IVF/ICSI Support Group

Nope, did not feel anything. Was completely knocked out. But when you wake up you are not as blur as other patients which I assume should be becos of the lower dose of anaesthesia. Don't worry you will be fine. I think if they can sense you waking up, they will increase the dose a bit to make u sleep.
Ohhh.. thanks for reassuring. I am so worry that i won't get knock out. Lol.

Btw, wishing all ladies a Happy Lunar New Year and may the year of Goat brings more bfp!!! ;)

Negative hpt plus birthday today plus cny reunion dinner. So sad yet glad to be with family tonight. Happy cny to everyone here, hoping to leave all tears and heartache behind and start the new year with lots of baby dust waiting for us.

Hugs babe.
Thanks major for ur reply. I also tried the Orange but didn't work for me. Saw dr tan yesterday, he says being sick (minor) will not affect the egg and sperm quality. Hope he is right... I'm on 3rd fresh...
Hello Tsf, i visited my gynae today. He said better take the cough syrup now and get recovered before the egg collection.
I am drinking manuka honey with propolis everyday, getting better.
Hope that you will get well soon, take care.

Happy Lunar New Year :)
Today is 7dpt embroy transfer for me. I just have some spotting. Feeling crampy past few days but no more symptoms today. I'm so tempted to poas, my Bt is scheduled on next Monday.
Hihi I'm now 12dpt did a HPT and its negative.
Kinda of expected it to fail as the lining only 7.1mm when doing the Trf despite taking max doses for progynova, 4 estraderm patch and utrogestan.

Previously have gone through 3 failed IUI and 1 failed fresh cycle now my frozen fail.

Guess will take a break for the body to recover mentality and physically before going through another frozen cycle.
Feeling disappointed.
Hihi I'm now 12dpt did a HPT and its negative.
Kinda of expected it to fail as the lining only 7.1mm when doing the Trf despite taking max doses for progynova, 4 estraderm patch and utrogestan.

Previously have gone through 3 failed IUI and 1 failed fresh cycle now my frozen fail.

Guess will take a break for the body to recover mentality and physically before going through another frozen cycle.
Feeling disappointed.

When is your bt? Maybe still too early to detect?

Your 3 iui and 1ivf was over a period of how long?
When is your bt? Maybe still too early to detect?

Your 3 iui and 1ivf was over a period of how long?

Hi ttc77,

My bt on 25 feb. 12dpt don't think its still consider early to test?

I had a bio Chem preg in year 2012, follow by 2 IUI in 2013 then decide to go KK for review did a scope found out to have endo in 2013 April did 1 iui and 1 ivf with KK IN 2014.
Dear sisters, i badly need advice here. how long do you have an fet after a failed fresh ivf? Dr loh suggested after 2 periods. My periods seem ok and I m certain that I had ovulated. But there was a lack in fertile mucus at the time of ovulation for both periods. Is it due to the hormones from injections still left in body? Anyone had this problem b4?
Hihi I'm now 12dpt did a HPT and its negative.
Kinda of expected it to fail as the lining only 7.1mm when doing the Trf despite taking max doses for progynova, 4 estraderm patch and utrogestan.

Previously have gone through 3 failed IUI and 1 failed fresh cycle now my frozen fail.

Guess will take a break for the body to recover mentality and physically before going through another frozen cycle.
Feeling disappointed.
Hi yyw82,
Take a good rest.i also failed one fresh cycle b4 this FET. .I rested and took tcm for three mth..It helps..We need to get our womb fully prepared b4 we go further..dun be sad..and加油!
Dear sisters, i badly need advice here. how long do you have an fet after a failed fresh ivf? Dr loh suggested after 2 periods. My periods seem ok and I m certain that I had ovulated. But there was a lack in fertile mucus at the time of ovulation for both periods. Is it due to the hormones from injections still left in body? Anyone had this problem b4?
Hihi..I rested for 3 mths although Dr. Loh asked me to try after one mth..I just need time to get myself physically and mentally prepared..
Hi hi..Happy New Year to all sis here. May all our dreams came true this year!

