IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi Jaslyn

Singleton is easier to manage and it won't be so stressful for doctor, mummy and baby. Of course, if we get healthy twins then is a great bonus. Don't worry, I also failed 3 times of my iui and 1 time of my so-iui, that why I moved to IVF.

With regard to the ACU, yes, I did ACU. I was under Dr Xia Rong of Paragon before. Her advice is :-

1) For the cycle that you intend to start with IVF, Start from CD7 onwards, do twice per week until one or two days before ER.

2) Do one more time between ER and before ET date. Let say your ER was yesterday, you have to do it today for preparation of your ET tomorrow. This would be the last time of the ACU.

3) After ET, no more ACU. as not to "disturb" the Embroys.

But as for myself, I didn't do step 2 as I felt so tired after taking the stimulation drugs. My advice is always do it at your comfort level, don't stress yourselves too much.

Hope the above helps for other gals in this thread that intend to do ACU too for IVF preparation too.

Which EYS centre that you called?

Hi Snowball,

Natural cycle means no medication will be use to induce more follicles. However, medication will still be use to control ovaluation. So, you may have more than 1 follicles cos injection will be given to force ovaluation. However, whether the follicles will turn in embies will depend on many other factors. Is just like an IVF cycle except the daily injection.

Hi Miracles,

Thanks for your mail. You have one too!

hav done my ET n slept for a while. everything went smmothly except my bloatedness never get better. it disturbs my stomach, nt e tummy. now i can feel e gastric pain with every n each breath. fee like just put in a whatever tube to make e air come out of my stomach.

i was nt nervous at all but hubby keep telling me relax, relax, dun b nervous. actually he was e one get anxious since step in e room.
i hav 13 embryos n they r all at grade 4 n 2 r grade 5. Dr Loh said my embryos r in beautiful shape n we choose e 3 most regular shape grade 4 to b out 1st batch ivf babies. Dr Loh keep asking me:" r u sure u want to put in 3? do u want to put 2 only? r u sure?" then he told us last yr he had 13 mummy who carry triplet, tat gav him a big big headache. haha, dun want to giv him headache, but want to maximise our chance, too. we insisted on 3, thinking if settle all 3 of them also good, then no need to hav 2nd batch, 3rd batch babies. e embryologist showed us all our embryos r in a container through mornitor, after confriming 3 s our lucky no., she show us e 3 little fellows tat coming over to me. they r so beautiful, round in shape n can see every single cell. without me knowing, Dr Loh already finished e procedure. we keep smileing at each other, hubby even kissed my tummy n said to them:" welcome home!"

on our way back home, hubby told e taxi driver to drive slowly n b more careful coz i got stomach ache. e uncle was veri nice n i dun feel any discomfort along e way.

but, i almost forgot tat i need to take care e little 3 n had a nice stretch after wake up. then i realised, oh XXXX, i should nt do tat. apologized to e little 3 n promised wont do it again. :p

now i m officially in my 2ww. dun hav much anxiety at this time. just hope they wil like their new home n settle down inside.

good luck for ur coming ivf journey, babies waiting for u


good luck for ur ER tmr. dun wori, it wil b veri fast. b strong n sleep early tonight.
Wei, congrats! Sounds very positive.. good luck.
And of cause welcome to 2WW... So how long will you be resting? Today is my 6 days, 1 more week to go.. How many days is your HL? SGH gave me 14 days HL.
Rest well.. Me starting walking around and do some simple cooking.
hi Koala,

I think it is me who raised the question not jaslyn. :)

I am actually with Dr Xia Rong at Paragon but I have never attempted acu. Might try it out when I start to cycle next month.

Weiwei, congrats! Happy that you have so many embryos! So do you intend to rest at home for the next 2 weeks?

