IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Chemistry

Give yourself another 2 days. Then test again. Hope your can see your BFP then

Chemistry, ya i agree with tomatoes, it may be too early to detect anything. sometime LP will be as long as 14 days. good luck!
CT, ur boss really don't have "ren qing wei"! I can understand how pissed u are. last time i took some time offs to see gynae, although i already explain i've tried to get appointments before or after work but sometimes there's really no slots and i really have to go, my company still told me that they will deduct my pay and that it will affect my bonus!! from that day onwards, i already not so "mai ming" in my company liao. I don't understand these people, they are just so short-sighted on these little things and ignore the fact that their employee will be so demoralised and will put in less effort. maybe ur boss think when u succeed, somemore got to pay u maternity leave so he is even more calculative. Anyway, my hubby told me no point getting angry over these people, the bigger picture for us was to get preggie so just ignore them lor! u RELAX ok!
Hi tomatoes, cherry,

I'm pretty sure I'm not preggy. But anyway, I will wait for another 2 days before calling KKIVF centre to check.
I totally agree with westbb. Juz yesterday I was worried about my job duties and how it will affect my colleagues, today my boss wants to do extra job cover for so and so and also gave me extra workload. Now I am thinking why should I bother when I have such a boss. My colleagues din even stood up for me.

In my mind, I was thinking, nevermind lor, I will be on HL for 2-3 weeks soon and you can ask me to do my whole dept's duties for all I care. The best is that I get preggie so that I can also claim my 3 months maternity leave.

Actually, I am still fuming now.

thanks ... I've cooled off liao lah ... the 2 days of anger must have frighten my 'Embies' hahhaha

Now i bo chap liao, they wan deduct jus go ahead ... I only pray I will succeed and take the 3 months maternity!!!


Dun angry ok ... no point wasting our enery on these cold-blooded bosses. We just worked hard against our goal ok
Hi everyone, this is old news indeed but I thought I would share it with you so you would be made awared.

TAMPON ALERT - The Dangers of Tampon-Related Toxic Shock Syndrome


Toxic Shock Syndrome develops when the common bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus produce a toxin which is absorbed into the bloodstream. The toxin rapidly overwhelms the immune system and attacks the major organs, leading to kidney failure, collapse of the lungs and in severe cases, cardiac arrest. Alarmingly, half of all known cases of Toxic Shock are women using TAMPONS.


Always begin AFTER a period starts
Early symptoms may include headache, and/or sore throat
Aching muscles and high temperature
Followed by vomiting, watery diarrhoea
A red rash, confusion and dizziness, and
Very low blood pressure

Only one or two symptoms may occur. They do not necessarily occur all at once and may not persist.


Remove the tampon (save it if possible)
Seek IMMEDIATE medical attention
Inform the doctor that you have been using TAMPONS
Take a TSS information leaflet with you



Survivors of Toxic Shock Syndrome may have been hospitalised for weeks and there is usually a long recovery period. They may have suffered:

Loss of fingers and toes due to gangrene
Permanent kidney and liver damage
Deafness and blindness
Peeling skin, and loss of nails and hair
Continual infections
Short tem memory loss
No energy for months or even years
Psychological and emotional distress


Use the lowest absorbency needed at each stage of your period
Avoid using tampons continuously during a period. Alternate with sanitary towels, particularly at night
Use a towel at the end of your period
Change tampons every 4 to 6 hours
Dont use tampons if youve had any unusual discharge
Wash your hands before and after use and handle the tampon as little as possible
Alert your family and friends to the symptoms and emergency action required
Only use tampons made of organic cotton
Read and keep this information leaflet or the leaflet inside the tampon pack


Staphylococcus aureus bacteria are carried by most people on the skin or in the nose no matter how frequently we wash ourselves. They are usually quite harmless and can naturally migrate into the vagina. Certain strains of the bacteria can produce a toxin known as TSS-T1 when tampons are used. The vagina is a very susceptible place for RAPID absorption of toxin. The toxin gets into the bloodstream and circulates around the body attacking the vital organs, especially the kidneys and lungs. The toxin overwhelms the bodys immune system producing acute organ damage. Younger people are particularly at risk, as their immune system is not fully developed.


The bacteria in the vagina is usually harmless. Although the exact micro-biological reason for toxin production has not been established, it only happens in association with a tampon.

It could be because the tampon introduces oxygen into the vagina, or the tampon provides a surface for the bacteria to colonise.

