IVF/ICSI Support Group

Okie ladies... Went for my scan and its looking bad ...

I dunno what happened but end up I got only 3 to harvest? Even the 2 that went crazy to grow until 20 and 19mm...1 stay stagnant and 1 went missing? How crazy is that? This is worse than my previous ivf....

My doc said tonight needs to trigger, I pleaded with him for 1 more shot before ER.... He wasn't that open or optimistic but said we can try if my Bt shows that my progesterone is still low and manageable...

The problem is .... Dunno why, I felt a bit numb.... Want to cry also no tears,,,, damn...

Bubbub, steady...dun go into a panic state, ok? did the doc explain y? if he doesn't know either, then pls try to calm down and force urself to think positively. u hav to keep ur mind at east and not stressed out which will impact the procedure too... jus leave it to fate and do what u can do now - relax & think positively.. and having low quantity doesnt mean no chances..i rem there's a sis here who succeed only on 1 embryo...so u never know...just try to up ur chances by relaxing adn getting ready for ER..
Jai you!!

Ladybuggy, well...is still early but good to hav sth to motivate u to think positively, isnt it??
Dear all, my mense came today not full flow yet. Should i call up chr today or tomorrow to startmy fresh. Another probl is i have muscle tear on my calf n walk with a limp. Should i start my cycle this month?

Anyone here has experience of using Growth Hormone - Nordilet. The company name is Norvatis. It is in a pen form which doesn't need dilution, like Saizen.

Any side effects? Thank you!
Bubbub, dont be sad
You have to finish ER first then you will know the results. Now is too early. We need 1 to BFP! mindset will also affect, so keep positive first unless all hopes are lost. Cheer up!
Ladies, my mense comes today but not full flow yet. Should i just call today or tomorro to nuh chr? Which day of mense do you start yr injcection?
Hope- it depend u are doing in which hospital.
Call up & check with them.
All depend on yr choice, if on any med, maybe do next month.
Do inform chr about this matter
Thanks muff, dream, dreambear and positive....

My gynae asked me to see him again at 330 later to discuss the next steps... Anyway when I dun feel as bloated as before, I knew something wasn't right.... Ughhhhh... So annoying ...

Btw, I lost the 19mm one...dunno where it went... So only left 20, 18 and 17mm...

Wll accu helps to speed up the growth ?
Thanks ladies, just called chr to go down n see what doc say on fri. Meanwhile I should start taking egg white, chick essence, long an drink n ensure milk?
Bubbub, I have no experience with acupuncture maybe other sisters can advice but I do know a normal follicle will grow 1-2mm per day naturally even without stimulation.
Dreambear: last time is real zoo, now just a mini-mini. Ya, have babies will be v buzy.. One of my dogs also passed away last year, I am thankful that I still have 1 dog now. I think my current dog also miss her then but now she is ok. I still miss my dog's bark and presence, thought to have a second dog of same breed but still holding back for now. Think about the good times so you will want to rekindle that

Min81: Interesting and mystery solved! Hope it works well for u. ya, back from vet; she is ok.. Alamakz, burn a hole again cos I ask for pet transport. I would panic also if see blood in pee but good point to note that it's UTI, I will remember. I was going to ask u to syringe feed her water.. Is she on knibbles? If so, all the more need to drink water. Else u can try cooking for her; higher water content in cooked food. Post ET on Fri.

Babysteps: so many doggie owners here also.. Haha.. ya she is ok la, I v Kan Cheong when I see vomit, diarrhea and blood .. All bad signs.. She is the happy one.. Faintz. My rabbit is a sad case; don't know what happen also. Just have her for 1 month, just like that.. She my favorite somemore.

Ladybuggy: she ok but I scared we not vilgant then it gets too serious to solve so better get it done and over with Lo. Asthma have to be careful but next time u come my house, try my dog; if can then have this breed (warning: difficult to find locally).

Haiz, typing my message half-way and dog vomit out the meds she was given.. Waiting for clinic to call me back.

Bubbub: don't panic. See what doc will recommend. Agree with others. Having 3 is still 3, don't lose hope yet. Even if its 1, it's still yours! JY!

