IVF/ICSI Support Group

Babysteps all the best for yr ER today.

Chris hope you are doing fine after ET yest.

Quite alot of sisters r in ER ET and TWW. Hoping to hear and grab your BFPs soon
Sara: I m ok. Thanks. Trying not to feel too bored. All the running up n down from before ER to ET then suddenly all halt.. Trying to adjust.. Haha!
Bubbub: Being bloated is just a symptom and different people perceive differently. If your scans are showing good growing follicles then that's really all that matters
don't worry! JY!
Thanks laki gal and positive! Cos the last time I dun feel bloated is when I didn't yield much eggs
.... So thot it's good for being bloated? No bloatedness, can it be becos follicles not growing?
Hi ladies,

Just wondering.. Any of you suffer bad breakouts or bad skin after stimulation stage? A bit depressing to wake up everyday and see new mountains filled with pus on my face.. Always had oily face but now skin on face is peeling.. The eczema on my legs which i've not had for a long time is threatening to flare up too.. Asked prof, he said it can happen cos of all the hormones we inject but it's quite uncommon.. Thought it'll clear during 2ww cos no more jabs but doesn't feel like it..

Hmm...anyone like my case procedure call for a stop because follicles not growing and hormone level too low to proceed. It was on day 7 of the procedure. Hope u can share your experience with me. Thanks.
Thanks Chris! Anyway my follicles are not good as well... 2 had grown too fast, they are at 20mm and 19mm on day 7... And 5 is ok 14mm and 3 hiding.... My gynae suggested that the 2 that are growing too fast may not be good so giving them up and just focus in the 5.... Dr zou suggested that the 2 are too abnormal so may be empty or just a cyst...

This is frustrating ! The last cycle I didn't yield much and thot switching to elnova can be a miracle.... End up also didn't make much improvement ....

Anyway Chris, good luck in your 2ww!
bubbub, dont think in tat way. Bloated might not b a gd thing oso, coz bloated will result in ohss n will feel nasty w it. Juz dont look into ur symptoms too much k.

min, i didnt suffer any breakout but only temper bcm bad. Sometime hormones will affect our appearance de n it tk some time to clear off. Dont depress k. Can doc prescribe some med for u first?
Laki gal,

Thanks, will try not to think too much abt it.. Don't wanna use pimple cream from my dermatologist cos i heard it's not gd during ivf.. Will just try to take care of it cos my skin condition is such that i have possibility of leaving keloid scars when there's broken skin.. Legs are also itchy so i'm just smothering aloe vera gel which the nurse told me is ok..
1bb- How have u been? I wish u bfp soon too.

ChristL- thank you!
I've heard with long cycles the lining is either too thick or the egg too matured. But looks like it can still happen.

I could have waited till my 6th week scan or after 1st tri about my pregnancy. But felt sharing earlier, If it can give hope to ladies in their 40s or nearing 45 ( i am 2 months away) or help others with long cycles, I'd would be really glad. We all know how difficult and draining it can be emotionally, physically and that defeated feeling everytime we 'see red'.

Lin- my cycles have always been long. 35 to 44 days. Shamseah told me about the clearblue ovulation kit with the smiley when i was in Sg during counselling. I use that from CD 20 till I get the smileys or till CD 30. But i had 3 extras so i decided to use them all till CD33 and it smiled on CD32, expensive but it's nothing compared to IVF.

Funny noone asked me what i did differently this cycle except from a Sister who PMed me.
The day when i heard of the zero fertilisation, i tripped over and sprained my ankle at the taxi stand at Novena. It was so bad that it looked like i had a mandarin orange stuffed in my ankle. As i also wanted to fly home, my friend suggested tI see an ayurvedic Dr. Even he was wondering how a trip over a kerb can do such damage. I told him my sob story and he prescribed the 'sukumaram kasayam' to drink twice a day everyday and to rest during period. He was very confident that i'd be pregnant. I stopped all other supplements except for folic acid and it was my 1st cycle.

Like. me, if u have tried it all, antioxidants, COQ10, prenatala, tcm, accupuncture, go see an ayurvedic doctor.
Baby dust to all!
Thanks laki gal & Positive.

babystep - good luck for ER today.

min81 - hv u tried distracting urself from the 2ww & the skin issue bcoz maybe this 2ww is subconsciously stressing u a bit. I find my pimples come out more when i stay home during hol n less or none when i was busy either with work or housewrk. Apparently stress can cause eczema breakout. If after a day or two no improvement, maybe should see ur derm before d skin break.
Kum yin,

All the best for your ET later!

