IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi ladies, anyone of you have side effect during the Lucrin injection? I'm feeling super tired and my vision is slightly affected. I'm only on Lucrin for 5 days. called my gynea and was told to stop the jab. Will see him Sat to discuss what should be done next... So worry that I have to terminate my treatment

Hi Chua_family, all the bect for your ET tmr.

Hi Chua Family,

All the best for your ET. Update us on your progress too...

Hi Littlebee,

I do have side effects during lucrin too. Super tired & muscle aches. I try to withstand the muscle aches by putting ointment but regards to blur vision I don't have that. Maybe the doctor will give you BCP instead just don't worry too much ok. The doctor will know whats best for you...
Hi littlebee,
I am in my 12 days of lucrin. Initial was ok, but lately i got very bad headache and feverish, super tired oso.
Please dun worry, we keep our fingers cross ok? All the best
Hi Chua family,
All the best of luck for your ET tomoro. Will be alrite dun you wori. The procedure is totally painless. After ET, all you need is plenty of rest.

Hi Littlebee,
Every women have different symptoms. For me, I do get tired easily and I have pimple outbreak. I also asked the nurse whether or not my gain of weight is caused by lucrin, and the answer is no. Dun worry and trust the doc. Keep thinking positive.

My dosage is 250IU injected everyday for 1 week. I will be going back to kk for scan next week. Did the nurse gave you antibiotic for your hubby to eat? Did you ask the nurse, why the doc prescribe higher dosage for you?
nurse did mention its because i am having juz 1 ovary thus they have to give me higher dose to stimulate more eggs. Hope i will have sufficient eggs that are of good quality this thursday, the thought of buying more puregon do gv me another thought. Yup my husband receive the antibiotics too.
Hehehe I agree with you, the puregon is so expensive. My goodness, I was so shocked when I have to pay $1,300. Last time I use the Gonal F which I heard is more expensive than puregon, but at least the doc gave us discount. Last year I already use my medisave, so this year I can only claim $5k.
hi chua family,
all the best with your ET

hi everyone,
went for bloodtest just now and have to wait till 1pm onwards to know the result...will keep you posted
hey gals

just had 2 embroyos tsf yesterday - now officially on 2www....hmm done 2 IVF before and unsuccessful despite being on MC..this time round no working, so hoping CRIB will work.

When CRIB - what does it exactly mean? no walking at all esxcept to loo? any erm balance view on CRIB.

btw CRIB means complete rest in bed.
Hi babywee,
+ve +ve +ve with high beta. Go Go Go....JIA YOU!!!

Time for you to be serviced. Last year I also CRIB and planning to do the same this time. My house is a terrace and I sleep on 3rd floor. I was completely prisoned on 3rd floor for 1mth. My husband is abit too "kanciong",he put me in hospital for one nite after ET. This time however, he is planning to relax abit, doesn't request for hospitalisation, but he does ask me whether I want to wear pampers, so that I will just do my business on bed.
Hi babymaking
I was confined at home for 4 days and most of the time i would just sit on my sofa and lean back, I don't really lay down all the way except when sleeping time.
Just take it easy and walk slowly. Best wishes.
Me also like Emma . Just sitting mostly and walking about only at home. I think no need to be only in bed and on diapers and all. I think our Dr's would laugh if they knew we were talking abt wearing diapers so dont need to go to toilet....

Babywee, how?? anxiously waiting for your news.
Hi chua_family
How are the babies doing? My 1st scan is on the 4th Aug. Will update again on the babies development.
Hi Everyone,
back fm my ET.Very disappointed cos I only have 5 eggs fertilised out of 11 eggs retreived.Ask Dr Loh what r the grades,he said it 4 & 3.So I put in 2 grades 4 & 1 grade 3.Want to ask something stupid,will we pee out the embyros straight aft input in.I am very worried now,haha,cos I head straight to pee,really cannot tahan liao.Now I am also in the 2WW group liao,preggy & blood test at 4th of Aug.Wow,long time to wait.