However, it is known that higher absorbency tampons containing man-made fibre are the highest risk. Also, CONTINUOUS use of tampons during a period increases the risk.



As tampon-related Toxic Shock Syndrome is not a notifiable disease, the official statistics rely on a voluntary notification scheme. These statistics are unreliable. However, from 1990 to 2000 it is believed that 22 deaths have occurred in the UK due to TAMPONS.

Since millions of tampons are used in the UK each month, the disease is considered rare. However, it can strike any woman or girl without warning and can act so rapidly that more fatalities amongst tampon users is inevitable. So remember: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A SAFE TAMPONS!

Communication is essential. Health and safety information on leaflets should be red regularly to identify if any new, crucial information is presented. It is also vital that young girls ensure that they discuss with their parent when they decide to use tampons. Somebody else should know when tampons are used so that prompt action can be take if the sufferer is unable to help herself.


Telephone/fax: (+44) 0161 748 3123
Hi CT, try to cool down! Dun let ur stupid boss affect ur mood.... really hope tat u'll succeed this cycle and thus entitled to 3 mths maternity lv... cheers!!!

Juz came back from scanning today. Follicles still not so ideal. Got to go back on this Sat again. Haiz... So tiring... But at least, I still can rest over the weekend first.

I was quite fortunate to meet my embryologist today. He is such a friendly guy. He took my file and studied it for a while and chatted with me when I was doing my bloodtest. Nothing special, but at least I feel more assured. As usual lor, he said I must not stressed and he told me keep smiling.

When I came out of my RE's room, he took my file again and said high chance my retreival will be next Mon/Tue.

This weekend must go stock up my groceries shopping liao
Hi Tomatoes,

so i may see u this sat again? what time is your apt? think most of them will be postpone again cos Prof only arriving in Singapore in the morning.

Me going at 8+ to drop hubby's sperm sample and do the muscus test. and apt with doc is at 12.5pm. really duno what to do with the 4hrs difference!!

cant go home cos too far

May not have the chance to see you on Sat 'cos I can only come to the clinic at 4-5pm. Me going for facial at 1pm. Hee! ;p But I need to go the clinic early in the morning to do blood test also.

After you have dropped off the specimen on Sat, you might wish to go Orchard to eat breakfast and Jalan Jalan. I think your appointment might be pushed to 2+ again. As long as you submit your specimen before 9.30am, the results will be ready for your consultation.

For me, after my bloodtest on Sat, I usually will take a bus and go to Holland to visit my mum and wait for my consultation
Hi Tomatoes

My original apt is at 10.30am so already postpone to 12.50 liao. really hope wont postpone again.

Ya hubby and me thinking of going orchard to eat breakfast and he said he will be reading books at prob macDonald.

but i think shops and shopping centres dont open so early right? by the time they open we have to go for apt liao

see how lah.
Hi CT/Tomatoes,

Hope u remem me. Do u haf the IVF/ICSI Stimulation process? Can email me at [email protected], pls? Thanks in advance.

I'm thinking of gg to IVF in Dec/Jan if I do not conceive naturally by then..Dr Loh has prescribed some medications to hubby to increase his sperm count and he wants us to try naturally first.
Hi Gals,

Juz an update: I confirm going for my egg retrieval this Mon liao. Me very nervous now.

Hi CT,
Did you test? Can't wait to know your good news

Hi maltbibi
Will try to search if I have it
Hi ladies,
I hav started my ICSI prog. and is now taking daily jabs of PUREGON. So far I hav gone for 2 scans and my gynae said the 'eggs'are doing fine.Nurse said that I may have the retrieval bet 4 -6 Nov. Like tomatoes, me also very nervous.
Once again, mus thank all of you cos all the info. tt was exchanged here were really useful. I actually learnt a lot more from you guys than some of the internet sites!
Will try to post more and update on my progress.
Tomatoes, all the best to you on Mon.
Westbb, congartulations!
CT(exbride) take care and relax!

PS- Need to check with you ladies something tt was too embarassing for me to ask my nurse/gynae:
Is sex okay during this period of jabs before the retrieval? Nurse told me tt sex is a no-no after embryo transfer for a couple of weeks...
This may sound really weird but I thought tt it will be also good to try naturally since the jabs are really stimulating the eggs! Or i may be wrong !!! HELP!!!
Hi ladies,

Do you still remember me? sorry for being MIA, as my computer got virus. and it took a while to fix the problem.

