IVF/ICSI Support Group

I hope its good..even start cycle they also delay my this cycle by giving me orgulaton for 5 days. According to nurse,she says its to mimic long cycle so tt e eggs will respond better to simulation. Its like a waiting game.

Hugss to you...i think i read need to rest for 3 cycle to flush out e injections of previous ivf.

I rem u got a soak panty liner with red?does tt mean after tt e blood test will still show a positive beta?
Sometimes i find this ivf very strange thgy. N we yet have to ride on this roller coaster and sit tight till e end of the ride
Maybe this new protocol will work for you. Good things are worth waiting. :)

I think maybe I had soaked panty liner was late implantation bleeding. It's not exactly all red, kind of orangey brown. So I had a positive at BT with good hcg level but last week starting spotting & suspect I might have miscarriage on fri or sat. But fri Hcg was still gd at 6k plus. But yest went BT I thought things shld be ok since no bleeding & minimal spotting. But Dr Tan first sentence "I am sorry.. " was so heart breaking. My hcg fell to 1k plus. Until now I still have pregnancy symptom loh.. I am told to let it miscarry naturally as my womb is empty already. He will avoid doing d&c for me.

Hmm 3 mths mean may then can start. Seems so long..
@Best Fertility Friend, you try to insert the pill deeper in. What I do is before inserting, i pee and the urine in there sort of gives some "lubricant" to help your finger slide in. The pee must be quite a lot kind not those trickle a few drop kind. So I usually drink a bit of water then hold the urine until I am abt to insert. Cos I notice that too little pee, vagina wall is too dry and difficult to insert. I sort of bend my body forward a little while standing and insert. After that for next 1-2 hrs I don't go to the toilet at all. If you are at home, try to lie down for as long as you can. So far my leakage is minor and manageable. Also I use my index finger to insert and I push until 3/4 of my index finger is inside. It feel gross but at least u don't have the pill dropping out kind of feeling.

Sorry if too much info!
Thank you for sharing. Wow! You must have had great endurance. I tried using pre-seed lubricant on my finger. But I guess my weak bladder isn't helping.
bff, did ur whole pearlies come out or in bits n pieces.. if its in white pasty stuff den it shld b normal cuz i asked e nurse n was advised tt what comes out is the non-absorbable casing of utrogestan n the med within the casing shld b absorbed by the body within 30-45min..
Thank you for sharing the information. Almost whole pearlies came off, which is why I got worried.
Maybe this new protocol will work for you. Good things are worth waiting. :)

I think maybe I had soaked panty liner was late implantation bleeding. It's not exactly all red, kind of orangey brown. So I had a positive at BT with good hcg level but last week starting spotting & suspect I might have miscarriage on fri or sat. But fri Hcg was still gd at 6k plus. But yest went BT I thought things shld be ok since no bleeding & minimal spotting. But Dr Tan first sentence "I am sorry.. " was so heart breaking. My hcg fell to 1k plus. Until now I still have pregnancy symptom loh.. I am told to let it miscarry naturally as my womb is empty already. He will avoid doing d&c for me.

Hmm 3 mths mean may then can start. Seems so long..
Oh...sad to hear.
How many weeks are you at now? Did you do anything like feeling stressful, carry heavy stuff etc that lead to miscarriage without your knowledge?
Maybe this new protocol will work for you. Good things are worth waiting. :)

I think maybe I had soaked panty liner was late implantation bleeding. It's not exactly all red, kind of orangey brown. So I had a positive at BT with good hcg level but last week starting spotting & suspect I might have miscarriage on fri or sat. But fri Hcg was still gd at 6k plus. But yest went BT I thought things shld be ok since no bleeding & minimal spotting. But Dr Tan first sentence "I am sorry.. " was so heart breaking. My hcg fell to 1k plus. Until now I still have pregnancy symptom loh.. I am told to let it miscarry naturally as my womb is empty already. He will avoid doing d&c for me.

