IVF/ICSI Support Group

Michelle, Petals,

Thanks for the info..

So looking forward to my first scan on this coming Saturday

For those who has done ACU with Dr Zou, do any of you get spotting 2 days after ovu all the way to AF report, after your ACU sessions? My friend whom i recommended to Dr Zou got this for 2 cycles, and the spotting stopped once she stops her ACU. Dr Zou explained this is due to "hormonal imbalance". So wondering if any of you ladies gone through the same symptom? Should she continue with the ACU?
No, didn't have additional spotting during my acu last time. Does ur friend have work stress too? Sometimes stress could cause our cycles to go haywire. Also is she taking any off-the-counter meds not prescribed by Dr Zou?

She's open every day from 9am-9pm, except Wed which starts at only at 6.30pm. Sun 9am-1pm.
Petals, no she is not taking any other meds. She only gets it when she does ACU. she does not get any spotting at all, wierd thing is it starts after OVU and will last till AF reports. Once the ACU session stops, she back to normal that cycle. So wondering if she should continue with ACU cos i think she may be starting on her IVF fresh cycle soon... dun really know how to advise her....
I am a 38 year old Singapore currently residing in US. I had my first failed IVF-ICIS recently, and thinking of coming back to Singapore to do my 2nd cycle with Prof Ng or Dr Foong at Gleneagles or CARE-IVF. Also Considering TMC with Dr Cheng I think.
Anyone has any experience with these mentioned or comments? I would love to use them as my references.
I would like to wish everyone here a wonderful New Year.

Lets hope this new year brings with us more happiness and good health.

The very best to all Mummys-to-be and to those who will become mummys soon.
Happy new year everyone!

I'm also not sure how to advise ur fren...first time i've heard of this so far. Maybe she can try acu somewhere else to compare?
hi echsion, I am currently with Dr Foong.. he is a very nice doctor. I actually did not do any doctor hunting before that. I was referred to him by my first gynae who is not a fertility specialist. And then my friend's friend also recommended him. He is very patient, very quick to respond to your questions and really take time to explain everything to u.

To everyone - happy 2008. for the MTB -- have a good year ahead and a great year on ur bundle or bundles of joy. For rest of us still trying - this will be our year.. just hang in there and everything will be alright!

God bless!
Thanks Vanilla pod. Would you be comfortable to tell me his charges in the general range?
What kind of stimulation drugs did he prescribe to you?
New year-new hopes to everyone.
Hi Mngal...no worries... I have to refer the charges when i am back home (left the receipts at home). I am on Suprefact (instead of Lurin) and Gonal F (instead of Puregon).

Will let u know the charges later this evening....

By the way, u can also check out comments on Dr Foong (under Motherhood, Pregancies) tab....
hi there

just like to find out from those that did their FET.
After ET, is there any kind of food you eat to boost up and help to conceive besides resting at home and do not carry heavy things.
Hi, I'm new here. I've been trying for a bb for almost 5 years now.

I've done 2 FET in June 07 and Oct 07. Both were unsuccessful. The 1st attempt fails due to an infection in the endometrial lining and really can't stop crying for the first 2 days. during the 2nd attempt, I've got a chemical prenancy. This time no more crying; except disappointment. I believe the only thing I can do now is to boost my womb esp my lining.

Have been seeing 1 TCM but dun really feel good with him. From the strings of message above, most recommended Dr Zou from Raffles Hospital. How about DR Xia Rong from Eu Yan Sang? Any advice? How's the charges like?
Hi Gladys, I did not take anything other than the medicines given by my gynea as my gynea doesn't want me to mix chinese herbs with his medicine.

