IVF/ICSI Support Group

Itjabi, so far I took hard boiled eggs. Haven't try soft boiled egg. But I will be preparing soft eggs tomorrow as easier to swallow. Hard boiled egg got to bite and bite. Today take a break, no egg.. eat too many eggs liao abit scare.. haha..
Since you are not a egg lover, maybe you can try soft boiled egg but do prepare 3/4 boiled eggs. Easier to swallow mah : ) But no raw please. Don't be stress over the BT and scan. Very fast one. Hope you can promote to stage 2 soon ya..

Itjabi, twinstars, for brazilian nuts, I remember someone mentioned that cannot take too much per day. Do check back the thread as I can't remember where I read it..

Chris, is your hubby taking any vitamins now?Gotta take care as weather is bad recently.
I don't have good experience with private hospitals, so decided to see Dr Loh as many forumers gave him good feedbacks for IVF.
Hi Chris, I am not sure if all the ladies are given antibiotics but doc didn't prescribe me with antibiotics. Doc also prescribe more folic acids for me to take.

Thanks for the info.. so it is confirmed FSH.. I refer back to my previous BT from TMC. Ya, my FSH is very high.. sigh... no wonder I am given so high purgeon dosage.

Humbug, maybe I will call KKH with the nurse tomorrow. Will only see doc on thursday. Thanks.
hi baby
so far after my hubby took doxycline he just said sometimes got diarrhea la..tats y need to replace with lots of water intake.
as for me Dr didnt prescribe me any meds to take...in fact i m the one asking him whether can i take some pre-natal vitamin instead...:p
Hello gals,
I know ladies hv to do bloot test on e 2nd day of menses to test on FSH, LH and E2. And also ladies & men hv to take e test to check on HIV, Rubella etc.

Does anyone know whether their dh ever need to do any sperm test (or man related tests) during the initial stage of e IVF in KK? If yes, dh needs to keep his sperms inside for how many minimum/maximum of days?
Hi equin0x

for any sperm tests, optimum results would be abstinence 3-4 days. All tests shld have been done before the start of ivf, in my view.

tnt - I would be 30 this year

equin0x - There is also a separate test which is done on DH sperm sample - I dun remeber the test name done as it is at home - will check and get back to you tomorrow
Ours are done @ Care@SGH ...no sex for 3 days be4 test
The nurses will also tell you the dates of when to release before the start of no sex ... heheheh... I find it very cute

As for the blood test on FSH, LH & E2 are done btw day 2-4 of AF

Care@SGH also practice the procedure whereby all the gynaes will meet and they will also brought in the embroylogist to discuss on the best approach for the IVF patients so as to increase the chances of conceiving
Only when the decision had been dicussed and the patient agreed then will IVF starts

Yes, the cost is higher @ SGH as medicine cost alone for lucrin and puregon jabs is btw $2-5k...This does not include the cost for all the required test

The take-home newborn rate is 35%

Thanks for your reply. Did your sis mentioned which fertility doc is better?

May I know who is ur gynea? Can share with me SGH's IVF procedure? Thank you.
Hi meow meow,
Hugs, do try again. Stay positive

Hi yong wei,
Do rest well for your 2WW.

Hi baby,
i am still on puregon. I started with 250IU but i think due to the slow growth of follicle, increase dosage to 300IU, will be scanning tomorrow.
oh the joo chiat temple has the goddess of fertility and birth(zhu sheng niang niang), I have been going there to pray throughout my ivf and also now. So I posted the location map of the temple when twinstars asked in msn.
hey! Twinklestar and baby,

Went for blood test this morning. Very fast. Less than 1/2hr wait. They said they will call me back in the evening to let me know wat is the next step.
Tany - my gynae is Dr Yong, ther ar also doc Roland, dr Hema n Dr Yu dealing with IVF patient with the chief embrologist Amy ....

You could decide on the doctor you would like to work with... Dr Yong had been my doctor for my previous IUI thus I stick with her

1) You would have a pre-check with your gynae to find out any tube blockages

2) Blood test for FSH, LH and E2 btw day 2-4 AF plus HIV, Rubella and others for myself and DH blood test for HIV and sperm sample

3) Go for counselling (will tell you all about the procudure, the cost involved, the type of medication used) will tell u more after I attending mine next Tues

4) Once all result obtain, the doctors will meet to discuss on the best solution on the medication required and whether ICSI is needed

5) The patient will start will IVF
Thank you for your quick reply. Dr Yong is a very nice lady, she came to see me when i was hospitalised during my last pregnancy.

I was with Dr Roland and got pregnant with the help of clomid the last round. I also did a TCS in 2007 and my tubes are ok... u think they will ask me to do that again?

Thank you for sharing your experience with me.

Looking forward to your updates on your IVF journey. Best of luck!
hi libby,
i did my ivf at kk under dr loh. I did not try acupuncture before

hi tnt,
I understand that after the hcg trigger injection, the follicles will continue to grow and mature somemore before the ER date, so not to worry
Hi Alyssa,
Thanks.Mine is natural..scan almost every other day, depending on the growth of the follicle.

Hi Meowmeow,
Sorry to hear the negative BT, don't give up, I also failed my first fresh cycle.I know how hard it is, just rest for some months recharge. Wish us all baby dust!
Hello Zaza n Koo,
Thanks for yr replies on e sperm tests b4 IVF.

But for those that are currently in KK seeking IVF treatment, did KK ask yr dh to go for sperm test b4 e start of e IVF treatment?

Strangely, KKIVF only gave me e forms for my dh n I to go for LH, FSH, E2, Rubella, HIV, Hepatitis test.

