IVF/ICSI Support Group

oh....u have been trying alternative days ah?? that's very productive! wahahaha...
crossing fingers for u too and hoping ot hear good news fr u...u never know... i hav a fren whose cycle is very irregular and she was taking med to regulate it...but during the third mth, she missed her af and thot her cycle is headwire but ends up is bfp..hope is the same for u too.. :)

dreamirene, whaha.. over productive too... your gf is lucky!! im not medicating at all nor taking medication to regulate it so im not carrying any high hopes for myself but glad u make me feel better,,, :D:D:D

Just came back from KKH.. Today is only my 9th day since I first took purogon & I'm actually ready for ER!! So soon .. I'm growing nervous .. My follies are growing real fast. Yesterday we saw merely 7 combined (1 at 18.8, 1 at 15 & rest 10 & below), today I have 12 between between 13 to 20. Actually only 1 is 20mm, 2 at 18.5mm, the rest 15, 16, 17 etc ... I hope those at 13, 14, 15 will catch up quickly .. !! The dr was Steven Leo today. I don like him. He is those nonchalant type and only ask me in to sign papers then want send me out the door. He didn't even bother to tell me how many will be retrieved till I asked and I asked twice cos he simply shrug and said, "oh maybe 8" .. Luckily twinkle was there and she assured me all the follies will be taken out not just the 8.. And If he had opened his eyes wider, put more concern into our feelings he won't behave like that hur? How can such a person be in IVF centre .. ! I will be back to KKH for the preynl jab tonight .. ER will be this thursday morning .. I hope I can have more than 10 fertilized this time round. I only had 6 ER 4 fertilized during my first fresh cycle where I trf 2, froze 2 .. Only the 2 I froze didn't make it when thawing for FET .. Sigh
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i dont like steven too. when i first had my SO iui, he was the review doc. i asked what we can eat to improve egg quality
he said 'if there is anything you can eat to improve, we would be out of job' and he gave me a poker face... damn expressionless.

i felt like slapping him.
baby_sparkles, I am shocked to know that there is such a doc like this! So uncompassionate! Good gracious! :mad:
Just came back from KKH.. Today is only my 9th day since I first took purogon & I'm actually ready for ER!! So soon .. I'm growing nervous .. My follies are growing real fast. Yesterday we saw merely 7 combined (1 at 18.8, 1 at 15 & rest 10 & below), today I have 12 between between 13 to 20. Actually only 1 is 20mm, 2 at 18.5mm, the rest 15, 16, 17 etc ... I hope those at 13, 14, 15 will catch up quickly .. !! The dr was Steven Leo today. I don like him. He is those nonchalant type and only ask me in to sign papers then want send me out the door. He didn't even bother to tell me how many will be retrieved till I asked and I asked twice cos he simply shrug and said, "oh maybe 8" .. Luckily twinkle was there and she assured me all the follies will be taken out not just the 8.. And If he had opened his eyes wider, put more concern into our feelings he won't behave like that hur? How can such a person be in IVF centre .. ! I will be back to KKH for the preynl jab tonight .. ER will be this thursday morning .. I hope I can have more than 10 fertilized this time round. I only had 6 ER 4 fertilized during my first fresh cycle where I trf 2, froze 2 .. Only the 2 I froze didn't make it when thawing for FET .. Sigh
Makino, how much was your puregon dosage? I think your lining has reached the optimum thickness too. Will this doc be the one to do the ER/OR and ET for you?
dreamirene, thanks for the advice!!
im have been trying and doing alt days after af clears... whahaha
Yes, my menses is very irregular therefore is hard to determine.. haixx..
im crossing my fingers and hope is a bfp but i wont test until this sat.. :p
Wondersss, all the best to you!
Dreamirene, thx for yr sharing. Haha... Got ready my tvb drama n variety shows on my iPad Liao. Shall start my watching fr today onwards.

Btw, can we still take spicy food during this 2 weeks?
Bbliss, l guess during the 2ww our temp will become high because of the hormones pills that we are popping and as such the clinich usually told the patients to avoid spicy food.