Hi babymaking,
haha,we r just 1 day diff.Enjoy yr CRIB.I hope I can join yr CRIB,but I will try.All the best to u.

Hi Imel,
wow,yr hb so kancoing.However is gd too,that way is sure u won't walk ard.Walking to the loo sure be alright but have to be careful of the slippery floor but I also dun agree of climbing uo & down the stairs,is too tiring for u.

Hi babywee,
very excited for u.Have faith ok.
Hi Emma,
haha,same date as my preggy test.Meanwhile,just eat healthy & rest as much as possible.

Hi Merlenna,
r u also been on the pregnly?Why yours is daily but I am only in alt days & is only 0.2units.Is it enough for to improve my linning.I was told can jab myself or go down to KK.I try today,ok,so will jab myself.
Chuafamily and Babymaking,
Welcome to the 2ww.
Dont worry about pee-ing. I guarantee every single one of us after ET sure to pee, coz we would have a super duper full bladder and will explode if we dont pee. I asked them this before and was reassured that they will not come out on peeing or pooing. Dont worry.
Rest well. 5 is not bad. All you need is one to work ;)
Hi gals,
Last year after ET I was on catheter. Think will do it again this time, so I won't be needing to get up and go to loo for few hours. Think Im being paranoid again, but then better save than sorry.

Today is the 2nd day of me injecting puregon, already feel my stomach abit bloated and my vagina come out with white discharge. Anyone has similar experience?

Chua family,
Dun be disappointed. 5 is not bad. Now all you need to do is to rest well and let the embies do their wonders.
Hi imel,
i began to feel bloated yesterday evening. And had indigestion at night. I dun know if its because of puregon. Today i had diarrhoea...it seems like everytime i start on new hormone i will have gastro prob...or cld it be a mere coincidence.
Hi Chua Family,
Thanks for the reply. Guess I will try another gynae instead.

How much do u pay for a session of IUI with Dr Loh? I am also a SAHM so cannot afford too expensive a package..

Are u still doing IUI? Sorry but very "alien" to the terms mentioned in the earlier threads, hee.....
Hi catzeye,
I feel my stomach tight and full of wind but no diarrhoea. So far so good. Hope both of us will receive good news nxt week u/s.
yeah! I really hope so coz I want to do the transfer during my hubby afternoon shift so he could save his leave as well as sending & fetching my son from school.
hi all,
just feel like venting out my frustration somewhere.

i have one ex-colleague who got married 1 year later then me and got pregnant after 6 months and has given birth.

whenever im on msn she will ask me "any good news from you". at first i still think its okay, its just a friendly question. but as time goes by, whenever she saw me online, the first question she will ask is "how, got news" i got very frustrated and change my msn address. but guess what few mins ago i just received a sms from her "Hi, any news from you". the moment i saw the msg, i felt so angry. i was thinking why are you so concern about whether i am pregnant or not. what is is to do with you. you are not my parents. and you are not going to look after my kids. or are you thinking, what take me so long to fall pregnant. am i infertile. even if so will it make you feel happy.

i simply ignore the msg and never bother to reply.

we are already facing so much difficulties and stress to conceive, yet these fertile ppl simply do not understand.

sorry for the long post.
dont worry about the pee. me too went to pee straight away after the ET. according to the nurse the embryos are far inside and being sandwiched by our uterus. our uterus are not hollow, the walls actually collapse and touch each other when we are not pregnant.
i got no appetite since last week. whenever i see food i wanted to puke. got gastric problem somemore. eg. i eat at 12 noon, 5 pm i vomit, food still there, not digested at all. feel terrible.

u kena colleague, me kena mother in law. Actally I have 2 healthy boys both au naturale. but last 3years I was actually trying to conceive another child hoping to get a gal. But instead of conceiving a baby, I got 2 big cyst and was diagnosed with Endometriosis. I know my chances already very low coz I was left with an ovary...but my mother in law has been bugging me every month & everytime other siblings or cousins of my hubby got pregnant she will haunt me. She haunt me till today & now my hubby also seems to be carried away. He was so onto bb making even after telling him we shd be contented with what we have. Now I am also sailing into IVF despite having kids... I guess you not alone YCK. Finally, I got to vent my frustration too.
wah, you got 2 already very good liao, yet your MIL still stresses you. how many she want you ti have. if i have 2, i will be contented.

