IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Faith the brazil nuts ah? Hehe, ya but not from taka cos i last minute no time go taka, got from carrefour. I am munching them now as i type, hehehe.. *crunch crunch*
hehe.. taste quite alright hor? How many should i crunch per day ah?
today is my 2nd suprefact and so bungled up. there was a huge bubble, abt 2 mm at the base of the needle that wont go away. so i pour back the liquid into the bottle then try 2nd needle. also same bubble. then re-try again and use 3rd needle. bloody hell still got bubble. then dont care already go ahead and inject.

now i'm bit worried - if got bubble can or not? will i die or not ? my skin around injection area is red patch. is that normal ?
Aiyo, where got cultured. I just started learning only bec now that I’m on No-pay leave, try to do things that I always want to do and pick up an extra skill lor. Noticed that I do get heated up easily now adays, so learning calligraphy to train my mind to be more composed. So far, still very far from my target. hehehe

Don’t have to feel guilty for not being a persistent vegetarian, you can do it anytime after you give birth and when you are ready. Both hubby and I are vegetarian, MIL is not, so sometime abit troublesome for her to cook 2 types of diet. Many pp also tell me to try to take meat so that it is easier to get pregnant. However, I have faith that vegetarian will also bear healthy children. One of my brother whole family is vegetarian. Even Doctors also say not an issue. So no problem at all.

I’m a Buddhist but became a vegetarian also bec I want to be Environment-friendly. Meaning to reduce cruelty to animal. You can start to be a half day vegetarian. By doing so, you are also showing compassion to animal.

Meanwhile, just enjoy your pregnancy and think of the cutie baby face that you’ll be seeing in another 8 months time.
Don't worry, I also get red patch after injection of Lucrin. As long as it goes off after half an hour and you got no other rashes. Should be ok.

Btw,regarding the huge bubble, abt 2 mm at the base of the needle. I usually get bubbles on top, not at the base. Can I ask you to check your new syringes. Look at the top part, usually there is a slight gap between the needle area and the “push”. If I’m not wrong, after you poke into the bottle, you must push the air gap before you withdraw the solution. Than you’ll not get huge bubble at the base.

If it is not like wat I describe, always call up the nurse to check, they are the expert.
Thanks! Ya, the clinic called me instead. They say can start Gonal F tomorrow (without AF coming also can). Blood test good enough indication.

I also feel AF should come first so that will trigger a new cycle leh. I also kiasu and kia-si, so I tested with a HPT, but negative. Then, I happily went to inject the Suprefact...
I thought because of the surpression injection the AF can be late for about 5 days...but maybe checking with the nurse is better... to be on the safe side.

I read in the book that a bit of air is ok you will not die since the injection is not done to your blood vein... but becareful..

ohh... I think I will save your comment on the injection.......Im so nervious about it also....eeee...

tomorrow is my blood test before the injections....cause... blood test I alway have so much trouble... nurse dont know where to poke.. poke here and there... and then other arm.. here and there.....
Hi Blesswbb,

I am on a regulated FET not natural. Coz the other time, after my last menses from the failed cycle, within less than a week, my AF came again but for 3 days only and my lining was still thick at 9mm. It was weird coz my AF came twice, and lining shouldn't be that thick, so my gynae aborted the natural cycle for me, and then have to start with regulated one. I was given BCP, then on D2 of AF, started taking progynova and lucrin. I will be on lucrin for 2 weeks. Last day on 7 Oct. Ruru is also doing natural FET like you.

I think it doesn't matter how many cells your little one is, as long as they can really cling on to you. How many embies were transferred into you? All the best, ya! When is your 2ww ending? Now you are on the first week of waiting, right? Do you have any symptoms? Are you on any special meals and are you taking any supplements aside from folic acid? I am currently taking metformin and Evening Primrose oil. I think during my 2ww, I will stop both even though doc say can continue. But problem is one of the culprits above will make me want to pass motion more often lah. Coz I read in this forum that some ladies who are successful are only taking folic acid during 2ww.

