IVF/ICSI Support Group

I'm under dr paul Tseng, not under kkh :). Yesterday my right side slightly pain too, my daughter sat on my tummy n hurt my tummy few times.

I'll start my fet next cycle :)
Hi, janices, I'll start fet next month too... u did any prep?? sorry, dr paul is from??

Hi bb fanatic, Its free?mine need to pay to see doc. Which centre are u at for foc failed discussion?
Although sian with a failed 1st frrsh cycle,lets continue to self moltivate n jiayou :)
Hi Connie_hopeful, I'm with tfc. But doc states that for failed discussion, it has to be weekday appts coz weekends is very busy. I guess doc dun wan to waste too much time talking to patients during weekend.
Hi Connie_hopeful, I'm with tfc. But doc states that for failed discussion, it has to be weekday appts coz weekends is very busy. I guess doc dun wan to waste too much time talking to patients during weekend.
Hi bbfanatic, i remember u le,u are e one who started e thread ivf with sf loh. Jiayou gal. I know its sad not to get a bfp yet, n doc says minimal abt why e cycle failed..but lets push ahead and hope we make it 1 day. I am waiting also for this little bfp to happen one day,hopefully..:)
oic. I dun think kkh dr will be so nice to call n update la. He is so bz. I have to wait for 7 nov to know e results. Wonder if our menses will haywire after polyp removal?did doc tell u when menses will be back to normal? I got a lot of quest but in kkh i think its hard to reach e doc to ask questions compared to private
Haha I forgot to ask!!!! After I hang up the phone then I realise I just said ok ok :")
Hi, janices, I'll start fet next month too... u did any prep?? sorry, dr paul is from??
I'm with novena care under dr paul Tseng who is from TLC

Eh... Frankly this time round I didn't. Went holiday, took cold drinks, alcohol, drink tea etc. no control at all.
I'm with novena care under dr paul Tseng who is from TLC

Eh... Frankly this time round I didn't. Went holiday, took cold drinks, alcohol, drink tea etc. no control at all.
Janices, who knows. U relax n maybi will strike this round. Dr always say e key to success ivf is to relax :).

I feel so bored at home alone! Lol. Wanted to go back work on fri but doc give me mc till next mon then go back ofi
I also faced with same problem for my failed ivf. My AMH is on the high side. Wonder if I can consume DHEA?
hmmm...if sashamunna is also under dr loh, for sure, he will recommend his paitent to take dhea as well. so it dun really help? or depend on individual body
My pleasure!! If you need to ask anything if I can help I will gladly help :) I followed another lady who spoke to me offline from this forum and she has successful BFP recently too :) I feel so happy to be with her when she needs me. so if I can help I will be glad to :)
Thanks sashamunna. Sorry but I'm quite new to this, how can we chat offline?
Hi bbfanatic, i remember u le,u are e one who started e thread ivf with sf loh. Jiayou gal. I know its sad not to get a bfp yet, n doc says minimal abt why e cycle failed..but lets push ahead and hope we make it 1 day. I am waiting also for this little bfp to happen one day,hopefully..:)
Yes it's me. I was so upset that time and I didn't have anyone to talk to other than my husband. Both of us were sad so I oso din wan to keep whining to him. It's hard to be trying to conceive so hard n no results yet have many frens conceiving after one/ two tries and then busy inviting you for their baby shower 9 mths later when u have not accomplished ur dream. I basically have been avoiding my old time frens recently cos they tok abt their babies n giving birth hardship (which I can't understand)! Contrary, I find a lot of support from you gals in this forum! Thanks.
Janices, who knows. U relax n maybi will strike this round. Dr always say e key to success ivf is to relax :).

I feel so bored at home alone! Lol. Wanted to go back work on fri but doc give me mc till next mon then go back ofi
Doc gives me 7 days, meaning till Friday too lol... I'm bored too thinking of going back to work as well
Yes it's me. I was so upset that time and I didn't have anyone to talk to other than my husband. Both of us were sad so I oso din wan to keep whining to him. It's hard to be trying to conceive so hard n no results yet have many frens conceiving after one/ two tries and then busy inviting you for their baby shower 9 mths later when u have not accomplished ur dream. I basically have been avoiding my old time frens recently cos they tok abt their babies n giving birth hardship (which I can't understand)! Contrary, I find a lot of support from you gals in this forum! Thanks.
Me too...also avoiding my husband's friends as they keep asking why not yet our turn. Hiaz. Hug hug
Dun worry ladies. Jus to share my opp neighbour has conceived thru IVF in her first attempt. Congrats to her cos they try many years .,,very happie for them...your turn will come soon :)
Me too...also avoiding my husband's friends as they keep asking why not yet our turn. Hiaz. Hug hug
Same here. The whole world keep asking me why I'm not pregnant after trying for so long n I don't even wanna go for gatherings these days to avoid being asked: (
Yes it's me. I was so upset that time and I didn't have anyone to talk to other than my husband. Both of us were sad so I oso din wan to keep whining to him. It's hard to be trying to conceive so hard n no results yet have many frens conceiving after one/ two tries and then busy inviting you for their baby shower 9 mths later when u have not accomplished ur dream. I basically have been avoiding my old time frens recently cos they tok abt their babies n giving birth hardship (which I can't understand)! Contrary, I find a lot of support from you gals in this forum! Thanks.