I still take a bit of spicy food.
Hazelnut, u r with which hospital? Kkh din give any dusphaton. Even for progoyna, the dosage is diff too. Mine is to take 2 tablets in e morning.
If I remember correctly, dusphaston is used for pregnant women. Some clinics do not issue duphaston until there is a bfp from bt.
If I remember correctly, dusphaston is used for pregnant women. Some clinics do not issue duphaston until there is a bfp from bt.

duphaston can be used as progrestrone support. I'll be given utrosegan & take all the way till end of first trimester pregnancy. last pregnancy I requested for duphaston cos utrosegan is way too drowsy for me
Bbliss and hope, I'm also in my tww now. Tdy is 3dp5dt. Nothing unusual for mi still the same. I'm give progynova 1tab 3xa day, duphaston 1tab 3x a day and cyclogest inswrts twice a day for support. I didnt really confine myself in bed. Just stay home. Walk ard in my room and watch kdrama and 冲上云霄。haha. My bt will be in the 29th. Only had 1embbie transferred due to my frame and size. Praying hard that this little fighter will stick and all the best to both of u too!
Hi Hazel!

Nice to see u here! I also didn't do anything much since ET yesterday ...went for acupuncture this morning at amk then back and nap until now.. Been feeling very sleepy since ER .. Maybe the GA has yet to wear off.. LoL

My BT is much later than urs... On 4 sept ... Sigh.. Seems like such a long wait.. I think I shall try HPT this Sunday onwards..

U intend to test with HPT?
Hi ladies, long time din logged in. Would like to find out if any ladies here have high FSH? I just found out that I have high FSH and when I googled, high FSH relates to low quality and quantity of eggs and lower success rates for IVF. Any ladies here succeed with high FSH? And I wonder how my FSH increased so much when 6 months back it was normal. Any supplements or diet to lower the FSH? My 3rd fresh is scheduled in Sept and doc gave me the highest dosage.
Sigh...another huddle to cross..
Hi Hazel!

Nice to see u here! I also didn't do anything much since ET yesterday ...went for acupuncture this morning at amk then back and nap until now.. Been feeling very sleepy since ER .. Maybe the GA has yet to wear off.. LoL

My BT is much later than urs... On 4 sept ... Sigh.. Seems like such a long wait.. I think I shall try HPT this Sunday onwards..

U intend to test with HPT?
Hi! I was thinking when i can do a hpt cos my dr also put me on 3 pregnyl inj on every 3 days apaet. My last inj will b on wed. I wonder if it will give me a false +ve if I do a hpt
Hi! I was thinking when i can do a hpt cos my dr also put me on 3 pregnyl inj on every 3 days apaet. My last inj will b on wed. I wonder if it will give me a false +ve if I do a hpt
Hmm....I just read from an American IVF website and it says pregnyl jab might affect the accuracy of HPT...

So.. Probably up to u whether u wanna give it a try... :)
Hmm....I just read from an American IVF website and it says pregnyl jab might affect the accuracy of HPT...

So.. Probably up to u whether u wanna give it a try... :)

yes pregnyl jab can give false positive on HPT. if wanna test do it at least 7 days after the last pregnyl for more accurate reading
Makino, how much was your puregon dosage? I think your lining has reached the optimum thickness too. Will this doc be the one to do the ER/OR and ET for you?

NO!!!!!!!!!! Sunstillshines, that would be disastrous. I'm under dr sadhana. I paid extra to go under her so I will be very upset if is Steven were to ER for me. He said dr sadhana will do it for me. My lining is 14 today, 10 yesterday. Purogon 300iu per day .. Scary how fast the follies are growing..
i dont like steven too. when i first had my SO iui, he was the review doc. i asked what we can eat to improve egg quality
he said 'if there is anything you can eat to improve, we would be out of job' and he gave me a poker face... damn expressionless.

i felt like slapping him.

So uncompassionate! See if I bump into nurse twinkle I will tell her how much I dislike him. Atrocious! How could he say that to you baby sparkles!! Most of us, if not all, are the fragile lot giving a lot more of us in undergoing fertility treatment .. Not compassionate 就算了,竟敢suan你! sorry la, but I think he is really too much. Never mind, God has eyes to see. Hugsssss.

I was feeling tired so went for a nap and woke up with missed calls from KKH. The research centre said wan to conduct OHSS research on me see if I'm keen cos I may be prone to it with the number of follies I have .. I will have to do an extra blood test and take tablets to prevent an onset of OHSS. Sounds fine .. I will have to tell them on thurs during ER. Any one of you girls participated in this before?

I wonder if its too late to take conceive well?
Hi makino, I'm also under doc sadhana. Going for my scan tmr morning. Have been under the purogen 300iu for the past 6 days. Feeling abit bloated and cramp. Hopefully can do my ER next week. This is my first fresh cycle. Crossing fingers and crossing legs that the beanies can implant securely. I'm also taking 2 Brazil nuts daily.
Hi makino, I'm also under doc sadhana. Going for my scan tmr morning. Have been under the purogen 300iu for the past 6 days. Feeling abit bloated and cramp. Hopefully can do my ER next week. This is my first fresh cycle. Crossing fingers and crossing legs that the beanies can implant securely. I'm also taking 2 Brazil nuts daily.