Hmm 3 mths mean may then can start. Seems so long..
******Big hugs******. I hope u can get over this episode soon. Jiayou..
Maybe this new protocol will work for you. Good things are worth waiting. :)

I think maybe I had soaked panty liner was late implantation bleeding. It's not exactly all red, kind of orangey brown. So I had a positive at BT with good hcg level but last week starting spotting & suspect I might have miscarriage on fri or sat. But fri Hcg was still gd at 6k plus. But yest went BT I thought things shld be ok since no bleeding & minimal spotting. But Dr Tan first sentence "I am sorry.. " was so heart breaking. My hcg fell to 1k plus. Until now I still have pregnancy symptom loh.. I am told to let it miscarry naturally as my womb is empty already. He will avoid doing d&c for me.

Hmm 3 mths mean may then can start. Seems so long..
Hugs hopeful13
I had my menses delayed for 18 days after a failed cycle in December. I took hpt and it was a consistent BFN, thus, I knew that I wasn't pregnant. To be cautious, I went to see my Dr, who did an ultrasound scan to confirm that I wasn't preggy. He advised that it could be due to hormonal imbalance from the medicine given for IVF. He didn't give me any medicine to trigger menses and said that it would take longer if he had given me medicine. Thus, I tried some home remedies to get menses to come, like hot green tea and pineapple. My menses came 2 days shortly after I took 2 slices of pineapple.
Thanks for sharing. Did u have the usual cramps or your usual menses symptoms though your menses was late? I intend to just wait it out since my review for failed ivf is next week and check with my gynae. It feels like its coming any minute tdy but till now there's nothing.
Hi hopeful13, i am not sure but thought maybe you would like to check if you need to take care your body with those maternity food to rebuild your body.
Maybe this new protocol will work for you. Good things are worth waiting. :)

I think maybe I had soaked panty liner was late implantation bleeding. It's not exactly all red, kind of orangey brown. So I had a positive at BT with good hcg level but last week starting spotting & suspect I might have miscarriage on fri or sat. But fri Hcg was still gd at 6k plus. But yest went BT I thought things shld be ok since no bleeding & minimal spotting. But Dr Tan first sentence "I am sorry.. " was so heart breaking. My hcg fell to 1k plus. Until now I still have pregnancy symptom loh.. I am told to let it miscarry naturally as my womb is empty already. He will avoid doing d&c for me.

Hmm 3 mths mean may then can start. Seems so long..
Hugs ....Take good care. Rest well.
Oh...sad to hear.
How many weeks are you at now? Did you do anything like feeling stressful, carry heavy stuff etc that lead to miscarriage without your knowledge?
No leh.. Since I spotted last week.. Was on mc at home since wed and spotting reduced. Fri morning woke up got red blood & I rush down to kk already. Hijack Dr Tan and he ordered the progesterone jab for me. No other signs & symptoms, no cramps etc If Dr Tan never ask me to see him yesterday. I would have thought my pregnancy is ok. Funny thing is now that I miscarry, no bleeding and spotting. When pregnant got bleeding and spotting. Women's body is a mystery. Today would have been 6 weeks pregnant.

If not wrong, now should be able to see yolk sac. Mine was there last wed but fri yolk was gone. I googled and it sort of mean it's not a viable pregnancy.

It's great to be able to talk to u all here. I came back to work pple ask me "U on leave?" With a suspicious look. None of them have gone through ivf or any losses. Today lunch a colleague still went to kids shop look for her kids cny clothes after our lunch. The feeling is so weird.. It's like you thought u could have done the same thing 9 mths later. Then another colleague tell me happily she is having a bb girl now.

But I hope I will come back again & try my final round. From this loss I realise my hubby was so longing for this bb. I never expect him to cry with me while grieving for the loss. Although earlier I thought of ending at this cycle, maybe I will give ivf a 3rd try.