I am new here. Need some advice from here.

I had gotten a bfn for my fresh ivf and my menses came but it lasted more than a week and I am still bleeding...

Does any sis encounter such weird menses after bfn?
Hello iwantbaby the first period after ivf is usually weird according to Dr loh. Everyone is different and it does take a few cycles to b normal. I had an ivf Chemical preg previously n I spotted for mths continuously following my first period as I was on strong progesterone injection support for a few wks. My system was completely out of whack. But it did go back to normal eventually. Just hv to wait it out.
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Hihi I'm now 12dpt did a HPT and its negative.
Kinda of expected it to fail as the lining only 7.1mm when doing the Trf despite taking max doses for progynova, 4 estraderm patch and utrogestan.

Previously have gone through 3 failed IUI and 1 failed fresh cycle now my frozen fail.

Guess will take a break for the body to recover mentality and physically before going through another frozen cycle.
Feeling disappointed.
Hii yyw82, what was the maximum progynova given to you?
As long as body hasn't readjusted back to something you are familiar as nornal, migjt be worth to wait another month or two. You dont want to go into a cycle with doubts.
Body is finally bleeding to expel whatever is left over in the womb after confirming the MC on Monday. Feeling crampy and sudden sharp pain. This cycle is finally over and chapter close. I wonder how long this bleeding will take. After this, gotta wait for my menses to come back..
Hihi I'm now 12dpt did a HPT and its negative.
Kinda of expected it to fail as the lining only 7.1mm when doing the Trf despite taking max doses for progynova, 4 estraderm patch and utrogestan.

Previously have gone through 3 failed IUI and 1 failed fresh cycle now my frozen fail.

Guess will take a break for the body to recover mentality and physically before going through another frozen cycle.
Feeling disappointed.
@yyw82, it is possible for embryo to implant at 7.1mm lining. Mine was 6.1mm based on the last scan before my ET. My doc say it is possible for implantation from 5mm and above. Below 5mm will be impossible. I did get pregnant although eventually it ended in miscarriage. So don't lost heart yet. You still have 5 days to go before BT.
@yyw82, it is possible for embryo to implant at 7.1mm lining. Mine was 6.1mm based on the last scan before my ET. My doc say it is possible for implantation from 5mm and above. Below 5mm will be impossible. I did get pregnant although eventually it ended in miscarriage. So don't lost heart yet. You still have 5 days to go before BT.

Hi hopeful13, after going through so much I think I've kinda learn to accept the hard truth.
No expectation so won't feel so much pain.

For this fet,I did everything I can max med n Tcm but it just doesn't seems to work.

My job requires me to fly often so is my husband so we don't see each other much which makes it even more difficult. The good thing is i can immersed myself in work to feel less pain.
Hi hopeful13, after going through so much I think I've kinda learn to accept the hard truth.
No expectation so won't feel so much pain.

For this fet,I did everything I can max med n Tcm but it just doesn't seems to work.

My job requires me to fly often so is my husband so we don't see each other much which makes it even more difficult. The good thing is i can immersed myself in work to feel less pain.
I understand what u mean. Sometimes others may mistaken as been pessimistic but lesser hope means won't fall so hard. Maybe still wait till BT to confirm first. I had thought mine was game over before BT but I still waited for BT to give me the confirmation before deciding next step. Jia you!
To all, if u r born in the year of horse, 有望添丁!according to ch8 算命师。bring me hope, it's my year.
Everyone, huat huat huat ah, in money, in egg growth, in lining growth, if better in fetus growth! Happy CNY!
Stay positive hopeful13. I had 2 miscarriages before reaching where I am today.

Thanks chuckles! I will probably try my final and 3rd fresh. i have 1 frozen embryo.. Wonder if I shld do a fet first or maybe a fresh and thaw the frozen embryo at same time. In case the embryo doesn't survive the thaw, I will have wasted precious time. But am also concern abt so much hormones drug in me if I were to do fresh. Since my last breast check I have developed far far more lumps and doc is concerned. Although there is no conclusive cause to result in more lumps, the hormone jabs could be the culprit. Prob will discuss with doctors again.