Yeah you not first one say this. I am already contented despite they are boys. Only when seeing baby girls around I felt itchy to have 1 more. That is why now I am trying IVF despite knowing that its not a guaranteed gender or success. I leave it in god's hand. Since my hubby was so determined & persistent...I just sail thru this slowly. Hopefully cn close some people mouth who thinks I am infertile...
You have 2 kids, thats a bless. Does your MIL know how expensive is it to have kids nowadays? Not to mention their educations?

I always being asked that questions lots2 of time by relatives and frens. I think Im immune to it liao. I just smile and reply: not given yet from The One Above. At least my MIL doesn't stress me out, though I know she wants one from me.
Yck, you just ignore your frens. They just dun understand our pain.

I guess her mentality is different since she has 5 children. We have been telling her that quality is better off than quantity but to no heed. Anyway, I am now doing this for my hubby, a bit scared if he find some other woman to bear his babies, i told him if hit 2 then fullstop. If doesn't hit then I guess we are fated to have 2 and be contented...I think I am beginning to talk nonsence. Maybe puregon...
Hi everyone,
Just wanna share with you that I ever read a research paper regarding male consuming follic acid help to reduce the chance of having abnormal babies. Forgot to ask the doc whether its true or not. Anyway my husband has started consuming it for 2 mths.
woah imel, on catheter after ET through out the 2ww? that's ok-ed by yr gynae? which gyane are you with?

i remember i had to be on cath...as i had problems peeing due to OHSS after ER, but this time round, everything seems ok.

can seem to sit still...been moving between the bed and sitting/slouching on the couch.

chua family

good to have a 2www buddy - when is yr test date? mine is on 2 aug - such a long long time more.

counting down
day 2 of 2ww
*can't seem to sit still.

did a google, CRIB actually means CRIB, not even sitting up, just lying down and no getting the bum off the bed.

anyone really did that through out the 2www?
After ET I only being catheter for one nite since I stayed overnite in hospital. I hate the after effect of catheter. Its pain when peeing. Plus I got urine infection easily. I dunno whether being catheter for 2ww is ok or not, though our gynae told us staying overnite in hospital after ET is not necessary.
But then my hb insist lah. I went to prof sc ng the last time but for this cycle I switch to dr. loh.
babymaking, think for someone to do CRIB for 2ww is too extreme. But then if that woman really has poor support of womb or easily miscarriage, then that I believe CRIB is necessary. So I think it depends on the health condition of the woman.
Hi Chua_family,
I'm not getting pregnyl jab during my 2ww. Only got that b4 ER. I'm on progesterone 50mg per jab. I think perhaps the process becomes different depending on individual after ET.
hi everyone,
my bloodtest is positive! went down to kk to get the bloodtest result and some medication. then, went to dr zou to get some "an tai" medicine. my next apt for scanning will be on 29 jul.

hi emma and miss hae,
what is ur bhcg level? mine is 968.7 and the nurse told me that most likely is 1 baby.

hi chua family,
i also have 2 grade 4 and 3 grade 3 embryos. i put in 2 grade 4 and now pregnant with 1 baby. i'm sure u also got high chances to succeed. jiayou!
babywee, CONGRATULATION!!! Its a high number. Definitely. Im so happy for you. Can you actually mix the "an tai" medicine together with western medicine? Continue to jia you!!!
Hi Babydust2,
Thanks.I was so afraid that I might flush out the embbies.