No forms given for sperm test. Is it e same for u, if u r also seeking IVF treatment in KK?
when i went kk, dh already had sperm test results from previous dr. But I think, once they start the ivf cycle for u and have collected the sperm sample before transfer in ivf, they would then do the sperm washing and will know the quality of sperm, if sperm not gd, they will do icsi, that is inject 1 sperm into 1 egg. If sperm gd, then just normal ivf, whereby they will let sperms naturally fertilize egg.
Hi equin0x,
Yes, my hubby was ask to do a sperm test cos his previous test was like 2 years ago. We also requested to store some of his sperm just in case the production during ER is not satisfactory. We just want to play safe cos dh can be quite stressful on the day of ER.
Hi Jane,
i am doing accupuncture and tcm throughout the whole of ivf, though doctor says only to continue accupuncture and stop herbs.
Boon Boon
How did Dr Loh know you have polyps? You did a scope before? Heard it's a simple surgery, so don't worry. Good luck to you. My friend did same thing before, and had success in her IVF with twins (1 boy and 1 girl)..

Still keeping fingers cross for you, you never know...

Could this be due to implantation?

I understand how you feel, afterall, I had failed twice.. but I'm not giving up hope, am still trying.. as long as we don't give up, there's still hope.

Do rest well.. previously at CARE, i need to bedrest immed after ET too, the doc actually poke thru my ... so i can auto urinate, i did not get up, as my ET was very tough, took abt 40 mins due to difficult path. But understand at KKH, you will get up immed. At which stage will Doc prescribe antibiotics to hubby?

We are referring to FSH level not HSG. What is your level?

After we start on Lucrin, how or when would we know we need to make appt to see Dr Loh? The nurse will advise us?

Think the doc/nurse will know best when the follicle size are ideal for ER.
Baby and Yong Wei, thanks for your concern.

You have polyn inside your uterus? Did the doctor mentioned to you how long you need to rest before embark on the IVF? I forgot to ask everything when heard need for the operation.

Yes, I have a uterus scan prior to consult Dr Loh for IVF. In fact, the previous Dr didn't ask me to do the Operation as he said still have space for baby to grow. He said less operation is better, as worry to damage any part of the uterus.. But when Dr Loh see the scan (picture/write up by the previous Dr), he immediately said need to remote it..that all.
Hi libby,
i have no diarrhea after taking Dr Zou herbs but do let her know. I recall on my 2nd visit, she ask if i am ok. Normally for patients that are not ok, she will do changes to the herbs.

Hi Jane,
do try accupuncture.
hi libby
my hubby was precribed doxycline right on that day i started my gonal f (same as puregon)

hi WY koo
yes..it is NUH practise

thanks lina..

btw ladies out there,
are we must rest in the bed only after ET? or we can sit in sofa and watch tv? cos my mum said better just lying the bed..
Hi Boonboon,
When is your scan with the other Dr? Did Dr Loh scan u again? Anyway, i heard Dr Loh has 'magic hands', so dont worry. Good Luck to u
Boon Boon
To make you feel better, Dr Loh is the doc who did the laproscopy for my friend, who got pregnant after that.
Hi Tany,
most of us here with Dr Zou at AMK. This is the contact:

Zou Yumin Physician & acupunturist
Blk 505 Ang Mo Kio Ave 8 #01-2670 Tel:64560833

Hi Jane,
accupuncture cost $25 for 45 mins and herbs cost around $6-$7 per day. The needle is very fine, ivf jabs are not as fine.
Hi Ladies
I'm in 4th cycle(frozen thaw) of IVF at the moment and is on agonising 2ww.

Had 2 lovely children during 2 of the initial 3 attempts (separate births) and 1 chemical pregnancy(frozen cycle).

While had gone through this quite a few times but still, cannot help feeling anxious about the results which will be due next Mon. For all the ladies here, lets all stay positive and JIA YOU each other.

thanks. Hubby would be traveling on day which the result would be known. Till now, no symptoms except for occasional mild cramping on and off.

contemplating to do HPT maybe on Sat, yet that is on Day 12 after embryo transfer..agonising
Hi micky, lucky u to achieve 2 successful pregnancy and have 2 wonderful kids. I wish I had the chance too. Since u have achieved successful pregnancy b4, I guess this time round will be successful too. BFP to you!

HPT should be able to do on D12.
thanks. Hubby would be traveling on day which the result would be known. Till now, no symptoms except for occasional mild cramping on and off.

contemplating to do HPT maybe on Sat, yet that is on Day 12 after embryo transfer..agonising
sorry dbl posting oops!

Yes, think I'm very blessed, I striked on my first fresh ICSI cycle resulting in birth of a boy in 2004 whose 4years old now, he's simply a darling who cares alot at times when i'm in pain or feeling unwell and he will sayang me and also preventing his dad to bully me..haha!

2nd cycle was in 2006 (thaw cycle) and that was a chemical preg where the embryo was implanted did not continue to grow.

3rd cycle also in 2006 and decided to do fresh cycle instead. Resulted in birth of my baby girl in 2007 who is also very cute except for the constant whining, but I guess that is just GIRL.

So now in 2009, shooting for it again. YES, looking after kids is a 24/7 job, but its this thing that keeps biting me that i hv created the embryos, and i must them at least try to give them life and give them due justice. To me, it's a unfinished business and that I must complete it.

I asked myself if i succeed this time, how? still got 2 frozen embryos left!!

Fresh, give yourself sometime. You will achieve it one of this days.

hi micky,
welcome to the thread and great to have you here to encourage us. Which doctor did you go to for your previous try? For your frozen embryo, continue trying, the more kids the merrier.