Anyway, I'm planning to visit a reliable and good TCM to seek their advice further.
hi vanilla, rose, petals, michelle, hope, ml...
had my 2nd appt with dr loh today, and boy was it an eventful one. 1stly, my hcg level is still very low. then he did a scan, and my waterbag was not growing. but then, just as when we thought it was over, lo and behold, we spotted a heartbeat.
although it was a good sign, the chances of this pregnancy is still only 50%. i'm still hoping for the best, but at the same time i'm prepared for anything as well. went to the toilet just now and saw some brownish discharge when i wiped with toilet paper. i'm really just numb and will just deal with whatever that comes my way. this will be a good time for a miracle...

gladys, bbhope, mngal, welcome to the thread...
hi gals,

i'm new to the thread too.
i've juz decided on ivf... juz wan to noe, do u start wif ur lucrin jabs on D16 or D21? tks!
hi shazzer - don't worry .... ur baby is a fighter like u.... he/she wants u to know that in his/her heartbeat....i will pray for u...

Hi rainbow... welcome. I started the jab on D21. But i think it all depends on ur clinic...the pratice varies i think
hi vanilla,

thanks for ur reply! i rem one kkivf nurse told me D21, but the ivf/icsi simulation info given to me today mentions D16 instead. Dat's y want to find out frm u gals, sekali got typo error in the paper.. hehe..
Hi Shazzer,

I know you and the baby are going to be fine. What was the hcg level and what stage of the pregnancy are you at? I will pray for you.

I also went to Doc Loh today. Not sure whether I bumped into Shazzer...hehehe

Anyway, he advised me to go for a natural FET. He did a scan for me to see whether my uterus is ok. All is fine. My last pregnancy (ICSI) was biochemical one, ie implantation happened but the embryo did not develop further. Anyway, Dr Loh was saying my ovulation might concide during the Chinese New Year period and it all depends on when my mensus come. If not, I will have to wait in Feb 08 for my FET. Well, the wait will be for another two months.. but this will give me sometime to continue my accu and TCM...I guess.

Do you know how manys days the KK lab will be closed during CNY?

Welcome - Rainbow, bbhope, mngal and gladys.

Rainbow - Started on D21 as well.

BB hope - Dr Zou is from AMK. She is quite good.

Galdys - Is this your first FET? Did natural or medicated?

hang on ya!! i'm sure u and ur baby can make it!! jia you! Did Dr Loh give u any jab to stablise the pregnancy?


Dr Zou is from AMK blk 505, she practice in her own TCM clinic. Her speciality is Acupunture and her charges are pretty reasonable. She charges abt $25 per session.

I was under her prior to my recent FET
She is a very caring and she gets me closer and closer to achieving my dream each time

If you go to her clinic, you can also ask her to arrange for Dr Xia Rong to see u at the same time for TCM treatment. Dr Xia Rong will stay at Dr Zou's place whenever she flys in. So, it's pretty convenient too

I have done FET twice. I didn't have any strict diet after the embryo transfer :p

But the 2nd time round, i did go back to my TCM Dr to get some chinese med to help implantation.
Rainbow - After ovulation. depending on how many days old is your embryo when it was last stored. Eg if Day 2 embryo, transfer will be 2 days after ovulation. They are trying to mimic the cycle as close as possible to a natural cycle.

Hopes - Is that correct? I also asked for baby aspirin from Dr Loh,hopefully it will help. Though it is not conclusive that it will, but thought of trying it on my next FET natural cycle.

that i'm not very sure.. hehe..

coz my problem is that i cannot ovulate on my own.. that's why i need to go thru IVF to concieve, so, i was on medicated cycle thru out.
For a natural cycle, once I have a LH surge, how many days after the surge will the embryo transfer take place (If it is a 2 day embryo)

I just want to confirm.... just want to be pretty sure.
hi ladies, thanks for your encouragement... i'm really just praying for the best. every development seems to be like a miracle for me.

hi rose, i was at clinic d from 10am - 11am today. my hcg level on 1st test day was about 297 and last test done last week, dr said was only 600+. now i'm about 5.5 - 6 weeks, where the level should be more than 1600. it is truly a blessing that the foetus is growing when the water bag is not, and even has a strong heartbeat to boot.
at this stage, i'm just really praying hard for a positive outcome.

think gotta check with sista Petals.. hehe...
petals..? petals..?


it is always thru all these challenges that we emerge stronger and wiser , sometimes i feel that god just dun want us to get what we want too easily, so he/she (depending on ur faith) will keep giving us all these hurdles to overcome.

