IVF/ICSI Support Group


e website s cool!!
follow tat way, my embryos r 5 days old already. hahahaha...... got to see their development day by day, hummmmmmmmmm, not a bad idea. how r u? guess crinone s nicer to use than e injections. it's so different tat jaslyn frm sgh no need to hav any meds, u frm nuh, got crione, we frm kkh hav to use e jabs. funny hah?!


ya, can take meds. better settle everything b4 u start puregon. jiayou!!


hi. we wil hav to go back do bld test n v/scan on D15 of ur lucrin. tat's e baseline data. also Dr wil decide on when u can proceed to puregon stage based on these data.


how r u feeling now? wat s ur embryos grade?

dun wori abt seeing Dr Loh few times. me just like u, seen him 3 times until now. but e nurses n juinor Drs wil consult him for every action they take on us. well, he din see "us", he saw "our files".

ttc 5 yrs,

I think you will have blood test after 2 weeks of lucrin to see if you are ready to proceed to puregon stage, you can go yourself w/o hb, you only need hb around when on ER and ET ( to pick you up and buy medicine and his sperm) other than that, you can go down yourself w/o him, nothing for him to do too.

basically thru out the whole treatment, we dun get to see dr loh, only during first consultation, ER and ET, that's all.

usually i email him whenever i have problems or questions and if he thinks you need to see him, he will tell you to go down, if not, his advise thru email is good enough.

I happened to see him on and off whenever i go down for progesterone or my visits to KKIVF and therefore exchange greetings.

He is usually in KKIVF around 8am.
Just curious is crinone is in gel form or tablet? I have checked from internet that is to "prepare the lining of the uterus for the arrival and implantation of the embryo. After implantation, progesterone helps maintain the pregnancy until the placenta is able to provide its own hormonal support."
crinone is in gel form, i read from one page it is inserted twice a day, but mine is only once a day.

i think its easier to use crinone than the jab, heheh, no need to feel tht sharp point, anyway, who knows, more pains more gains, hihihii....
do you go to dr everyday for the jab or you can do it yourself like before ET?

enjoy ur 2ww.
hi ladies,
just wondering, will KKH give u copies of all the blood test results and xrays? Or do we have to ask for them? Cos i know for private docs, they will usually give u a call and also a copy of results. Hiaz, still waiting for my AF which seems to be late.
deasy & weiwei,
i guess diff clinics have diff practices when it comes to giving progesterone. KKH doesn't seem to advocate crinone when I asked dr loh prev. Don't worry, I'm sure they have done their own research and will do what's best for their patients. I think there'll be a blood test to check on your progesterone level after ET right? This will help determine if ur bodies are absorbing it.
I have 6 embies, 2 were grade 4, the rest were grade 3.

Still feeling bloated..lots of gas/wind. Any of you girl have that? Otherwise ok. Leg is sore now because of the jab.

Happy..thanks for letting me know. I was hesitating whether to email him as I'm not sure if he will respond. Understand he's away on leave starting tmr, so will try not to disturb him. Hopefully nothing to email him about... cross fingers.

ya, got to go for jab everyday.
other than tat, i was all day at home. coz sometimes feel giddy n hav cold sweat. scared wil faint outside, better stay at home til next wk.


yes, must trust our own Dr. whatever way they use, just get us e baby. hee hee..... btw, my bld test wil be on 20/6. hopefully everything ok. but for progesterone level, is it e higher e better?


it's normal tat u feel bloatedness at this point of time. maybe u want to try e method tat koala shared with us: boil red date n ginger h2o n drink. i tried for 1 day only then felt much better.
hi ladies..me will b starting puregon on 29 jun..just had my baseline blood test n us done..need 2 continue wif lucrin b4 starting puregon.was so worried cant proceed 2 next stage.hopefully like wat most of u ladies said things will move fast once puregon start.

weiwei: may i know u had red dates wif ginger b4 or after ET? thanks..

i had it after ET.

deasy, jaslyn

i had some abd cramp just now, like menses cramp.
but sis phua said it's too early to hav any feelings. dun knw wat to do leh...
krmeow, wei wei, happy

okie, i got it...thank you ladies...

i really wish everything go through smoothly for all ladies who're on this forum......all the best : )

I used to be on crinone inserts when I was with Prof Chen - when I did my SO-IUI. I don't like the crinone inserts. FIrst of all, after you have inserted them in, you are supposed to lie down for the next 1 or 2 hours. And then a lot of times, they get pushed out. What I dislike most is that the crinone cream "solidify" and then gets stuck around the vagina. I had a hard time "removing" them each day. And worse, cos I am very sensitive to such foreign substance (even spermicide on condoms), I tend to always get allergic reactions. True enough, I ended up with a vagina irritation after I use the crinone inserts.