I am waiting for the baby dust shower from all the sisters here!! Hope u all graduate to 2015 ivf mummies soon!
I tried b4. It works for me. Had 13 eggs retrieve. Lesser injections.
Hi Eeznyl,

Went for my 2nd scan today and had abt 14 follicles, was given jab to prevent ovulation and 1 jab of puregon on Friday.. will have to go back on sat again for 3rd scan. Did u manage to bfp the last time with 13 eggs retrieve?

@hopeful13 Sorry to hear your lost.. and dont give up.. hope to hear your gd news too.

@connie_hopeful & @Chubby1314 So you guys are also starting ur cycle this month too?
Hi all sisters out there, can anyone advise what one can do during the stimulation period? Main focus is to hope for many eggs and lining should be at least 8mm? Do mild exercise, eat egg white, drink red bean soup, Brazil nuts etc?

Hope every sisters here can BFP ... Happy CNY to you all in advance :)
Hi Eeznyl,

Went for my 2nd scan today and had abt 14 follicles, was given jab to prevent ovulation and 1 jab of puregon on Friday.. will have to go back on sat again for 3rd scan. Did u manage to bfp the last time with 13 eggs retrieve?

@hopeful13 Sorry to hear your lost.. and dont give up.. hope to hear your gd news too.

@connie_hopeful & @Chubby1314 So you guys are also starting ur cycle this month too?
Hi kevangie, welcome. Yes both Connie and I are starting the cycle this month.

May I ask which hospital you are with?
Hi Eeznyl,

Went for my 2nd scan today and had abt 14 follicles, was given jab to prevent ovulation and 1 jab of puregon on Friday.. will have to go back on sat again for 3rd scan. Did u manage to bfp the last time with 13 eggs retrieve?

@hopeful13 Sorry to hear your lost.. and dont give up.. hope to hear your gd news too.

@connie_hopeful & @Chubby1314 So you guys are also starting ur cycle this month too?
Hihi,so nice for u! 1 jab and settle for e simulation. Saves on several jabs. N 14 follicles is a good no. good luck!
No leh.. Since I spotted last week.. Was on mc at home since wed and spotting reduced. Fri morning woke up got red blood & I rush down to kk already. Hijack Dr Tan and he ordered the progesterone jab for me. No other signs & symptoms, no cramps etc If Dr Tan never ask me to see him yesterday. I would have thought my pregnancy is ok. Funny thing is now that I miscarry, no bleeding and spotting. When pregnant got bleeding and spotting. Women's body is a mystery. Today would have been 6 weeks pregnant.

If not wrong, now should be able to see yolk sac. Mine was there last wed but fri yolk was gone. I googled and it sort of mean it's not a viable pregnancy.

It's great to be able to talk to u all here. I came back to work pple ask me "U on leave?" With a suspicious look. None of them have gone through ivf or any losses. Today lunch a colleague still went to kids shop look for her kids cny clothes after our lunch. The feeling is so weird.. It's like you thought u could have done the same thing 9 mths later. Then another colleague tell me happily she is having a bb girl now.

But I hope I will come back again & try my final round. From this loss I realise my hubby was so longing for this bb. I never expect him to cry with me while grieving for the loss. Although earlier I thought of ending at this cycle, maybe I will give ivf a 3rd try.

I am waiting for the baby dust shower from all the sisters here!! Hope u all graduate to 2015 ivf mummies soon!