My update - don't know if good or bad news. I started lucrin for almost 2 weeks, then, my E2 result shows it's high and i am ovulating on my own despite of that. It doesn't have an effect on my egg, really strong egg ;-). So now, have to change protocol again. Can't do IVF yet not until my next cycle. I think i'm so "special" to encounter this problem.

I will traveling next week. so i'll chat again later. Take care and good luck CT, Tomatoes, dang99, etc.
Hi tomatoes,

all the best to your egg retrival on Monday. Did your gynae tell u the est no of eggs that are ready for retrieval?

Hi dang,

All the best to u too. I will be using Puregon for the stimulation subsequently. Currently, I'm on Lucrin and tomorrow will go for my blood test to determine when i can start Puregon Jab. BTW, where are u doing the ICSI?

Hi berry,

That's odd. What is the dosage u are told to inject? So what protocol is the gynae going to use for your next cycle? Maybe it's good to take a holiday. Who know maybe u'll conceive during this cycle.
tomatoes, finally u r going for the egg retrieval! relax and all the best! keep us posted of ur progress.

dang, when u do ivf/icsi, they extract all ur eggs that are possibly mature for fertilisation and so hence u won't have any viable eggs left after that. therefore even u bd also not possible to conceive naturally leh. after embroyo transfer, it's 'play safe' not to have sex to reduce possibilities of infections that might be introduced into you. hope this help!
Hi Chemistry,

I did 10 dosage, then, after my first E2 increased to 20, then after a few days, my E2 still goes up quite high. RE says it's normal to some women. I can't make it naturally this time as my hubby is not here.
your boss very bad! does your company have handbook that states that hospitalisation leave will not be recognised for certain procedures? Note that IVF is not a cosmetic procedure and there is no reason the company can reject the HL. you can file a complaint to MOM. me so angry with ur boss! TOO MUCH!

but then hor, u dun get too agitated hor, must relax and stay cheerful. i think u stand a very good chance. keep us updated.

all the best for ur retrieval tomorrow. soon, u will join in the mum to be club like westbb.
baby dust!

I've not tested as I jus finished my last HCG shot on Friday. I'm feeling very lousy ... I dun think I can make it this cycle. I have a strong feeling that my menses is coming and I have no symptons of pregnancy at all. I felt abosolutely normal now. sighhh All the best for your retrieval today.


I've called MOM but they can't act on my behalf as I'm not covered under the employment act. They say I could talked to my boss with my appt letter but I dun think it's of any use. They are too much!!! I'm back at work today and my lady boss still have teh cheek to smile at me!!! stupid woman !!!

I feeling very lousy, really very moody. I dun think I've made it. I'm prepared for the worst.

Sorry gals if I've affected your mood .. for those of you who started the program, dun be like me ok, think positive and be happy.
Hi Chemistry,
i'm doing my ICSi at Singapore General Hospital. Where u doing yours?

Thanks for the info. Will tell hubby to 'stay away' !!! Ha!Ha!Ha!

I am also very nervous for u cos I may have mine soon. All the best! Keep us updated!

Cheer up! Nothing is confirmed yet,so stay positive! All of us will pray for you. : )
Hi CT,

Yah, be positive. No symtoms now doesn't mean u are not sucessful. I think Micky also had no symptoms nearer to the date and she also strike mah. Earlier on u have some cramps right. It might be implantation cramp.

Today is my day 15 after starting the down regulation jab. Went for my scan & blood test early this morning. When the doc is doing the scan, she told the nurse something like left 6 right 3. I was wondering if they are counting my follicles. But I have not started any stimulating jab yet leh. That got me a bit worried, also esp after knowing berry did not react to the jab. Hope this will not happen on me. Anyway, will get to know this afternoon if I still need to continue with the down regulation jab for another week.

Thanks ... I'll try my best to be positive ... will test on Wed if menses still not here by then.

Btw, dun worry I think they are measuring the womb lining ... shld not be the follicles.
dun despair, me even worse, at that point my bloatedness keep going down n i was think that was it, failed liao. and i have absolutely no symptoms at all. so u still got chance.
cheer up!
Hi Dang,

I'm doing mine at kkh. Think we should be using the same protocol.

Hi CT,

Just called up kkh and my blood test is ok (what a relieve) and I'm asked to go back this Friday to start my stimulation jab. Check with u something, do u need to store the Puregon in the fridge? I was thinking of going in the morning, and then proceed to work, but if the Puregon needs to be store in the fridge, then i will probably go in the afternoon instead.