This time round I asked Dr Loh if they are using it and he said KK dun advocate it because they felt that not all will be absorbed. So they will go the hard way - the jabs.

Although I am afraid of jabs, I would still rather take jabs than the crinone inserts. Just my personal experience.
just relax, dont think bout the cramp drink as much water as u can, probably bb inside u is loking for place to stick on. i sometime feel tht oso, and i dare not to move much. hihihihi..

do we really hv to lie down after crinone? i usually sit after inserting, hihii.

good luck for 2moro.
wei, sometimes i do have abd cramp but is on and off. I think should be okay. Dun worry! Past few days i got some pain around ovaries area and now gone..
Abt progesterone, all you need is to meet the minimum level which is 100+ or 200+ to be safe. If it's below 50 then not so good sign. As for the actual level, it depends on the procedure (fresh cycle will have higher levels then FET from body itself as more eggs produced + any additional jabs given) and whether jabs/crinone given, as those people who have progest medication may have much higher levels than those who are not given any (and are relying on the body's own production of progest).

During my prev fresh cycle, I had 20+ follicles and had OHSS, and was also on crinone...my progest was 1000+! Got BFP result but lost my babies after that. But during my FET, my body didn't respond to both jabs and crinone, and my progest was very low <20, hence didn't succeed...
deasy, jaslyn

thanks!! guess my mood was down last night. even cried out, scared baby wont stay. but if, menses wil come, during ivf cycle, it supposed to come as usual time or it wil b later than preg test date? haiz..... too free at home, tied of watching tv also. all kinds of Qs all come out liao.


ok, so mine should b quite high, right? everyday jab jab, until i got so many pimples.
Hi weiwei, deasy, jaslyn

Good luck to all of you.

Don't worry too much about any sign or symptoms. The last time when I was tested positive. I didn't have any feelings at all. As to the progesterone level, the last time I check with sis phua, she said above 60 is consider okie. There is no max to it. Enough okie liao. Mine was 200+ which was considered good. But unfortunately I still lose my baby at 8 weeks.

weiwei, menses come or not also depends on indiviual. Some earlier than the blood test, some later. Anyway, don't worry too much. Now you got to be positive and talk to your baby to kuai kuai stay in mummy's tummy. They can feel it... jia you !!!
hihih, yup, mine on thursday, :"> , forget liao mine is faster than urs.

we all must jia you not to get too stress over things, just relax, hahahaha, keep positive thinking. above all, pray a lot, when we pray, GOd works.
JR, deasy

ws trying to stay relax. made a lot of phone calls to my friends n my mum as well. also knw tat now it's all meds' effect. only can trust e bld test. tmr s my progesterone level, hopefully all ok. NVM, i wil find myself something to do to distress. every now n then i wil talk to e embryos, ask them to hold tight to mummy n b strong. dun wori, i wil b fine.


r u a christian? i was a christian. few mth back , b4 i decided on e treatment, i asked one of my close church friend who got fertility prob also. at tat time, i was actually expecting her to say a prayer with me, and tell me go ahead, God wil b with u. however, she mentioned tat ivf s not natural, thus not God's will. she tried one time IUI then stopped after e failure. i was very sad tat she told me should not do ivf n just pray. ok, i must say, i m not a good christitian. or can say, i m no longer a christian, after many prayers n many failure. i always asked, why we cant hav our own child? i dun believed pp saying tat we r chosen to b with no children. why? furthermore, if we never try our best, how we knw whether we can do it or not? how can we knw whether there s God's help? i was not a strong beliver at e begining. hubby also not a christian. i dun knw how to put it, i was just thinking, whichever God giv us e baby, i wil believe in him.