Hang on babe, god will answer to ur prayers.
thanks for your kinds words... i'm truly touched. actually i feel that in other aspects of my life, i've had it easy, did well at school, found my dream job, married my dream guy and even when i quit my full-time job, i could still find freelance projects to work on quite easily. but yes, i guess noone's life is a perfect bed of roses and god has given this part of my life as the one main challenge. which i accept fully as part of his plan for me. sorry gals, a bit off-topic... but just had to let it out.
hi Mngal,
Dr Foong's consultation is abt 50 and ultrasound is like 60. The expensive stuff is the injections...the suprefactis rather ok at 230, it is Gonal F that is exp -- 1900++

the bulk of the cost is also the ER and ET and the fertilisation.
hi ladies,

Congrats to all who have succeeded. :) Happy for all of you.

It had been quite a miserable Dec. I was very sick for half of the month and with the sad news, it was not exactly the best birthday for me. Anyway, the good thing was I went away for a while and that is why I have not been posting. Of course the other part of it was that, I needed some time for some healing. It still hurts a little but I am feeling better already. Retail therapy works wonder for me - all the new clothes, manicure and pedicure do have some effects on me!

I have come to terms and accepted that God's timing for me has not come. I am not sure when it will be or will it ever come. I have not gathered enough courage to see Dr Loh yet but I will probably do that after CNY.

Hopes, ML_2 happy for both of you. Congrats that both have made it, finally! :) Shazzer, I am happy for you too. May all of you have a smooth 9 months! I will still pop in once in a while and pls take good care of yourselves and the babies.

Till then, ciao.
This is my first FET and currently jab the suprefact every morning only. Gyane still taking blood test to monitor the womb lining at this moment so FET likely to be mid of this month.

Thanks hopes for your advise so after FET I will go back to TCM. So far I have not done any accupunture before, the TCM which I have seen for the last 6 mths gave me herbal to boil and drink everyday only.
As long as there's still a chance, don't give up hope...there's a heartbeat which is a good sign! Jia you! Don't give up on ur little fighter! We r all behind u.

bbope and bbhopes,
Er...you r 2 diff people with similar nicks? Quite confusing...hee...

Dr Zou is at AMK Ave 8, not Raffles. Quite a few of us here did acu with her, without tcm. But she handles both.

Err...i'm also not too sure leh... sorry, can't help :p
hi mngal
i am with prof ng of GE..he's very soft spoken.
i believe i have spent about 20K on my ICSI so far with all the injections,medication,procedure itself etc
Hi Everyone

Back in Singapore after the break- so happy to be home and HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!

Getting very nervous about my first scan Monday- I'm about 7 weeks today, so they should definitely be able to see something- and hopefully a strong heartbeat/s... Just very anxious, but imagone that's normal after everything we've been through to get this far!

For everyone having bad MS- I cracked and went to the Dr about it and he gave me Moxolon (3 times a day) and I've been perfectly well since then, never felt better!

Catching up on some of the posts,

ROSE- that's great news about your FET. My LH surge was on a Monday and my 3 day embies were implanted on the following Saturday- I thought it was 3 days after, but they also factor in time for fertilisation and move from fallopian tubes to uterus so it's a bit longer than you think until transfer (that was my clinic though)

JADEMOM- So great to hear from you, and you take care- you are in my thoughts, and I just know you're going to join us this year! I looke back at my stimulation dosage (I remember you saying you thought yours was too low?) and they were giving me 300 of Gonal F daily- I got 18 embies from that dosage, so maybe they can up yours next time...

SHAZZER- Great news on yur little one- I just know everything is going to be OK- hang in there OK?!? Totally know what you're saying about how everything else in your life is great, then theres this one thing that's difficult- no-ones life is perfect... even though sometimes you look at your friends and think so...

