IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi ladies...im on Lucrin now..i dnt feel anything at all..by the way..wht is the body going thru while on Lucrin and wht are the feelings that one might face while on lUCRIN?..AND wht is suprefact???...

HI LADIES...im on lucrin day 9..and my AF came ..i can still continue with my jab rite?..cos thats wht the nurse said. i m kinda confused. maybe will call kk tmrw.

goodnitess..having insomnia i think..been sleeping late eversince started stage 1..
Hi ladies,
With the grace of GOD, I've been tested positive yesterday. My blood level is 481 at 16th day past ET. Phew, relieved from the worst tension of my life. I was in the temple fully yesterday, after giving blood, then after receiving the result. MY HB's tension was in full swing. We were continuously praying. Then after the results, went back to KKH to get my medicines. The nurses there were really excited....., then called up our parents to inform them the news....
They are yet to believe it

Were you with NUH?

I was told by the nurse, no matter if my AF comes and goes.. no need to call untill I finish my 14 days of superfact.....

is this the same with you??

Different hospitals are using different drugs but the effects should be the same "surpressing your natural hormons"

Dont be worried and try to rest more! going through IVF you have to try to sleep at least 8 hours a day, your body is going through lot of changes!
put on relaxing music and close your eyes and count your breath coming in and out,
like when you are breathing in count till 8 and then when you are breathing out count till 8 again.. and continue it helps me to relax.. and thought it might help you too...
Hi sri! Congrats! Wish you a smooth nine month of pregnancy journey! Just to check with you did you go for any acu or tcm? pls let me know. Thank you!
hi hope&faith,

Yup, you must continue your lucrin injection although AF comes. Because the lucrin is to prevent early ovulation.
Dear Sri,
Yeah! Congrats! Rest well...

Dear Sue,
Yes, I'm with NUH. I did 14 days of Suprefact and my AF came the next day. Prof Wong told me today that backaches and aches around the ovaries area are common. I have 19 follicles today, and he said its too many too soon. Now got to closely monitor me and decrease the Gonal F dosage. I really hope to be able to do ER and finally ET. Don't want to cancel or wait for the next cycle....
hi Sri Congrates! So happy for you. Please take good care of your body now with a little 1 inside.

Btw, can i ask are you using pregnyl or those pill insert after ET?

Did you fell anything throughout your 2ww? So far i dun feel anything. Guess i m being paranoid. But hoping to get some kind sharing from gradutes MTB.

Hope&Faith, yes continue ur lucrin even when AF come. Actually it's good ur AF came as meaning the cycle can be proceeded. Like the last time my AF still haven come aft 11 days of lucrin n i m so worried. Emailed my doc n he said that AF must come before we can proceed. So good for you. : )

Sue, if u are with KK, i guess the 24 hr nurse will do for u. I think wat they meant by not knowing the urgency is bcos the 24 hours clinic staff might thot we can have the injection slighly late or early. When i went for mine and i m early like 15 mins, they wanted to do for me but i requested to wait till my given time. So i think we just need to be mindful and remind them our given time for injection. I think the injection is ok, i m done in less than 1 min. Even my hb got a shock, how come so fast. He was telling me he haven finishing reading the article he wanted to read and i m done. Heehee. Remember just breath in and relax.

Josephine, how are you? How are your 2 babies? Hope the 3 of you are doing great. : ) I m hoping to join u all soon.
Hi tintedsky,
don't feel guilty, it is safer not to carry her. My dh had high fever during my previous 2WW and hospitalized, so no choice but to carry him for nurse to feed medicine.

Hi Grace BB,
how old is your son?

Hi Sri,
Sri - congrats!! have a great 9 months!!

Hi girls, i just had my last BT yesterday and a u/s scan today.. my beta is at 39681@31dp3dt... surprisingly, we saw 3 sacs, 1 is not developing, but 2 very strong heartbeats!!
it was so fun, seeing the little beans and hearing the little thump-thumps..
another big hurdle crossed!!! Whew...

I would like to share all you girls.. sprinkling the rest in high betas and sticky baby dust.. i will be going into lurking mode here...

here's wishing you all the best!! onwards to our common goal!!
great to hear that!
so how many weeks are you in now? so what will happen to the 1 not developing? will it disappear on its own?
bliss - based on measurements, i should be in 7 weeks.. which, on counting days from ER, should be just right..
when is your next appt? mine's at 10 weeks.. not too sure abt the not developing one.. will see how then lor..

lina - ha!! i know i am greedy, but that that was my secret wish... my hubby says i am too greedy liao.. i guess it probably won't develop.. cos comparing the size of the sacs, the not developing one looks smaller and sqwooished..
we are close, I am in 7w3d now.
Mine next appointment will be on the 24 Oct.
Hopefully bb is growing well.
Like what lina said, maybe the 3rd sac is developing a bit slower. If can make it, you will have triplets! Will be very fun, but you must really take extra good care throughout, will be tough for you.

