IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi kalki,

thanks for explaining. take care and look forward to hear your good news soon!

lina, fairyrose, mala... Thanks for well wishes and encouragement...

I think I am so so only, not particularly couragous...

All, I found a lady that I got to know through another forum, her story is super sad, she has been trying for nearly 10 years, and during this time, she has been diagnosed with a host of others problems... she concieved about 7-8 times, she miscarried all of them, some of which, she had carried to 23 weeks...

Think about the heartache that she has been through... But she will always take the time to encourage others, and comfort others...

I always am inspired by her courage, kindness and resilance... I do hope that you all are too.. Thus.. Keep your hopes up!!

Good luck to all who are starting to try, in the process, or waiting for results... Be positive!! Good thoughts everywhere!!

I have been thru 3 SO-IUIs and 2 fresh cycle and 2 frozen cycle. finally got pregnant with FET, i miscarriaged at the week 6.

Curently doing my 3rd fresh cycle. And i'm NOT giving up till i graduate from this forum !

Can i ask how old r u now? I'm now 30 and i'm onli 27+ when i started my fertility treatment.Docs were confident that my chances are high, yet cycles after cycles all ended in disappointment. i did acc with Dr Zou for more than 1 yr...she is also very surprised at my age i did not succeed neverthless she is very supportive and encouraging.

Mala if u really should fail this cycle, i would advise that u give ur body a proper break, and try accuputure if u wnana b4 emabarking to the next.

ladies in 2ww,
Good luck !

Bebecraze08 ,Elle ,Imel ,Feibb ,Maykel ,Cale ,Joephine ,Bakaholic
Congratulations !!Take Care and have a smooth 9 moths.
Hi Mel

After reading your post,I kind of feel ashamed of myself because there are people worse off than me but are still courageous.I wouldn't have been as brave as the woman you described in your post. Sadly, I've always been a negative kind of person. Sometimes, I feel that it is society putting pressure on me, or others, like- minded, to have kids. I must try and shake this negative feeling off. Thanks a lot Mel, for sharing and I wish you all the best.

Dear Pleasance

I really feel for you too. I'm way older than you -I'm 40, and that is why I'm panicking because time is not on my side.I'vealready had 2 miscarriages conceived through FET and an IUI.With each cycle, my response is slower and there are not many more times I can try. You are still very young and I'm so glad that you are not giving up like I am. I wish I could say the same thing of myself but age does not permit. I wish you all the best in your present cycle. Your courage and determination will definitely see you through

Hi ladies

Thanks once again for your prayers.May God bless you all.
Hi Juju,
Oic.....ya, i like nurse Sara, very chatty and informative. Oh, she say can drink coke ar? kekeke.....got liscense liao.
My veins are not easy to take, but Angeline took for me twice oso no problem, cos she see oni, she say my vein is slanted 1, i can't even tell. She's nice, just tat she told me she very tired, cos she due very soon.

Thanks Pleasance
Hi Mala,
Don't cry too much, must rest well and know that we are always here for you. But frankly, when i see the prayer, i oso cied cos its very touching to see the gals uniting for you
jia you!
hey mala... the posts were to encourage you, not depress you..
be happy... i feel you... i get depressed when i see that others have it easy.. mu hubby will always tell me that all the trials will make me a better person..

i will say the same thing to you and to our fellow sisters out there.. whatever trials and tribulations that we are going thru/have gone thru, will make all of us better people.. when we finally get to hold our precious bundle in our arms, we will appreciate the gift of life much more than others, just becos we know hard how it was.. All of us will be great mothers!! for those embarking on this journey, our time will come...
Hi mala

Dun be discourage, theres this admin aunt in my dept, who was trying for a child for 14 yrs.Like us she has gone thru uncountable cycles of fertility treatment ,she tried all sort of possible ways to improve her chances and each time ended with frustratons and disappointment.Her hubby feels thats its enuff and wanna her to give up after the last try-FET, she made it !! her one and onli egg survived and she got pregnant ..going to her 8 mths now...she is 42 now and this is her first child.