Well, it's good to hear that you have supportive colleague. When you are back at work try not to move around too much and remember not to carry heavy stuffs, ok? Hope to hear good news and a big BFP for you soon! Take care!
Dear all,

Today i went for my scan n i think total abt 12 eggs. They found my lining = 8 only. However, the doc said that i can go for my ER on Mon, so I will go for my pregnyl on Sat eveing. I also called Zou Yishi and she also said that lining is average only and can be thicker. Anybody knows how to help lining to be thicker? Ladies, can share what is your lining thickness before ER?

Bliss, hang in there. You are progressing very well.

Akachan, thanks for your well wishes. Think my ET will be on Wed. Heehee i am 6 days behind you and comfort.

GraceBB, I m not sure abt your protocol. But i also faced similar issue before proceeding to my stage 2, puregon. So i email my Doc and he said that AF needs to come before we can proceed and he said that my AF should be coming already. True enough, my AF come on that afternoon. Like what Akachan mentioned, it's better to check with the nurse to seek her advise if it's overdue.

Happyever, my tingkat coming on Mon. I will let you know if it's nice. But i think it will be since no msg, no mock meat. It's good that u n HB are both vege.

Ponytail, u r so funny, Hahahaha.... Me n HB was laughing out loud while reading your post. Heehee, we also face the same issue but i dun bother abt the bubbles as i tried tapping before to make the below bubbles float to the top, but my needle bended instead. So wat i have done was, if i have bubbles, i would give myself abit more dosage, but always lesser than 11 (normal is 10 units). I am hoping to compensate the bubbles which might have "eaten up" some dosage. And yes, like wat happy mentioned, you need to push out the "initial air" from the syringe before you insert lucrin into the syringe.

1 last question to all ladies, why we cant put on makeup on ER day? I dun think i can dun put makeup and go out especially during peak hours. Wat is the reason for no makeup ruling?

Forgot another qn: Do you still have to go back to the clinic to take jabs or do any u/s during your 2ww?

You are cute lah! I also wonder why no make-up, but I was thinking maybe they want a clean environment in the OT, coz hmm afraid our powder may fly??? hehee. Oh to avoid that, I took taxi to the clinic.

Oh and my lining was 9mm during ER and think ET thereabout too. But I think during ER, it doesn't matter so much of the lining right? Thickness of lining is much more important during ET day. Coz during ER, you still have another 2/3 more days to let your lining grow on the day of ET, should be more than 8mm already.

I had a scan yesterday and my lining is 9mm and will be on another scan on next Tue before my FET on 10 Oct.
Harlow Ladies!! wow, this thread is bustling with energy!! I didn't login for a few days already have sooo many things going on.

For those who have graduated, CONGRATSSS!!
Wish i could join the grads too..
Just went NUH Yesterday.. wah, sooo many ppl. Almost slept at the couch waiting for Prof. Wen finally my turn, nobody left in the clinic. LOL!!

He gave dydrogesterone to induce AF. Den need to go BT and HSG. Dunno how much will tat cost. How i wish I can claim from medisave. yesterday alone costs me $440!! almost fainted when I heard the cashier said that... but of course, whats there to compare to those who've already spend thousands yah?

Anyways, I'm still way behind those who have already started in the IVF journey... Hang in there gals! I'm cheering you gals all the way. Praying that you will all get the dreams that you have always wanted.

Wow, need to inject ourselves ah? I think I'll ask my brother to inject me instead. I dun dare ask DH do it for me. His hand will shake.. at least my bro certified Medics from army. hahaha!
Me? I LAGI more scared of needles...

I noticed nowadays BT is much MUCH more LESS pain hor. Unlike last time they like trying to suck the life out of you, this time dun even realise the blood in the test tube liao. kekeke!! yah I a bit mountain turtle. :p

Me so bored bored. Monday start work liao. No more holiday for me. sad sad.