Didnt see you in ther other MTB thread, babyhopes and Faith just joined us there too.
bliss - yah, think we are quite close...
all our babies will grow grow gorw!!

oh, the MTB thread?? i didnlt wanna join until i see heartbeat.. scared mah.. now that i see the heartbeat.. i will probably join after lunch..
That is wonderful! that you have 19 follicle that means that you are responding very well to the medication so from now Prof should be adjusting to a lower dosage so that number will be adjusted. Dont worry but try to take more egg white to prevent OHSS.

So he said that the back ache is normal... I guess we will have to bear with it for a while our eggs grow hehehehe!

Thank you so much for answering about the HCG injection because I was getting worried...my HB cannot do the injecttion for me because he said he is scared.. and I cant reach to my bum..hahaha

Oh,,, kk has a 24 hour clinic.. ummmm Im thinking there is east shore here that is 24 hours.. and was thinking I can go there for the HCG injection...

I guess I will have to tell them it is mandetory to do the injection right on time!I hope that will work..

Have any one done the HCG injection at east shore hospital?

that is so wonderful!!! wah cant wait for such a day for me... to come.. too.....


What do you mean by, "I did 14 days of Suprefact and my AF came the next day"
the day right after you started your Superfact your AF came or..
the day after you finished your 14 days of superfact your AF came??? Im confused...
hi gals - i'm back! was in bali past few days for office retreat. bloody boring and hot man. last night we had drinks and i really wanted to excuse myself to take my suprefact, but was really difficult. you know what i mean ? then my colleague said she wanted to come to my room to use my lap top, and it was already 11pm. so i told her give me 5 min while i clean up my room, when actually i wanted to take my jab within the 5 min. wow... never so fast before. at first quite shaky, then too many bubbles, but finally jab through. got 1 tiny drop of liquid escape, how its ok.

also, i didn manage to keep my suprefact in the fridge all the time cos travelling from airport and to airport. about 4 hours each time at room temperature. is it ok ?

wow, i never follow for past 2 days and sri has graduated ! Congrats Sri !!!

Mystyy- how many mg of gonal F are you using? too many follicles means OHSS ? would eating egg whites help ? last cycle i did 300 mg and my doc said too many follicles, like fireworks. ha ha
Happy to see you back...
was starting to wonder what happend to you! ... you are my cycle buddy....

are you already injecting gonal F?

And again Im surprised you traveled!!

Because, before I started IVF the nurse specifically told me not to travel once I start the IVF.............. and I was planning to follow my husband to his business trip...

But my goodness you are an amayzing woman!...doint the jab so chop chop! heeeeee
Thanks for your further update. Wow, you have 34 eggs out of 60 follicles, so are they frozen now? But having such high numbers also mean that you must be having hard time because of the OHSS. But everything is ok now right? Bec you have a BFP! Jiayou! Wishing you a smooth pregnancy.

So you are also under the short protocol antagonist cycle. Thanks a lot for offering to answer my questions. It’s so good to know that at least there are 2 ladies here under this protocol. So I have 2 advisers now. Yeh! Yeh! Can I know which gynea are you seeing?
Hi ladies,
Thanks a lot for all your wishes.....
I wish all the best for all of you to succeed soon on your journey....
I would like to share the things I did before & after ET, it might help those who are in this journey.

When I started Lucrin, I started going for Accupunture with Dr. Jin at Raffles. I should say, this treatemnt played an equal part in the success of this journey. I've totally gone for 7 sessions. First 2 sessions, I did not fell anything. After the 2nd session, I started feeling extremely relaxed, then started enjoying the treatment. My only problem was my Eggs. Yes, i started responding very well to accupunture. For the first time of my fertility tereatment, I started believing that I would definetly succeed.

Next, when I hopped on to stage 2, puregon, I took nopay leave from office, beleive me it helped. Yes, felt very relaxed, I slept most of the time, was siting on the crouch watching TV.....

After ET, I did all the moderate work at home. we are used to home cooked food. So, I did the cooking... Only usual one, nothing heavy.... cooking 40 mins in the morning & 30 mins in the evening....
I did lift anything below 3 kilograms.... But, I did not exert myself.... No hanging clothes, no moping floor.
Since i'd 15 eggs retrieved, I'd to travel to KKH for progestrone , took a cab back & forth, as i did not want to get tired easily.

On my symptoms, the bloating started the day after ET & my abdomen started bulging little by little every day.
Day 10 after ET, I could feel every nerve in my abdomen being pulled inside..., as if it was trying to expand... Then lower abdominal cramps after day 10 started every now & then.... I was bloated throughout & the belly area was paining due to the expansion of the abdomen.

Congrats! God answers to your prayer right! Hope you have a smooth prengancy too!

