IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi yck,
thanks for your well wishing.
When I am on Gonal F, I lost alot of my appetite, esp dinner. Then I had bloatedness towards the later part, mainly also because the eggs are growing and the tummy just felt different. Now, I still have some bloated feeling, but much better already. The appetite still not that good, always not into eating. I eat alot of soupy food and fish and eggs. Mainly protein to relieve the bloatedness, that's was what the nurses told me.

Don affect your mood at this point of time. Trust me it will affect the success rate. I cried twice very badly during my 2ww. And it did affect. And don worry abt the breast tenderness. My breast lost its tenderness after D11 and that was when i realised i have lost hope. Your chance will be higher since the breast still feeling tender. Aha...and your mood...pregnant women tends to feel moody...so just prepare yourself that good news is coming.
Nope, did not give us any date for next IVF. IVF nurse said that we need do a follow-up consultation before next IVF attempt. And after the follow-up, you can call IVF centre for appointment, don't need letter or form
Hi rejoice,
Don worry abt your tummy getting bigger...u should be thankful that it is growing...and it will grow for 9mths hehehe

Wow....it's good you travelling to relax and prepare for the next IVF. As for me, i will be going Bangkok before i start my FET. Hope my embbies will thaw well. Before my next IVF i will proceed with the adoption. Just afraid the next one fail again i will never be able to take it. So this baby will at least bring some hope for me. Like old pple says, sometime by adopting a baby, he/she will bring a bro/sis along...just like bringing baby luck to me
praying hard now
hi ladies!

i'm totally new here but have been reading all your threads.

i'm currenly doing IVF with pc wong in nuh and it's my 2nd attempt. was successful with 1st try last year but no heartbeat detected at wk 8. was so depressing so decide to try again this year.

tomorrow im going for my ET. i hope either all 3 or at least 2 will stick to my womb and i can get pregnant again.

but to wait for the next 2wks for the pregnancy test is very stressful!
I m glad to hear that you are also going on a vacation to relax your mind.. talking about the thawing, ya I am rather worried too that the emmbbies may not thaw well.. I only have 4 left.. what about you?

It's good that you and hb have decided on going ahead with adoption, really hopefully the baby will bring you lots of luck..you are lucky that your hubby is fine with adoption.. my hb and in laws not favourable of that.. actually people like us have so much love to give, even to children not ours, but somehow not everyone can understand our sentiments.. When is you FET?

I think mine will take quite a while as AF hasn't reported yet... now breasts feel tender.. hopefully it's coming.. funny isn't it? Now I wish it will come faster when just 2 weeks ago, I wish it didn't come at all!
All the best for your ET.. Are your emmbbies at the blastocyts stage already? hope everything goes well... take care!

Don't read too much into the symptoms ok? Different women experience different symptoms.. Also, you have about another week to go.. relax your mind and think positive and be happy all the way.. the embbies will be just as happy as mummy!
hi all,

just started my 1st gonal f injection today.

i am only prescribed with 150iu. doc say im still young and does not want to push too hard on my ovary.

i got one question. does lower dosage produce lower no of eggs? start to worry with this dosage i will not produce enough eggs.

hows your transfer? rest well.

the clinic is super packed today. seems like many doing ER and ET today.
Dear Cute,
thanks. I dunno whether they are in blastocyts or not, doc didn't mention. They transfer 3 grade 1 and 2 emmbies in. Hopefully they will stay! what is blastocyts?
yep, really busy. What time were you there? I was there at 1030am. I left at 12pm, when the rain was so heavy. Now resting at home.
Hi BlesswBB
Glad to hear u r better, and oso envy u of gg for adoption... actually I do thot of tat, but sometimes in my mind there're doubts, afraid tat my KPO neighbours, relatives pt of views... I do understand that's my own biz but thk I need to get out of this doubts before I can proceed to adoption...
You'll be adopting child frm which agent? China BB?

i was there at 11 and left before 12. so i think no chance to bump into you.

how many embryos you freeze? Did they only tell you how many they will put in today? can we decide how many to put in?
So glad to hear that you are resting now.. Welcome to the 2 weeks stage. Hope that the emmbbies will stick well on mummy..

I found this on the net about blastocysts:

What is a Blastocyst?

After egg retrieval, the fertilized egg may develop into an embryo over a period of three days in the laboratory. The embryo typically divides into between four and ten cells. A blastocyst, by comparison, is an embryo that has advanced to the five-day stage; which means the embryo has divided many more times into many more cells over the five-day period following an egg retrieval.