Did anybody do fresh and thaw a frozen embryo for ET together?
You can't do fresh and thaw an embryo at the same time if is at the same hospital. I'll give the embie a chance if I were you.
Hi hi..Happy New Year to all sis here. May all our dreams came true this year!

I am new here. Need some advice from here.

I had gotten a bfn for my fresh ivf and my menses came but it lasted more than a week and I am still bleeding...

Does any sis encounter such weird menses after bfn?

Ya.me too. My first menses after failed ivf was about one week. My usual is 4 days n the flow is super heavy. Then second is just 1 day! Gosh. But by third menses it became normal again
Body is finally bleeding to expel whatever is left over in the womb after confirming the MC on Monday. Feeling crampy and sudden sharp pain. This cycle is finally over and chapter close. I wonder how long this bleeding will take. After this, gotta wait for my menses to come back..

Hugs babe.must be very shitty to go through this esp during festive season. Jiayou Ok!
Thanks chuckles! I will probably try my final and 3rd fresh. i have 1 frozen embryo.. Wonder if I shld do a fet first or maybe a fresh and thaw the frozen embryo at same time. In case the embryo doesn't survive the thaw, I will have wasted precious time. But am also concern abt so much hormones drug in me if I were to do fresh. Since my last breast check I have developed far far more lumps and doc is concerned. Although there is no conclusive cause to result in more lumps, the hormone jabs could be the culprit. Prob will discuss with doctors again.

Did anybody do fresh and thaw a frozen embryo for ET together?

Maybe do a fet fiest? At least for fet less taxing on body n can start sooner too. For fresh, better wait a while more to Let the drugs be flushed out.

Anyway babe,do u mind sharing your ttc journey? The thread is moving too fast, n I think I've missed it
Hugs babe.must be very shitty to go through this esp during festive season. Jiayou Ok!
Yah man was abit moody while doing home visiting. Worst was my mom told my aunt that I am pregnant but she did not manage to update them (not that I mind since I am close to my aunt too) abt the MC. My aunt came over to touch my tummy and say heard you are pregnant liao & another Aunty insist on giving me ang Bao and hope I got twins! So lazy and tired to explain.
Maybe do a fet fiest? At least for fet less taxing on body n can start sooner too. For fresh, better wait a while more to Let the drugs be flushed out.

Anyway babe,do u mind sharing your ttc journey? The thread is moving too fast, n I think I've missed it
I only have 1 frozen embryo and not sure if it can survive the thaw. Plus this embryo came abt from maturing my eggs in lab and fertilise with thawed sperm so just concern abt the quality. I know it sounded very unfair to my embryo.. But what if I need to take medication to prepare and end up cancelling the procedure as it didn't survive. So was thinking if I can do fresh and fet at same time.

Ttc77, this is my 2nd fresh. 1st failed as ended at ER with nothing to transfer as all eggs retrieved are immature. Though some matured and fertilised in lab but embryo abnormal.

2nd fresh again majority immature eggs but managed to retrieve 3 times more eggs than 1st fresh as I did long protocol. Out of mature eggs, 1 fertilised. Out of all immature eggs, 3 managed to mature in lab and fertilised but only 2 were ok. So I transferred 2 and freeze 1. Had bfp but sadly miscarriage at week 5.

And now I have breast lumps issues and latest ultrasound showed 4 new fibroids have grown in my womb. So also concern that the fibroids will grow more and more until I need to remove them again before I can try.

Ahh y does women has so much problem! My body seems to react very sensitively to hormones. Sianz..
Sorry to hear about your loss, hopeful13. What I fear most from IVF is the harm those injections bring to us. I will be starting my First IVF soon as today is CD1. Waiting for clinic's further instructions. I really think you should let your body and mind take a break. Who know you might conceive naturally in the interim! Just my five cents' worth.
No problem. Am slowly getting over the loss.