I am worried because I will be 34 end of the year. The last SO-IUI I had didn't yield that many follicles. I think age plays a part, I really pray that I can have 10 embryos. More chances. :)

Btw, is it compulsory to stay at home for 2 weeks? I might have to work from home instead.

i had bloatedness and gastric pain too, even woke up in the middle of night becos of gastric but dr loh gave me syrup to take and that help alot.

however do drink alot of water especially the first few days, though very bloated already but keep drinking cos that will help and dun forget half boiled eggs for the first 3,4 days too, after that you will be okay.
hi weiwei

So we will get to talk to Dr Loh before ET? Can we actually choose the embryos ourselves? Do you have full bladder for ET? By the way you choose the grade 4 embryos and not the grade 5 ones?
Sorry for so many questions but do rest well and take care during 2WW

hi snowball

Thanks, will rest well tonight for our ER tomorrow.
jaslyn, jade

yes, i wil b resting at hm for 2 weeks frm now as i already notify my boss n she gav me annual leave 3 wks including this wk. coz i dun wun too many pp to knw abt it, so i "waste" one wk leave to cover for this wk. haiz, my colleagues r veri kpo type, even b4 i took 2 days mc, after come back, everybody wil ask am i preg. too much pressure liao, can nt tahan leh.

today i almost lie on e bed for e whole day except get up to pee n eat. also due to my bloatedness, i can nt hav too much movement as movement wil coz gastric pain. Dr Loh said need to rest as much as i can for e 1st 4-5 days. think tat's my limit also. e most i can tahan s 1 wk lor. after tat i plan to go nearby place, maybe library only. cooking? haha, dun do anymore. hubby wil take over everything.


i did ask Dr Loh for any meds to reduce e discomfort, but he said just drink h2o n eat 3-4 eggs per day. woo, 4 eggs? wori for my own health also leh. however i tried koala's method, boiled h2o with res dates n ginger. hubby add gouqizi inside also. it seems help a lot. now a little bit better liao. was scared by e nurse, she said e bloatedness can last til early preg! hope mine wil b over soon.


i din drink enough h2o b4 e ET so i dun hav ful bladder. Dr Loh did say it's difficult to see if no bladder, but in e end he managed to complete e mission. we only got to see e detail pic of e three tat going to put for us. e rest just glance only. maybe u can ask Dr Loh when ur turn comes. dun b like me, super blur!

i was veri blur lor.
dun knw why never use e 2 grade 5 also. was only happy to see my embryos' photos n forgot abt everything. when reached hm, then i suddenly think of it, why never use leh? maybe u can help me ask Dr Loh? read frm internet tat as long as e embryos r in good shape n above grade 3, should nt b a prob. i was thinking, maybe mt grade 5 nt so good shape.

anyway, good luck to ur ER.
weiwei, wow u have a good number of embryos. do rest well and take care of urself.
why eat eggs hah, do eggs help to relieve bloatedness??
hi all, i' new here, not a sporean though, but right now in spore to do my IVF oso, its been a week since ER, just went to doc yesterday, just had my doc pressing my tummy and said "good, good", and nothing else. I wonder wht tht means. hahha.. been informed tht i had 3 frozen embrios. so, hopefully can be a part in the community also.
hi deasy,
welcome! Feel free to contribute.

good to hear ur et went well and you have so many embies...take it easy during the 2ww...sounds like hubby so nice to you...so happy for u!
i thought supposed to be raw eggs that are more effective than cooked ones?
Hi Weiwei,

It's good to hear that you have been so calm and relax through the whole process, rest & eat well and may God bless you with good news!!!

Hi Koala,

Thanks for your info on ACU, I'm currently going through that also, just started last week with 2x a week. I will be having my first jab (CD21) this 30th June and hope ACU really help in the IVF......
Glad to hear that you have so many gd eggs!..think you have a very high chance of success..do have a gd rest!

Fond, how's ur ER today?