Blastocysts have a very thin outer shell and do not require assisted hatching, thus potentially increasing the odds of implantation into the uterine cavity. While the majority of fertilized eggs will develop into a three-day old embryo, only perhaps 40% of these embryos will develop into a blastocyst. Therefore, blastocysts are considered to be a more "select" group of embryos with a higher chance of pregnancy.

Remember to relax and stay positive.. hope to hear good news from you!
Dont be too worried about the dosage ok.. the dr will do scans on you in a few days' time to check for the development of the follicles.. he will adjust the dosage accordingly.. furthermore, like you said, you are still young, hence the low dosage.. Take care ya and all the best in this journey of yours!
Ms Hae,
Welcome to the thread! Good luck for your ET.. Hopefully you will have another successful implantation like your first attempt and a smooth nine months pregnancy ahead!

I know the 2 weeks is very stressful.. but stay positive ok? the fact that your first attempt was a successful implantation means that you have a very good chance. anyway how long did you wait to do the 2nd ET after the first one?
Hi everyone,
so sorry to mia for so long.Really no time to follow up the thread closely.Anyway will try to catch up the previous posts.

All the best in yr 2WW.Dun worry to much,just rest well.

Hi Cuteangel,
can we request the embryo to be in the blastocysts stages?

thanks dear!

i just got back from home and funnily, i almost forgot that i have 3 embryos in me while having dinner with my husband just now. like last year, i was very conscious of it.

yea, hopefully i can stay sane and not think/dwell too much on the embryos. for me, the more i read books on pregnancy and all, the more kan cheong i become! am trying to look for other things for me to do to keep my mind of my embryos.

shopping is good but my pocket, KOYAK! hehehe!

i did the first cycle last year and had the d/c on the 12th september. was so depressed and didn't think of doing it again until i got to know from the nurse in the CHR/NUH that if an ivf patient got pregnant in the 1st try, she should try again as chances for the 2nd one would be higher.

when i heard that, i thought about it. discusses with my husband and went straight to pcwong. he too recommended to do it again so here i am.

i was hoping to have more embryos cos i had 17 eggs out of the 20 follices but after the 'mixing' with the sperm, only have 6 embryos where only 4 are good. at least if have more embryos, if this one don't work out, i can still go for ET but now i don't know yet leh.
ya...i understand what you meant. Not all guys can accept adoption. It's only my parents in law are no longer around my hb decided to go ahead with the adoption if not he still insist we go thru all the medical treatment.
I have only 2 embbies and will be going thru FET during in Oct. Start to worry liao if it doesnt thaw well, i don't think i will go thru a fresh one again.
I'm adopting baby age from 6mth and below so i'm not so worried yet abt the time when my adopted child find out abt him being adopted. Think by then if he/she find out that he is adopted he will be old enough to understand. I understand your doubt but end of it y bother abt those KPO when i have a child to call it my own.
I will be adopting baby from either Malaysia or Indonesia. China baby is too ex and waiting time too long.
I am not sure about that, as for mine, my dr said that he will try for that stage.. hence everyday after ER he called me to inform me of the progress of the embyros growth.. If the embryos continue to divide well past day 3, the embryologist will wait till day five for ET.. however, even that at day 5, mine were not at full blastocysts stage.. according to dr, late by half a day.. anyway, the cycle failed.. dont really know if that is one of the contributing factor or not..
At least you roughly know that your FET will be in Oct.. have good faith and hopefully both the eggs will thaw well.. I heard that second attempt got higher chance.. that's what my dr said too.. are you going for stimulated or natural cycle? As for me, i just have to wait for my AF to come then can talk about what's the next step.. you take care and don't give up..

i just wonder y doc put me with cetrotide (to control LH surge) along with gonal f in such early stage. i thought cetrotide suppose to start approx 5 days later. even the nurse are surprise of this new protocol.

really don't want to fail the cycle halfway.
did you personally ask him why? you were right that usually centrotide is given later.. could it be possibly because you are responding very well to Gonal F and the follicles are already of good size and good number and hence the process is faster? Did he do a scan of your follicles?

Meantime, dont be too worried, ok.. dont want to affect the growth of the follicles.. I trust that you are in the good hands of your dr. Doctors know best.

no. i never ask. today is only my 2nd day of injection so no scanning yet. scanning only after 5 days of injection.

i am going down to the clinic for injection everyday in the morning. so maybe tomorrow i will try to check with the doctor if possible.
Can give me ur agent details? Probably take how long for the adoption & est. how much?
After u've adopted the child, can PM me the photo... let me see how cute he/she 's....
All the best for ur FET...
As for me, I need to start the fresh cycle again, sometimes v tired of the whole process, and now v lack of confidence....
Dr Zou asked me to wait till my AF come then go see her... but AF still haven't come and do u thk I can just book apt for accup instead?
hi lfb,
glad to hear your ET went great.. and yes, i agree, nice looking embryos there.. hehe. rest well yeah! rooting for your success here!

