IVF/ICSI Support Group

Min81/kim Yin: the "press press" is to check if got serious bloating or not
ya, post review nothing much but I don't know if its std that everyone gets the ovidrel jab?


Ohh.. Then i sure don't have prob cos at that time no bloating, now then start bloating.. I asked the CHR nurse about the ovidrel jab.. She said it's quite a new protocol and is used for those suitable.. I didn't ask how is one suitable though.. Guess most of us will have it..


I also put on abt 2kg during stimulation but after ER, weight dropped back again.. Don't worry abt it..
Chris : of cos share share! Ya loh! Your hub same as mine! Everything also dun worry, 不要勉强.... He even went to find out adoption procedure and cost.... Said worse case adopt loh....

Dreambear : last cycle I gained 7kg :p yeah u will be same as me, have to do at A&e. I got a male doc and I told him please tell me u are going to send a female nurse cos no way u are looking at my butt cheeks...I think he reddens too and said of cos of cos...

Chris :'Ovidel seems to be for those on gonal f only.

Positive : maybe that's why women has to carry the baby, if we leave it to man, with their bo chap attitude, I dun think the baby can survive in their womb ....

ChrisL : use the time to bu your body?

How many sistas in their 2ww again?
Bubb, big hug.. U are there! Like all the sisters here was saying, u just need 1 baobei to guai guai stick on the wall.
Me, kee chiew... 2ww
Positive/ bubbub: my hubby is all that both of your hubbies said combined.. So how can I not be chill leh.. If I better chill else I might get frozen one day.. Haha :D

Bubbub: your hubby act so soon hor, even find out about adoption liao..
you so funny, if u say these words, his face sure redden Lo. I am on Gonal F this cycle.

Min81: u carrying good news
on ovidrel, will know soon enough.. Starting from Kum Yin as her review is tmr ;)

2ww gals....
Min81, bluenosebear, lakigal, ladybuggy, Kum Yin, asiafighter, me and Babysteps, bubbub soon.. Don't know if I miss out any?
Min81 & Chris : i m not on ovidrel at all. Instead i m getting progesterone jab every alternate day on d back of my waist until this Sun. I too put on 2kg since stimulation n now has lost it all.

Babysteps - that's unusual thay didn't inform u today abt ur embies. Also unusual that they plan when they will do ET for u even before seeing how ur embies r doing. My ET day was only decided 2 days after ER, after looking at how my embies r growing.
Wow, so many in 2ww....jy jy girls

Positive, I didn't becos my FET is also under natural, no medication at all. This time also natural ivf , if i fail this time then I wl go for my fresh ivf cycle.
Kum Yin - R u with kkivf ? I was told kkivf standard do 2d transfer and they dont call to update de whereas most hospitals do.. I take it as good news cos i assume if none fertolize they will ask me no need go tmr le ?
Kum Yin: different hosp/doc different way of doing lor. Did u opt to take progestrone jab? I think min n me same same; ovidrel on ER n then inserts.

Asiafighter: ok good
what is natural Ivf?

Babysteps: Kum Yin is w NUH.
Chris- think overidel only for those with certain no. Of embryos retrieved.
I didn't go for review, but did call chr, they say I don't need.
But I don't under why Kum Yin is on progesterone jab leh
Chrisl, Sayang Sayang. U must feel real pissed. Mayb take this time to tiao n bu n get ready for your precious snow babies first? Eat healthily n sleep earlier. Hugs.

Hihi asiafighter, try to relax n dnt think too much ya. Diff I know. Just try. Meanwhile just eat red bean soup but not too much ya. Lining too thick also not optimal de. Raspberry leaf tea best dnt drink during 2ww as it causes the uterus to contract... Drink prior to O. Since u in 2ww Mai lim better. Jia yo!

The other sisters in 2ww, b it u rem who m I or not, I wish u gals all the best n may ALL of u bfp!! To those jabbing now, jia yo n persevere ya... Bfp on the way!
Just now me emo again after knowing some bad news on my gal friend bb. Dh shocked to see me crying when he opened e main door. Told him e story n he ask me see open. Wats ours is ours. He said he kept praying these few days that this round will be successful, bbs will be healthy n I will be happy. Guess all Dh are e same, just wan us to be happy. I also felt better after crying. I remembered to smile when doing my jabs.
I1BB - noon I still drink raspberry tea, seow Liao. How r u? Been a while u didn't said hello

Chris (reddesk), natural ivf means no sitmulation of drug , very much depend on our own body lor.
Bluenosebear: don't know leh.. Kum Yin did retrieved quite a lot tho.

i1BB: Kum siah! How did ur TcM went?

