IVF/ICSI Support Group

hai, gambarimasu..

i will always come back to check on the ladies here. will pray for all. may we all have healthy babies..

nope, not yet, will stay until july 5 for scanning, hubby and friends insists on staying until 3months, hik hik hik, can go crazy la staying at home like this. hihihi...
hi, i've been out whole day...now then have time to read all the posts...thread moving fast!
Abt the progesterone level, don't worry too much since the nurse told you that yours is ok. Cos I'm also not sure, i asked before and diff nurses told me diff levels leh...but as long as you have sufficient it's ok, after that, the higher levels don't mean much.


Congrats!!!! So happy for you! Wish u a smooth and easy 9mths ahead!

Good luck for your blood test!

thanks for e reassurance. i m ok liao. now dun want to think too much, just want to past this 2ww faster......err, stil got 9 days to go. tired of wori this wori tat, but still on n off wil wori. heehee.....woman nature.
Dear all,

I am glad I found this forum and now I knew I am not all alone out there to seek treatment to conceive...

I had a failed IUI (first attempt) and instead of going for few more rounds of IUIs, I am opting for IVF.

However, before going for IVF, I have to do a lap scope and hys scope.

I just wondering if anyone of you skip the scoping procedure and go straight to IVF.

Please hear and hope hearing from you soon...
Welcome! Did u discuss with ur doctor whether can skip the scopes or perhaps he wants u to go for scope to find out more info abt ur womb? I myself didn't require any scopes, so maybe the other sisters can help answer your qn.
hi lily,
Just wondering, how come u starting straightaway at 400IU? Was it adjusted bcos of certain hormone levels? Wonder how the doc decide...

hi hi.
mine was 200u for total 11 days. ya, how come ur starting dose already quite high? did u check with e Dr?


we r not alone. we r here to giv each other support.
i guess e Dr want to make sure ur uterus s fine b4 starting ivf. do u hav any prob with ur uterus b4? coz some uterine cyst wil affect e implantation of embryos. for me, my gyn did it together when he did lap scope to remove my ovarian cysts. talk to ur Dr, he should b able to giv u e best answer.
hi babylow,

I did not do any scope as well. Starting IVF next month. Dr Loh from KK did do a scan for me last month - normal intravaginal scan and find the womb and everything to be clear.
oic...thought the doctors usually very conservative and will start at a low dose first before adjusting. Anyway, I'm still waiting for my period which is taking later than usual...hiaz. Already felt some cramps a few days ago...
me too, petals...i haven't even ovulate and tis is alredy cd 23, my cycle is usually very long and very sian to wait til the AF then can start the ivf. any idea whether can take medication to induce AF and start the ivf cycle?
ur AF is late?! could it be strike alredy, better check with a hpt then.

I didn't get to see Dr Loh since I started IVF.
I was abit shock abt 400u too.I asked the nurse is it normal, she said yes
Hi Babylow,

I have done both lap and hys scope but I have not started on IVF yet. I believe if doc has done a HSG on you and found no block tubes you don't have to go for lap. Maybe the hys scope to check the lining of ur tubes but Lap is for tubes or to check for Endo. I believe.
Hi Babylow,
I went to see Dr Loh at KKH to start on IVF, but because I have ovarian cysts, he recommend me to to do lap + hys scope to remove cysts and check if womb is ok. I did the surgery about 1 month ago, and now just finished my AF. Am planning to try v hard naturally this cycle (hopefully strike!), if not, then will start IVF next cycle.
Wow... It's extremely cool to hear from real persons with life experience...

Well, I was born with congenital anomalities uterus (if i spelled the words correctly).

Dear Lenny,
precisely right, i did hsg and results came back good except that my uterus is in odd form. could you please tell me if it is painful after undergoing the scopes? how days of mc did your doctor prescribe you? how long for the discomfort to go away? did you undergo ivf? success?

To all,
Right now I am feeling alone... None of my family and friends know about my IUI and decision to do scope next month, except for my darling hubby... I am so grateful that he is so supportive.

Any advice for IVF? I really need some support from you all...
Actually, I start off at 400 units as well and I'm on 100 units for prosg jab. Probably because of my age.

I did a laproscopy last year...removed my fibroids and cysts.
Jaslyn and Weiwei,

I wish both of you good luck... I hope to hear good news from Jaslyn...

I wish you all the best
, too... Some people told me that from their experience was that they took it easy and it just happened...
Hi Babylow,

Welcome, we are glad to share everything you want to know and we know. Maybe you can ask more from your doc as why you need to do the scope since you have decided to do IVF. I think the scope will be necessary if you are having endo, fibroids and polyps or else i dont think is necessary to do..... i have done my lap scope 3 yrs ago to unblock both tubes because i want to try naturally, it didnt work so i'm proceeding to IVF this mth......

