,

me doing FET now but my follicles seemes to be growing very slowly. on Day 11 only 7mm. can u roughly go thru ur process with me. e.g when stop scanning, which day. after that clear blue ovulation kit isit?

btw, how much did u pay in all. payment is on the day of ER is it?

thanks so much for e info. quite kan chiong la me.
hi ladies,
I've bought a book " Baby care before Birth", hope its useful as a guide:-

while preparing for ivf:-
Egg quality - Eat adequate protein and best foods in terms of amino acids balance are eggs, soya, meat, fish, beans, lentils and quinoa. Take gd quality of multi-vit etc..Drink at least 2 litres of water a day (this is impt for cell formation and to ensure tat the drugs get to where they need to go in the body).

After ET:-
Avoid caffeine, smoking, alchohol and drugs, heavy lifting, strenuous exercise and housework, bounching activities (such as horse riding or aerobics), sun bathing, jacuzzis, saunas and hot tubs and hot baths, swimming, sexual intercourse and orgasm.

Hope the above helps.
hi lyn
thanks...just wanted to know whether this 2 ww is it sit on the sofa is good enough to rest or totally must rest in the bed after ET..hehe
anyway...best of luck
hi tnt,
sitting on the sofa is fine, i basically laid down most of the time on the sofa watching my korean dramas!!! Good luck to u!!!

hi alyssa,
last day of scan would be when most of ur follicles have reached at least 17mm, then that same night to have ur hcg trigger injection. ER would then be scheduled abt 36 hrs after trigger (usually the day after tmr, early morning) No need for ovulation test kits
hi orangey,
for ivf, all ivf procedures in government hospital entitled to govt subsidy. Unless u do in private hosp then no subsidy. Ivf is private rates in govt hosp. Totally cost is abt $7k to $9k, govt sub is $3k (for 1st claim), and remainder can claim medisave
Hi Baby

My 1st appt will be next week and definitely wish that Dr Loh will give me favourable advices.

We haven't done any check up yet. Do we need to do first before seeing him?

Thanks for your encouragement....
Hi Lina, Zaza, Sierra, Yong Wei

Thank you for your warm welcome and encouragement. The thread here very active and one day didnt come in can't find my message already.. keke
Hi all...

On the first consultation, what would doc usually find out or tests to be done...

Am pretty new to all the IVF terms and guess i have to understand one by one...
Hi Greenie,

You will need to do blood test and utrascaning and yr hubby will need to do sperm test, after all this process then the doctor will advise wether u are suitable to do IVF.

o this is the current state that i went throught and I am waiting for next appointment to see my result...
Hi Fresh,
so far only manage to see Dr Xia once, was 2 months ago. Then her subsequent visit, i could not make it. She is quite nice and talk slowly.

Hi Micky,
hope you succeed this time round. All the best!

Hi baby,
I am finish with puregon stage, had pregynl last night. How's your injection?

Hi humbug,
Dr Zou is very fast with her needle, so no pain.

Hi noi,
Thanks, do enjoy the CD with your baby. I am having ER tomorrow. Hope to join you and bliss in the other thread soon.
Baby, Tany & Libby - Thanks for your concern.
Meantime, I will try to relax and eat healthy. Good luck to all of us.

Baby, after the operation can we go to gym or do exercise. Or we should avoid all kind of exercises. Btw, in all how much did you pay? Did u receive HL (how many days)?
HI Yong Wei, thanks for the advice. gd luck on ur 2WW!!! yeah!

Hi baby thanks for the advice. Usually how long is the injection of all the lucrin and Puregon, what is the range like so far 14-30days?

HI Jane & Greenie, same as me I am new to this thread and hope my first appt with Dr Loh will enlighten me more.
Btw blood and sperm test on first appt, can get results same day?

baby dusts to all!!
Micky - Agreed with them, the more the merrier. Good luck and wish to have your good news soon.

Lina - All the best to your ER tomorrow, Jia Yu!

Greenie - Welcome and Jia Yu!
lots of baby dust for u!

Yes, my baby was featured in the news at Business Times. That was back in 2004

Me too wished to try natural and its impossible due to my hubby condition. only way to conceive is IVF.

when ae u going for blood test? Me getting very anxious, check left right center for symptoms..haha. Only thing is mild cramps (getting lesser and lesser..hmm) and bleeding of gums when i brushed teeth. I like to think the bleeding as potentially gd news coz usually i will only bleed when i am preggie..pray pray lor. but the bleeding starts 3 days after my ER, abit too fast for my body to react?