i dun like to b forced to do sth. tat's why i din go to church for abt 3 yrs already. after long time never go to church, whenever i ask church friend for advice, they wil just say, see, u never come to God, never pray, never come to church. now u got prob. i dun like tat way of talking. it's like, if u never believe in him, u wil hav prob. u must believe in him. then how abt other religions?

sori if my words make u uncomfortable. but tat wat in my mind. hope u dun get angry with me.
The 2ww must hav made you bored and worried..We still hav to believe in fate if things don appear well in life.Like myself, I'm still praying for deeper faith from god for all the test he gave me..Till now, I still cry during my prayers and hope dat I don need to go through failures again if i wan to do ivf again....Well, we choose to be in this roller coaster ride so need to be strong.....
hi ladies

Thanks for all the concern.

Finally got chance to give my update :

ER on sat : Overall quite fast and got 21 follicles retrieved. However quite pain coz doctor did not give much sedation at first time. However later add two more dose for me when she see i am in pain. After the ER, got sharp pocking pain and stomach cramp on saturday but felt much better on sunday.

ET on Monday : Waited for nearly two hours for Dr Loh coz he got to rush to the OT. Hence my whole ET also in a rush. Total 14 embryos. 7 of Grade 4 and 7 of Grade 3. We choose to put in 3 since we do not have any Grade 5 embryos, was surprised that Dr Loh did not stop me.

After ET rest the whole day at home however same as weiwei also sharp backside cannot stay still. So got walk around at home actually quite a lot coz cannot go out other than go KKIVF for injection. Actually already felt boring on the first day.

Today went for jab at KKIVF. Weiwei do you go back daily for your jab?


Understand your feeling, you only started this on your 5thday and today is only my 2nd day and i already feeling very boring and sad, also thinking if my embies still inside and will they stay etc... think we think too much already. Hope we can go through this 2ww smoothly. Take care if got chance will update again.

Deasy, that is what the nurses at Prof Chen's clinic told me. Gotta lie down for 1 hour min after crinone inserts to ensure that the crinone is absorbed into the system. So she told me to do it before I sleep.

Petals, what do you mean by BFP results?
hi weiwei

Just saw your last post...how you settle your food for last few days got ppl cook for you? I quite fortunate staying and my mum place and got ppl serve me everyday..really start to feel like princess although not yet preggie. Hope everything is well for you.... i am not a christian but i feel its not the religion that matters its the faith that we can get from it to support/help in our decision hence as long we have faith, the religion that give us this faith will be the right one
Hi Mika,

Are you on Lucrin right now? I am curious why u know ur puregon start date so early in advance. I thought we will go for blood test while on lucrin and if ok, will proceed to puregon immediately?
Hi ladies,
The thread is moving fast and can't keep up with the postings. Having MIA for quite a while due to poor health.

Hi Weiwei,
Hope everything goes well for you and be strong. Have faith in yourself and that is all matter. Remember told you that I'm down with flu? Coming to 3rd week and I'm still not fully recovered and worst is I have infection which I'm put on 2wks antibotics. Now I'm taking Gonal F jab and likely my ER will be next Wed/Thurs.

Hi Jaslyn,
Are you with SGH? I'm with Dr Yu too but she is a busy dr.
Just wonder it is a must to take HCG jab?

Hi, ladies
after jabbing so many times, my tummy becomes hard. It is getting more and more difficult to jab as wat my hb told me and at times when he jab... it is really painful that tears will roll. Any ideas whether I do a soft massage after the jab to loosen the tightness?
pasrah, fond

thanks for e concern. i m fine. dun want to think of any religion right now as dun knw who to believe. kind of heartbroken. when my friend said she wil go n pray to guanyin, i also dun knw whether want to follow or not. maybe i just want e reassurance only.


hubby cook for me over e weekend. for yesterday n today, he wil cook for me e previous night n keep in e fridge. so i just need to warm up n eat.

