IVF/ICSI Support Group

Congrats to u first
thanks for answer my worries..

18th im going for my v scan, will remember to check with Doc..

Hi Everyone, sorry have not logged in for a long time...
To everyone starting this december. I really look forward to going thru this journey with you guys. The lucrin makes me really really sleep though.
I thought 1st scan is 14 days after starting Lucrin?

BTW ladies,
Anyone experience a painful lump in breast due to the hormonal changes? not tender/swollen breasts, more like engorgement :p
Hi Babymaking,

Thanks, I'll try again. Btw I wanted to ask you abt Dr Jin, I'll be seeing Dr Jin Next Tue, care to share more abt the doc? can Pm me to tell me more, wanted to Pm you but you dun accept Pm.
dear mamatan, thanks, it's way too early, the doc from the IVF team was saying that a zillion things can go wrong from now to the actual blood test next fri - so kinda made me paranoid - now everyday doing HPT to make sure the line is still there.

you can add me in msn - [email protected], we can chat there. (anyone else on msn?)

dear ladies,
i need some advice on drinks, right now i cannot stomach plain water as it trigger nausea due to OHSS. any suggestions on other drinks besides ginger tea, red date tea & honey?

i also can't take anything with citric acid as it triggered nausea/gastric.

also i can't take much solid foods, so anyone has any suggestions for simple home made soups, or ready made soups which can be bought outside, please offer suggestions.

if cannot rehydrate at home, got to be re admitted again and put on drip.
Dear sisters
Had been a silent reader all these while.
Will be starting my IVF journey in Jan, now waiting for my menses to come, just need to check with u, did u have any chinese medicine during stage 1 & 2??

Also, just for info, there is another temple with "Zhu Sheng Niang Niang" at Paya Lebar Road (just opp A-Z Building and behind Geylang Police Station)..ladies who are on the way at paya lebar can drop by to pray..

To all IVF sisters, Jia You, Jia You!
hi Chew

thanks for assurance - i have added you on MSN.

that depends on yr TCM, and your condition. varies from indiv to indiv, as long as there is a 4 hr gap between taking western & chinese meds, it shd be ok.
Hi baby making, Congrats on the news. We are all behind you. You must take care of yourself.

Bliss Tan -
Yup my surgery was long. coz we did a bilateral cystectomy. I have 3 incisions. Now feeling much better already. You mean your ER was worse than the laparoscopy? Oh dear now I am scared. I thought during ER you are also under sedation. You only wake up after everything is done right? How come it hurts more for you?

Just for everyone's info, I am not a keen fan of injections and hospitals and pain.
Hi Ladies,
Pls delete me from the list. Will have to postpone my ivf till later date. Don't think is nice to share the reason here.
For those ladies in 2ww...jia you...BFP BFP for all....
Blessbb -
I am sorry you have to postpone your IVF to a later date. I am sure you have a very valid reasons for it. If you are not too keen on sharing we will not probe. Just know that whenever you need a listening ear, we are all here for you. Pls take care.

By the way how later is later if you dont mind me asking coz mine is postponed too to a later date (April '09 to be exact). Perhaps we can be cycle buddies then.

Alyssa_r -
Hi Babe... How are you doing? Have been on the lookout for you but havent seen you around. You are in Stage 2 now right? So when is the tentative ER/ET. Pls take care and rest well. Hope to hear from you very soon.
Hi All,

We have just went thur 2 IVF @ Gleaneagles Hospital. But none of it sucessfull. Feel a bit disappointed. So join this site recommended by my colleague.
But hope that you all do not mind I'm a guy..

Our history ;
1) Done 1st IVF on July-08. 3 embryo (1 grade 1 & 2 grade 2) was extracted out & inplants.But none managed to stay on. Cos my wife was not in her top condition. Having cough & ful at that time. It could be due to the injection of Puregon.

2) Done 2nd IVF on Nov-08. This time 4 embryo was extracted all 4 was grade 2. So doctor decided to implanted 2 & frozen 2. Now she was on Gonal-F. But on day 11 we went back for blood test. Result show negative. We do not believed went back again on day 13,same result.

I things for sure..We are on this programs for about a year plus. Have wasted a lot of time,effort as well as Money..So really hope that we are able to find out frm here..all experience ppl..or maybe our experience how to make thing round..