Glad that you can start the stimulation jab so soon ... yes the Puregon have to be kept in the fridge ... you would have to go home immediately after the check up.

Thanks will try my best to think positively ... I had a bad cough since last week also tats y I'm also scare may affect. I was coughing so bad that I'm afraid I've cough my embies out :p ... Anyway, I'm still praying very hard that I will be successful. Thanks for all your encouragement.
Hi CT,

Thanks. Looking forward to your good news this wed! When do u have to go back to kkh again for blood test?

Hi tomatoes,

How your egg retrieval today?
Hi Tomatoes,

So how did your treatment go today?

hope you are feeling better now that the egg retrieval process is over.
Yes, no symptoms doesn't mean anything. Sometimes, it no symptoms is also a preggie sign. Be positive and you will be happier

For me, I felt more terrible than CT. I vomitted the whole of yesterday and didn't even have the strength to walk properly. I am those minority that react very strongly to "nitrogen gas" (the gas the made us sleep). The retreival process took only 45 mins but I suffered for the next 18 hours. My hubby and mum was very worried and swear to myself that I will not go through another round if this time fail.

But my RE was not able to tell me how many eggs they took out until later. My embryo transfer will be on thurs. Will keep you all update again.
Hi Tomatoes

I'm so happy cos my hubby managed to get approval from his boss for him to go off earlier tomorrow. So he can company me to KKH for apt

At least doc can see him too. so nervous actually. probably cos i was hoping to hear alternative treatment from this doc, but chances are not high i guess

But no matter what, i will still go ahead with my plans.
Hi Tomatoes,

Sorry to bother u again.

Normally for second opinion, can i bring all the reports to show this KKH doc?? so she will know where i go in the first round right? will she ask me why i still go to see her??

will she do another examination for hubby as well as another U/S for me??

Not at all. You must bring down all the reports that you have to KKH for your RE to study your case.

I dun think your Dr Loh will ask why you still see her. But if she does ask, just say you are not very comfortable with a male RE and prefers a good female RE

It depends entirely on Dr Loh whether she wants to do another round of examination for you. So I can't really answer you on this...

All the best to you appt tomorrow!
Hi tomatoes

are u feeling better today?

Me so sleepy in office now

i will let dr loh see the reports and tell her what dr chen suggest. and see if its the last resort for us.

hopefully she can see both me and hubby (and exam us if need be) together tomorrow cos its not easy for hubby to take leave lor.

Dr Chen didnt exam my hubby the first time we went. only me.
maybe cos he felt that he only wanted to see him when his SA results are out.

anyway, i think i will be so nervous tomorrow, probably too scared. remembered my first visit to Dr Chen... my fingers and hands were so cold. :p

so useless

I've no tested ... will probably do it tonight.

I'm very scared to test actually ... wanted to do so yday but just teh thought of it sent shivers down me. i'm really scare ...
I fully understand that kind of feeling and I am anxious for you too. I really hope that it will happen and bring good news to all of us here.
Hi CT,

Do you happened to have the IVF/ICSI Stimulation flowchart? Have tried to print out fm the link u gave but it was quite blurred. Hope u dun mind if can email me the softcopy at [email protected]

Hi CT,

hope to hear good news fm you.Understand your fear, but must stay positive,k? I wish i can be as brave as you gals when it's my turn...

Can I check with you, did your KKH Doctor/nurses advise you and DH abstain sex before start the IVF injection? or have to be protected? tks!

You're welcomed!


Yes infact for that cycle you intending to start the program u have to have safe sex. But for my case, I did not as I decided to start last minute and anyway I dun think I will conceive naturally
Hi tomatoes,

Wow, you really react very badly to med that puts u to sleep. How are u feeling now? So tomorrow u going for egg transfer? How come it is a 3-day interval from the egg retrival? I tot normally 2-days interval only?

Hi CT,

All the best to your testing tonight.
CT, I can understand your fear, I also delayed my testing for quite a number of days before I dare to test. BTW, u shd test in the morning leh, the hcg will be more concentrated. I am waiting to hear ur good news too!


ya loh, i think i also won't be so lucky
I will be starting my jab on 16th, very nervous too.

How did you get your blood test result before you started the programme? do I need to call them for the results? I have no idea leh..