Hugz... ive been thru what u gg thru now back in sep. Was a short - lived happiness. N i was having twins... had 2 miscarriages one after another. And i choose not to go for D&C and i passed out the sac in the toilet. Till now i still gets upset over the incident. And pple ard me gets preggy so easily which really makes me upset even more. I really admire ur positivity... chin up n brave on! U will rch ur goal soon!! Remember to nourish ur body now... maybe can see a tcm to tiao yr body... i tiao my body for 3 mths before i embarked on my last fet 2 weeks ago. Jia you babe!!
I am going to see TCM and I cook my own confinement food to eat in office. Those electric lunch box are good. Can cook rice and steam fish.
Good to hear that you are taking xare of yourself.... 加油!!! I was thinking of getting those electric lunch box as well to cook in office, but fish need put in fridge right?
Hihi,so nice for u! 1 jab and settle for e simulation. Saves on several jabs. N 14 follicles is a good no. good luck!
Ya ya.. It really help with the 1 jab. At least less stress. Today started another jab to stop ovulation and 1 on friday to boost the last part i think. As i got asthma, was ask to see the Anesthesia today to make sure they don't trigger my asthma during the procedure. While talking to the dr, he was telling me i will be on light sedation and during the procedure the dr might talk to me. OMG is that true? It kind of scare me abit.
No leh.. Since I spotted last week.. Was on mc at home since wed and spotting reduced. Fri morning woke up got red blood & I rush down to kk already. Hijack Dr Tan and he ordered the progesterone jab for me. No other signs & symptoms, no cramps etc If Dr Tan never ask me to see him yesterday. I would have thought my pregnancy is ok. Funny thing is now that I miscarry, no bleeding and spotting. When pregnant got bleeding and spotting. Women's body is a mystery. Today would have been 6 weeks pregnant.

If not wrong, now should be able to see yolk sac. Mine was there last wed but fri yolk was gone. I googled and it sort of mean it's not a viable pregnancy.

It's great to be able to talk to u all here. I came back to work pple ask me "U on leave?" With a suspicious look. None of them have gone through ivf or any losses. Today lunch a colleague still went to kids shop look for her kids cny clothes after our lunch. The feeling is so weird.. It's like you thought u could have done the same thing 9 mths later. Then another colleague tell me happily she is having a bb girl now.

But I hope I will come back again & try my final round. From this loss I realise my hubby was so longing for this bb. I never expect him to cry with me while grieving for the loss. Although earlier I thought of ending at this cycle, maybe I will give ivf a 3rd try.

I am waiting for the baby dust shower from all the sisters here!! Hope u all graduate to 2015 ivf mummies soon!
Sorry on your loss dear...

U are not alone in this crazy journey. At my office (big with a lot of staff), I was literally surrounded by nursing mums & preggy ladies. My heart sank each time I hear their sounds of milk pumps & nausea. I wished I had them. There was a period of time when they all were on maternity leave & the tables surrounding me were all empty. That feeling is indescribable!

I believe God is fair. He bless everyone in a different way. Though my TTC journey is tough, I count my blessings in other areas of my life :) We may see others popping babies easily, but we never know deep within the other problems they are having.

Stay positive.
No leh.. Since I spotted last week.. Was on mc at home since wed and spotting reduced. Fri morning woke up got red blood & I rush down to kk already. Hijack Dr Tan and he ordered the progesterone jab for me. No other signs & symptoms, no cramps etc If Dr Tan never ask me to see him yesterday. I would have thought my pregnancy is ok. Funny thing is now that I miscarry, no bleeding and spotting. When pregnant got bleeding and spotting. Women's body is a mystery. Today would have been 6 weeks pregnant.

If not wrong, now should be able to see yolk sac. Mine was there last wed but fri yolk was gone. I googled and it sort of mean it's not a viable pregnancy.

It's great to be able to talk to u all here. I came back to work pple ask me "U on leave?" With a suspicious look. None of them have gone through ivf or any losses. Today lunch a colleague still went to kids shop look for her kids cny clothes after our lunch. The feeling is so weird.. It's like you thought u could have done the same thing 9 mths later. Then another colleague tell me happily she is having a bb girl now.

But I hope I will come back again & try my final round. From this loss I realise my hubby was so longing for this bb. I never expect him to cry with me while grieving for the loss. Although earlier I thought of ending at this cycle, maybe I will give ivf a 3rd try.

