IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Nicole,
I'm pending whether to start FET this Oct due to some personal reason. If u will to read my blog u will understand. I'm trying to stay free from stress before embarking into IVF. Meanwhile, u take care and keep a update on your little ones.

Just like what babylow has said during ovulation period there will be spotting if not u feel pain during menses period.
Just like to share that my previous gynae was also Dr Fong yang. U may wan to reconsider a 2nd opinion. Going thru laposcopy will not help even if u have endometriosis.
looks like it's normal to go thru sharp pain huh. At 1st i tot why m i having those sharp pain and was very worried abt it. I too don feel those sharp pain after a few times.

hmm, if i'm not wrong, mine was 200. if im not mistaken lah cos i didn't ask about it.have plenty of rest and look forward to your scan!

to those in 2WW, looking forward to your good news as well ya.

i'm excited to see my babies again this coming thursday!

enjoy your weekend ladies!
Thanks for the info. I don't know whether or not Im too late to go for acu.

Gals, lets forego our worries and have a great weekend.
Hi Imel,
I am seeing Dr Tan at Clementi cos is nearer to my house.He is also recommend by some ladies in this thread.Been w him for 3 mths already,so far I can see my menses improve alot.

Hi Merlenna,
thanks for enlighting me.I think I am very stress out if mine will be alright.Guess the hardest process of the whole IVF is the 2WW,is so hard to pass time.
hi chua_family,
i guess its true. but you know what, i don't wanna get too paranoid coz once i start thinking about things and worry about symptoms and all, i may be so disappointed if its actually turns out to be nothing. i don't want to go through that disappointment.

so at the moment, i push out all thoughts about conceiving that i occupy my time with spending with my husband & family. i don't let myself entertain the idea of babies for more than 5 mins in my head. heh..it helps to get thru the 2ww..
Hi everyone,
did ur husband have any reaction to the medication(doxicyline) they were given at the time we received our puregon. My husband got a stomach upset,headache nausea upon taking è medication.
Hi Catzeye,
My husband is into internal medicine, he said the common side effect of dxicyline is stomach upset. But then if your husband come out with rashes, then he may have to stop the medication and have to aske the doc to prescribe him with other medication. To reduce the effect, the medication has to be taken with full stomach.
Congrats BabyWee!

Hi Emma,
I have done my blood test ages ago, in march. I was supposed to start ivf in june, but i kinda "chickened out". i should be starting this month but I haven't call the clinic yet. after seeing so many good news on the thread, i guess i feel more confident to start.
hi imel,
just give a call to dr zou and ask for advice. i believe she will be very willingly to answer all of your questions :p
Hi babywee,
Thanks. Have talked to my hb regarding TCM, he told me to go to Raffles Hospital instead. Will give Raffles Hospital a call tomoro to c whether or not its too late for me to go for acu.

Chua family,
Thanks for the info. I agree with you 2ww is indeed the hardest process cos you just dying to know whether or not the embies are still in your womb. Try to calm down and dun put too much stress on yourself.
You can start reading books or watching vcd. Just make sure its not scary movie.
Hi all,

I went to Dr Xia Rong of EYS at Paragon for TCM medicine and accupunture to prep my body for the IVF procedure. She gave me TCM powder that I am supposed to mix with water but after drinking for 2 days, I reacted badly and feel nauseous before even drinking it. I went back to EYS and the physican says maybe I brewed the medicine myself then not as bad. Unfortunately, I still feel like vomitting. In the end, my dad went to buy empty gelatin capsules from a traditional chinese medicine hall and my mom helped me to fill the powder into the capsules. I have to shallow 33 capsules twice a day! But no choice leh, as really want to be pregnant and IVF is so expensive.

I only have 2 best friends, 1 is single and not attached so it is very difficult to explain the emotional pain I am going thru' after months of non-success. My other best friend even better, her husband just came back from his overseas training on 1jun 2008 and she is pregnant early july! Luckily a large bulk of my friends don't have babies yet, so I don't feel extremely upset and my in-laws are very cool also, they never asked when we plan to have children at all.