nobody will understand what we had go through, to them pop is v easy job. I used to have a friend who quite close with me, she also took some time to get preg and since she preg, the way she talk did directly hurt me which make me quite sad and since then, I downgrade our freship from close to normal. I feel comfort to maintain the normal r/ship with her. she is the 1st fre who really hurt me, I think she is not purposely but to me disappointed to hear such wording come out from her mouth.
nowadays if ppl still keep ask bout bb thing, I will just say 是啊,坏了,生不出, then ask them back so how?? at the end, they are the 1 paisei to answer us back hehe :)

always remember, in the way of pursue our bb dream, and we already try our best, dun forget the quality of our life. even 1 day we fated to be childless, must fulfil our life with many meaningful thing and colour it with rainbow colour :) jiayou everybody!
Oh you all so sweet can remembery ET day. Thanks :)

My FET is a bust so I'm out of this IVF journey. My 5 embies survived the thaw but couldn't grow anything more than 7-8cells.

Now next is plan B which is try natural (we still think miracle can happen) and holiday planning.

It has been an emotionally 6 months roller coaster ride. I anticipated it before the start but I would still say it takes a strong heart and mind to go through it and now that it's over for us, we shall leave the past behind and told ourselves we have tried our best in this avenue. I did cry when my hubby suddenly told me "xing ku ni le. I appreciate that". He means so much more to me than anything I can ask for.

I may not be in this ivf thread anymore. But I hope you ladies continue to jiayou and have faith. God is watching us and waiting for the moment to cast his blessings. Thanks for being part of my past half year ttc journey :)
redvel, hugggggggssss... put the thing behind and move on... life is full of miracle!! who know one day the 1 u are waiting for 'qiao qiao de" come to you already..no more crying ok, dry up the tear and tell urself, 明天会更好!u have a wonderful hubby!!
Oh you all so sweet can remembery ET day. Thanks :)

My FET is a bust so I'm out of this IVF journey. My 5 embies survived the thaw but couldn't grow anything more than 7-8cells.

Now next is plan B which is try natural (we still think miracle can happen) and holiday planning.

It has been an emotionally 6 months roller coaster ride. I anticipated it before the start but I would still say it takes a strong heart and mind to go through it and now that it's over for us, we shall leave the past behind and told ourselves we have tried our best in this avenue. I did cry when my hubby suddenly told me "xing ku ni le. I appreciate that". He means so much more to me than anything I can ask for.

I may not be in this ivf thread anymore. But I hope you ladies continue to jiayou and have faith. God is watching us and waiting for the moment to cast his blessings. Thanks for being part of my past half year ttc journey :)
Dear, i dunno wat to say as i been through e agony of embryos not growing beyond 7-8 cells despite e prior preparations. I think u go through much more than me and u are a brave and strong lady for this ivf journey.

Big hugs***, maybi go for a holidays n do somethg u will be happy.
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Oh you all so sweet can remembery ET day. Thanks :)

My FET is a bust so I'm out of this IVF journey. My 5 embies survived the thaw but couldn't grow anything more than 7-8cells.

Now next is plan B which is try natural (we still think miracle can happen) and holiday planning.

It has been an emotionally 6 months roller coaster ride. I anticipated it before the start but I would still say it takes a strong heart and mind to go through it and now that it's over for us, we shall leave the past behind and told ourselves we have tried our best in this avenue. I did cry when my hubby suddenly told me "xing ku ni le. I appreciate that". He means so much more to me than anything I can ask for.

I may not be in this ivf thread anymore. But I hope you ladies continue to jiayou and have faith. God is watching us and waiting for the moment to cast his blessings. Thanks for being part of my past half year ttc journey :)

Ur hubby is so sweet. It is nice to have an encouraging and suppotive partner.