I am waiting for the baby dust shower from all the sisters here!! Hope u all graduate to 2015 ivf mummies soon!
I understand the feeling. When I failed my ivf in 06, while watching drama of family having bb...unknowingly I will just cry.
Glad that you stay positive and strong. Worth to give it a try again.
Hugz... ive been thru what u gg thru now back in sep. Was a short - lived happiness. N i was having twins... had 2 miscarriages one after another. And i choose not to go for D&C and i passed out the sac in the toilet. Till now i still gets upset over the incident. And pple ard me gets preggy so easily which really makes me upset even more. I really admire ur positivity... chin up n brave on! U will rch ur goal soon!! Remember to nourish ur body now... maybe can see a tcm to tiao yr body... i tiao my body for 3 mths before i embarked on my last fet 2 weeks ago. Jia you babe!!
It must be worse for you. 2 miscarriages one after another. I also wonder how long it will take for me not to feel sad when I think abt it. But luckily at this point in time, I have a supportive hubby. Yes I also try to avoid d&c which my doc also advise against that. I will tiao my body and come back again.

I hope this time round your beanie stick tightly to you for next 9 mths! Jia you babe!!
Sorry on your loss dear...

U are not alone in this crazy journey. At my office (big with a lot of staff), I was literally surrounded by nursing mums & preggy ladies. My heart sank each time I hear their sounds of milk pumps & nausea. I wished I had them. There was a period of time when they all were on maternity leave & the tables surrounding me were all empty. That feeling is indescribable!

I believe God is fair. He bless everyone in a different way. Though my TTC journey is tough, I count my blessings in other areas of my life :) We may see others popping babies easily, but we never know deep within the other problems they are having.

Stay positive.
Thanks remembeRainbow! You are right that they may have problems that we do not know. The grass is always greener on the other side. Meantime I just enjoy the 2 person time with hubby and travelling until it's my turn to have a bb. Hope it's not too long a wait.
I understand the feeling. When I failed my ivf in 06, while watching drama of family having bb...unknowingly I will just cry.
Glad that you stay positive and strong. Worth to give it a try again.
Thanks net73! Btw, I think we had ER on same day. I read your story and sound similar to the gal sitting next to me on ER day. And on the thurs that was supposed to be ET, if I am not wrong, U talk to me while I was standing ard counter 6 or 7. I had my ET postpone to fri, yours was postponed to sat. I was telling you my eggs were not maturing. Do you remember?
No leh.. Since I spotted last week.. Was on mc at home since wed and spotting reduced. Fri morning woke up got red blood & I rush down to kk already. Hijack Dr Tan and he ordered the progesterone jab for me. No other signs & symptoms, no cramps etc If Dr Tan never ask me to see him yesterday. I would have thought my pregnancy is ok. Funny thing is now that I miscarry, no bleeding and spotting. When pregnant got bleeding and spotting. Women's body is a mystery. Today would have been 6 weeks pregnant.

If not wrong, now should be able to see yolk sac. Mine was there last wed but fri yolk was gone. I googled and it sort of mean it's not a viable pregnancy.

It's great to be able to talk to u all here. I came back to work pple ask me "U on leave?" With a suspicious look. None of them have gone through ivf or any losses. Today lunch a colleague still went to kids shop look for her kids cny clothes after our lunch. The feeling is so weird.. It's like you thought u could have done the same thing 9 mths later. Then another colleague tell me happily she is having a bb girl now.

But I hope I will come back again & try my final round. From this loss I realise my hubby was so longing for this bb. I never expect him to cry with me while grieving for the loss. Although earlier I thought of ending at this cycle, maybe I will give ivf a 3rd try.

I am waiting for the baby dust shower from all the sisters here!! Hope u all graduate to 2015 ivf mummies soon!