Sometimes during friends gathering, I speak to couples who are of my same age or even older (31 years old) and when they said they don't plan to have kids so soon, I feel like shouting at them not to wait! Then again, my ladies friends may not have infertility prob like me. My sister-in-law has irregular menses but she managed to strike within 3 months of trying so I guess sometimes it is just fate.

BTW, anyone ate Yasmin and feel nauseous and also can't eat much during each meal? I still feel hungry but after eating maybe half a plate of food, I feel nauseous and can't eat anymore. I lost 0.5 kg in the past 5 days.

It seems that ladies in this thread are very lucky with the baby dust. I hope I can catch some too!
Hi Babywee,

By the way, I am confused about the grading of eggs. You mentioned u have Grade 3 and Grade 4 eggs and you put 2 grade 4 eggs inside. Is Grade 4 better than Grade 3?
hi rurucat,
mine better still, most of my friends have 2 kids already.. these are the people i've known from my schooldays.. and we all got married around the same time, give or take 1,2 years. i jus numbed myself whenever i meet them. but i do get them telling me that they envy me coz i get to enjoy life before babies arrive.. which i agree.. although i do want children very much, but i also appreciate the extra time i have with hubby to further bond and strengthen our relationship.. so, ppl like us have to see the positive.. don't allow other people to bring us down. they have no right to anyway..
Hi all,
I'm new to this forum. I was searching for the best group to place my post... Really need advice on the decision to go for IVF. I did a HSG last mth and was diagnosed to have blocked fallopian tubes. I already have a 4 year old son, so something must have happened in between to cause the blockage. Gynae can't explain why too. So, IVF is the best option. Laproscopy is not recommended. Now the dilemma is whether to go thru IVF or just make do with only 1 kid.
any comments?
Dear GB,
Welcome to the thread.The decisions are all yours. I have 2 kids...but yet trying for ivf too despite having 2 au naturale. If u tink your child needs companion you can go for it... Its common to see others with kids trying for another one in here. Some may say 1 is enuf or 2 will be the rite number. But when u reach a point in life you may think that why not have another. Maybe its maternal instinct. As long money is enuf in singapore things can be done. All in all decisions are all yours.
Hi GB,
Welcome. The decisions are yours to make. You have to think it carefully because IVF process is very emotional thing.

Hi Babwee and chua family,
Do you go for acu after the ET? I called up RH and she said Im not too late to go for acu. She suggest that I go for 2 acu sessions before ET and 3 sessions after ET. I have made appt to c her today.
Hi Imel,
I am also doing acu at RH. Dr Jin's very good and does different acu points for diff stages in your cycle. All the best. let me know if she asks you to take TCM medicines as well bcs she did not for me. I'm curious.

Hi GB,
Welcome to the thread. You are lucky to have one kid, but sometimes one is not enuf... Maybe you can read some of the archives of this thread to get some idea of the IVF process adn the emotional issues involved and side effects etc before you decide. I think your chance of sucess would be high since you have one already and ht only issue is blocked tubes. ALl the best.

Dear Merlenna, Yck, Ms Hae, Emma & Babywee,
Hi you all !! how are you? I have been having some pulling/ mild pain feeling on adn off on the left and right sides. sometimes for quite a long time. no bleeding. Have any of you had this feeling while on 2ww or it just me?
Hi babydust2,
Thanks for the info. At first I have apptment with Dr. Seah, but I dunno whether she is good or not. Then I look at RH website again which mention Dr. Jin as registered accupuncturist and Dr. Seah as registered TCM physicians. Think will just go for Dr. Jin. Hope Dr. Seah won't feel offended. From conversation with Dr. Seah, she mentioned that it is not recommended to take TCM medicines during the injection period. Btw, Dr. Seah recommend to have acu straight after ET. Did you do that?
Hi Imel and Babydust2

I've been seeing Ms Jin at Raffles Hospital for more than 3 months. I think she's good and I like her. I'm currently on two types of pills which she has prescribed. According to her, this would improve the uterine lining and indirectly, the egg quality.