Happy Trip! Good to go and relax. Btw, incase you need to travel again, you can buy ice-pack box from Daiso(plaza sin) which is only $2, to help you keep your medication at the right temp.
If no time, can use small zip lock bag and DIY and do your own ice-pack. But remember to put in at least 2 plastic bag to prevent leakage.
sue- hee hee, happy to be back too. not started on gonal F yet. got to go back to checkup first this wed, then see how.

cannot travel meh ? i think can la, cos i asked prof if ok for me to travel, he say 2-3 days no problem, he even give me letter to authorise brining my injection needles overseas. also, the nurses didnt tell me not to travel... so i went ahead. also, if i dont go it will be quite obvious to my colleagues. i'm still trying to keep it quiet from my colleagues.

haiya - my colleagues quite irritating. whole life talking about work and state of economy now and how busy we'll be. this makes it so much harder to break the news of 3 week HL to them when the time comes. i'm going to talk to my boss this mon. eee... quite nervous leh...

yup i did the injection thing in less than 3 min. no blood some more. you try also
happy - i went with office, not very relaxing leh. some more so hot. got so many pimples now !

sri - thanks for sharing. hope you can hang around and give us tips as we go to stage 2. i might be starting stage 2 end of next week. i'm not so lucky like you can take leave, but i will try to 'Siam' work at the office and take it easyyyy ... :p
I’ll give the caterer a call later when I’m starting my cycle. Prefer your own cooking. Haha! You must be a good cook. Next time, we exchange ideas on vegetarian cooking how? Must learn from you. Thanks for your well-wishes. BFP to you! Like Faith said, tell your baby will stick to you tight tight!

Congrats! Very excited to see the heart beats right? And you'll look forward to the next scan. Keep us updated ok.
Dear Sue,
After 14 days of Suprefact, my AF came. Then, I started Gonal F (with a lower dose of suprefact) on the 1st day of AF. Which stage are you at now?
Hi happyever, ponytail,
thanks, sure, i'll definetly help you out with your queries.
As i do not have a system at home
& depend on my HB's laptop (after his office hours) , that's why i'm not able to login everynow & then....
Wow.. Thank you so much for sharing your journey!
When you were with Dr Jin for acup. how often did you do go to her right before ER?

You were able to cook too after ET wow... amayzing~~~

wow... ok... baby dust baby dust...heeeeeee

Oh wow... premision for the syringe hehehehe I guess you would need that to go over seas with them..hahahahaha

Thank you for clearing out my question! So I should expect my AF after 14 days!! thank you so that gives me a better idea of what is going to go on!

Oh yeah, every time during Dr.Jin session... (which was today
)I fall asleep I guess I am really relaxed with it... this is the first week with superfact that I did acup... realizing how much difference it makes to the body!
Hi sue,
I went twice a week for acu before ER.
Then after er 1 sessin & after ET day , 1 session. On the day of ET, i came home and lay down for 3 hours, ate after that & then again slept for 3 hours... No work on that day

Cooking, yes, I cheked with the nurse, she said, "u are not cooking for Hari raya la... only for 2 of you, so should be ok...."

But, i did not go any where except KKH for injections after ET

thanks dear....
sri - i'm halfway through stage 1, do you think its too late to do acupuncture ? did you eat lots of egg whites or other health foods during stage 1,2 and 2WW ? did you also exercise ? thanks
hi all.

I chanced upon this forum as I was contemplating IVF. After reading all the posts, it kinda gave me strength to go ahead..

~ thank u all...
Hopfully, akachan, blesswbb

my worries are half over. i was glad that my embies continued to grow and i had a blastocyst transfer this morning. transferred 2. sadly enuf, the other 1 didnmt survive. my bladder was empty coz my fasting was frm 4am and i had visited toilet many times despite drinking water after visit to d loo. seems like blastocyst transfer only have to wait for abt 11 days. my bt is on 21st. was wondering if i shld do the hpt a day before, since i am not on any jabs. but i got a jab at my butt. didnt knw until i changed. today everythg went quickly coz i asked for sedation. din get to talk to lai cheng before the transfer. ladies, do take care and also all the best to ur er and et or iui. i hope to bear good news here.



My first IVF I was on 250IU of Gonal F. For FET I am only on Lucrin. Thank god I didn't experience any OHSS. Just had my FET this morning with 2 transferred. Wah I didn't know that with FET even more stress coz everyday have to wait for news if the embies are growing. It's like living on the edge. I thank God now that he had answered my prayers that 2 out of 3 embies survived after thawing and of very good grade and I hope they continue to grow and inbed in my womb lining and be cosy there.
Hi pony,
No, you are not late... you can book the appt just now with the Dr & go , she will adjust your acu schedule according to the ivf schedule....

Acu helps to control all your stress...
Hi pony,
also, I'm a vegetarian, so no eggs....
And little more protien, I took 2-3 almonds everyday after ET. Also, I usually take fruits
But, the most important is NO STRESS.
I did have fear, but no stress...

Also, I used to drink a glass of Ensure everyday , no coffee or tea after ET, no chilled food during the full IVF cycle, no aerated drink.... let me know any more of your queries

sri- thanks. alamak, i had a lot of coke the past few days. ok better be good from now. ok i will try to have no stress... easier said than done tho, but working on it...