Hugs babe. U must have went tru a lot.
Jia u Jia u k
Thanks net73! Btw, I think we had ER on same day. I read your story and sound similar to the gal sitting next to me on ER day. And on the thurs that was supposed to be ET, if I am not wrong, U talk to me while I was standing ard counter 6 or 7. I had my ET postpone to fri, yours was postponed to sat. I was telling you my eggs were not maturing. Do you remember?
Oh...were you the one with flu med on hand during ER? Did ER in apr 14 with Dr sadhana? Then saw u and hubby, u say u were there to be advised by Dr Tan?
Anyone has difficulties with using Utrogestan - the pearlies that have to be inserted from below? Even as I lied down for 45 minutes after insertion, the pearlies till fall off whenever I go to the loo. I asked the Dr if this can be consumed orally instead and he said that this will cause vomiting and nausea. My DH even felt that my last failure was partly due to my failure to insert this properly.

BFF, dont go to the loo for about 2hours after u insert. And when u insert use ur middle finger to push all the way in till u can. It will absorb dont worry too much.
Good to hear that you are taking xare of yourself.... 加油!!! I was thinking of getting those electric lunch box as well to cook in office, but fish need put in fridge right?
Yes I reach office quickly put everything into the fridge. Lunch time then take out and cook. Good to eat home cooked food while out.
Hi Eeznyl,

Went for my 2nd scan today and had abt 14 follicles, was given jab to prevent ovulation and 1 jab of puregon on Friday.. will have to go back on sat again for 3rd scan. Did u manage to bfp the last time with 13 eggs retrieve?

@hopeful13 Sorry to hear your lost.. and dont give up.. hope to hear your gd news too.

@connie_hopeful & @Chubby1314 So you guys are also starting ur cycle this month too?

Hi Kevangie,
I retrieved 13 eggs but only 9 can be used. 1st 2 cycles failed... 3rd cycle bfp but ended in miscarriage... now 4th cycle n used up all my frozen embryos. Ytd did blood test at GP at 13dp2dt, its bfp. I believe that tcm n endo scratch helps.
Thanks babe.. It's a learning experience though I hope nobody had to go through this.

How r u doing?

I'm waiting to See Dr.lc foong in March.was thinking to start in April But I might delay till July or aug
Had a chat with my friend n I had different perspective now.

This friend of mine got pregnant after 1 failed fresh n 2failed fet.she was sharing until the last round, she was so disheartened she totally heck care n unlike the previous cycles,she didn't do bed rest, didn't restrict herself on the diet etc. Basically she treat it As it will be a failed one again.But Cos of that she was very relaxed As she no longer had any expectations n she was pregnant with twins n she was taken by surprise.

She shared with me these 1fresh plus 3 fet was spread out over two years.she gave her body enough time to rest etc

For me, I had 1 failed fresh n 1failed fet within a span of 4 months.and I actually want to do a fresh one in April.Moreover I'm moving house April / may. I feel stress level gonna be high again at that time n I should do ivf at that time.also I feel I'm pushing too hard both emotionally n physically. I should really spread out the ivf n not keep doing every 2 or 3months. That is for my body to heal and also I really Cannot stand an emotional break down every 2 or 3 months