Deasy, welcome!
snowball, petals

yes, by eating protein can reduce e bloatedness. egg white got a lot of protein in it. tat's why we need to eat tat after ER & ET. and, it s veri cheap!! according to Dr Loh, it doesnt matter whether half cooked or fully cooked, as long as we eat e egg white it's ok.


my bloatedness has been much better since today. thanks to koala's "red date & ginger h2o". it really works!!
now i wonder whether i can tahan until at least 1 wk at hm? hee hee......

now keep talking to e embryos tat be good n stay. wil bring them for next yr gss n shop together.


how's ur ER? hope u wont hav much pain. understand tat u may nt come here veri often frm now coz u wil b in ur mum's place. but do rest well n take care of urself. jiayou, jiayou!!

woo, u already 2ww halfway liao!! why Dr had to press ur tummy? i thought can nt press n disturb e embryos? u with which Dr? u had ur bld test done already, right? wat's ur reading? sori for so many questions.
another 5 days to blood test, i really dunno why Dr had to press my tummy, hahha, I'm with Prof PC Wong at NUH.
more questions means more explanations some mtb would like to ask, dont be hesitated on tht.
i never rest like this for my whole life, hahaha, just lying on bed, watching TV, eat, sleep, but thx God I dont gain weight at all. kekekeke...

did u hav progestrone level test on D5 after ET? i was told to go back for e bld test on D5 to see whether my progestrone level enough to support e pregnancy.

dun knw i can b as guai as u or nt. b4 this, i was veri active n can nt stay at one place for long. hubby call me "sharp backside". hee hee......
nope, no tested done so far after ET. I had my ET last friday 8th june, then on thursday, 14, was the day dr pressed my tummy, so weird, is it? just went there for some information bout my frozen embrios and pay for the fee. no scanning, no blood test.
hihi, I myself oso cannot stay put in one place e, but all for the best, must rest a lot.

haha... thought i m e only one restless during 2ww. maybe nuh n kkh got different practice ba. i havnt pay anything for e frozen embryos yet. i hav 10 extra embryos to b frozen. maybe they wil let me knw how much to pay when i go for e bld test. i wont see Dr until e preg test result out. r u on any meds after e ET? i hav to jab progestrone daily until D17, then on tat day wil do my preg test. aiyo, my bumbum suffer a lot leh. however thik of all e injections tat i went through for e past 2 mth, i hav to complete e last part. there may be more jabs along e way of pregnancy, but to get hold of my own babies, i knw i must carry on n be perseverant.
no jab whatsoever since ET, from beginning may i started my suprefact injection until june 3, then i had 1 ovidrel injection on june 3, OR on june 5, my ET on june 8, i was on antibiotics curam650mg since june 5 until june 11 or 12, forget liao, thts all. and been resting a lot since then, quite boring actually, and my mood swing, i can cry watching sad movies, wekekeke, its really not me, hahhaa... all injections was done below tummy area. oya, forget, i was given crinone8% since my ET, thts something related with progesterone.
hi weiwei,
good morning! how r u feeling? Take this chance to catch up on all the tv shows you want to watch...

hi chengcheng,
welcome! is this ur first time doing ivf?

hi. i m good. bloatedness almost gone. now justkeep talking to e embryos to b good n stay with me. 3 days, 3days i havnt go out of my house. need to get more tv series liao.
Hi Weiwei,

Can i check with you what do you mean by h2o, does that mean normal plain water or do we have to buy off the rack bottled h2o for consumption??? Sorry doesn't know what you girls mean......
hi wei, glad that your bloatedness was gone. Want to check with you whether do you feel any cramp around ovaries area? I dun know it is because of the ovary enlargement? Do you know whether is it important to have high body temp? If there is a drop in temp, that means AF is coming?

right now i dun hav any cramp over ovary area. but having slight tightness over uterus. dun wat does tat mean also. when s ur preg test? dun knw abt e temp thing leh. sori, cant help u much.
just wan to share. went for my lucrin D14 scan and told nurse my mense is not here yet. Well i have to continue lucrin until my mense come. Lucky for me, my mense did come yesterday. Hopefully when i go for my next scan next thursday... i will be able to move on to the next stage.

