IVF/ICSI Support Group

Just don't worry so much, my parents and hubby tease me saying that i eat and sleep like a pig.In the morning from 9to 10:30 then wake up shower and eat and sleep all the way from 12 to 2 ,again eat and sleep 4 to 5. Scary right?

Anyway as along as we don't gain weight and take good care of our health its ok.
I have a good few of a playground from my master bedroom so just keep looking at the kids play i feel better.
Ask your hubby to take you out for a walk..
mine does

that was good view of the playground sorry.
Anyway what the nurse said is 100% true she is experienced and looking at our face can judge.
I am considered cheerful person in the clinic so all of them like to chit chat so they are concerned when they see me tiered and sleepy, that's when all the comments came out.
Hi Sue ,

welcome on board , dun be scare anything you need to know about IVF just post here all the sister here will help you up .

For your leg aches i have never hear the sister here complain about it , maybe whoever come across this problem an share with you .

May i noe which Doctor you are with ?

help this link will help you to have a better picture of IVF , this was send by a sister here very useful http://www.fertilitylifelines.com/advancedtreatments/art/cycle.jsp
Hi Babycoming and Sue,
Welcome to the family! We'll share our bonds with you! Ask and you shall be answered.

Dear Mala,
I guess it takes more than words to comfort you now. I agree with the rest of the ladies, take a break, take a holiday, decide later...

Hi babylou,
How's your scan today? I've confirmed my ER to be on 17th and ET on 20th. Will be missing in action for a while then....

Everyone, stay POSITIVE! (^_^)
Hi all,
Sorry, I did not visit this board for long.
I was put in a client's place, so could not browse much.
I'm on day 5 of puregon as of today, scheduled to scan on thursday - 18th sep. I've already started bloating & my tummy looks already pregy.

Hi dwi,
I'm going to accupunture to Raffles with Dr. Jin.
She's quite experienced. you are not too late to start this treatement. will be asked to come twice a week for this treatement.
As for me, i feel extremly relaxed after the session.

Hi kalki,
I read your progress... very happy for you
All the best for your success....

Hi Mala,
Hugs... really sorry for you dear. I'm sure GOD has other good plans for you. Please take care of yourself.

Hi newcommers,
Welcome on board
sorry to hear abt ur results. hugz...
have a good rest and decide ur next step. dun think of time as a restraining factor.

welcome to the thread.
Hi Bliss and ladies,
Today went kk coz really have bleed. Nurse says can do Beta HCG and able to know the results. The results turn our to be -ve. I'm sad but strong, will see DR Loh this thursday to see when to do my FET.
Hi Mala, dp take care. There is light at the end of the tunnel, all is not lost..Give your mind and body a good break for now ok!

Hi Debz, i need to go for another scan tomorrow morning. So ER is still 17th or 18th. Will keep you posted.

Hi Bliss, it's probably the medication making you feel crappy. Hang in there!
Hi Patricia,
Glad that you are strong to pick up yourself. Keep it up. I am sure you will be rewarded in your next cycle. Jia you!
Hi Cale,
Yes, must graduate from this forum. I must stay strong. I remember febbi did 1st ivf fresh cycle failed but success in her Ist FET. I want to be like her.
Thank you so much for the sight, and your warm welcome!!... the sight is really interesting... and lets me understand what my body is going to be going through...

I am with Dr PC Wong at NUH.

So far, with little time that I have I am trying to do what I can to alighn my spin.. so that my nurve from my back to leg will not be that much effected...

Made appointment with chiropractitian and booked my self for a free trial for pilatis...

if truely the cause is the bone... this should help I hope....

Thank you very much for your warm welcome!
I was so happy to find this sight... since I could not find any where to talk about what I will be going through...

It is so encouraging to know so many are here to share the same experiences...

Thank you for your warm welcome..
And, can you tell me are the accupuncture done parallel to your IVF injections? Does it releive the musel pains of the injections.. ?
Also, can you tell me how much is one session with your accupuncture Dr?
Hi Ping,
I am feeling as per normal. Just having headaches over these few days. Other than that, I just feel nothing, so i still feel so helpless while waiting.
How are you feeling now too?
do you still have cramps? I hope you are feeling better. Dont give up hopes while just get yourself mentally prepared too. I was so upset when read Patricia's and your posts yesterday.
I wonder how is Dimple now. Really hope she has a BFP for her retest yesterday.
Really wish to hear good news from you tomorrow... praying hard for you.
Dear ladies

Thanks once again for all your words of comfort and encouragement.It means so much to me. Both my hubby and I are trying to be strong but we are both absolutely shattered. I'm waiting to have a good cry but all this while during this 2ww I've been staying at my mum's place and I dare not cry while she's around. Already, when she heard my news, she has been crying since yesterday and I'm kind of irritated. I can't wait to return home tomorrow so that I can weep in private.

My hubby and I have discussed our options. He feels we should adopt but I feel I should give it one more try. What if my 5th try succeeds? I'll never know until I try, right? Anyway, we'll be seeing the doctor next Saturday to see if we have any chance and whether a change of protocol is needed. Should we decideto try again, we are even considering changing doctors for our last final attempt.