So all of a sudden, I have a different perspective. Also,during this period we will try natural and my husband told me to use this period to learn to relax n not to be stress. He says I suddenly become extremely uptight n too cautious during ivf cycle n end up being v stress when I'm cycling. I'm gg to use this period to do exercise, do yoga, do massage,slow down in life.n until I'm comfy,will start a fresh one in July or aug. I will also continue to eat my supplements etc but not be too hard on myself in terms of diet n will occasionally have a bit of wine to relax
Oh, also one.more thing. When I start my ivf in July or aug, I will take a v long break from work.will at least take one week leave before ivf to just relax n chill.I think the state of mind is really v impt
Ya ya.. It really help with the 1 jab. At least less stress. Today started another jab to stop ovulation and 1 on friday to boost the last part i think. As i got asthma, was ask to see the Anesthesia today to make sure they don't trigger my asthma during the procedure. While talking to the dr, he was telling me i will be on light sedation and during the procedure the dr might talk to me. OMG is that true? It kind of scare me abit.
@kevangie, is your asthma very serious? Mine was childhood asthma and the last attack for me was quite long time ago. But the aneasthetist did not tell me doc will talk to me. But the sedation was light and took a while to take effect as I breathe and breathe was still not drowsy and doc and everyone was getting ready to start. And before procedure, I have to take 2 puff of ventolin first. But I did not wake up during procedure. Effect of sedation is very light. I woke up almost at the procedure table after it ended and was wide awake thereafter, did not fall back to sleep again.
@ttc77, you are right. During the procedure need to stay calm and even enjoy the procedure. It's like growing your eggs and getting them ready to hatch. Initially was tempted to buy hpt to test but decide against it as whether positive or negative, it gives the added stress. If positive, u may doubt whether it's true and if negative, u feel upset.

I think my killer is after knowing the pregnancy, being overly cautious ended up getting scares when people suddenly appear around me or loud noises ard. Now I think back, dunno is it all these stress that causes the miscarriage.

For next round, will just relax and enjoy. Doc says in fact if embryo is strong, no matter what u do, they won't "drop" but of course he is not asking us to do strenuous activities that will cause problem to bb.

We all need to chill and relax..

Oh, also one.more thing. When I start my ivf in July or aug, I will take a v long break from work.will at least take one week leave before ivf to just relax n chill.I think the state of mind is really v impt
Thanks for sharing. Did u have the usual cramps or your usual menses symptoms though your menses was late? I intend to just wait it out since my review for failed ivf is next week and check with my gynae. It feels like its coming any minute tdy but till now there's nothing.

I also have late mensus... 10 weeks since my last mensus. .. which was my failed thaw cycle in Dec ...
I've called kkh n they gave me dydrogesterone to induce mensus so that I can start my 2nd thaw cycle.. no sign of AF yet
Hi Kevangie,
I retrieved 13 eggs but only 9 can be used. 1st 2 cycles failed... 3rd cycle bfp but ended in miscarriage... now 4th cycle n used up all my frozen embryos. Ytd did blood test at GP at 13dp2dt, its bfp. I believe that tcm n endo scratch helps.
Oh oh... So happy to hear the gd news!! Congrats! Hope i can have more egg retrieve too.
@kevangie, is your asthma very serious? Mine was childhood asthma and the last attack for me was quite long time ago. But the aneasthetist did not tell me doc will talk to me. But the sedation was light and took a while to take effect as I breathe and breathe was still not drowsy and doc and everyone was getting ready to start. And before procedure, I have to take 2 puff of ventolin first. But I did not wake up during procedure. Effect of sedation is very light. I woke up almost at the procedure table after it ended and was wide awake thereafter, did not fall back to sleep again.

Mine started when i was 7 and is under control cos i m using a preventer so didn't have any major attack. The anesthetist also told me to take 2 puff of ventolin before the procedure.
Did you feel anything during the procedure? I hope i do get knock out.
i am going to try steam orange with salt. Cut a bit of the orange, use chopstick to poke a few times,
and put some salt and steam it, finished the whole orange.
i will try it tomorrow, and let you know the outcome :)
Thanks major for ur reply. I also tried the Orange but didn't work for me. Saw dr tan yesterday, he says being sick (minor) will not affect the egg and sperm quality. Hope he is right... I'm on 3rd fresh...
Maybe this new protocol will work for you. Good things are worth waiting. :)

I think maybe I had soaked panty liner was late implantation bleeding. It's not exactly all red, kind of orangey brown. So I had a positive at BT with good hcg level but last week starting spotting & suspect I might have miscarriage on fri or sat. But fri Hcg was still gd at 6k plus. But yest went BT I thought things shld be ok since no bleeding & minimal spotting. But Dr Tan first sentence "I am sorry.. " was so heart breaking. My hcg fell to 1k plus. Until now I still have pregnancy symptom loh.. I am told to let it miscarry naturally as my womb is empty already. He will avoid doing d&c for me.