Dont forget that you need at least 2 mth rest after scope and better to get chinese herbs to "tiao" your body before IVF because op can be very "xiong" to our body...... and with chinese herbs and acupunture for at least 3 mths before IVF will increase your success rate too....

I had chinese herbs for the last 6 mths, now having acupunture and will stop once doc put in embryo. I think there is quite a few ladies in this thread doing that also... you can try if you are comfortable.

All the best!!!
Hi hi Everyone,

I have not started on Gona-F yet but I remember the doctor say I only need 150. I also went through an unsuccessful IUI last month and decided to go straight from IUI to IVF.

I did not do the lap but did the Tube test (I think they injected some water to see if there is any blockage in the tube) and things were fine.

I actually went in see Dr Roland late May and decided to start IVF immediately. Now I am 'enjoying' my daily Lucrin jab. If all goes well, I should be starting on Gona-F jab next Tue/Wed.

Hey weiwei,

Should I take the folic acid in the morning or in the evening and can I take it with empty stomach?

***Waiting for Jaslyn to come back with good news and praying for her****
i did try hpt cos already more than one week late lor...but negative
...anyway will just have to wait cos this must one of my longer cycles...sigh.

I think folic acid can be taken anytime. It's also present in the foods that we eat, esp green leafy vegetables, just that we also take the tablet supplements as an extra when we are TTC-g.
Dear Theresa,
Thanks for what you shared...

You mean you take chinese herbs while you are injecting Gonal F? How long have you been on acupuncture? I am really excited to hear this. Which part of your body they poke needles?

Do you mind if I send PM to you?

Thanks for the advice. So I guess I will take my folic acid after dinner. Dunno why but the Lucrin jab seems to turn me into a food monster. I'm always hungry! Did you gals experience that as well?

yes, folic acid can b taken any time of e day, but better after food. actually Dr Loh said should start to take 3 mth b4 ivf. u can get it frm ur Dr as well. i ate more since i started e cycle. dun knw whether due to e meds or not. hee hee......just finished a cheese cake...now waiting for hubby to come back cook for me. later b4 sleep, wil eat 2 eggs n maybe some fruits also. tat's a lot, right? but thinking maybe tat's wat e embryos wants, i cant stop. haiz, just my own excuses......

my menses b4 e cycle also veri late. it was late for 5 days. i thought i was preg, went to buy hpt n test every 2 days,in e end it still came. dun b sad, if ur menses late for quite long period n u r sure u r nt preg, may ask frm Dr for meds to induce menses. just wait n see.
dear all

my temperature when up yesterday. when to see sinseh, she said I have ovulated base my mucus check. but just now when i use the clearblue ovulation kit. it shows negative leh... haiz.. really dont know who to believe.

anybody has the same experience?

didnt hear from Jaslyn, hope she is too happy celebrating and no time to post

i m in 2ww... hav to eat eggs coz i hav 18 eggs on ER n to prevent ohss as well. also to reduce bloatedness. actually Dr Loh said i hav to eat 3-4 everyday. i only ate 4 eggs for e 1st few days aftre ET. now taking 2 also my limit already leh. actually i dun take boilled eggs. but for e embryos' sake, just close my eyes n eat.

maybe u tested after 12hrs after u ovulated. coz e hormone level wil rise up to e peak level abt 12 hrs b4 ovulation n fall back to normal after ovulation. normally u should start to use e test kit 2 days b4 ur expected ovulation date. then u can detect e most fertile time is abt 12-24 hrs after e test. not too sure abt e temp part coz i din use b4.
Hi Baby,

I had a pretty bad experience with my lap, air bubbles were trap under my skin up till my forehead. I won't lie to you that it's quiet painful. Maybe bcoz they have to unblock my tubes and I have lots of adhesions in my womb. Otherwise my uterus looks fine. I was given 18 days MC, as the procedure took longer than expected and I had some complications. I was also hospitalized for 3 days. In total the major discomfort took about 1 week to recover. Some tips, use those herbal baths made for confinment woman. It helps to eliminate the CO2 in you.

Oh yeah, I will be starting IVF soon... I'm sitting on it still and pondering too...

no, i m with kkh. had 7 times of failed IUI with sgh, so wanted to change hospital n see whether my luck wil b better. my gyn said it doesnt matter how u prepare e eggs, as long as u take e egg white it's enough.
hi weiwei,

wa...we are alike. I had 7 failed IUIs (1 SO-IUI) too. I did it with Glen E under Prof Chen. Costs me a bomb.

So finally decided to go with Dr Loh at KK IVF.