HOPES- Best wishes for your scan on Saturday- can't wait to hear your news!

STARDIVA- I know a lot of people have replied about the dog thing, but my thinking is that no-one (not even your mom) should be telling you what it means TO BE A GOOD MOM- it has to come from you, and you alone will know what's right. People try to put a lot of guilt onto you when you become a mother, but at the end of the day it's what you feel is right and you have to stand up for your beliefs, particularly if you are becoming a mom yourself!! You'll have to do it a lot once you have the baby believe me, as everyone tries to tell you what to do and thinks they know better!

If your dog is part of your life and your home then that's an important part of who you are and you don't just change everything because there's a baby coming into your life. I have 2 dogs (poodles who thank goodness don't shed hair!!) but I will be finding ways to keep my baby and the dogs apart, like child gates. Pets are also great for kids when they get a little older. Tell your mom it's not the baby or the dog and you will be a great mother regardless!

Sorry for the long post, just catching up after a long time offline!!
Oopps! sorry for the confusion in the names. I guess me and rainbow really are hoping for a bb; that's why we came out with the same username.
. Anyway, I've changed my name to tweetybb too....

Thanks Rose, Hopes and Petals for responding to my query. Does any of u have the contact so that I can call to make a booking to see her?

Actually, I'm seeing a TCM doc now but he seems to deviate from what my gynea had said so would like to seek 2nd opinion.
Glad to hear some successes. Hopefully, all of us here can experience the joy that you are experiencing right now pretty soon....

0405, I can understand how u are feeling right now. Don't give up! Continue to pray. It's also important to have a positive thinking. So.... DON'T GIVE UP HOPES!
hi ML,

so good to have u back

thanks for yr encoragement. think u know how i feel. my hubby closed that chapter and nobody dared to bring up that topic already.hee

so far so gd at my side. peep toeing thru to 2nd trimester...
3 more weks to go to end of first tri!

petals, hopes
how r u all?

hang in there. this yr will be a good year for you!

never hear from tigg3r n pupi already.thonk they bz being pregnant
hihi ML..!!

So nice to hear from u again!!

I've been trying to cope with my MS but it is realy bad
Esp in the mornings.. i have to drag myself to work every morning and ended up feeling so sick at my desk for at least half a day

Did u get the Moxolon from GP or Dr Loh? I think I seriously need some medication to curb my MS.


Nice to hear from u again! Yes.. ! u should indulge in urself at this point of time! Do whatever u like to make urself feel better mentally and physically! When u are ready, try again!! Many of us did not succeed on our first try, so, dun give up ya!

Dr Zou's Clinic's no. is 64560833.

Dr Xia Rong is also coming mid mth, if u are interested to see both, try to call them asap to make an appt coz Dr Xia Rong only fly in once a mth, miss this mth and u have to wait another mth to see her :p

if you want to go solely for acupunture, then see Dr Zou will do as she is the acupunture specialist
if you want some extra Chinese Medicine on top of acupunture, it will be better to see Dr Xia Rong as well as she is a fertility expert in this area

The Chinese medicine they prescribe are quite ex, one mth's supply can cost an average of $200+. But they are in convenient powder in sachet form.. so.. just need to mix with warm water and drink.
Rainbow & tweetybb,
hee...welcome then!

Most books say Vit B6 will help ur MS...maybe u can ask Dr loh for it. Also some books mentioned wearing acupressure bands like those sold for seasickness... When r u going for ur scan?

i'm taking vit b6 now. i take it b4 meals. dr sudanah gave me the last time. i practically have no more ms


when u went for scans in the past, did the dr or person who scan tell u the heartbeat rate? mine didn;'t even when i asked for it at 2 diff times. they refused ti say. jus say normal. is it on the piece of printout?

Hi ML,

Good to hear from you. Welcome back.
I should probably have a LH surge fall on 9 Feb 08...hopefuly the lab is open by then as they are doing some clean up there. I might be able to do the transfer by then ,keeping my fingers cross.