Hmm 3 mths mean may then can start. Seems so long..
Hopeful13, I've also been through this stage. I saw my bb heartbeat oredi and then jus gone like this... It's a terrible feeling. Waiting to miscarry naturally seemed like ages. Opted for D&C for faster closure... Hugs and take care.
I also have late mensus... 10 weeks since my last mensus. .. which was my failed thaw cycle in Dec ...
I've called kkh n they gave me dydrogesterone to induce mensus so that I can start my 2nd thaw cycle.. no sign of AF yet
Wow 10 weeks! The frustrating part is I'm still getting the cramps and sore boobs and backaches but no sign of menses. I was hoping for menses to come so I can start taking my TCM med and start TTC naturally.
Mine started when i was 7 and is under control cos i m using a preventer so didn't have any major attack. The anesthetist also told me to take 2 puff of ventolin before the procedure.
Did you feel anything during the procedure? I hope i do get knock out.
Nope, did not feel anything. Was completely knocked out. But when you wake up you are not as blur as other patients which I assume should be becos of the lower dose of anaesthesia. Don't worry you will be fine. I think if they can sense you waking up, they will increase the dose a bit to make u sleep.
Hopeful13, I've also been through this stage. I saw my bb heartbeat oredi and then jus gone like this... It's a terrible feeling. Waiting to miscarry naturally seemed like ages. Opted for D&C for faster closure... Hugs and take care.
You have been through a lot too.. Hugs to u too. Hope this round will be successful for you.

Also to let u know I was having cough and sore throat during my ER and my cough only resolved recently.

Oh my hk colleague told me to try this natural remedy to resolve cough. She say boil an onion (never mention what kind of onion though, she say Chinese onion) and drink the onion juice. Basically remove the onion skin (the dry peel that you throw away), do not wash the onion, cut into half, do it like double boiling as in put the onion in a bowl and put it into a pot of water and boil. Boil for about 15 min - 20 min or when onion juice flow out, you can stop. It is only about 1 tablespoon worth of juice. Drink the juice and don't drink water so fast.

Not sure if it works but you can try since it's still natural. She say orange doesn't work for her and onion works to greatly reduce the cough.

No leh.. Since I spotted last week.. Was on mc at home since wed and spotting reduced. Fri morning woke up got red blood & I rush down to kk already. Hijack Dr Tan and he ordered the progesterone jab for me. No other signs & symptoms, no cramps etc If Dr Tan never ask me to see him yesterday. I would have thought my pregnancy is ok. Funny thing is now that I miscarry, no bleeding and spotting. When pregnant got bleeding and spotting. Women's body is a mystery. Today would have been 6 weeks pregnant.

If not wrong, now should be able to see yolk sac. Mine was there last wed but fri yolk was gone. I googled and it sort of mean it's not a viable pregnancy.

It's great to be able to talk to u all here. I came back to work pple ask me "U on leave?" With a suspicious look. None of them have gone through ivf or any losses. Today lunch a colleague still went to kids shop look for her kids cny clothes after our lunch. The feeling is so weird.. It's like you thought u could have done the same thing 9 mths later. Then another colleague tell me happily she is having a bb girl now.

But I hope I will come back again & try my final round. From this loss I realise my hubby was so longing for this bb. I never expect him to cry with me while grieving for the loss. Although earlier I thought of ending at this cycle, maybe I will give ivf a 3rd try.

I am waiting for the baby dust shower from all the sisters here!! Hope u all graduate to 2015 ivf mummies soon!
Hugz hopeful13 and jia you!! May we all one day graduate from here!