Dreambear: often sad news remind us that life is fragile n to treasure our loved ones

Asiafighter: means BD?? I blur leh

My hub v cute.. I busy reply forum n he was looking at our embryos pic..
Chris - I think natural means they monitor growth of follies without stimulation then once of good size, ER is done then eggs fertilized os and ET to put back in.. Please correct me if I'm wrong...

Haha I can't wait to see my embie's photo!!
Asiafighter, bo Siao bo Siao. Mai fret. It's ok de. Must relax ya. Mai over kan cheong... U can do it de. Just take more chicken essence n rem your Brazil nuts ya. I didn't post but I was reading all along. Nothing to contribute as I wasn't doing anything so Mai comment so much lor. So many new sisters here until I abit blur Liao... But can still recognize some familiar names here though... Hehe

Yo Chris, TCM ok lor. She didn't say much. Just said "cold womb" n gave me meds for 7 days ask me go back c her next week lor... The usual protocol. Haha.
Babysteps: I see.. It sound good, natural always good Asiafighter. Someone from this forum was on natural before n BFP. It's amazing. Your embryos pics coming soon!!

it's also good.. Are u still doing bbt? I think from there can know one.. After O have to stay high n best don't look like heartbeat
always a hope for natural until cycle happens ya.

Siao liao, afternoon hou-koon, now can't sleep.. :/
Yo Chris, ya I got do bbt some months. This month no. Sian alrdy Mai do bbt. My bbt will b higher after O but like heartbeats lor! Lol
baby step - u r right. Thanks fr the explanation

1bb - jiayou la .

Ya lor, hope can graduate soon. Everyone hopes . Snake year be good to all the sisters here....jiayou jiayou again .

Will ask dr abt progesterone n ovidrel jab tmrw. Prof decide one. Chr nurse called me on Fri n said Prof would like me to hv prog jab on Sun, tues, thurs n Sat. I m also on the usual inserts 3x a day.

Chris , ur hubby is really on to ur babies. He will b a dotting father.

Babysteps - yep i m with NUH. Good luck in tmrw's ET.
i1BB: like that huh, must do ok .. ;) like heartbeat cannot leh.. Need to be steady then good.. Nevermind, tiao now then when time comes will be zai-zai
Kum Yin: ok ok tho that's a lot to jab. Do u have to go down to jab m normally at the near butt area right? Am happy that he is enthu

Asiafighter: indeed! Hope to have our 10th anniversary baobei
Babysteps: what time your ET? All the best!

Positive: Man usually more "ba".. There is one thing I do note tho that when we tend to their needs, they become attentive to ours too. Don't let the "baby chase" overtake the love for each other k.
I think it's a mistaken perception from a long time generation ago from a wife to her spouse.
Yo mummy luv! Haha! Thanks dear! Still hanging on... Just need to c can hang how long nia. Lolx

Hey pienza, not yet give up. Just hanging on n now with a more open mind. Que sera sera mentality Liao. Hee

Haro baby steps, dnt drink too much water! Jia yo!
Hi sisters, finished with ET.. 2 grade 3 embryos put back.. No frosties.. Although i had 22 retreived, they were of bad quality.. Only 4 were usable.. They did ICSI on all and only 2 made it.. Just before trqnsfer, there was only 1 they were going to transfer and 1 was on monitor.. Then last min, they said the cells divided and it can be transferred.. So that brought us to 2.. Hoping my 2 precious sticks!
i1BB: heee... As long as both of you are willing to go at it ;)

Babysteps: Yay on that one that eavesdrop and quickly divide!
now relax and let the babies stick and leech on you ok.. Haha!
Baby steps - join the 2ww club. Always felt the 2ww is the longest week to go thru Sia.

i1BB - good good.....nvr give up.

Can I ask what u girls eat during the 2ww?
Baby steps - welcome the 2ww club. Always felt the 2ww is the longest week to go thru Sia.

i1BB - good good.....nvr give up.

Can I ask - what food to eat during the 2ww?
Chicken essence to drink everyday?
Baby steps : congrats! Lots of sticky vibes for u to make the embies stick....! Haha saw your peeing message and that's was the worse feeling ever for me during my last ET ! This time round I will just pee in the pan.... Haha

U going to eat durians ?

Wow so many sistas on 2ww ! Jia you!