I also have a aunt who got pregnant wth her first child onli at the age of 39.

Yes its fortunate that i'm am still consider young but i'm not lunckier than many .Everytime i failed a cycle , the disappointment and frustration is killing.Esp my hubby's bro's wife whom is my sister in law just got married 5 months is now preggy and giving birth soon, my mil now all treat her like queen and i became the useless servant.
Just had my injection at KK.
I asked the nurse the difference between the progesterone level when using the inserts and having injections. She told me for inserts, any level above 30 is good enough; for injections, any level above 60 is good.

How are you feeling today? Any difference? I feel very normal, nothing special. Now we are around 7, 8 days post ET, wondering has implantation taken place...

I just called KKIVF, they allow me to take my beta test 2 days earlier that the initial scheduled date. you may wish to call your clinic as well.
Hi pleasance

i am 30 too and have been trying for 2 years. i had 1 mc and 2 failed iui, so i feel what you say when you say everyone thinks our chances very high. For the 2nd iui, my hubby and i did a lot of things to ensure success - taking special tonic the night before, choosing lucky day for iui, praying... but still ended up zilch. i was really optimistic but i think i've learnt to manage my expectations.

My AF is here today and in 3 weeks time, i'll be jabbing away like the rest of you
i hope you gals will still be on this thread...

Mala - i pray for you too, dont give up ! try reading some comics. i read foxtrot and dilbert comics to cheer myself
Hi Ping

All the best to you! When is your test?Unfortunately, mine is a urine preg, test. TFC does not do a blood test until much later. Strange, isn't it. I'll pray yours is a positive.

Hi Mel and Maykel

Yes, I am very touched by the prayers. I'm just wondering whether I should give up should this attempt fail because we had decided on adoption. But what if my 5th try is a success? Sigh! I'll see what my husband says. Thanks once again for the support. Maykel, wishing you a smooth pregnancy and Mel, you'll definitely make it!

Hi Pleasance

I can truly understand how you feel each time a cycle fails because that's how I felt too. The pain is something that cannot be described. By the way, which doctor are you seeing? Thanks for lifting up my spirits. You take care,ok!

Hi Ponytail

Sorry if I gave the impression that younger ones have an easier chance of succeeding.I didn't mean to! We know how emotionally, physically and financially draining each cycle can be. Your pain is not any less than those above 40. So sorry!So sorry! Since your jabs are going to start, make sure you eat lots of egg whites and don't do strenuous activities. Thanks a lot for your prayers. I'll pray for you too.
Hi Mala

Dont worry dont worry, i didn't interpret your comment that way either until you brought it up. oops :p anyway its a fair assumption that age is relevant so no biggie. ok will take you tip abt eating egg whites ? how many a day ? hard or soft boiled. i started eating spirulina few days ago. maybe thats why my AF is 3 days early, i.e. healthier a bit ??
Hi Babylou,
Nice to have someone with me for 2ww. When are you confirming your date? I'll confirm my date on Monday. Will share with you again!
Thanks for the info. Appreciate it very much!

Thanks for the warm welcome! Great to know some others share the same doc as I do

Lina Ang,
Hey! I saw Noora yesterday. She's expecting too!
Fertile ground there!

Sara can speak Malay too since she's a Malaysian! How nice! She's has such a bubbly personality

Anyway, congrats to u for having graduated! All the best ya!

Pls dun be disheartened. A friend of mine was also pregnant when her mense came. So, when her doctor told her that she was 2 months preg that time, she was shocked cos her mense was just over the week before. Miracles do happen, so look out for the silver lining that is out there for you. The more u stress abt it, the more it will not happen. So, my advise to you is have fun over the weekend ya. Should on Mon, the results are not favourable on ur side, do not lose hope. You've come too far to give it up just like that. My prayers go out to you for a HUGE BFP. Whatever the outcome, we are all here for you
Hi Everyone

Had my first dose of Puregon last nite..!! I was so shocked to see the cartridge when Nurse Angeline showed to me. It looks very scary!