Hi Joan & catzeye,
so concidence,we r all SAHM.It really not easy to managed our kids at the same time we need rest.I dun have any help except my hb & sil staying w me.I engage a part time maid to clean the house once per wk,lunch time order lunch tingkat & dinner wait for hb to buy.The most difficult part is teaching him to do his homework & bathing him.Plus he is super active type,have to remind him dun hit my stomach.
Joan,I did my IUI at Gleneagles.I think is abt 2K which is the same as the med we r paying for IVF.
Catzeye,yr hb is so blessed w u as a wife,willing to try so hard just to pls him & his mother.Sure yr tolerence will paid off.

I think everyone of us here will understand yr frustration.I hate people who say is accident or unplanned one,cos why this type never happen to us.They r so bless w baby why still sound so unhappy.This is what 1 of my close friend say to me which make me very sad abt it.That why I did not mention to her I am doing IVF now cos I dun think she will understand my suffering.
Thank for explaining to me,make me so relax now.
Try to take small portion but more meals.It will helps & dun take those undisgestable fd.Is very normal for 1st trim,dun worry.

Hi Merlenna,
oic,but yrs is daily yet mine is 2 days once.I am so afraid dunno whether is enough for my linning.

Anyone here take TCM med while in the 2WW period cos I went acu before ET,sinseh give me An Tai med asking me to take when in the 2WW.Need urgent adv.Thanks
HI Babywee,
Congratulations!!!! Your hcg very high that's good.
BTW, what is in the "An Tai" medicine? any idea? and what is it for?
I had a previous miscarriage so am quite worried this time... even if positive... maybe i can take an tai medicine too.
Hi babywee,
congrats!!So happy for u.Rest well now ok.Hope I can also have the postive result.R u w Dr Loh?Did u take any TCM med fm Dr Zou when in yr 2WW?
Remember do come in this thread to share w us yr preggy ok.
Did you go for acu before the ET? Im thinking doing it but just not so sure where to go to or whether or not it is ok. Btw, where Dr. Zou practice?

Chua family,
Which sinseh did you go to?
hi babywee,
been waiting for your good news!! congrats!! your dream come true.. see, unnecessary panic. time to take care of yourself.

hi chua_family,
i think its safe to just think that each individual is different and our bodies require different ways to make this journey successful. don't fret yourself with my process.. there is probably a reason why you are prescribed as such. maybe you wanna clear your mind by asking the nurses or doc?

hi yck,
i think its part and parcel of being married yet no kids yet. i face that too before until i got so pissed everytime a relative asks me THE question at every single family gathering that i deviced a retort everytime they ask, "eh, when your turn?" or "when going to have baby?" and my reply simple.."tomorrow!" they will give me that puzzled look and stopped asking eversince. ahh! calm and peace! my trick is more of the 'bo chap' attitude i show them although they don't know how hard i try each month. so, it frustrates them that they can't pull me down..
hi babydust2,
"an tai" medicine is a chinese medicine which suppose to help to keep safe of the baby.

hi chua family,
thanks! i'm with dr sadhana. i did take some chinese medicine from dr zou for 17 days after ET and now have to take the "an tai" medicine.

hi imel,
yes, i started acu and taking chinese medicine since 1 apr. here is dr zou detail:
zou yumin tcm physician & acupuncturist
blk 505 ang mo kio ave 8
#01-2670 s(569505)
tel: 64560833

hi mala,

Hi babywee
BIG CONGRATULATIONS! My THCG is 141.5 mIU/ml (wat I read from the report) and most likely is twins.
Your doc says it's alright to consume chinese medicine? As my gynae advised me not to take any chinese medicine (not even bird nest)for the 1st 3 months. Was advised not to use any skin care that contains Retin A and Rentinol. So, I changed my skin care to organics(mineral) to be safe.
Update us on your 1st scan, ya. My 1st scan will be on the 4th Aug.... Just wondering did your doc give you any other medicine?