glad that your bloatness is gone. Enjoy ur 2 wks at home. All the best!

maple babies,
did u buy the ice pack from coleman too? it would help to keep the cooler bag cold and not as messy as ice. i kept the bag for over 10 hrs and the contents are still cold when i open it.
Hi deasym so you are 1 day earlier or later? Nope i dun really feel thirstier or maybe normally i drink alot of water. So how's your 2ww? Me, watch TV and surf net plus do my assignment. So do you feel any bloatness? Are you from KKIVF? Let jia you together!!!
mine faster, june 21, hihi... I'm from NUH, no bloatedness, it only happened for couple days when I still had gonal-F injections.
I pass my 2ww with sleeping, eating, watching TV, hahaha...

the syrup i am talking about is for gastric pain, not for bloatedness, bloatedness can be ease thru drinking lots of water and eating half boiled egg only.

Red date water is to help to supply and circulate your blood to womb and i added a few slices of gingers to get rid of wind from the bloatedness and to keep my body warm :)

As for wolfberries that your hb added, I have not tried but do know that dun take too much during pregnancy ( reasonable amount is ok) and not to feed young babies so much cos it will cause yellowish skin for the babies :)

Dr does press our stomach to check if it is tense or at ease, it is good if your stomach is soft instead of hard cos easier for implantation if it is at ease :)

i just drink e red date h2o for 1 day only. hee hee.... actually prefer plain h2o without any taste. when u start to hav any special feeling in ur 2ww? me today hav poking sensation on n off today, n my uterus feel tight also. wat do all these mean? is it normal?

petals, orangedot

ya, lucky for these 3 days hubby managed to stay with me. frm tmr, i m on my own.

I dun have any special feeling, the first 2 days, bloated, uterus tight, ovaries pain becos of ER, then after that, the feeling gone and dr loh even commented that my stomach seem to be getting smaller, not very bloated already when he saw me during progesterone jabs at KKIVF, the day I tested for blood test, I saw him outside again and he really gave me " big encouragement" by commenting : " your stomach not bloated anymore" my heart fell a bit cos dr loh did comment that it is good to be bloated after 1 week cos that is one of the sign for pregnancy but apparently my bloatedness just get better and better.

so actually depending on individual, I dun have much feeling during 2ww, anyway whatever feeling you have during 2ww does not matter, the blood test result is the most accurate, so just relax and enjoy your rest.

just came back frm kkh to sumit e insurance papers n had my progestrone jab done. well, i felt so nausea n nearly vomitted in e taxi. i was scared tat i may ate sth wrong. but later on when sis phua did e jab for me, she said it's e effect of e jabs i m having. she also said my tummy still bloated, need to cont drink a lot of h2o. according to sis phua, progestrone wil giv us e symptoms like we r preggy. drowsy, vomit, bad appetite...... so, i think frm now on i wont care abt e sypmtoms i hav already. tat maybe all due to e meds. just relax n wait for e day.

btw, do we got to see Dr Loh when we come back for bld test? coz every time i went there he was so busy.
hi happy
may i know do we have to go back for check up during Lucrin jab on D21 onwards? i will be having my first lucrin jab this Friday and my hubby has a biz trip next week, he worried i need to go back for check and he not around...normally the first 2 weeks of lucrin jab no need to return to kkivf centre, right?

Have been following this thread for the last one week. Would like to thank everyone for all the advice and infor on personal epxerience.

Just had my ET today. Had 3 transferred and will have to go back everyday for jab. Sigh..

I've seen Dr Loh for a total of 3 times only and the last 2 times (ER and ET) were very brief. How do you girls get to talk to him so often?

If I remember correctly, there is no need to go back to the hospital but somewhere at the end of 2 weeks, you will have to go back there for blodd test and scan.
