IVF/ICSI Support Group

Dreambear : 8am

Lin - Dr didn't exactly say if 22 were all matured but just said most are bad quality even though matured.. I think claim got pcos they scared I ohss so keep monitoring ba.. But I nv got to know the BT results one.. Yup, DH can go in for ET with u.. It's not really like an Ooo theatre.. Its a room with this bed and stirrups and ultrasound screen.. It's linked to another room which I suppose is where the embryologists work cos they bring out the embryos from that room... I think if DH not around, u can just place the bag in the changing area or on the nurse table cos its a v short procedure and only nurse, dr and embryologist will be in room so very safe! No wor, I never bringsocks along..Must wear socks aft ET?
Asiafighter - Ensure milk got protein can help alleviate ohss and also has selenium aids with implantation.. Plus it has a lot of vitamins and minerals.. TTC aside, also good for body.. =)
hi ladies, thanks for all your input about Ensure milk. I am considering to buy it but I am so afraid that I will become a fat pig after drinking it... I think will be easier to become one if I drink it at night.
Bubbub, forgotten to reply u why I switch to puregon. I told myself since gonal f did not work for me last round & since I'm changing regime, might as well change to puregon. Hopefully will give me better results, hehe.
Sunstillshine, I drink at night I also cannot put on weight when I had ensure during my last FET. So don't be scare about putting on weight.

Baby steps - xie xie nie
Sunstillshines: for ensure milk u can take as normal milk. Normally for me I drink as breakfast. I seldom take breakfast one. 6 scoops too sweet so at time I need 4-5scoops only. If u don't mind I have half a tin vanilla one can pass to u to try.

From what I understand ensure milk is actually for tube feeding patient. That y they are taking 3x a day. Ensure milk is just an additional supplement for normal people. Can be very heaty Also. Bbdust to you.
Brrrrrrrr...... So cold man while waiting in the ward to prepare for ER.... They brought me to a delivery ward, so strange ...

Dreambear : yeah I didn't response well to gonal f too....so hopefully puregon will make a diff... Are u on elnova too?
Min81/bluenosebear: await your good news and making us "dusty"

Bubbub: all the best for your ER! can u ask for blanket leh?

Oh is it? I thought quiet day today.. I went at 7.30, there was nobody and the nurse took my bt straightaway and i was off.. Looks like i managed to just avoid the crowd.. Will hang ard at nuh till they call at lunch.. Haha..
Min81, how long will the result comes out. what do you need to do aft blood test result? Stay hosp
Wait very sian. I waiting at woman clinic one hour liao damn sian.
Kum yin, Dream

Thank you ladies!!
Dream, yup my first fresh cycle..


Mm they told me if good news, they'll call by lunch and i'll have to see the doc this afternoon.. But they mentioned prof not ard, if need to see will be dr anupriya.. I stay in bedok, so instead of travelling to and fro (if wonderful news!), i'll just stay here and nua at the couch..
Hope 4 bb - after blood test & AFC scan, then u go back to chr to collect ur pens, nurse in chr will make sure u knw how to jab & that u know the dose before letting u go home. No need to wait for the blood test results bcoz they r done as a baseline for comparison. Prof is not in clinic today so maybe a bit slower bcoz d sit in dr need to read ur case before started talking to u.
Actually, i also prefer drinking ensure packet milk to taking the powder and doing it myself...though the packet is more costly...but packet is more convenient...

how many packets do u gers drink everyday?
Kim yin, did 2 fresh at gleaneagles. Burn a big hole in pocket.

Min, u so hardworking travel so far to the west hosp. Though kk or sgh nearer for u
Min81: did u have to ask for jab or Prof give? Dr Anu just press press and ask me to go?

Hope4bb: sorry to hear that but better to be safe.

Hmm i was told to take the jab, i didn't ask.. U wanna check with chr before u leave just in case?


Sorry to hear that.. It happened to me last aug, i know how it feels.. So gotta wait a mth to see if it clears?
Yawn, woke up already.....munching on breaky vow hungry man...nurse was shocked..... Bo pianz, love to eat ....

Now stomach is full... Going to sleep in now...
Dear all... Im new in this thread, though im not new in sgpmotherhood. I've been in 2ww for more than two years, every day waiting for miracle to happen. Long story short, I had three failed IUIs, diagnosed with thyroid problem and now on medication, DH's sperm count and morphology are bad. We have been taking a break from ttc, partly because DH dowan me to be too stressful which might have contributed to my thyroid problems. But we're getting old. The clock is ticking. We are considering IVF at NUH, preferably with Prof Wong.

Can anyone please share what is the IVF procedure like... how is Prof Wong (is he good, caring etc)... I dowant to have high expectations, so that if it fails, I dowan to be very sad. The emotional roller coaster is not good for my health.

Baby Steps to Our Rainbow: I read your blog. Nicely written, and thanks for sharing. Good luck in your 2ww!
Halo bubbub, u recover real fast!

Just had my scan on D5 of stimulation. a tiny disappointed with e results but I'm still looking fwd cos it's still early. Had one 9mm egg on right & 5 other smaller ones on left ovary. Lining reduced from 5mm to 4mm tdy. Doc increased my dosage from 225 to 300IU. I complain e injections pain n Roland administer my jabs just now to show my dh. Haha, he asked me relax n dun even need to pinch my tummy, let my dh do all e job wor, heh!
Chris : think that was becos i am under the influence of sedation.... Thot I superwoman n did feel any....now damn tired n aching man.... Hao Lian haha... Tmr i will now cos ET Monday .... Wow is it this painful? Can't remember it being this painful...

Cheeka: when it comes to man, only need that 1 or 2 sperms out of a million so dun worry too much abt the count or morphology ...

Baby steps got blog? I wanna read!!! Where?

Dreambear : it's only day 5 so keep ur chin up....what are the sizes of the other 5? Lining goes up and down.... Think common, 7 or 8 is what we need ... U still have like another week to get to that thickness, easy Lah... My hubby expert in jabbing,,..he can watch tv m jab without looking....then exciting part of the movie, left it dangling there....

So sorry, i'm also not sure.. But i read that many women have cysts, and often, they'll be flushed out with the next AF.. For my case, prof asked me to wait a mth and see how.. A mth later, they were still there, he gave me the option to go ahead (which he strongly discourages) or go for laparoscopy to remove then wait 3 mths to do ivf.. I chose the laparoscopy..
Dear Ladies,

Would like to sprinkle loads of baby dust on all of you here! I'vejust received the call
Thank you so much for all the advice and all the moral support and encouragement.. Wishingall of you the best!!
wahh.. you gals are early, i just finish breakfast.. watch tv now sitting infront of my lappie and reading the msgs post hahaa.. so many to catch up..

bubb, dont hao lian.. be wonderwoman ehhee.. go back rest well.. maybe they extracted many eggs explains the pain.

min, awaits for your baby dust, standby with both hands and legs to receive it

Nana, i have take 3 rounds of clomid, the side effects are like what sparkles says.. beside that for mine the major ones are putting on weight and mood swings
Min: I just so happened to come here and try my luck to see whether you are dued for BT and I saw your good news!!!! I am realllllly sooo happy for you and your dh!!!! *I am actually smiling to myself on the train while typing this* Please take good care of yourself now and rest well!!! Wishing you a smooth 9 months!!
Its my first cycle. Today is my d18. And my boobs hurts a lot and i feeling warm since sunday. Its like having fever feeling. Then since yesterday, felt some cramping at my tummy area and bloatedness. Is that normal?