All the best to you. :)
hi babylow, i've been ttc-ing for 3 years already, did several rounds of clomid, so-iui, did my lap + hys to remove my endo cysts before planning to go ivf this year. my op was quite straightforward, i had the op in the morning, warded after that, then discharged the next day. but yes, it was quite painful, esp post-op and the recovery, my tummy was bloated and sore for about a week. i also bled for a few days after. i was given 23 days mc.

hi lenny, i've been "procrastinating" about starting ivf for the past year... but now have decided that this will be the last natural cycle. if don't strike then i 'll start next cycle.

hi jade,
i'm under Dr Loh at KKIVF too. When you cycling?

all the best to everyone here also!
Ladies, Sorry for the late reply...

Yes.. Is tested positive lol.. Now is another cycle of worries. But i still need to go back for blood test every mon and thurs coz they need to monitor my progress. That really worry coz the doc said my hormone level quite low.. I was given some medication to take and also to insert into viginal..I'm really really very worried..

Anyone can advise me...
Hmmm...now that both you and Deasy are tested positive, it definately boost my confidence in the team at CARE. *Very happy for both Deasy and Jaslyn*

Jas, better try to relax and dun get too stressed up. Just relax and take the medication.

Congratulations!! This is 2 good news within these 2 days. It's boost my morale and hope too. ^^

Take good care of yourself and don't worry so much. I'm sure it will turn out right (sorry can't advise you as I have yet to reach that stage). You've come so far already...you can do it.


woo, seems now my turn to hav pressure...... still got 9 days to go. haiz, fond s at her mum's place n can nt come here often, u n deasy all graduated frm here liao. ahhh, no more cycle buddy.......

wat s ur beta hcg level? u got meds to insert into vagina? think tat s progesterone, to keep ur lining good n help to stable e BB. when wil b ur scan?

dun wori too much as u already got confirmation. just follw e order n take ur meds. now u can officially talk to ur BB liao. so envy of u!!!

same for u, do come back n visit us. update us abt ur BB. wil b veri happy to share ur joy.
hi Jaslyn,

Congrats!!!! :) So happy for you and Deasy!!!

Hope I will be just as lucky!!!

athelete, I am waiting for my AF to come and will be cycling next month/August probably. When are you starting? Menses probably should be here soon. Hopefully you strike this month and don't have to join me for IVF.
CONGRATS!! that's really good news. Just take your meds and rest well. Did they tell u your progesterone level too? Take care!

yeah, will wait another few days. If AF still don't come, will try hpt again. Hope don't need to induce...
hey congrats dearsy and jaslyn, thanks sharing your good news. Wishing you a smooth nine months ahead.

babylow, if there is some abnormalisites with the structure of the womb, then you will need to go for hys and lap, both will allow the doc to view yr insides more carefully. it will also prevent any issues when the doc do egg retrieval and egg transfer.

both investigative lap and hys is quite painless, if there's no complications, eg allergy to anthestic, or other reactions like trapped air bubbles. Lap involves pumping the adomen full of CO2, so will be quite uncomfy but it will pass.

no of mc depends on your doc, i got 14 days when doing lap (to remove ectopic pregnancy as well as remove adhesions)and for hys, i got 5 days mc. i did both at KKH at different times due to differnt arrangemetns.if you can do it at the same time, it will save you some cost as well as recovery time. and also avoid having to dilate the cervix so many times.

worry/stress can also make your AF come later.

if you confirm tested not positive, you can always request doc for duhpaston (progesterone) tabs in order to induce AF. usually it's a 5 day or 14 day course, depending which doc prescibe. Dr loh prescribed me a 14 days course, but then i later request to reduce to 5 days. after completeing course, Af should arrive between 3 to 8 days later. another alternative is to go for ONE progesterone jab, it's much more painful but Af will come like 1 - 3 days after the jab...it saves a lot of waiting time.

just to update, I will be starting Lucrin on 3 July..and am on microygon now..any of you gals had any side effects with microgyon?

been havng migraines, nausea the past few days, should i stop the BCP?

babylow: i had lap n hys done 2gether 2yrs ago.my doc recommend since i doing lap might as well do hys 2 check d pateny of d tubes since i not keen on hsg due 2 radiation.lap is 2 check ur external env of ur uterus 2 look for any fibroids, cyst n oso ur ovaries.hys is 2 check d internal structure of ur uterus n tubes.so can remove any fibroidr or polyps w/in.cos my had quite bad tissues adhesion it took quite long think it took 5 hrs n i was given 1 month HL.4 d 1st few days i cant move much cos painful at d wound site even though it just 1cm.after dat i start 2 c tcm 2 build up my body.it took me a yr 2 tiao b4 it ready 4 me start ivf.

jaslyn:woww...congrats 2 u.both u n deasy must rest well n take care n dun worry so much!

it so motivating n encouraging 2 hear good news...

weiwei: dun stress urself..u will have good news soon.will pray for u n all of us her!