Anyway, my first attempt (DH injected for me) was painful! The jab itself wasnt painful, so to speak, but after the jab, I felt pain all the way to my back! Couldnt move for a while. The pain was numbing. Is this normal???
Hi Bliss,
Thanks for asking the information for me about the progesterone level. I feel the same.No symptoms except still have breast pain.
Of coz our implantation already taken place. They take place when we are walking, sleeping, anytime, anywhere they u cannot feel it. We must be strong and have confident k. Feel it, 6 senses will tell u the answer. My hubby always says dun worry, sure make it. Pray sincerely, God will hear U.
Hi Dwi

you're scaring me with the puregon jab. what is it ? is it done during the 2WW, or is it the same as suprefact and gonal f jabs? sori, a bit blur...
Hi Dwi,
Welcome to stage 2!
I did not experience back pain but i did have dizzy spells on 2 occasions after starting puregon. Otherwise, it's just fatigue and bloating. I think different ppl got diff response to the hormone. Why dun you check with the doc?
Which type of syringe are you using? The pen-type syringe?
Hi ponytail

sorry if i sounded scary... didn't mean to scare anyone tho...

i'm on my Stage 2, so this done before 2WW. i'm not sure if it's the same as the superfact and gonal f jabs.

Hi bakaholic

yes, maybe u're rite - diff pp react diff to Puregon. i'll see tonight if i'd experience the same like last nite. if so, i think i gotta see the doc tomm. KKIVF is open tomm rite? i'm using the pen-type syringe.
Hi Mala,
How are you dear? Just crossing fingers and waiting.
Hiya i know stories where there are ladies who got pregnant at 45+ don't worry. Just think positive.

Anyway ladies my IVF center people just called to inform me that two embryo is frozen and other are gone. (Just see how things are so up and down,8 embryo fertilize then only 1 survive,we pray so much and suddenly all blastocyst, again now only 2 more left)
Mala you get my point nothing is in our hands nor any human it is all god who decides these factors.
For me if the cycle is successful then i call it god's gift failure also his because the whole process though under the supervision has no human control.
Hi Dwi,
Wow, Nora also...hope to get some bb dust from her too. Do bear with the pain. I didn't have numbing, just some bruises after the jab.
Hi Ponytail

The nurses had advised to take at least 8 egg whites, preferably soft boiled but I always have mine hard boiled. Apparently, egg whites are good for follicle growth and egg quality. I don't know much about spirulina though. Take care!

Hi Dwi Armani

Thanks for your wishes. After reading all the posts, I'm now contemplating whether to try again should this cycle fail. But I think my husband will not agree. I've used up all my Medisave limits anyway and financially it'll be a drain.
I'm sorry that the jabs are painful for you. Just make sure that you lie down for a while after the jab. You'll get used to the jabs after a while. all the best to you.

Hi Kalki

I understand what you mean. Everything is in God's hands. Don't worry. You have transferred 2 blastocysts and that is a bonus because now you have a higher chance of getting pregnant. Just make sure you don't move around too much. Take care!
mel and pleasance
yr courage and determination r v inspiring, i sincerely wish u both all the best and may yr wishes come true soon!!

i dunno the cost of the insurance, figure i'll find out only when i need to - either when i do ivf or when i conceive :p

mala, mala...
i jus logged on today and saw yr posts... u really must be strong ok? i heard fm someone that the wife of prof ng, who's a leading fertility doc fm O&G partners at Gleneagles, went thru 11 cycles of ivf before she succeeded!! so even doc's wives r not spared the turmoils everyone here is going thru, hope this gives u hope!

i keep reading this thing abt eating egg white, jus wondering wat this is abt? egg white as in raw egg white or cooked one huh, and wat is it supposed to do? sorry for my ignorance...
oh almost forgot...

happy to hear that u managed to transfer two blastocysts! u take care and rest properly during the 2ww
Mala - thanks. 8 egg whites a day or a week ? dun scare me...

pooh - mala just gave advice on egg white, you can see her post immediately above yous
hi kalki
i'm enjoying the pix, thanks!