But I've only got 4 embryos and I dare not risk an FET cycle.I wonder whether they can be combined with a fresh cycle.

Dear Patricia

I'm so glad that you are so strong something I myself find it hard to be. Take a good rest first before attempting your FET cycle. All the best to you.God bless!

Dear Bliss & Ping

I know the waiting can be so agonising. This is the worst part of the ivf, I think. Be strong and positive. Take care and all the best to you.

Dear Kalki

How are you dear? Sorry for spoiling your mood with the news of my failure. Please thank your family too for their prayers,on my behalf.

I just want to check with you. How do you find Dr Suresh Nair? Are his charges very high? I've heard a lot of good things about him and I'm considering switching doctors. What kind of ivf protocol does he do?

Take care, Kalki. I know its not easy but try not to look out for symptoms during this long wait. I know its easier said than done. God bless you!

Dear Ladies

Once again, thank you. I'm not a good example but please be strong and positive. All the best to you
and God bless you all!
Dear Mala,
thank you so much. I will try my best to be strong and positive, no matter what the result will be.
It will be good if you really feel that you are able to face another try before going for other options. But please make sure you have rested before any decision made and you are really well prepared again for the FET. You must really take good care of your emotional health which may need longer time than physical health.
Please dont say that you are not a good example. I think all of us here learn and gain alot from your story, from your experiences.
Please really spend some time to let yourself out of the grief, disappointment, suffering and despair. I am sure after experiencing so much, you would be able to appreciate and treasure lots of things in life more than many other people out there. Look at the bright side.
I really admire your strong will and what you have done just to have your own child. I am sure you will be blessed with your own baby one day. Dont give up, dear Mala.
Hi Ladies!

sorry for the late update. i m gonna be a MOMMY!!tested positive yesterday. The reading was 296.6. So happy!

just an advise for the ladies here
(1) those who dont feel anything during the 2ww,pls do not fret! i didnt feel anything at all,apart from minute cramping for like couple of mins.

(2) those who tested on HBPT,if it is negative, do not be shattered..coz look at my results..totally untrue!sometimes,the level is just not high enuff for the HBPT to detect.

Mala.. i know it is upsetting. i know how it feels maybe not to your extent but when i tested negative on the HBPT, i was shattered as well. but have faith in the one above... *HugZ*

Patricia..admire your postivity! all the best for your FET!rest well!

Lastly,thnx for all the support and kind advises from all of you!THNX!!!!
Dear Bliss

Thanks so much for your kind words. I really feel comforted. Right now, my negative result has not really sunk in yet. I know that when I'm back at my own place, I'll give in to total despair. I'm hoping that i can still do another cycle which may be a fresh one. Hah! You see, I've not given up yet!

Likewise, you too should always remain positive whatever happens. All the best with your preg. test. I already see a BFP.
Dear Dimple

Congratulations! I knew you'll make it. This will be great news too for Bliss and Ping especially for Bliss who doesn't seem to have symptoms.

When i went to the clinic, they did a urine preg. test,which was on the 17day after ET, not a blood test. My period hasn't arrived yet but I'm not hoping for the best for myself even after reading your post.

Anyway, you take care and congratulations, once again. Thanks for your encouragement.
Thnx Bliss & Mala!

Mala..thts great.i didnt noe it was a urine test.now gal, Keep positive. try not to cry coz it affect our little one! Who noes u may be like mi!
on monday after i went for the blood test,when i came back, i was bleeding slightly. i lost hope u noe..but then still positive.. even now i stil kinda bleeding a bit..put i tink it's called spotting and its normal. so whatever it is try to stay positive yea!

Bliss.. dont worry tht u r not having symptoms,oki? all the best to u dear!

btw,anyone knows the link to MTB thread?
think you can go to the 'Year 2008 mummies and later'. You can either join the 'month(your estimated month of confinement) mummies' thread or 'IVF-MTB & mummies' thread.
Hi Dimple

No, Dimple. My urine test showed a clear negative. I'm not hopeful at all.

Go to the Sept 1 2008 archive above this. Cale, has posted the link to the ivf MTB thread.

Take care!
HI, Im new here. Just went to kkh yesterday for counselling & heard from the nurse about OHSS.
Anyone getting this before? After heard from the nurse & felt scare.
Hi Patricia,
Sorry to hear that.
Hugzz Hugzzz.. Yup, you must think positively and believe in yourself that you can do it.
Wish you all the best ^_^
Dear ladies,

Just reading... Im just so touched with what is going on here... I couldnt stop my tears...

I am still new.. and have not started my IVF shots.. but just seeing how you guys are so strong...tells me how to prep myself... it is so encouraging..

Congradulations Dimple!

by the way, I would like to ask a very beginners question...

I have heard depending on hospitals the precausions from the beginning is very different.

Have any of you been told from the beginnning of the first injections to not go out or drive, do not eat specific foods?