Eh so it means that your ET might be a day or 2 before mine! And we can both exchange info abt symptoms hehehe. But I think i will login less during my 2ww, coz if i sit and use lappie too long, will get stiff neck and lower backache. All the best for your ER on Monday!
Hi Misah, ya i argeed. Usually during BT, it's only the poking time you will feel something. Thereafter, no much feeling. Better for us right. Heeheee, Monday will be the start of my 2 week hosp leave. But I still got so much work to worry abt.

Mystyy, r u in KK also? oh mayb we met yesterday?? Yes yes, i think my ET will be on 8 Oct if all goes well. We are very close to each other... Hopefully we can see BFP aft the waiting game together! Heehee, I still wanted to know y no make up, how abt just putting powder hor? Anybody tried before? Also, thanks for your well wishes. I have to accept all of them too as i also need thick skin for thick lining.
You too rest well ok?
good morning Ladies,

I was wondering, yesterday my sinseh told me that my ER should be at the end of this month... yet, I remember the nurse telling me it would be around the 1st to 2nd week of November...

in my natural course, I should be getting my AF at the beginning of next next week... but with the injection should I see that AF will be delayed? and so the nurse is right???

I was getting confused.....
my uterus lining a few days before my ER was 12mm. Heard that thickness between 8mm to 13mm is good enough. I think yours is good enough. The TCM prescribed by your sinseh during this period should help your lining to thicken.

ER is considered a kind of operation, I guess your skin should not apply any kind of makeup, lotion or cream, or wear jewellery, contact lens. You will be under sedation during the procedure, it will be better to keep your body free from any unneccessary materials.

In fact, I think most people will feel crampy or even painful after ER, it will be better for you to rest in bed immediately after reach home and no need to spend time to remove your makeup.
one more thing, it is important for the doc and nurses to see how you are responding during and after ER by looking at your face, the colour of your lips etc, so as to assess your condition.
So no makeup is necessary. It is ok lah. You just put on sunglasses when there is people around before and after the procedure lor. Heehee!
Hi Bliss,

Thanks so much for the detailed explanation.
I guess you are right. Anyway, just a while only right and we have gone so far with all these injects and stuffs already.

I didnt take my sinseh's medicine as it's not very convenient to take in the morning while working. Think i will ask her if i try taking these 2 days, will it help...

Have u done your first scan? How is it?? Can you feel your bb now? It must be very exiciting. : )
Hi akachan,

Yap, the taste is quite ok
I normally take 2-3 pcs per day since the nut is quite big. Just don't over do it
Hi Hopefully,

Same as bliss, my uterus lining before ET was 12mm.

Besides TCM, I eat broccoli, spinach, beetroot, blueberry, liver and beef to improve the lining
coz rich in iron.
Yeah!!! My AF came this morning. Will be going to collect the Gonal F today.
I'm officially Stage 2 now.

I think its still better for you to inject yourself. I do it better when nobody is around to distract me. I was also afraid to needles, and I'm quite amazed that I could do it on my own! You can too.

What nut are you talking about?
Me happy hb is around today, lying in bed whole day alone is no joke! Is boring!! Now very hungry.

Grace, its brazil nuts. Supposed to help implantation
My last IVF, they say drink red dates drink also help but since this time i have TCM, i skip that.

By the way ladies, is there any fish that is good for us? Cod fish? How to choose? I mite wanna send hubby go buy for me to eat with porridge.
Sue, actually i think it should be around that period (end Oct, early Nov) and it also greatly depends on your response to the drug. Are you planning when to inform your boss on the hosp leave?

Faith, Thanks for the recommendation. I will store more broccoli, spinach into my stomach. Now then i know, lining links to iron.

Grace BB, i can understand your happiness. I was in the same situation as you.
Hope this is your last AF and the next will be 9 mths later.

Akachan, hmmmm think i will also want to eat brazil nuts aft ET. Enjoy ur taitai's life during this 2WW period...
Hi Grace!

Well well... I will have to muster up all my courage .. LOL! Just had BT again this morning for pre-employment. I see the needle only can pengz! So darn thick! but I think the ones u gals using are the super thin one lar. Over reacting la me :p If I successfully do it myself, I'll definately post it here! But that'll be in the future of cos. keke!
Good Morning Ladies,
Oh mine, this thread is already so active early in the morning. Had a very bad migraine last night, woke up a few times, could not sleep. Took a shower in at 4am in the middle of the night and managed to sleep for 2-3 hrs. Really hate that feeling. Think many of the MTB are also suffering from that. Poor thing.