Hi bearge, where can I get Brazil nuts? Hope you get good results from yr scans. You can record down as they read out .. :) got the idea frm a friend .. Glad I did that ..
bb-blues, I did with her when Dr Zhao was on holiday. Easy to communicate with her because she can speak english and also give you the dignosis in english.

She is rather new and soft.

Does she know the IVF terminology and IVF process? Hows her acupuncture skills?

Dr Zhao is on medical leave till mid Sept. Really hope she recovers soon.
Hi makino, I bought from the market place. Is organic Brazil nut. I change my diet to organic after my lap surgery in early this year. Can record by our own for the measurement? Will the nurse allow?scare Kena scold. I having egg white discharge since two days ago. Is it normal due to the injection?
Hi bearge .. I tried a few NTUC and 7-11 without avail. Tomorrow I will go down to vivo. There is a shop selling nuts by weight. I'm sure I've seen Brazil nuts or even bought them from that store before.

I recorded on my mobile phone NOTES. No they won't scold .. At least my friend and I did the recording. Friend did even more frequent cos we were on the long protocol IVF last time round.. I also experienced very heavy egg white discharge since a few days back .. And wondering why .. Lol .. I'm gg google after this ..
hi makino88, if u stay in the east, can get brazil nuts at Pat's Oven @ Parkway, basement level, near coffee bean.
I think it is the same as the one at vivo.
Hi ladies, long time din logged in. Would like to find out if any ladies here have high FSH? I just found out that I have high FSH and when I googled, high FSH relates to low quality and quantity of eggs and lower success rates for IVF. Any ladies here succeed with high FSH? And I wonder how my FSH increased so much when 6 months back it was normal. Any supplements or diet to lower the FSH? My 3rd fresh is scheduled in Sept and doc gave me the highest dosage.
Sigh...another huddle to cross..

Hi BBC blues, did the doctor test your AMH? In my very first cycle, I tested both and fish was high, about 12+ and amh was in the normal but low end of the spectrum. However, Dr said I may have diminishing ovarian reserves because amh should be much higher since I am only 32.

Anyway, we started the cycle on high dosage, 375 gonal f but the cycle was converted to iui due to poor response. After that, he told me that he prefer to choose a cycle with lower fsh because he claims that it means I will respond better.

so happened that my next period was a good time cos my fsh went down to 7.6 so he started me on short protocol. (previously on long) Gonal f dose was higher at 450 and I eventually retrieved 9 egg, 8 were matured, 7 fertilised and ended up with 5 blastocyst. Transferred 2 and froze 3.

I see Dr Zou for acupuncture.and when she looked at my blood test reports, she also agree that waiting for a low fsh cycle may yield a better response. So maybe you could check with your doctor to see if you should just skip a cycle and see if the situation improves.
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So uncompassionate! See if I bump into nurse twinkle I will tell her how much I dislike him. Atrocious! How could he say that to you baby sparkles!! Most of us, if not all, are the fragile lot giving a lot more of us in undergoing fertility treatment .. Not compassionate 就算了,竟敢suan你! sorry la, but I think he is really too much. Never mind, God has eyes to see. Hugsssss.

I was feeling tired so went for a nap and woke up with missed calls from KKH. The research centre said wan to conduct OHSS research on me see if I'm keen cos I may be prone to it with the number of follies I have .. I will have to do an extra blood test and take tablets to prevent an onset of OHSS. Sounds fine .. I will have to tell them on thurs during ER. Any one of you girls participated in this before?

I wonder if its too late to take conceive well?

Hi Makino88... Dun get too upset over such ridiculous dr... Save your energy for a successful ET. Dr Steven is just the review doc who checks on the follicle growth and nothing more... If I'm you, I would feedback to Dr Sandhana on the treatment you received from Dr Steven as she is the director of the IVF centre, no point to tell the SSN Twinkle.

Dr Sandhana will be the one who do your ER and ET. Unless she's on leave on your scheduled ET, it will be another dr. But I doubt Dr Sandhana will be on leave coz she's back from her 2 weeks leave in mid Jul. Anyway, the nurse will inform you beforehand of Dr Sandhana's absence. Dun worry, you are in gd hands... The nurses in the OT room will be gentle and attentive to you when you do your ER.

I didn't participate in the OHSS research coz I opined that we are already inputting so many meds in our body that I dun wish to add more stuffs just for the sake of the research and besides, I know that I'm quite a weak person with lots of drug allergies so I declined to participate.