I've actually asked her to combine my acu with moxibustion. This was done during my FET where I conceived. Imel, maybe you want to ask her about this. It improves blood flow to the uterus and is very relaxing.

Babydust2, I remember going through similar pains during my 2WW. I did ask the nurse about this and she said that the pains are from the ovaries which are trying to recover from the ER. It goes off after a few days.Take care!
Hi Mala,
actually i did FET this tme, so ovaries are ok. Dont know why the pains...
Is moxibustion the heat applied to the pins on the legs? or something else? interesting...
Hi Babydust2

Yes, I think that was what it meant. Ms Jin placed something that looked somewhat like a lighted cigarette on the needles in my legs. it may feel hot, but like I said, it was so relaxing that I didn't feel so stressed after that. Oh, i must say, I slept very well. I'm going to ask her whether it can be applied on the tummy. I think I need help there!

Regarding your pains, why don't you check with the nurse of the doc? I'm sure its nothing. Take care and all the best.
Hi Merlenna & Imel,
I wish I can relax & take things calmly.I always so stress up by little bits of things.Today is only my 4th day of my 2WW,really dunno how to pass time,keep thinking of my emmbies.
ET only take med.

Hi GB,
My feeling is 1 kid is enough,at least when we r old,they have a sibling to depends for each others.Just give it a try,the later u wait,maybe the harder it will takes.

Hi babydust2,
when is yr end of 2WW?
Hi Ladies,

I try to do out a list of those in the 2WW.

2WW Group
1)Merlenna -
2)Babydust2- 8th Jul - 24th Jul
2)Babymaking - 17th Jul - 3rd Aug
3)chua_family - 18th Jul - 4th Aug

Hi babymaking & babydust2,
Is yr test date correct?I just guess only.

Hi merlenna,
sorry,I cannot find yr dates,can update for me.
hi babydust2,
I'm having headaches the past 2 days. I do have cramps, slight tuggings left n right. Gonna ask nurse if its normal.

Hi chua_family,
my 2ww is from 11th July til 28th July. Its 17 days according to my progesterone jab.
hi all,
today's jab very painful! Dunno y, guess d nurse who did it did my jab first time since I started the prog jab. I was used to the other nurses. Anyway, she said I prob lack drinking water that's y the headaches. Haiyah, guess must drink more lah now.
2WW Group
1)Babydust2- 8th Jul - 24th Jul
2)Merlenna- 11th Jul - 28th Jul
2)Babymaking - 17th Jul - 3rd Aug
3)chua_family - 18th Jul - 4th Aug

Hi Merlenna,
Drink plenty of water & have a gd rest.Take Care.

mine suppose to be on 2 Aug but it's a Sat, think will bring forward to 1 Aug.

yeah, my third IVF/FET cycle...and i think 8th ART cycle but each time..it gets harder and harder
hi ruru,
according to the nurse, the embryo are graded from 1 to 5 and 5 is the best grade. thus, i have put in my 2 best graded embryos

hi imel,
i had 5 continous days of acu before er and 1 day before et. no acu after et but continue to have the chinese medicine for 17 days till the bloodtest.
Hi Bakaholic
All the best for your IVF cycle. Keep us posted. Is your gynae gonna be Prof Ng SC?

Hi babywee
How many weeks are you preggie now? Im feeling alright, just that I eat alot now and my tummy is bigger now (dunno if it's the amt. of food Im eating, haha). How about yourself, any symptoms yet?