OK, managed to type out the diet guide for first trimester just now. The book is in Chinese, so I type and Chinese and than go Google to translate to English. Pls pardon and correct me if the translation is wrong.

Hope this is helpful for jie mei here but do always remember to maintain a balance diet and take everything is moderation.
Hi lina,
wow, you wore your contact lens during ER? Then did you fall asleep after the sedation?
No good to sleep with contact lens leh, bad for eyes. Heehee...

Hi Hopfully,
no problem, actually I only guess that must be the reason for no makeup during ER. Never asked the nurse also.
I am not sure if just taking TCM for the 2 days will help much or not. Maybe you should ask your sinseh. At the same time, you can also take high iron food such as red dates, livers, spinach etc during this period, which help to increase the blood flow to your uterus which hence thickens your lining.
I havent done my first scan, will be next tuesday. It is still early to feel baby now, haha! It is still as tiny as a rice grain. Yes, I am looking forward to the scan, wanna feel safer and more secure after seeing my baby.
Diet guide for first trimester Pregnancy
Always remember to maintain a balance diet and take everything in moderation. Always consult your doctor if you have doubts.

1. 生姜――对身体虚寒孕吐厉害者有帮助。治疗孕妇着凉感冒有效。不能过量,会便秘上火。

Ginger – helpful for MTB with weak body and who has bad morning sickness. Effective treatment for pregnant women who change a cold or flu. Must not consume too much, will be lead to constipation and heatiness.

2. 板栗――活血化淤,止血的功效,孕妇常吃可以健身壮骨,有利骨盆的发育成熟,消除疲劳。但消化不良者,糖尿病人不得吃过量。板栗核桃粥对阴道出血,头晕耳鸣,小便频密有食疗作用。

Chestnut - Promoting blood circulation, pregnant women can eat for stronger bone health, development of pelvic, fighting fatigue. However, those with indigestion, diabetics should not eat too much. Walnut and chestnut porridge is effect for stopping vaginal bleeding, dizziness, frequent urine.

3. 草莓――有多种矿物质及维生素,明目养肝。丰富膳食纤维和果胶可帮助消化,适合因怀孕便秘的女性食用。常吃草莓,对头发皮肤有保健作用。

Strawberry - Has a variety of minerals and vitamins. Good for Liver and eyesight. High in dietary fiber and rich in pectin. Help to improve digestion. Suitable for women suffering from pregnancy constipation. Eating strawberries also promote better hair growth and complexion.

4. 蘑菇――白蘑菇,洋蘑菇。有大量植物纤维,具预防便秘,促进排毒,预防糖尿病及降低胆固醇含量的作用。含多种抗病毒成份,能增强免疫力。

Mushrooms - white mushrooms, Western mushroom. It is rich in plant fiber, helpful in the prevention of constipation. With a variety of anti-viral ingredients that can enhance immunity. Promote detoxification, prevention of diabetes and lower cholesterol levels.

5. 芝麻--钙含量高,对胎儿的发育有促进作用。洒少量在菜肴或白饭上,也可在煮粥时加入。芝麻有大量油脂,有润肠通便的作用。

Sesame - high calcium content, good for the development of the fetus. The sesame oil is helpful in the prevention of constipation. Conveniently sprinkle a small amount on rice or vegetable dishes.

Food to avoid during first trimester:
1. 山楂――会刺激子宫收缩。
Hawthorn (shan zha) - will stimulate uterus contraction.

2. 西瓜――会刺激子宫收缩,高糖分,糖尿病者禁食。
Watermelon - will stimulate the uterus to contract, high-sugar, not suitable for diabetes.

3. 龙眼――会导致漏红或先兆流产
Longan - would lead to spotting and threatened abortion.