I think its ok,my doc said can sit, so long no strenous activities.

my follicles were equally stubborn and they grew only with helping Goal F which i injected myself on alternate days, in the end, my ER was on day cycle 30, can u believe it? so i think its ok, but some doc may say postpone to next cycle coz not every cycle we will ovulate

all the best for ur ER, have a full bladder but its going to be soooo hard to endure..arghs. i immediately asked for bedpan following the procedure

baby dust to all..including myself
Hi Earthling,

Day 2 menus blood test
day 21 after menus blood test
sperm test and utrascaning as long the hospital got slot for u.

Total about 1 month later to get the result
Hi Tany,
you are welcome.

Hi Fresh,
i doubt i can have the D5 option as my past record is sufficient eggs retrieve but very few fertilized eggs, think this round will be same case too.

Hi boon boon and micky,
Welcome to all newbies. Wow this board is actively fast paced, alot to read n catch up.BTW, heard that Develyn is organising a gathering right & she is on vacation now. So is the date & venue confirm yet?Hi Lina-can i have a copy of the CD as well? Micky-u're indeed so fortunate!If this round succeed, would you try again after given birth to the 3rd child?As most of the ladies here say, the more the merrier, but if u do not want to have it anymore, perhaps u can consider to donate your embryos out esp. to those couples who are desperate to have baby but have several failed ivf. I got a colleague whom had tried ivf but failed each time, her dr said her ovary is weakening, cant produce good quality of eggs, want her to consider adoption or egg/embryo donor, she is devasted.I sympathy her & try to keep a lookout a donor for her too. She is 40 but oredi cant produce many eggs. Sigh...
Hi Alyssa,
Ovulation test will only stop once LH is detected, it depends on how many days is your cycle, if you are normally on 28-31 days it would be around day 14-17 of your cycle or simply 14 days before your next period is due.Scanning will only stop once ovulation is detected that is when the LH surge is seen and the follicle is around 14mm, Don't worry Day11 is still early still have time to grow in my case scan is every other day that time I thought they will not reach 14mm but when I came back after 2 days and before scan I when I did my ovulation test its positive then after scan its already 16.5mm from 12.5mm the last scan.How long is your cycle?

hehe..thank you.. hopefully it is!!!
Hello dosb,

Thank you so much! Am new to IVF so having alot of questions circulating in me.
Good to know there there is a thread here and can ease my heart!

That day while doing registration, the staff nurse showed me and hubby the needles required for self-injection. A bit scared cause one of the needles look scary. I basically have a rather high tolerances to pain but self injecting I don't know about it.

Can you all share your experiences?
By the way the payment is around 1.8K all in, and it is after the transfer. Hopefully i answered all your question...hehe
, Good Luck
such a sad story of your friend. if this round succeed and it's only a singleton, then i could possibly contemplate another try to finish up all the embryos. doc told me that after age 35 the quality of eggs drop quite badly and in my case, there is already a difference in no. of eggs yielded during my 1st and cycle, 2 years apart.

so ladies, go for it when u are still early.

the needles are very fine..no worries. small poke and that's it.
Hi Snow-white88,

Yes Develyn is organising a diiner on 19 Mar at Vivocity Marche 7pm, u can contact her if you are interested to join in, her contact no is 98560606
HI Jane, if so will it mean if I visit the dr on D2-4 of my mense will kill 2 birds with one stone, can see dr and do tests at same time?
If not, the blood tests required to carry out, can do on Saturdays? Sperm and other tests also available on Saturdays?

I have to try to take as little leaves as possible since market is bad... anyone can advise me on this?
such a sad story of your friend. if this round succeed and it's only a singleton, then i could possibly contemplate another try to finish up all the embryos. doc told me that after age 35 the quality of eggs drop quite badly and in my case, there is already a difference in no. of eggs yielded during my 1st and cycle, 2 years apart.

so ladies, go for it when u are still early.

the needles are very fine..no worries. small poke and that's it.

Hi Earthling,

yes should be able to do blood test for day 2 of yr menus and see doctor on the same day if you can get the date.
another blood test will be day 21 after yr menus, teh nurse will count for you to come back for 2nd blood test.
sperm test hear fr nurse only available on weekday between 2-3pm. scanning you have to check with the nurse on the avaialble date cause now alot of people is starting to do IVF due to givernment susidy so you might not get the date u want.