hi yck,
your injection done by the clinic huh? how come cannot self inject? not the same as lucrin perhaps? just curious! hehe..

hey all,
went to the clinic today. got my lucrin stuff. starting lucrin officially tomorrow morning. don't know what to feel.. more like just to ensure everything goes smoothly (or i don't injure myself unnecessarily) hehe..

gonal f is the pen like injection which can be self inject but for cetrotide is those long needle type which need to be jab by the nurse. im taking both jabs everyday so might as well let everything to be done by the nurse. easier. only 5 mins require each day.
Dear YCK and Merlenna,
<blush>hee hee, abit too self centered to self comment on my own embryos. But then again, I don't think many have a chance like us to see how our babies look like way b4 they are form.

Hi everyone,
Second day into 2WW, everything is fine, been reading comics, watching TV and DVDs and also eating and sleeping. I dunno about the rest during 2WW, but I am experiencing insomia for the last 2 days. I just lie down, and close my eyes, but I know I am not sleeping. Spoke to my TCM doc, she said strictly no seafood except fish. No cooling fruits, and even for banana, I am told to eat red meat bananas. Dunno what's that, just told hubby to buy from fruits stall. She also told me to take kiwi fruits and strawberry, good for digestion. No dumplings(boo hoo hoo, mum just made some real lovely ones for me!) and no baking(heat is bad for the embryo). Ok, that's all she told me.
hi merlenna i got my lucrin yesterday...today is my 2nd day. So far no chgs. Its seems we cn count down together. Sprinkle baby dust to everyone...
Can give me agent details. I would like to find out more details.

Oh... maybe that time when i see Doc. Zou is last few days of AF then she prescibe medicine, no accup. after AF finish, I go see her again for accup. She explained to me for those have endometrosis, they will be give herbs to brew, that's why are you requested to go and see her once your AF come.
Dear ladies,
need to ask. For the entire 2WW, are we required to eat 10 eggwhites everyday??? I am so sick of soft boil eggs. Pls help!!

you can drink milk from Ensure if you're sick of eggwhites. 10 daily? that's a LOT.

now i have 11 more days to go before i can go for the pregnancy test. have picked up knitting to relieve my mind of the embryos.

the nurse did tell me about egg whites. luckily i have never been fond of egg yolks so i took it gladly for breakfast every morning and at least 2 cups of Ensure milk. not bad you know. have strawberry and vanilla flavour.

strawberry tastes better. can get it at ntuc.
Dear Pinky,
hmm, no eggwhite? Strange. I was told to take 10 eggwhite per day, so I am thinking how can I take 140 for the 2ww? That could be more than I had taken my entire life! Ok, will call nurse to ask on Monday. Thanks.
Miss Hae,
re the ensure milk, is it low fat or fat free? You see, I am already not thin, more milk sure gone. Hee hee! Thanks. Will get hubby to look out for it in NTUC.
OIC... Dr Zou gave me 5 days brew medicine and she only requested me to go when AF come, after I finish the medicine...
hi lfb,
i like you last response.. very funny lah.. and i'm like you, to take 140 for 2ww, is like taking more than i usually do my entire life! i so agree with you! hehe.. btw, those are some good tips for stuff you shld and shld not eat during the 2ww. red meat banana don't sound very appetizing. haha.. update us once you've tasted it, coz i too don't have any idea what it is..

hi catzeye,
yay! a cycle buddy.. we can definitely do countdown together!

hi yck,
oh yours sound very convenient. yeah, if like that, no need to worry, everything nurse do.

anyway, i've, for the first time ever, did injection to myself (never thot i'd be doing something like this), the whole process didn't seem too difficult. although when my family asked questions, they can't believe it when i said just like jabbing sewing needle into the cushion.. haha.. just do it. as expected, the first bruise has appeared. hehe.. i really do admire all ivf ladies here.. there's so much we all go through, bear with everything around us or on us, to achieve our dreams..