God has His plans for all of us. Maintain the faith. :)
Oh you all so sweet can remembery ET day. Thanks :)

My FET is a bust so I'm out of this IVF journey. My 5 embies survived the thaw but couldn't grow anything more than 7-8cells.

Now next is plan B which is try natural (we still think miracle can happen) and holiday planning.

It has been an emotionally 6 months roller coaster ride. I anticipated it before the start but I would still say it takes a strong heart and mind to go through it and now that it's over for us, we shall leave the past behind and told ourselves we have tried our best in this avenue. I did cry when my hubby suddenly told me "xing ku ni le. I appreciate that". He means so much more to me than anything I can ask for.

I may not be in this ivf thread anymore. But I hope you ladies continue to jiayou and have faith. God is watching us and waiting for the moment to cast his blessings. Thanks for being part of my past half year ttc journey :)
so nice to know you over this forum. w/o all the encouragements from all ladies, me too not able to recover from the sadness. wishing u all the best. good luck for your natural approach too, or perhaps u can consider adoption ? that's is also one of my plan if eventually my 2nd or 3rd attempts fail.
Oh you all so sweet can remembery ET day. Thanks :)

My FET is a bust so I'm out of this IVF journey. My 5 embies survived the thaw but couldn't grow anything more than 7-8cells.

Now next is plan B which is try natural (we still think miracle can happen) and holiday planning.

It has been an emotionally 6 months roller coaster ride. I anticipated it before the start but I would still say it takes a strong heart and mind to go through it and now that it's over for us, we shall leave the past behind and told ourselves we have tried our best in this avenue. I did cry when my hubby suddenly told me "xing ku ni le. I appreciate that". He means so much more to me than anything I can ask for.

I may not be in this ivf thread anymore. But I hope you ladies continue to jiayou and have faith. God is watching us and waiting for the moment to cast his blessings. Thanks for being part of my past half year ttc journey :)
Hugs babe
Sorry to hear that
Don't give up OK.n all the best for trying naturally: )
Oh you all so sweet can remembery ET day. Thanks :)

My FET is a bust so I'm out of this IVF journey. My 5 embies survived the thaw but couldn't grow anything more than 7-8cells.

Now next is plan B which is try natural (we still think miracle can happen) and holiday planning.

It has been an emotionally 6 months roller coaster ride. I anticipated it before the start but I would still say it takes a strong heart and mind to go through it and now that it's over for us, we shall leave the past behind and told ourselves we have tried our best in this avenue. I did cry when my hubby suddenly told me "xing ku ni le. I appreciate that". He means so much more to me than anything I can ask for.

I may not be in this ivf thread anymore. But I hope you ladies continue to jiayou and have faith. God is watching us and waiting for the moment to cast his blessings. Thanks for being part of my past half year ttc journey :)

Redvel, hugs!!!! Sorry to ask, did you do the transfer in the end? I bfped with only 2 cells!
Janices,yr 2 cells is a day wat transfer?is it day 2?
Yes day 2. During the transfer, doc told me only 2 cells giving me a serious look, we still blur blur dunno what is it about until I realise we need more cells then consider better quality. My last fet also bfp with those embroyos, but unfortunately I MCed. So number of cells doesn't really matter? Just a higher chance to bfp? I didn't study too much into this, sometimes to me I feel ignorance is also a blessing, so I don't want to read too much into it.
Yes day 2. During the transfer, doc told me only 2 cells giving me a serious look, we still blur blur dunno what is it about until I realise we need more cells then consider better quality. My last fet also bfp with those embroyos, but unfortunately I MCed. So number of cells doesn't really matter? Just a higher chance to bfp? I didn't study too much into this, sometimes to me I feel ignorance is also a blessing, so I don't want to read too much into it.
Think day 2 with 2 cells is still too earli to tell e quality. Its till day 5 if its only 2 cell then maybi a problem with e quality or it may stop growing.

Yap, i think ignornance is blissed. Too knowledgable will cause me to worry too much. Bleah
Thanks all. We are feeling ok now. Got many other things lined up for us :) And I took the 3 days HL given to me. Tomorow I'm going SHOPPING. Hee.

kym, it's good for you to have alternative plans. For us, ivf with my own eggs will be the only option. We have no intention to pursue further.

janices, no, the whole FET is aborted.

Good luck to everyone hor!!
Thanks all. We are feeling ok now. Got many other things lined up for us :) And I took the 3 days HL given to me. Tomorow I'm going SHOPPING. Hee.

kym, it's good for you to have alternative plans. For us, ivf with my own eggs will be the only option. We have no intention to pursue further.

janices, no, the whole FET is aborted.