All the best for your ER tomorrow!! Jia you!
Hi BBC blues, did the doctor test your AMH? In my very first cycle, I tested both and fish was high, about 12+ and amh was in the normal but low end of the spectrum. However, Dr said I may have diminishing ovarian reserves because amh should be much higher since I am only 32.

Anyway, we started the cycle on high dosage, 375 gonal f but the cycle was converted to iui due to poor response. After that, he told me that he prefer to choose a cycle with lower fsh because he claims that it means I will respond better.

so happened that my next period was a good time cos my fsh went down to 7.6 so he started me on short protocol. (previously on long) Gonal f dose was higher at 450 and I eventually retrieved 9 egg, 8 were matured, 7 fertilised and ended up with 5 blastocyst. Transferred 2 and froze 3.

I see Dr Zou for acupuncture.and when she looked at my blood test reports, she also agree that waiting for a low fsh cycle may yield a better response. So maybe you could check with your doctor to see if you should just skip a cycle and see if the situation improves.

Hi melody, thanks for your reply. What did you do or eat that make your fsh go down? I am also going for short protocol next round with 450 dosage and I don't think the doc has the intention to check my fsh again for the cycle.

You got great yield and quality of eggs! Are you in your 2ww or already had your bfp? :)
There's smthg I just wanna ask if any of u have this experience. For those doing the inserts, do u find that it gets more and more difficult to keep the inserts in each time? Hmm like after the transfer I donno why it seems so tight that I have difficulty putting the inserts in or it'll drop out easily. Just curious what cld be the cause.
There's smthg I just wanna ask if any of u have this experience. For those doing the inserts, do u find that it gets more and more difficult to keep the inserts in each time? Hmm like after the transfer I donno why it seems so tight that I have difficulty putting the inserts in or it'll drop out easily. Just curious what cld be the cause.

Hi hazelnut .. I was told to insert till my middle finger is 3/4 in... And erm .. do you do it squarding down?
Hi Makino88... Dun get too upset over such ridiculous dr... Save your energy for a successful ET. Dr Steven is just the review doc who checks on the follicle growth and nothing more... If I'm you, I would feedback to Dr Sandhana on the treatment you received from Dr Steven as she is the director of the IVF centre, no point to tell the SSN Twinkle.

Dr Sandhana will be the one who do your ER and ET. Unless she's on leave on your scheduled ET, it will be another dr. But I doubt Dr Sandhana will be on leave coz she's back from her 2 weeks leave in mid Jul. Anyway, the nurse will inform you beforehand of Dr Sandhana's absence. Dun worry, you are in gd hands... The nurses in the OT room will be gentle and attentive to you when you do your ER.

I didn't participate in the OHSS research coz I opined that we are already inputting so many meds in our body that I dun wish to add more stuffs just for the sake of the research and besides, I know that I'm quite a weak person with lots of drug allergies so I declined to participate.

All the best for your ER tomorrow!! Jia you!

Oh yes how could I forget Dr Sadhana! You are right. I'll find a chance to tell her. I went to KKH www.. This Steven is only an associate consultant .. Zzz ...

I'm thinking of the research thingy cops i have been feeling abit of nausea since starting the jabs .. I myself is scared I may get OHSS. sigh ..

Anyway .. I'm not upset anymore .. Haha ..I m resting at home today so ill be fresh for the ER tomorrow. Hehe
Hi makino, I just done my scan in kk. Need to go back tmr morning for another scan to check am I qualify for ER this sat. Today is my day 7 on purogen. My follicles largest is 14 follow by 13.5, 12, 11 and then the rest less than 10. Only have 7. Worry as dont know enough to use and any good for fertilize and then transfer. :( is it normal only have 7 nia?
There's smthg I just wanna ask if any of u have this experience. For those doing the inserts, do u find that it gets more and more difficult to keep the inserts in each time? Hmm like after the transfer I donno why it seems so tight that I have difficulty putting the inserts in or it'll drop out easily. Just curious what cld be the cause.

Hazel, if u are at home, the easiest way (which i realise) is to do it on the bed...just put ur soles together as though u are crossing ur legs..that will help to open the V and it shoudl then be easier to insert...thereafter, continue lying on the bed for ard 30min ....
Does she know the IVF terminology and IVF process? Hows her acupuncture skills?

Dr Zhao is on medical leave till mid Sept. Really hope she recovers soon.
bbblues, Yes, Dr Poh knows the IVF terminology and IVF process. I think she is the disciple of Dr Jin who is the consultant acupunturist.