Hi babydust
I had the same symptoms like yours too during my 2ww and last for about a wk. Don't worry, just drink lots of water and rest. All the best!
Hi gals,
M having headache for 2 days and I can't sleep well. Even after the accupuncture and cupping also no help. I will tahan first till tomoro, if still not well,im going to take panadol. Dunno whether its because of the puregon or its a sign Im going to catch cold (which I hope not). Plus today weather is not so good. Arrggghhhh....so frustrated

For gals in 2ww, JIA YOU!!! Always think positively.
Hi all,
Thanks for readily replying to me. I want to find out if the self jabs are painful. I can't imagine doing self-injection everyday for almost 1 month! What can I do to prepare myself for that? I'll be doing mine at NUH.
Hi GB,
Dun worry about the jab, its not painful. The injection will be at the stomach fat, so you will only feel a small prick. I believe the nurse will tell you step by step of how to do it. Well if you are not ready to jab yourself, you can still go back to the nurse for help. But it would be quite troublesome since you have to go to hospital everyday.
Regarding how to prepare yourself for IVF, for me I start eating my supplements. You can take prenatal formula from GNC. Then some of the girls in this thread also went for accupuncture and taking TCM medicine. Are you doing IVF with Prof PC Wong?
Hi Imel.
I've been taking TCM for the past 2-3 years while trying for a baby. Now I've stopped since discovery abt the blocked tubes. My mum thinks the blockage is caused by too much TCM.
Now, just taking normal supplements like Women's One A Day.
Yes, I'm with PC Wong. Any feedback about him?
Hi imel,
u hv headache? Try rub sum ointment b4 taking panadol. For me i have bloatedness, tummy big and hard. Dunno if its common to grow dat big. But kindda good hubby 'manja' me more. Hehe...so far no oth symtom except for once a while feel nausea. Btw, what is the accu for? Does it help am i too late coz thur is my scan? Wat is the estimated price?
Hmm....if you are afraid of taking TCM, you may just go for accupuncture instead. Im taking accupuncture but not TCM medicine since my husband doesn't really approve me taking TCM. As for PC Wong, I remembered my fren ever told me that her fren who weight about 100kg had a successful IVF with PC Wong. You may give it a try. Anyway, most of the doc have the same practice, the chance of the success IVF,I think mostly depend on us.
Hi Catzeye,
Yep Im having headache, had tried to rub ointment but no use. I already taking the panadol coz cannot tahan. Im not having much bloatedness though, just that sometimes my ovaries abit sore. I think all these symptoms due the puregon. I think you feel so bloated because you take higher dosage of puregon and puregon do have the effect of bloatedness.
Accupuncture is for blood circulation especially blood flowing to uterus and also help to increase the number of good eggs. Anyway I went to RH today and the physicians told me that Im not that too late though most of her patients come to her after their period. She asked me to come 3 sessions before the ER, then 1 session before ET and another 1 session straight after ET. I read from research paper that accupuncture somehow help increase the chance of pregnancy and plus I went to US IVF forum, most of the ladies who undergoing IVF also went for accupuncture. May be somehow accupuncture does help but then its not 100% guarantee. The price for the accupuncture at RH is $370++.
But then catzeye, after discussing with my hubby, I may be just going for 4 sessions. The last one straight after ET, I may not want to go.
hi emma,
last friday i was 4weeks preggie...hmm...maybe this week shld consider the 5weeks bah. my tummy also very big and it seems like im 3-4mths pregnant. sometime i still can feel some pains and backache...how many weeks are u preggie now and dont u have any symptom?
Hi Imel,
In fact the take-home-baby rate is quite low. It really is a tedious journey to take, from the 1st injection to the delivery of a baby. Will the tummy becomes big due to the injections? I'll have to come to a decision soon. I hope your headache goes away soon.
Hi everyone,

I just started my jabs today with LC Foong. This is my 2nd attempt as my 1st try was aborted due to poor response. This time round, I am on short protocol and dosage is at 400ml.

Would like to join this thread to find pple who are having the same cycle with me.
Hi imel,
thanx for your enlightenment...why did ur husband decided nt to let u do after et? Is it because u are going on CRIB? Anyway yesterday night i encountered bloatedness...felt its difficult to sleep due to the discomfort on the tummy. I tink i am going to try drinking ensure milk today.

Hi Yin,
Welcome to the thread. Are you on puregon now? Since its a short protocol, i assume i am correct. I am on my 6th day 400iu puregon today. I hope this thursday i will have enough good quality eggs... We are only 5days apart so we are cycle buddies. I hope my body respond well to puregon compare to lucrin. I don't want to extend to long.