4. 益母草――会使子宫收缩,对胎儿危害十分大。做月子时才吃。
Motherwort(yi mu cao) - cause the uterus to contract, to the great harm to the fetus.
Some other stuff that need to be added in your list to avoid,
Tender coconut(I drank that during my 2ww and gf informed me that it would reduce the chances of implantation)
No..no to wheat grass,barely and also anything cooling.
(If any change in the above please do inform me.I had all the above during 2ww as i was feeling very heaty and did not know about all this)
The first list of 1-5, fm Ginger to Sesame is suitable for consumption.

Yes, you are right, I hear tender coconut cannot be taken. My MIL said in her olden day, woman will take coconut drink only when they are due for labour. Think it is very cooling and will make labour a quick one. But I don't dare to try.

I also silly to take longan during my last pregnancy, maybe it cause my mc. sigh.......Well, there are many things we don't know. Can't blame us. Too many things to take note. That's why I bought this book to educate myself, don't want to be sorry again.
Hi ladies,
I'm new to this thread....planning to do ivf this month....heard ivf journey will take 6 to 8 weeks....really so long....haix...is it tough?
happy - wow your powerful book has many interseting things. can help me check if ok to take beetroot juice (made from crystal form) and shark liver oil and omega 3 ? i just bought today cos Nature Farm having sale.

happy, sue, hopefully - ok i think i know how to get rid of air bubble already. today my hubby say want to inject for me. i say ok lor, if he dare. ha ha.

today i also bought ensure. Sue, yep i found it at Unity, $29.90, chocolate flavour. looks good but havent try yet. i think i a bit kiasu leh, eat folic acide, spirulina, egg white, ensure, omega 3, beetroot juice. overdose or not ah ??
hopfully - the advice was not to wear makeup or apply perfume on ER and ET for quite a simple reason.. it is due to the fragrance in the cosmetics.. it is believed that the eggs and embryos are rather sensitive to chemical fragrances, and they might react badly, so, to reduce the chances of failures, it is advised to forego the 'pretty stuff'.. there are some websites out there that even go as far as to ask ladies to avoid bathing with soap with fragrances, for a few days before ER/ET.. i know that in addition, my clinic has even advised my hubby to avoid using Cologne, hairspray, aftershave etc, when submitting his soldiers during my ER...
Dear akachan,
Hmm, I've never heard of brazilian nuts. Where to get them?

Dear Hopfully,
Thank you for your encouragement.
I'd want to graduate this one and only time.

Wah, happyever, thanks for the list!

You can definitely do it! Got to overcome the mental barrier. Do you know why I could do it? I was so angry with myself for not being able to conceive naturally, so I transfer that 'anger' and poke. Then, I thought that this is such a sadist thing to do to myself. Hehe. Now, I just think of that baby that will result from this and poke lor. After 2 weeks, now quite expert already. But I wouldn't want to go thru it again... Waah...ah..ah...
Dear ponytail,
What is the benefit of drinking Ensure? If its for the protein, then EnfaMama or AnMum have higher protein level per 100g of powder. They are also specially formulated for pregnancy. I've tried Ensure, EnfaMama and AnMum and I personally like the taste of Anmum more. Ladies, any comments?
how are you so far? Back to work already? Think we are playing hide-n-seek when we do email. I'm always slow in replying your mail. sorry about that. Hope you are doing well.

Let me check and let you know. But I have a feeling these cannot be found as these are supplements.
Hi Happy, THANKS SO MUCH for your effort to type them out.... You are so kind!!!
Hope you are feeling better now. Take care ok?

Bliss, my sinseh said no choice already but to just eat for the 2 days. No worries, ur baby/babies will be fine.

Hi LK, welcome!!! It's not tough but guess we just got to be patient to finish the whole journey. Which hosp r u in?

Hey Mel, how are you feeling? Hope you are doing great : ) Thanks for the added info. Anyway, me not putting anything on Mon as i also dun wana take any chance since we have come so far.