Hope4bb: all the best to your stimming!
Bubbub, actually, i thought ur 3 embryos are quite good sizes..so dun worry too much...just focus on these 3...is really the quality, i can assure u that..i extracted a lot with quite a number being fertilised with good grades..but it was still unsuccessful..so dun worry abt the quantity...hope it makes u more positive
Muff : yeah I thot so too and that's why I am surprised when 1 stop growing after 500 puregon and 1 went missing .... The rest didn't grow as fast as they should to cross the 18mm mark.... My lining is considered very good but fluctuates up and down... Really makes I wonder what does accu do man...

Thanks Chris, bluenose bear and baby steps ... Hiaz...going to see my gynae now again,,. To decide when to do ER.... He was saying an additional shot may or may not make the difference...
Bubbub, nvm nvm. Quality most important. I had 35 retrieved, in the end only 10 made it to freeze. errrrrr....... no point having numbers. haha
Bubbub, Ya accu may help in speeding up the growth. if i'm not wrong, Dr Roland is a certified 'TCM' also, may be u may ask his advise.

Asiafigher, Accu may help too.
Bubbub: are u currently also taking accupuncture? How did gynae's visit went? I got awakened up suddenly by the rain n need to close window.
Can I check if anyone of u had done or had researched on doing IVF in Thailand? Or maybe scans & checks done here but transfer in Bangkok. Do share your experience. Thanks!
Chris, i think she is still with her Dr. for discussion. Raining? my place here is hot like oven, im sitting infront of my fan but still feels so warm.
Ladybuggy: oh ok.. I hope the discussion will be fruitful for her. Decision making is hardest. Yes it's raining.. Very heavily..in northwestern.
Bubbub - stay positive! 20, 18 and 17 sounds like good numbers actually.. one of them could be ur bfp!

Asifighter - during my previous iui, when my lining wasnt thick enough, besides red bean soup,i also drank red raspberry tea ..
Babysteps/Bubbub: am inspired by one of the forumer who actually BFP on 14mm, if I remember correctly. Nothing is impossible.

Asiafighter: Raspberry supplement 1000mg/day. Are u going through stimulation?
Sparkles: u won't feel anything under anaesthesia in ER. On waking, you might feel sore and for a few days and its normal. If need to, you can take normal panadol. ET, u will be awake in the process and its v fast, last than 10mins when it starts.
thanks girls

I bought raspberry organic tea cos I read somewhere it wl help. I'm also taking progynova now.
Chris(reddesk)' I'm in my 2ww now. Worry abt my lining. The tea is ok right? Calling TSB to see how?

You're in 2ww now? Hmm maybe don't drink the raspberry leaf tea first? I heard it's usually not recommended to take after ovulation.. I think your lining should be ok since the transfer was done, don't worry k..

Asiafighter: I don't recommend you take raspberry tea now. IF you want, take it from week 32 onwards 1 cup/day when u bfp ok.
If you want, just red bean soup 2-3days apart. Take it because you like it. Wah, u also in 2ww.. Haha
lets JY!
Asiafighter, don't worry about the lining now, just relax and enjoy your 2ww. Welcome to the 2ww club.

Chris, im at the north-east, start to rain now.
Think can't be cycle buddy liao
I am so annoyed! Just received letter from clinic and they put me in May instead of next week or april. So xian..that now drag 2 mths further down the road again! Stupid health system!
Thank u girls.

Chris(reddesk) - am in my 2ww, now taking progynova pill. I also just bought raspberry organic tea to drink n hope my lining wl grow thicker. A bit worry. Call TSB and waiting for her reply. Sigh
Asiafighter - what was ur lining at last scan? If too thib they wld have advised.. dont kan cheong.. must chill k.. dr zou told me after hsg usually the lining stablize le, wont grow too much liao..

ChrisL - how come they moved u 2 mths later? isit cos they want u on some supplements before u start?
ChrisL, how come delay to may? r u ok?

asiafighter, so fast u in 2ww le..

how u know ur kining is thin? i thot progynova is enough to hav good lining?
dunno leh..i've just shot them an email asking them..cos i thought it should hv been this month. That's the protocol every time mah..xian..But don't think supplement lah, they pro natural de..don't believe in supplements at all. All they prescribed was progyvona on the prescription they send to me. So so xian..i was looking forward to my last 2 embryos de
Hey sistas, I am back! Thanks Qegg, lady buggy, baby steps and Chris!!! I saw your postings and my tears almost burst out... U gals are so sweet....muaks muaks!