ER will be under mild sedation, but laparoscopy is under GA, of course confirmed in total sleep during laparoscopy. The pain that I mentioned during ER is pain after it. I thought that the pain is similar to giving birth. My ovaries felt like bursting when urinating and the cramps after ER was so much worse than laparoscopy. However, dont want to scare you lah, diff people experience differently.
hi ttc_no2 , i am not sure also, she assigned 22nd of december to me. ohhh day 14 is sunday for me so 22nd is monday. hehe 21st is sunday. so that explains it..
noi, i am currently seeing Dr Zhong Xi min from eu yan san. I am taking some powder meds to help reduce my cooling ness. and did acupuncture for the first time last friday. doing again this thurs. not pain hehe for someone afraid of needles... :p
hi blesswbb & ponytail,
it's confirmed positive but what i'm worried about is because it's still so early, the positive can turn into a negative very easily cos a lot of things can happen between now and the official blood test date.

the ivf nurses were telling me that test early, by official beta HCG can be negative also.

so what i do now, is test HPT every morning and hope to see the line getting darker/faster - atleast know that the HCG is increasing :p

very paranoid hor?

anyone knows where to get cheap online HPT locally? i am running out of HPTs. URGENT!! URGENT!!
warm welcome to all the newbies.

who was yr previous gynae?

most of the gals here did IVF with KKH IVF (SF LOh, Sadhana, or Kelly Loi), NUH (PC Wong), CARE PARAGON.

Whether the gynae is good or not depends on your expectations and not just the service of the gynae but also his whole office.

for eg in govt hospitals, one only see the gynae 3 times through out the long IVF process - 1st consult, ER, and ET. the rest of the time is managed by his team of nurses.

IVF IS NOT just about expending money and time, it's also very physically and emotionally exhausting for the couple, more for the woman she has to go through the physical prodding and mood changes.

you didn't mentioned what was the medical problem in the first place, unsuccessful IVF attempts is never a waste of time cos with each new cycle, the protocol is refined to ensure the best results the next time.

Hope the above perspective helps.

for me ER is worse than lap, i did a lap to remove a ectopic pregnancy + detailed check + salinesopgram (sp?), but recovered pretty fast.

one of the reasons is that ER is not a full GA procedure, the sedation is not strong enough for me, so when wake up, the pain is there. then on both times i had ER, i had OHSS, so in total i really hate my ER expereince.
Hi babymaking,
so happy for you, BFP!. You have been really strong, 4 years on TTC is a long time.

Hi Richard,
welcome to the thread. It's really good that you are supportive of your wife and join us here.
hi blesswbb,
m sorry to hear that you decided to postpone your IVF to a later date. whatever reasons you have, i hope u have not lost faith & hope in your attempt in making babies... take care!

hi richard,
babymaking is right that our expectations & service of the gynae office's staff determine if the gynae is good or not. i can fully comprehend both of your disappointment in past 2 failures. have your wife thought of taking a break from ivf & opt for chinese medication to 'tiao' her body before trying again?? if u read past archives of this thread, you'll be able to know who are the TCM practitioners whom most of the gals here goes to.
babymaking.. first of all, big big congrats..
the impt thing is to stay happy.. i always believe that a happy mother generates a very good environment for the little ones.. more incentive to stay... i know that now it is easy for me to say, but try not to think so much... what comes may... my thoughts are with you... Good thoughts your way...

Hi Richard.. welcome... pls do not be discouraged... the support here is wonderful...
are you looking for a new gynae? will you be switching to trying with govt hospital? it'll be a good idea, since the govt is giving monetary incentives/subsidies to try...
hi lina, ml,

my hubby was also put on medication but the % did not increase though other factors did see a increase.

and we did 4 IUIs already. so i think next on our agenda is IVF.

can i just check with you all whether have PCOS will decrease the chance of success in IVF? cos i have PCOS.
Hi babymaking, congrats! I understand yr discomfort on OHSS. I also experience the severe bloating and distended tummy. I am currently D13pet. Just tested with HPT and its negative, very worried. Told my hubby and can sense his disappointment as well.
hi mel,

thanks for the boost of confidence!!! =)

so sweet to have twins... hee hee....

how r u lately?

btw, which gynae did you do your IVF with? This is your first IVF?
mel, that's great!

now can properly enjoy the joys of your pregnancy! =)

can you feel babies moving around now? or kicking you? i believe will be wonderful feeling that. hee...

I see... me thinking to go to Dr. Loh at KKH... save some costs.

today my AF due and i'm having a bit of spotting already... so guess to get ready to make appt with KKH liaoz....
Hi babycoming,
stay positive, don't trust HPT, some people get negative HPT till the morning of BT but still can get positive BT. BFP to you!
december, the babies kicking? not yet.. or, mabbe i am just too thick skinned to notice... haha.. but i am still a bit early.. only abt 16 weeks.. agree that it would be woinderful to feel the movements.. hmm.. actually at every stage, you'll worry about different things.. in the beginning the worries are abt if we can get preggy, then, after getting positive results, you'll constantly worry if any unfortunate things might happen.. then, if puke, worry of our bodies have enough supplements and vitamins to nourish the baby.. then, after the 1st trimester, worry if the baby is growing well.. then.. then.. then.. you know what i mean....