Grace BB, me too! Hopefully it's just 1st successful and last IVF for us. Jia you....
Anyone here has done regulated FET before? I am kind of in a worried mode now. I had about 4 days of brown discharge after my AF ends when I was on BCP. Now it's light yellow discharge and sometimes with a tinge of pink (ie. blood). The discharge is increasing slightly. I am now under Lucrin and progynova + other supplements + metformin. I can only call clinic on Monday morning to check if it's normal. So far having the usual lower backache. Anyone here has done regulated FET before and experience this before?

I am in Mt E. But we can always be cycle buddies. How are you prepping yourself up for your coming ET?
WOW! Thanks Happyever for the list! Showed hubby and he also agreed that you've been great! I'm sure many of us will thank you for it!

Grace BB, congrats on your start of stage 2! You are another step closer to your little one(s)!

Welxome LK!
Hi Grace,

I bought the nuts from Takashimaya basement 1 (there is a nuts store, opposite Cold Storage). Akachan bought it from Carrefour
Hello ladies!

yesterday, our modem broke down.. couldnt log in...

I went to NUH for blood test yesterday to NUH it was so packed.. there were ladies waiting from 8:30am at 10:30am...got few questions off my chest too.. We will be going in for the injection instructions tomorrow.... ummm...

Ponytail, you went to the inhouse talk about the IVF procedure? I heard that one is done by Prof Wong and is in detials of what the injections do to the body and things.....too bad for us we couldnt go and the next one is only in Nov...

Happyever!! Thank you so much for the list I have saved it for my keeping hehehe!!

GraceBB, Ponytail,
I chose to buy Ensure because it also included folic acid.... but,,, I dont like the taste of ensure (and I bought both chocolate and straberry)...ummmm maybe try EnfaMama or AnMum. next time I run out of ensure... hehehe
happy - yah, i am doing great..
just lots of dry retching and nausea.. and super loaded at work... me too, i have been lacking at reading emails.. haha.. what abt you?? btw, thanks for the effort to type out the list.. very sweet of you, and super convenient for me..

hopfully - yeah.. it makes sense.. after all, we have been on this road so far... have to sacrifice a bit.. haha..

i think that there is someone getting BT this week.. can't really rememebr who.. but anyway, all the best for 2WW, and hope all of you get that BFP..

Many many good Eggs for those going to ER soon...

grow grow grow for those waiting for ET...
Thanks for the warm welcome!!!....I'm with KKH...i'm on TCM for about 3 months....the tcm doc recommended me to do accu during ivf...is it useful?

Btw, usually how long is one ivf journey from Day 1?
Welcome to the forrum...
Regarding the journey you should ask your doctor or nurse since depending on the individual the protocol may differ.
Hello !!

Wow Happy, thats a really neat list you have there! Thanks!!

Welcome welcome LK!! 6-8 weeks include waiting dor day21 to start stage 1 suppression, otherwise its just lest than a month for stage 2 and ER/ET. Very fast one. Ya Sue is rite, the clinic have to advise you on your protocol. For KKIVF, its usually the long protocol, which doc are you with? Share where you do ACU?

Mystyy, sorry cant help you on that? Any emergency hotline you can call to your clinic?

Sue, Grace, Ponytail, me not drinking Ensure too. I tried Frisomum instead.

By the way ladies, is it usual to feel tight chest and alittle clenched up middle of chest bone? Been feeling that lately, dont know is it indigestion due to eat and sleep, eat and sleep. Hai..

Hi Mystyy,

Don’t worry abt those problem. Your little babies will be with you soon.

I really do hope my little one will cling on to me. I had 4 embryos during my fresh cycle. Froze 2 but only one survive this round. I will be having my blood test this 17Oct. My only symptom is very sharp pain at my left ovary that is the area I ovulate. My womb occasionally feels abit heavy. I’m not taking any supplements only folic acid, progesterone and Chinese medicine prescribe by Dr Zou. U still taking Evening Primrose oil? Some of my colleagues who took it have side effects like strong smell from white discharge and break out on the face.

Did you try going for Acup? Report did show it improve and increase the chance of success.

Thanks I will keep in mind not to over work and not to carry heavy stuffs.