I have been told, I can do anything until the extracting of the egg...
Hi Dimple,
Glad you can join us. ^_^

May I know, On which day you do beta test?
Are you with KKIVF?
Hi angela,
Welcome to the thread.
dun scare about OHSS, just be mentally prepare that IVF is not 100% successful.

Hi sue,
Welcome to the thread.
nope, during 1st injection there no or "Pantang". You can go or eat anything. Hahahahaha :D
I think you must eat & rest well during 2WW.
Hi Bliss,

Dun over sad with your feeling.
You should be happy that you can go through the journey till this 2ww. Just relax yourself and enjoy your 2week HL. Hahahaha :D
Eat well, drink plenty of water and rest well.

Hope you can graduate soon.
When is your beta test?
Hi Josephine,
thanks for encouraging. I will be having my beta test next monday. Still have around a week to go.
how are you feeling lately? Are you having twins like Maykel? I remember your beta was very very high that time.
Hi Angela,
dont be scared by OHSS. As long as you drink lots and lots of water after your ER to flush out the hormones medication you have taken earlier, you will be fine.

Hi sue,
it will be good to take more high protein food when starting your injections, coz protein will help in the growth of your follicles. Can take egg whites and high protein milk.
Dear Mala,
Just read your message, a bit tiered to sit in from of comp. Anyway for me and my hubby we have a feeling that he doesn't carry out treatments in a common method for all. For him he checks every individuals uterus state and then his decisions are based on individual conditions.
You can try and visit ones then decide. Can PM me so will give you the details if you have decided. Because I was almost in your state after my failed IVF and when my friend(who was given up by all the gyne in singapore) had a boy baby referred me to them.
Contact number is 68874264
But you inform them that you are through referral things are different. But be prepared to wait for appt (long wait). You can PM we talk more.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! sooo happy for u, i think u jus gave the ladies in 2ww here a positive shot in the arm!

so u jus did urine test and AF still not here? then there's still hope, my fren, try not to cry first ok? see wat happened to dimple!

i salute u for yr attitude! yr strength is inspiring, all of us shd learn to be strong like u. u go gal, jia you, jia you!!! i'm sure u'll succeed wif yr determination!

babylou and debz
all the best for yr ER/ET this week!

all the best for yr test tomorrow!

hope u r feeling much better today? like kalki said, go for a slow walk, breath in some fresh air, u'll prob feel a lot better than staying at home everyday (i'm STILL waiting for my AF to come but cannot tahan staying at home anymore, will be venturing out later ;))

continue to stay positive and cheerful! i find it v cute that u can actually nap so many hrs a day
can u still fall asleep at nite after taking the naps?

welcome!! sorry can't share much wif u, hv not experienced the type of nerve pain u described. i've not started on ivf too, will give iui a second try first b4 deciding.
Hi Bliss,

I feel like want to vomit blood with my colleague. Hahahaha :D After 3week HL, not a single issues have been solve, all issues bounce back to me with additional new requests.
So in the end, I got a lot of thing must been done. Hahahaha :D (*sorry, I am complaining about my JOB) Hahahahaha :D

I feels nausea, no appetite leh...
Dunno whether got twins or not. I wish I got twins so later I can stop the productions. Hahahaha :D

Yea... finally your beta test will be coming soon.
Keep us update with your result oh... ^_^
Dear Dimple
Big hug and congrats
This is for you.
Enjoy motherhood.

OHSS is common nothing to worry, just be stress free. I had OHSS during my first cycle, infact the side effect was just breathing difficulty. So just be prepared during your puregon jab(or gonal-f). So don't worry i was ok with in few hours. Any symptom just message me and will help you.
thanks, will want my hubby to bring me out during weekends. I have been feeling tired and getting headaches still today.

So you have decided to go for your second iui once your AF comes for this coming cycle?
Good luck and all the best to you!
hi bliss.
yes, jus follow doc's advice lah.
when he gives up and suggests ivf for me, i hope ALL of u would hv graduated!
ya, can understand how 'blood vomiting' it is to be after long leave and having so much work waiting to be done when come back.
But you must not be too stressed by it. Take good care of your body and baby.
so have you gone for your first scan? When will the first scan be after the beta test?
Just try eating something citric. It will generally keep the nausea down. Eat well and try to take HL if need be

Take Care
As my hubby comments, I have become very naughty after my ET don't know if my progestrone level is causing all that.

Anyway keep positive and just relax.
Now time to go and sleep
able to sleep is good, gives yr body (and mind) plenty of rest!
u are so cute, always sending adorable and funny pix to cheer the ladies up!
Hi Kalki

Thanks for the info. I will PM you if I have decided. You take care and have plenty of rest. I'm glad that you are having lots of sleep.
Hi Ladies,
Thank u for the support. Of coz i am very sad over it but i tell myself to be strong. Adjust my feelings. This is not end of the world. I will prepare well for my body this time for my FET. Ladies who graduate pls wait for me. I will see u there soon ... I will be back...