It is a good practice for all sisters here who have undergone ivf to do regular self check on the breast. But of course there are many factors that may cause C. And of course not everyone is as susceptible to hormones like me. There are many people who conceived through ivf and yet are extremely healthy. My breast lumps could have been there even before I start ivf. It was just a coincidence I did health screening while on ivf. But doc do advise regular breast self check for people undergoing ivf.

Yes, Probably in the interim will try naturally when my body finish expelling what need to be expelled from the MC.

You jia you k? Hope to hear good news from u soon! ;)

Sorry to hear about your loss, hopeful13. What I fear most from IVF is the harm those injections bring to us. I will be starting my First IVF soon as today is CD1. Waiting for clinic's further instructions. I really think you should let your body and mind take a break. Who know you might conceive naturally in the interim! Just my five cent's worth.
My first fresh cycle has failed. AF came yesterday and full flow today before BT.
May I check with sisters here, is it a must to go for BT and follow up, and what are the important things we must ask doc? And how long must we rest for our body to flush out all the hormones jabs?
I only have 1 frozen embryo and not sure if it can survive the thaw. Plus this embryo came abt from maturing my eggs in lab and fertilise with thawed sperm so just concern abt the quality. I know it sounded very unfair to my embryo.. But what if I need to take medication to prepare and end up cancelling the procedure as it didn't survive. So was thinking if I can do fresh and fet at same time.

Ttc77, this is my 2nd fresh. 1st failed as ended at ER with nothing to transfer as all eggs retrieved are immature. Though some matured and fertilised in lab but embryo abnormal.

2nd fresh again majority immature eggs but managed to retrieve 3 times more eggs than 1st fresh as I did long protocol. Out of mature eggs, 1 fertilised. Out of all immature eggs, 3 managed to mature in lab and fertilised but only 2 were ok. So I transferred 2 and freeze 1. Had bfp but sadly miscarriage at week 5.

And now I have breast lumps issues and latest ultrasound showed 4 new fibroids have grown in my womb. So also concern that the fibroids will grow more and more until I need to remove them again before I can try.

Ahh y does women has so much problem! My body seems to react very sensitively to hormones. Sianz..

Can totally understand your frustrations. It's like ttc is already a difficult journey, and yet have to deal with lump n fibroids n we don't know if the jabs have a direct impact on them.and we also Don know if they will be multiplied As we inject more jabs into the body. The feeling is really super shitty

Do u mind if I ask how old are u?

Sounds like u might have eggs problem since first time u didn't made it to ET and second time majority are immature eggs.
Did u do anything to improve the quality of the eggs?
Can totally understand your frustrations. It's like ttc is already a difficult journey, and yet have to deal with lump n fibroids n we don't know if the jabs have a direct impact on them.and we also Don know if they will be multiplied As we inject more jabs into the body. The feeling is really super shitty

Do u mind if I ask how old are u?

Sounds like u might have eggs problem since first time u didn't made it to ET and second time majority are immature eggs.
Did u do anything to improve the quality of the eggs?
I will be 35 this year. I have problem with egg maturation. So if I am doing the 3rd fresh will have to ask doc what jab I can be given to improve quality and maybe push my follicles a little further before the hcg jab. My follicles Prob need to grow until quite big then will mature.

Maybe I should try do qigong.. My friend say there are people who did qigong and fibroids and breast lumps disappeared.

I will be 35 this year. I have problem with egg maturation. So if I am doing the 3rd fresh will have to ask doc what jab I can be given to improve quality and maybe push my follicles a little further before the hcg jab. My follicles Prob need to grow until quite big then will mature.

Maybe I should try do qigong.. My friend say there are people who did qigong and fibroids and breast lumps disappeared.

For myself I have egg quality problem and had one failed frrsh n onr failed ivf and Dr Loh suggests the next round jab growth hormones to improve quality
Maybe u can ask your doc abt that

Which Dr u seeing?