hi lina
how bad is the bruise??? *scared*

hi mala
fyi, my mother got pregnant with my little sister when she was 40. thank god there wasnt any complications tho, and my sis is now doing very well in her class.
i hope this motivates u ya!
on the jabs, i'll take ur advise. will will down for a while tonight after the jab. see how it goes from here and shall update u later ya!
interesting tip with the egg white... will surely try. but any other tips on how to improve sperm quality??? anyone know? doc in KKH has given DH antibiotics but nothing to improve the sperm quality... appreciate if anyone has any things to share on this one! thanks...
Hi Dwi,
just some blue black around the jab area, not painful.

Hi pooh2,
my goodness, 11 cycle of ivf. The prof wife must have spent alot on money and pain.
Hi Dwi
There is nothing much to do about it at this stage. I know a friend's husband who took vitamin E for 2 years continuous and the sperm count increase after that. But later stage nothing can be done (to what i know)
HI Mala,
Wow, Looks like there is a prayer thread .
We are all rooting for you dear Mala. Dont worry, you will soon end your ivf journey and start on mothers to be journey. All praying for you. Me too.
Good luck.
I'm starting my 3rd FET soon too.
Needlees pain can be limited somewhat by rubbing ice on the area first to numb it, then jab immediately. Can try if you havent already. It helped me a lot. I'm a big needles chicken.

Can give hubby some Brazil nuts- high in Vitamins and Selenium, good for spermies motility.

And both of you eat well. Good luck.
Hi Patricia,
no problem, I also wanted to know more about the progesterone levels mah.

I read that implantation can take place around between 5th to 12th days after ET, so wondering whether it has taken place inside me or not. Today is 7dpET for me...

so when will you be taking your BT?
How are you feeling now? Cramps reduced?

the pics so cute! :D Better if got asian babies pics. Hehehe! :p
Dear Ponytail,Pooh2 and Dwi

Thank you once again for all your reassurances. Just to let you know, for a long time I was a vegetarian until I started all these fertility treatments. When the nurse first told me that I have to eat egg whites and fish, I told her I was a vegetarian and she scolded me. She was quite blunt and told me not to blame them if my egg quality is bad. Apparently, 8 egg whites is the minimum. They have high protein and the theory is they improve the quality of our eggs besides replenishing the lost protein which becomes with follicle growth. So take lots of them.They also help with bloating which may happen if you have lots of follicles growing.

Dwi, besides what Kalki and Babydust2 have suggested,the nurses also said that for men, taking high quality Vitamin C and zinc will help sperm quality and of course acupuncture.

Hi Babydust2

Thank you so much. I will pray for you too. All the best to you.
Hi Dwi,
nurse Nora had been expecting since the 1st day i stepped into ivf loh. u jus hv to look carefully, it used to be jus a small bump, now more visible.
Yup even my nurse and doc advised me to take egg white and meat. But since I am a vegetarian decided not to. And of course when i check online the protein level in the milk and milk products and chickpea is so high(now informed my fertility center about it). Anyway on the day of ER I ate one handfull of chick pea cooked with salt and a lot of yogurt and vitagen. My bloatedness reduced and became normal.
So vegetarians do have a lot of natural supplements (I did not like the taste of egg and meat
Start taking a lot of protein stuff as early as possible. Because though it is ok to start after AF, it does have an effect on our body when we do it early. As i said you can go for various forms of protein, I know how hard it is to have egg white(8 numbers per day)
So just take plenty of milk and yogurt and a lot of peas.
a bit, dunno why tummy still so big. bloatedness shld ease off by now, no pain but still kinda bloated.

can drink coke, but must limit. internet say 2 servings of caffeinated drinks, but dun indicate how much is 1 serving and % of caffeine in drink. so jus try to restrict la.
i drink once a while,hubby ok. but his sis ban me, i dun care la. no scientific proof for her sayings. she say caffeine spoil bb's brain devt.
thanks! the animation is interesting!
Can visualise how it is like inside our body. Hope the final part is happening inside my tummy now. :D