no, i din go kkh everyday coz one of my friend s a nurse who can do it for me. if she can not come, then i wil go down to kkh. u r going there everyday? maybe we can finally meet up tmr. i need to go down for my bld test. what time u r going?
I'm not a faithful one also but i believe everything happen for our good, whether its sad things or happy things, it molds us every day. so always have faith. and i realize it more when I was alone in spore during my first week when hubby was not here and I can truly speak with God, hehehe, now I sound like faithful, but I'm glad I got through so many phases in getting here, and meeting all of you who also share the experiences. and thts make me feel like i'm with my sisters and friends back at home who always support each other. so, weiwei, dont stop believing. keep in faith.

now its my time to ask wht MIA is, and wht MC means? hihi, i heard tht a lot of times but i dont know wht they stand for.
why u dont try to jab urself so u know which area will be softer for you and u can control the flow.
Hi Canerian, yup Dr Yu indeed very busy. So your ER and ET will be done by her right? She is a very puntual doc.. I still remember during my ER, the nurses worked very fast and nurse Ee told me not to be afraid of their speed... She told me she's very puntual and yes 7.55am she came in and you know what i cried coz i'm so scared and their speed really scared me. Sames goes to ER..

Take care!!
I think it's better to do the jabs yourself. You will know better which area to poke and also you can apply the pressure better.

Are you at KKIVF? If so, I guess it must be you I heard groaning in pain on Sat morning. I felt so sorry for you. But never mind..it'a all over now...

Just went for my jab this morning. Definitely better in the butt. ^^
hi krmeow

Ya i with KKIVF. I was in pain during ER but did not groan in pain, think the doctor saw it from my face then add the dose for me. Actually i feel much better at recovery area. I was the second case think the one groaning in pain was the third case. I also heard it while i was trying to rest.
Hi Deasy,
heheh... MIA missing in action. MC err tot supposed to be medical certificate?? or maybe I'm wrong in this MC..

Err actually would like to to jab myself.. but when I see the needle I really can;t imagine that I need to poke myself so freak out... hahaha. so in the end my hb do for me. Actually it is not really painful when he start to jab only now after two weeks it is getting more painful.

Hi Jaslyn,
I think so Dr Yu will be doing for me but the nurses told me that if she is not availabe anotehr dr will be doing hmm..so dun knw. ur ER so early? How abt ET also the same time? hehehe ya, the nurses there seems to be super fast. However there is a nurse who take my blood test super painful cos she like to dig into my veins in order to take the blood test. This Fri I will be there for my scan.
Hi Weiwei,

Hope you are feeling much better now, your bloatedness, cramp and most importantly your emotion.

As a born Catholic, my faith and trust with God is not strong and i dont know God well and shame to say that. I was at a stage believing in "feng shui"..... trying all ways to change the setting of my house to have a baby and of course it didn't work.

And i think it is God's will to move us to Hong Kong. I did not have to work and having more time and lonely, i begin to think of God most of the time. I attended bible class to make up what i have lost in the past 20 years to know God better...... God never stop loving me even when i have once forsaken him, he waited for me to come back. I start to count my blessing everyday, he provided me with families, a loving husband, godly friends, a good career for my DH and even sent us all the way to HK to know him better!!! My DH was a non-believer but he walk and faith with God grows......

Being a Catholic myself and knowing IVF is a no no cause as what you say it is not natural..... at that time i'm just like you, i just want a "yes" answer from everyone to tell me to go ahead, i just need that peace in my heart before i proceed with IVF. After much talking with christain friends, all agreed with the IVF as there maybe other ways God want us to get conceive, we prayed and cried together and that give me the courage to step out. Although i have not embark on my IVF yet which will be next Friday but i'm still praying fervently that the whole process will goes on smoothly and God will eventually cleared his way for me. If things dont work out, i believe God's got better plans and purpose for me.

Do remember GOD's 1st commanment in the bible that he wants us to "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth" (Gen 1:28). Having a family was God's idea; God thought up having babies.

Hope what i share dont bored you..... stay positive!!!
hi weiwei
Did not see your last post...a bit rush coz leaving for my mum place again.

Your hubby real nice to cook for you. My hubby is so lazy even to wash dishes that why i move to my mum place. Must be bored staying at home alone.
hi gals,

got a public forum from KKH that would like to share around, do circulate to friends who are interested in attending too.