Good luck to everyone hor!!

I can feel your pain
Go retail therapy!
Thanks all. We are feeling ok now. Got many other things lined up for us :) And I took the 3 days HL given to me. Tomorow I'm going SHOPPING. Hee.

kym, it's good for you to have alternative plans. For us, ivf with my own eggs will be the only option. We have no intention to pursue further.

janices, no, the whole FET is aborted.

Good luck to everyone hor!!
Hugz Redvel...
Thanks all. We are feeling ok now. Got many other things lined up for us :) And I took the 3 days HL given to me. Tomorow I'm going SHOPPING. Hee.

kym, it's good for you to have alternative plans. For us, ivf with my own eggs will be the only option. We have no intention to pursue further.

janices, no, the whole FET is aborted.

Good luck to everyone hor!!
Hugz @redvel.. Yes, miracles happen to those who believe.. So dont stop believing.. Jia you!!
Redvel! Don't leave us. I sincerely hope that you'd conceive naturally and then start coming back to the forum. Hugs! Chin up.
Hi all anyone with prof wong nuh? I intended to do one more cycle with him after cny. I did one 2 years ago with him and successful. Wanted to know any change on the procedure.
Hug Redvel. Jus wan to share that I BFP after a failed IVF cycle cos we gave up liao. Is definitely not easy to let go all. Believe in miracles. Cos they really happen like myself n my frens. Hang on there ...u are a strong lady ...
Oh you all so sweet can remembery ET day. Thanks :)

My FET is a bust so I'm out of this IVF journey. My 5 embies survived the thaw but couldn't grow anything more than 7-8cells.

Now next is plan B which is try natural (we still think miracle can happen) and holiday planning.

It has been an emotionally 6 months roller coaster ride. I anticipated it before the start but I would still say it takes a strong heart and mind to go through it and now that it's over for us, we shall leave the past behind and told ourselves we have tried our best in this avenue. I did cry when my hubby suddenly told me "xing ku ni le. I appreciate that". He means so much more to me than anything I can ask for.

I may not be in this ivf thread anymore. But I hope you ladies continue to jiayou and have faith. God is watching us and waiting for the moment to cast his blessings. Thanks for being part of my past half year ttc journey :)
hugssssssssss Redvel...jiayou jiayou zai jiayou
Oh you all so sweet can remembery ET day. Thanks :)

My FET is a bust so I'm out of this IVF journey. My 5 embies survived the thaw but couldn't grow anything more than 7-8cells.

Now next is plan B which is try natural (we still think miracle can happen) and holiday planning.

It has been an emotionally 6 months roller coaster ride. I anticipated it before the start but I would still say it takes a strong heart and mind to go through it and now that it's over for us, we shall leave the past behind and told ourselves we have tried our best in this avenue. I did cry when my hubby suddenly told me "xing ku ni le. I appreciate that". He means so much more to me than anything I can ask for.

I may not be in this ivf thread anymore. But I hope you ladies continue to jiayou and have faith. God is watching us and waiting for the moment to cast his blessings. Thanks for being part of my past half year ttc journey :)

Sorry to hear, although I just join this journey and may not be able to feel how u had felt n gone through, indeed I find u very powerful Liao... Planning for holiday n have a break will be gd for u... I heard a lot that some had miracle when they decide to stop everything and have a break... So hugs....XOXO!!
Yes day 2. During the transfer, doc told me only 2 cells giving me a serious look, we still blur blur dunno what is it about until I realise we need more cells then consider better quality. My last fet also bfp with those embroyos, but unfortunately I MCed. So number of cells doesn't really matter? Just a higher chance to bfp? I didn't study too much into this, sometimes to me I feel ignorance is also a blessing, so I don't want to read too much into it.
hmm i think good quality should multiplying. ie day2 = 2cells, D3=4 cells, 4 become 8 etc..my embroyo go straight to 3 cells on D2 hence no transfer (according to dr, if embroyo go too fast, usually dun growth at the end.) Dr loh claimed that younger eggs is 100% better, after seem so mny failed cases for my age (15% success rate), shld i be firmed n go straight for donor eggs in Msia? Instead of start all over again, waste money and disappointmnt?
Thanks thanks. I will jiayou too. Hope our paths may cross sometime in the EDD thread.

Kym, i think this decision is surely very personal. What do you feel about it?