*clap, clap* for us!!
Dear Merlenna,
red meat banana isn't red, ha ha ha! That was what I found out after hubby bought them back. They are sweeter than the Del Monte ones, more yellowish. Taste wise, like very sweet banana! Actually I like Del cos they seems to be less sweet, don't like my fruits too sweet. Just buy from fruit stall, tell them 'ang ba jio', they will know. BTW, I found out that Anlene milk powder got quite alot of protein too, 4 tablespoon contains 8gm of protein. Wa, strike lottery liao! I gurped down a big glass this morning man! Another good way to eat egg white without much notice is by dumping 2-3 into your porridge. The porridge will be slightly thicker than usual, other than that, you won't even notice. Now I have to resort to camouflag them in order to take in the required amount!
hi all,
had MIA for a while catching up on work... m glad more ladies had joined in this thread, sharing our experiences/ uncertainties at our respective stages of ivf.

budderball, zeena, blesswbb &amp; cuteangel... so glad that you all are still persisting &amp; sharing here. after my gyane consultation, much of what budderball had shared were said to me. i was assured that my next cycle (i.e FET) can be in 2 months time or when my next AF reports.
however m a little less confident to try so soon. Hence I'll be heading to a chinese physician for "tiao-ing" my body for around 3 mths before next cycle (which is likely to be a nature one).
understood most of you are seeing dr zou presently, wonder how much was the respective consultation &amp; medic (if any) fees ?? thanks.

hi blesswbb,
wonder what makes u decide to have next cycle in oct?? m admiring both you &amp; your hubby's courage &amp; patience to proceed with adoption. though me &amp; hubby talked briefly about it, we were not yet ready to face the challenges that comes along....
hi lfb,
oh, sounds good. hehe.. ok will definitely try asking for that when my time comes.. hmm but one question. i'm not the type to drink white milk. do you know if its ok to just take flavoured ones instead? any particular brand?
hi lfb,

need to check with you on the payment. the 6k medisave is for payment of the ivf package only or does it include all the drugs?
Dear merlenna,
I am drinking Anlene Chocolate flavour ones. I also don't like plain milk, so chocolate flavour better. Go NTUC check, am sure you can find milk powder of your choice. Miss Hae also mentioned Ensure. Think you can check around.

Dear YCK,
what TMC did was they told me when they will deduct the 6K. According to my bill, during the ER, they collated that bill and deducted 6K from the grand total. It included some of the Gonal-F injection(second round), Cetrotide, ICSI procedure and so on. They just deducted 6K from that bill, which was around 9K.
u very funny lah! i'm also not thin you know! but because i told the nurse that i feel so bloated at times, she recommended the milk on top of the egg whites. so i just buy lor. true enough, my tummy not so 'bonchit' already! hehehe!

i type out for you k!

"Ensure life contains anti-oxidant nutrients: beta carotene, vitamin C and selenium. Specially formulated with a unique blend of MUFA (dunno-what fatty acids), omega 6 &amp; 3. It's fat blend is formulated according to the latest American Heart Assosciation's dietary guidelines. Ensure does not contains trans fat."

try it. it tastes good. not to sweet or bland.

btw, i have a question if anyone can tell me.

i thought of eating Brand's bird's nest, you know, the ones they sell in a box of 6 for $40+. Can we actually eat it? I saw they have in different variations. Bird nest with cordyceps lah, american ginseng lah, rock sugar and lah. I would like to try to boost my health and my chances of implantation but not sure if i can or cannot.

Dear Miss Hae,
thanks! Wow, very detailed info on the Ensure milk. Actually, I got this packet of Anlene Chocolate milk powder I bought some time ago. Not bad, 8gm protein per 200ml cup. Started this morning. I am not so bloated anymore, just no appetite. Then hubby got me a new tray of eggs(fainted, over and over again!). SO now I think I have to eat them lor! But then again hor, the bloatedness improved. So the eggwhite does help.
BTW, when did you start your 2WW? Mine was last Thursday, my test is 23 June. Yours leh? TMC just told me that they don't do blood test, just urine. What about yours?
Re birdnest and others, pls consult doc. My SIL bought me Royal Jelly, I asked nurse and they said no no. SO I think not everything can, though we may think these may help.

i just finished reading ur blog! u and your eggwhites hah, very funny!! ur embryos look very pretty. i must ask nuh to give me a copy of the scan photos too cos till now, i don't know how they looked like!

Oh, i had the ET on 5th June so my test will be on the 18th. i am silently hoping that all 3 will stick or if not 2 or at least 1! i have about 10 more days to go. i think this time round it feels very fast. last year when i did this, the 2wks went ever so s.l.o.w.l.y.

this tuesday will be my appt with the gynae. i wanna know what he'll be sharing with me.

hmm, i know they will just do a blood test then i cna go home.

but kill suspense you know. like last year, i die2 thought that i will know on the spot if i'm pregnant or not. sekali after take blood test, kena asked to go home and wait for phonecall! aiyo! i was stressed that i slowly made my way home to punggol via mrt, lrt and when i reached my home, just about to open the door, the nurse called and told me i'm pregnant! at the door!! cut my steam only! lol!

oh i see. in that case, i shall ask him this tuesday then.

i pray for your success too and keep blogging hor!