Fertility Treatment - Western & Traditional Chinese Medicine Approach

Sat, 21 Jul 2007
Time: 2pm - 4:15 pm
place: KKH level 1, Auditorium training centre
Tel: 63945038 to register or for enquiry.

Speakers include:
Dr Loh SF , topic on What is Assisted conception (IVF/ICSI) programme?

Dr Kelly Loi, topic on fertility investigation for baby planning

Dr Marianne Henricks, topic on Essential tips on conception

Physician Zhong Xi Min, from EYS, topic on TCM philosophy in infertility treatment

Ms Cheryl Lim, Embrylogist KKIVF, topic on Journey thru the laboratory

thanks for e comforting words. actually i did pray on n off, but with not much confident. u r lucky having so many friends with u n support u spiritually. i even made a promise to him, if i can hav my own babies, i wil giv e 1st one to him. so now, i just wait.


u r at ur mum's place already? wat clothes u r going to wear? want to meet? or u hav other plans?
weiwei: have faith in ur embryos;) have faith in urself..relax ur mind n dun stress urself up.
believing n having faith in religious help 2 gives us direction. i believe watever happen it god's will. watever suffering we have 2 go thru will have positive n happy ending.;)
everything will turn up fine. will b hearing good news from u soon

orangedots: ya but i have went 4 d baseline blood test n us.d nurse told me 2 continue wif lucrin n next wed go back 2 get d purgeon n start injecting on next fri.
BFP means tested positive for preg test...which is what we all hope for...

hope u get well soon...take care...

I know sometimes we'll feel despair and wonder why this is happening to us. Take your time to find your faith, as these things cannot be forced. To me, if you feel like going to a temple or a church, just go. Don't worry about what others think, as long as you are true to yourself. Personally, I feel it's fated whether we have kids or not, but I will definitely try my best to conceive hence we decided to try ivf.

Also, just try to remember that some of the medication may make us a little moody and temperamental due the hormones. So sometimes we may feel it more during this period. Think happy thoghts for your embies, ok? We're all here for each other...
BFP stands for Big Fat Pregnant.
BFN stands for Big Fat Negative.

i can understand exactly how you feel now. guess most of us will go thru this stage especially during the 2WW where you dont know what is going to happen. All we can do is just wait and wait and wait.... that is why if you ask me which stage is the most difficult in the whole IVF process, I would say the 2WW.

As much as we can say 'take it easy', 'dont think so much', 'dont worry' etc etc... having gone thru' it 4 time myself, I understand all these are difficult.

For me, I told myself if I can make it this time, than GOOD, if I can't, than is God's will. We can't go against it. I do agree with petals that it's fated whether we have kids or not, but at least we do not just sit and wait for miracles to happen. We have tried our best to go thru all this. (you should know how much courage & determination we need to have gone thru all this) Next, what will be will be.

I told my husband I will try again and again until I hit 40. Should everything fails, at least I can tell myself I have no regrets - 'wu yuan wu hui'.
JR, i'm very impressed with your determination. All of us go thru all these shitty experience and i aggreed that 2ww is the most miserable to go thru.. We have already done what we purposed to do and now just wait for implantation to happen which is beyond our control. Many miracles happen to my friends and i was so envy and asked myself why not me.. We just want to have our own child, that's it.. In order to have our own child, we need to go thru all these painful and stressful experience. My hubby told me this ivf will be the first and last try coz he thinks that is too much for me to go thru. He is more mental prepared than me. He always reminded me that having our own child is already predestinated and sometimes it is beyond our control. We have already done our best. And YES no regrets coz i have tried....

Hi Jaslyn,

Somehow, I just have this feeling that I can make it. Is just a matter of time. That is what that makes me go on and on. Hubby was actually half-hearted cos' he say it hurts to see me going thru all the jabs & stress. I told him no worries, I can take it. Thank god that when I was working, my colleagues & boss was very very supportive. Now I have quited to be fully on this 'project'. Hope my determination & persistant will pay off one fine day.

Likewise, to all sisters out there. Have faith and press on... not unless the Dr say we sure wont get pregnant, we will all make it...