To be honest, I always feel I'm rather healthy cause I watch what I eat and do. (ok I am vain so I don't want to look haggard so I try take care of my body. hee). But biological influence to our body is something beyond us and that's especially on our eggs. When I embarked ivf, I was thinking I feel healthy.... but after 2 failed attempts and one aborted cycle, doc told me it's really my age = not so good eggs. She says my womb is fine. I can carry a baby but I just need younger eggs to up all chances. She suggests to me to go overseas for donor eggs. And if I can find eggs in Singapore, then go ahead but it's illegal to make a money transaction for eggs over here. But she also jokes that if there's private arrangement on the $$ part, she doesnt want to know. :p My younger sis told me I can have her eggs or her few frozen blastos (can't remember how many she has. But I wonder does singapore allow embies to be taken like that? ) if I want to. But as shared, we are not going that route.

Kym, can I know if you've done any transfers before? Not sure if I've read that here somewhere.

Maybe I say what I will do if I'm in the same situation as you? I think it depends how "bad" I want to have a child of my own. I think that's the bottom line. If me and hubby think we can only feel complete with a child, then waste no more time and I will fly to msia to get it done. Or anywhere that's appropriate. Our age/egg is really one big factor, not to mention time factor. Of course this is provided men's sperms and the womb are issues-free. To me is, if wanna do it good, do the best that will increase your chance in all aspects, when you dont want to play much with time.

But for us, we can live with the fact there's no 3rd member in our little family. So I hope you'll do what you're most comfortable with. And there's surely nothing queer about having donor's egg. It's just another avenue to fulfill your parenthood dreams. Go with your heart and remember all things we do for ttc is mighty!
Dear Redvel, so far i have sucessful ER but no transfer. seriously i have no faith with my eggs that Y i am thinking shld i just take short cut.
I ever checked with KK on donor eggs. Yes, you can use your sis blastos provided she is aged between 25-35. This age restriction is applicable for embryo and eggs donors as they will look into the age when the oocytes were first retrieved.
As for IVF at overseas, i ever consulted Dr Loh at TFC, he said so far the cheapest is KL-Msia (cost app RM50k) and we just need 2 trips (first is to find donor via agency, deposit sperms, pay deposit. 2nd is to do the actual transfer if there is embryo. But all this i think still depend on our luck whether the 'donor' can produce good embryos and if implanation successful. (not sure if there is anything we can do to enhance implantation).
Now, Dr loh assuming that i shld try with my own eggs again even he knew that there is egg and sperm issue on us (i am thinking is he trying to earn more $ for his clinic), if failed, than go for donor eggs although he already said that donor egg is 100% better afterall we can select 'donor' as young as age 21. He recommeded this hospital: http://www.tmcfertility.com/en/faq
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Thanks thanks. I will jiayou too. Hope our paths may cross sometime in the EDD thread.

Kym, i think this decision is surely very personal. What do you feel about it?

To be honest, I always feel I'm rather healthy cause I watch what I eat and do. (ok I am vain so I don't want to look haggard so I try take care of my body. hee). But biological influence to our body is something beyond us and that's especially on our eggs. When I embarked ivf, I was thinking I feel healthy.... but after 2 failed attempts and one aborted cycle, doc told me it's really my age = not so good eggs. She says my womb is fine. I can carry a baby but I just need younger eggs to up all chances. She suggests to me to go overseas for donor eggs. And if I can find eggs in Singapore, then go ahead but it's illegal to make a money transaction for eggs over here. But she also jokes that if there's private arrangement on the $$ part, she doesnt want to know. :p My younger sis told me I can have her eggs or her few frozen blastos (can't remember how many she has. But I wonder does singapore allow embies to be taken like that? ) if I want to. But as shared, we are not going that route.

Kym, can I know if you've done any transfers before? Not sure if I've read that here somewhere.

Maybe I say what I will do if I'm in the same situation as you? I think it depends how "bad" I want to have a child of my own. I think that's the bottom line. If me and hubby think we can only feel complete with a child, then waste no more time and I will fly to msia to get it done. Or anywhere that's appropriate. Our age/egg is really one big factor, not to mention time factor. Of course this is provided men's sperms and the womb are issues-free. To me is, if wanna do it good, do the best that will increase your chance in all aspects, when you dont want to play much with time.

But for us, we can live with the fact there's no 3rd member in our little family. So I hope you'll do what you're most comfortable with. And there's surely nothing queer about having donor's egg. It's just another avenue to fulfill your parenthood dreams. Go with your heart and remember all things we do for ttc is mighty!

redvel, hugs.. u r strong... hope to hv good news from u after your holiday.