Chris : so sweet of your hubby to look at embies.... Must be heartwarming.... Have a feeling that you will bfP this time round...
got a GF who finally had twins after failed 3 ivf... The husband soooo happy ... I said to him u look like u have strike lottery.. He said "better than that!!!" ... Haha
Asiafighter: you know on the 2ww.. In the seminar, Prof mentioned that he didnt understand why many people complain it's tough; afterall how often to one gets this chance. I thought abt it.. It's true.. It's not just here in this forum but other forums too. Choose to make this period an enjoyable time instead of a "tough" time. It's only tough when we make it out to be ya ;)

Bubbub: ya.. He told me the embbies look v nice.. U know they aren't perfect but in his eyes, they are so they shall be
I do hope to BFP this cycle v much too
Babysteps, enjoy ur 2ww.

Bubbub, I told my dh this x I will pee on e pan after my ET. Last round I ren till few hrs later I went toilet. Piang, I had I hard x peeing after tat. I hate durians & my Dh used this chance to bluff me to eat. He say Maybe eat already will hv higher chance to bfp. DUH!!!!!!!!! I'M not Gog to fall into his trip, Lol.
Thanks all! I was abit upset just now cos was expecting better rewults after retreiving 22 eggs! But it's ok, i have my 2 precious and they will be the ones! Must remain positive!

Just before they called me, i actually bth and peed! Cos they told me blood test will take an hour.. 5 mins after i relieved my bladder, the nurse called my name! I told her, i just peed 5 mins ago, she say alamak! Hurry drink water else if dr reach and ur bladder not full, u gotta re-queue.. Few days ago, another lady had to wait 2 hours plus cos her bladder wasnt full.. Wah panicleh! Lucky made it in time.. When dr sadhana reached my bladder was almost full again...

Asiafighter - im planing to take chicken essence, brazil nuts, ensure milk and lrd tea everyday..

Bubhub - im not a fan of durians wor.. But if hubby eat, maybe i have one or two ba..

Haha.. My hubby is like yours too! My embryo photo is on my bedside table and we'll keep taking it to look at the embryos.. And ermm.. I know this sounds a little crazy but we actually have names for them.. Hehe.. So my hubby will also sayang my tummy and call the names.. Haha..


Wow you actually can tahan a few hrs!! I was off to the toilet in 20 min.. My hubby very funny, he told me, don't pee violently k, let it dribble.. Hahaha..

Baby steps,

All the best!! Enjoy the 2ww.. Talk to your embbies everyday and tell them to stick tight tight to mummy
Min, your hubby is very funny!!!!!

Dreambear you also very funny.

Babysteps, they are the fated ones. Hope I can be on 2ww soon
Sparkles - yes, after the ET .

Baby steps - wl go n buy chicken essence later, Brazil nuts organic was out of stock fm NTUC fairest. Where else can I get the organic Brazil nuts?
Min - we gave our embies nicknames too right sfter ET! Haha.. I dont think its crazy la! Our babies need an identity mah! Hehe..

Sparkles - Yup they will! =)

Muff - Very soon you'll join us le im sure! Yup, both are the ones! Waiting for them to stick and grow for the next 9 months!
Dream bear/Babysteps/Asiafighter: on durians, my TCM like don't find a need leh.. She relate a patient ate that and she kinda ask her why she ate it. As I still tend to cough a bit due to itchy throat, I will stay away from durians this time. Omitting chicken too due to cough. I don't want to fall sick. I use ensure as a meal for breakfast (kinda).

Babysteps: I can imagine man! Haha.. Heng ur bladder fill up in time ;)

Min81: I think u and hubby more siao onz than us.. Haha! Makes me laugh.. :D so that is the names for the babies le huh?

Sparkles: yes, we were given embryos pics for the both cycles done in diff places.

Muff: are u in stimming now?
Welcome to 2ww group babysteps. Yep plenty of us here. Even nurses at chr oso said this 2 months lots of people on the list. I didn't know that so many people r in the same boat as us.

Chris, Bluenosebear, Min81 - Dr AA review me today. This review was done to make sure we don't hv any ohss. Prof didn't give ovidrel to me bcoz i m high risk for ohss with 26 oocytes retrived. Anyone with >15 is risky. Ovidrel can make ohss worse but not progesterone. The use of ovidrel is to stimulate d corpus luteum to secrete progesterone to maintain lining. So giving me prog direct thru injection is the same, minus the risk of causing ohss

Which area you stay? If you are near parkway, can go to the giant supermarket.. At the corner near the bakery section, there's those counter selling fresh nuts.. They have brazil nuts too.. I remember someone mentioned jurong point and vivocity also..

Kum yin,

I see.. Okie gd that you still have jab support.. I must say nuh seems to be very generous with support..


Hehe.. Ya will be their names, we gave a boy's name and a girl's name
Wah you sleep quite late hor.. Must sleep earlier ah..