NO!!!!!!!!!! Sunstillshines, that would be disastrous. I'm under dr sadhana. I paid extra to go under her so I will be very upset if is Steven were to ER for me. He said dr sadhana will do it for me. My lining is 14 today, 10 yesterday. Purogon 300iu per day .. Scary how fast the follies are growing..
Makino, that is a relief! Sorry I don't quite understand. Since you have already paid extra to go under Dr Sadhana, why are you still review by Steven? If Dr Sadhana is on leave that day, why did she schedule you for a review? :confused:
Hazel, if u are at home, the easiest way (which i realise) is to do it on the bed...just put ur soles together as though u are crossing ur legs..that will help to open the V and it shoudl then be easier to insert...thereafter, continue lying on the bed for ard 30min ....
Dreamirene, did the insert still flow out after the 30mins lying on the bed? It seems to flow out on my panty liner and also I saw it after I went to pee after lying on the bed for 30 mins. :eek:
hi makino88, if u stay in the east, can get brazil nuts at Pat's Oven @ Parkway, basement level, near coffee bean.
I think it is the same as the one at vivo.

I live in sengkang. Parkway is too far .. But I sent my sister down to takashimaya. I remembered there is one stall at basement 2 near cold storage entrance selling nuts by weight .. Hehe

SSS: review is by kok ivf centre, dr sadhana only sees us before & after. I didn't pay alot more in fact. Was unhappy yesterday didn't go into details. I was supposed to be trf to dr HH Tan after Dr Loh left .. But I prefer a female gynae so I paid as a new patient to see dr sadhana and I think her charges are more ex as compared to the rest cos she is senior?

I inserted while squarding down and push in all the way till my finger is all the way in ( tho dr say 3/4) mine never slide out.
hey all, i am new over here.. just want some advice.
I have recently done 1st IVF with Dr Loh, and it was unsuccessful.. of coz sad and disappoined.
Just wonder any advice to "tiao" my body while I am taking few months break?
hey all, i am new over here.. just want some advice.
I have recently done 1st IVF with Dr Loh, and it was unsuccessful.. of coz sad and disappoined.
Just wonder any advice to "tiao" my body while I am taking few months break?
You can try dr Zou / TCM .. Her clinic is in AMK, opp nanyang polytechnic. Google for her address.
Dreamirene, did the insert still flow out after the 30mins lying on the bed? It seems to flow out on my panty liner and also I saw it after I went to pee after lying on the bed for 30 mins. :eek:

When i went to pee, it does hav some white discharge and some on the panty liner too...but is not a whole super lot n so i guess is ok..but i do try to clear my bladder first beofre inserting...
Sunstillshines, did you insert right in? My first insert was not really deep inside and a lot flow out even after lying for 30mins. The next round I insert deeper and it didn't flow out now.
KKH works in such a way that all reviews are done by attending dr. Only first consult, ER & ET we will see our main dr.

makino, vivo city and City sq mall also have pat's oven selling brazil nuts.

Bearge, best if u can wait for your follicles to reach 18mm. You may want to check with Dr.

blessdzn, you can try tcm and acu to build up your body. Refer to the list below for tcm Dr and many more info.

Hi jumbo girl, I have raised my query with the doc. She said ideally is 16mm. She is looking at 3 follicle that is growing well. I am kind of scare and worry as only 3 enough? I keep telling myself its the quality that count. But I just cant help feeling worry. Now hoping my follicles continue to grow rapidly so that tmr scan will be better result.
Hi jumbo girl, I have raised my query with the doc. She said ideally is 16mm. She is looking at 3 follicle that is growing well. I am kind of scare and worry as only 3 enough? I keep telling myself its the quality that count. But I just cant help feeling worry. Now hoping my follicles continue to grow rapidly so that tmr scan will be better result.

The review dr told you 16mm is the size or Dr Sadhana?
Sunstillshines, did you insert right in? My first insert was not really deep inside and a lot flow out even after lying for 30mins. The next round I insert deeper and it didn't flow out now.
KKH works in such a way that all reviews are done by attending dr. Only first consult, ER & ET we will see our main dr.

makino, vivo city and City sq mall also have pat's oven selling brazil nuts.

Bearge, best if u can wait for your follicles to reach 18mm. You may want to check with Dr.

blessdzn, you can try tcm and acu to build up your body. Refer to the list below for tcm Dr and many more info.

thanks Jumbo girl. Your spreadsheet really helps... all the abbreviations have explained... hehheee i am still trying to figure out earlier...
you really do alot of homework.