Got my bloodwork and my estradiol seems ok though? 11k so that means I have more than just 3 miserable eggs? 2 days ago was only 3k ...so the eggs are hiding ? Nurse said rest are too small at the moment ....

Doc scheduled for ER this Friday cos progesterone is climbing and may lead to over mature eggs so am here at A&e waiting to be adminstered with the trigger... I asked for 1 more shot of puregon but was told dun risk it...

I quickly went to do my acu man... Have been diligently doing it but I think these 2 days do everyday man.... Hopefully can push the growth rate...

Really Chris?? 14mm also can bfP? Wow!
Asiafighter: miss out one of your sentence. Yes u can go see TSB for herbs
tell her your concern also. Don't worry too much.

Bubbub: haha.. Good to hear from you.. U are bubbling up and down now .. Good good.. 11k is actually very ok leh girl.. I also think no need another stimming drugs le.. U got money, give me la.. Haha.. Ok good that your spirits are up! Tmr is jab-free day le! And ER fri liao.. U are there le.. JY!
Bubbub, trigger do in a&e de meh for Roland's patient? Last round I did mine at hm 36 hrs b4 my ER lei? Change protocol now arh? We just need 1 to strike, so stay Zen & happy n look towards ur ER on Fri Ya.
ChrisL - Dont be upset, can take these 2 months to tio ur body until hoseh hoseh then do ur BFP FET.. =)

Bubbub - Maybe got some hidden or couldnt scan? I had a very gasy tummy during one of my scans and they couldnt see nost of my follies also.. must poke poke here and there to see then.. so urs maybe also playing hide and seek.. Enjoy urself tmr, ER is here in no time! =)

Sisters who have done fresh on kkivf, do they tell u the summary of ur eggs then do ET or ET le then tell u ah?
Thank you so much for all the encouragement. Usually my lining is always good exp this time.
day7 was 8mm then went dwn to 6.4mm n today only 7.1mm ET. I'm very worry......is too thin - :'(. I'm doing natural ivf just to let u girls kwn.
Ivf journey is the worse roller coaster ride ever! 1 moment ok and the next moment, u feel like in hell...

Chris : hahahahaha! I wish I had a money growing tree at home ! Ivf is painful for the pocket, heart and physically. I gain 3kg just in just this 9 days....crazy.

Thanks muff muff and baby steps! Hope it's really hidden ....

Dreambear : last time on gonal f I also administer on my own...but I am on puregon and the trigger is more troublesome cos has to go through buttcheek and there ar a lot of nerves there so Roland doesn't allow self administration. Either nearby tGP or Peh...due to the precise timing, they prefer me to do at Peh cos there is special arrangement with A&e.

Chris : u are damn chill man... How did u do it?

Jia you jia you! Glad to see you more cheery now
Enjoy your jab-free day tmr!


Since in 2ww already, try to relax and stay happy k.. I'm sure all's good.. Stay positive!
Asiafighter: can take red bean soup la.. It's nutritious anyway. But not too often; don't overdo
You can go see TSB. She very nice one, she remember to call me to go down also since she is aware that we doing Ivf this cycle
Bubbub: if u got money growing tree, dont forget to share w me hor! Haha! You don't know when I am sweating la.. Where got someone always chill one ehh... Maybe my ah Lao.. Haha
he always say 平常心, at first get on my nerves and think he don't understand, now ok la.. True right.. Just 平常心 Lo. ;)
Bubbub, Thanks for ur clarification! This round I will do in a&e also bah, cos I'm on puregon. 3kg???? I put on 3kg since my last cycle le lei. I throw away my weighing machine le, shit, I forgotten to weigh myself b4 I start my puregon. I will weigh myself on Fri during my scan.

Btw, sisters other than using hot water bag, what else k I do to lessen my 'blue black' kind of pain on my injected area? My left side hv such pain, dun know itiz cos my left side more eggs this round? But I dun hv blue black yet lah.

Kum yin,

There's nothing much during post ET review.. Prof will just press press your tummy.. To check for what, I dunno.. Hehe..