hmm.. i think you should try govt hospitals first... if the govt is giving subsidies to help, i dun see why not.. for me, i was just super comfortable with my doc, so, i stuck with it.. *really not cheap hor*

my thoughts are with you on this.. sending really good baby thoughts your way... stay happy!!

totally agree... there will always be different things to worry and think about at every stage.

but most imptly is to keep yourself happy and enjoy it as much as you can! =)

i'm kinda scared of the tot of injecting myself though. can't imagine how i will go about doing it. hee.... but no matter what, will still have to push thru and do it.

if my AF come, i will start tiao with TCM to prep my body for it... hopefully will give me a booster.
Dear babycoming and Lina,
Yes, i agree with Lina about the HPT. I've already wasted hundreds of dollars on HPT and OPKs. Now, I tell myself to be patient and wait. Anyway, we've already waited for so long... Just wait for BT lor.

Dear all,
Its the time of the year to make wishes and resolutions again.

Here is mine:
1)May all of us have the babies we so desire... We can have as many as we want. BFP! BFP!
2)May everyone enjoy good health and pregnancy without feeling sick...
3)We will all be prosperous and rich to provide for our children.
4)All our children will be easy to take care of and they will bring much joy to us.

Let's press on towards a better and more wonderful year! One filled with blessings and more!
Hi mel,
you will never stop worrying for your baby, even when he/she grows up. And true, at every stage you have different worries. That is part of motherhood, sigh!

Hi Gracebb,
Oh yes, need to make resolutions for the new year. Hope everyone gets the much awaited BFP and healthy pregnancy to all the mother-to-be.
hi lina.. yeah.. at the mention of worrying for the children when/after they are born.. it's a super long life of worrying... i know my mum is still worried abt me..
but that is the beautiful part of having/being a mummy... as a child, i love the fact that i am constantly on my parents' mind.. hee hee.. I never wanna cut or loosen the apron strings..

My New Year Resolution is
1) BFP for all who are trying
2) Easy pregnancy for all
3) Forever happy!!
Hi Lina & GraceBB,

Many thanks for the encouragement. I will stay positive.

I am in total agreement on the new year resolutions. May all our wishes come through and hp everyone is blessed with the BFP.
Hi all, i am new here... I am with kkivf had my ET on 9 Dec, been on progesterone jab daily since until my HCG test on 23 Dec. I have been feeling positive and pregnant as in the tender breast, the bloatedness, the tiredness but no nausea...however I just got my P4 progesterone level test just now. Apparently my level is quite low, only 30 while it shld be 50-60 so they will increase the dosage by double from tmrw onwards... Hearing that I felt very sad...the low level would immply that my body is not producinng its own prog yet....so doea it mean that my chances of being preg is low..? Anyone had the experience befor? Please share...i really need someone to share their experience...
Hi Ladymiz

During my 2ww with my 1st child, my progesterone level was even lower than yours. i thought mine gone case but I still strike... So your chances still there....

All the best!
hi ladymiz,

after ur ET, arent u suppose to have complete rest. going to kk daily will it be tiring on u? how many days hospitalization leave given by kk. Asked for or given by gynae.

good luck & baby dust to u
Hi Babymaking,

My gyn was Christopher chen.Hear of his name before. Infact before I came to him. I went to a chinese doctor that was located @ JE..She refer us to him for check up. At the first few app..we found him to be vg good . Done a lot of check up...But I was a bit disappiointed after the 2nd IVF failed. We have high hope in the 2nd attempt.But he seem do not give me an satifaction of what U want. I do not want to waste my time & money any more.
Btw are you preg now.which gyn you went to?
hi lina, roz & mel

thanks for your well wishes, trying to be positive but it's very very hard cos of the constant vomitting, bloating, gastric and pain from the abdominal tap.

movement is so painful that i am now wheelchair bound, thk goodness my hubby understands my agony when walking and got me a wheelchair, at least we still try to go out for walks for fresh air.

i can understand your anxiety, if your urine intake drop dramatically and becomes concentrated, do mention it to the IVF clinic, cos that's a sign of OHSS as well.

when is yr offical beta hcg blood test?

our body does not produce much progesterone when on IVF, that's why need to supplement with jabs and pills. the progesterone blood test is to see our body absorption rate.

a high progesterone level doesn't mean beta hcg will be positive also. so dun worry about it, just follow instructions to increase the dosage.
Hi Pretty lady,

We do thought of switching to TCM after the 2nd attempt. But there is something in our mind as well. We are not young liao...How long does we have to take to follow the chinese docs before we can achieve what we need