Actually i've always had all these skin issues from young.. Have all the necessary med at home for emergencies but always tried to avoid using it.. They happen at anytime and not just period of stress.. Was warned by dermatologist before ivf already.. The symptoms became more pronounced after ER, before that i was kinda ignoring it.. Was managing it but few nights ago i actually woke up while scratching my leg, i didn't even know i was scratching! Was telling hubby i should wear my oven mittens to bed.. Haha.. Will just manage with aloe vera for now.. Hope they'll clear off soon..


Haha.. Hope so.. But the outbreak started before ET..
Yo cock cock!! Thanks for popping in here to cheer me on!! Me ok lah... I alrdy 看开了. Hehe...

Hi abple me same lor. Just trying naturally for now. but not v diligently though. Slacked on vits etc also. guess i m sian alrdy. haha. So happy for u dear! U must take good care n rest well ya... Stress free most impt.

Yo chirsl, Shd b starting my last fresh with nuh this year. Will b having a closure after this last fresh.
Hi sisters..

Retreived 22 eggs this morning.. Feeling super gasy and crampy.. Having lunch now and going back to sleep.. High risk of OHSS so going to down isotonic drinks like nobody's business.. ET on Thursday...
babysteps> congrats on yr er. update us on yr et day, rest well.

chris> so did they culture yr remain emby to 5days?

chrisl> i took progyvona and no side effects. cud it be allergy to the medic? is it common or there are other medic that can substitute? u went for scan already?

bubbub> i also had no feeling of blaoted during stim n before er..

abple> u took for hw long then bfp??

min> i had pimples during stim, but aft stim, no more. but eczema yes. during stim, got eczema outbreak, and doesnt recover as fast as it used to be. aft ET it stays there lor.. then when i tested bfn, i use steroid cream, cos moisturers doesnt help anymore. but it took longer than usual to recover even with steriod. its same as my sinus alergies.. now still there. i asked dr tan, he said its not normal, but some pple do get it.. i think our immune system is nt as strong, thus we got eczema n nose allergy, n the hormones drugs will aggravate the condition.
Min > I'm like u, have very oily skin. Those Hugh pimples, even I dun squeeze them, will also leave scars kind. After my last ivf, I got tons of such pimples on my chin area n hv added alot of new scars le. I still use my dermatologist pimple cream cos she only mention to avoid whitening ptds if preggy.

I tik cos I'm a 2nd timer, I k feel that I'm more tense up this round, although I've told myself to rest & relax. Knowing nothing, including this forum I went into my 1st ivf. I did nothing but having jabs, working, going to BT & scans, then ER & ET. nothing to compare n nothing to worry. Here I am, my 2nd day of stimulation on my 2nd cycle. Went for acupuncture n chit chat with Dr Zou n I actually cried when there is nothing wrong with me!!!! Oh man, how to.tahan for e coming 1 mth till actual BT????
Hi ladies,

wah.. so many msgs.. cant catch up.

usagi.. nice to see my ex-cycle buddy here hehe.. u delivered? Hope i can join u at the other side.

i1BB, wave wave, nice to see you back here. I'm now in 2ww already 7day post ET. I ever went to eu yan sang at camdem centre, the lady also specialise in fertilty. Went there for about 6 months but too exp for my pocket, i heard the one at paragon is famous and many strike under her.

Babysteps, 22 is a good no. may there be lots of good and matured embbies for fertilization.

min, i also develop some eczema and oily skin during the stims. I also used aloe vera cream to apply to stop the itch. During my 2ww now, im having very oily scalp, oily facial skin. I have some small rashes on my arms and legs. Yest night i was scratching my leg cos too dry. I think its the side effects of the cyclogest too.
dreambear, i felt more relax this FET cycle initially maybe because there's no jab involved. I feel you cos i have been ttc for many yrs and im not young, yest night i was chatting with my hubby about this cycle cos i don't have any symptoms during this 2ww and i have this 'suan suan' feeling at my lower abs like AF coming, after awhile, i start tearing, my hubby got a shock and say it must be the hormones acting up.

Now i felt the tense, entering the 2nd week of 2ww is even more stressful den the 1st cycle
Try to relax, do some light walk, go dinner with friends and not to think too much about it, take one step at a time. Things will fall in place when the time comes.
Dreambear, jia you! u are not alone..anytime if u need a vent, just drop by here....meanwhile, just try not to think abt out it and look for distractions like going out wiht fresn and enjoy a retail therapy..leave it to fate..we have done all our best..

actually, i am somone who doesnt believe in fate..i always believe there are ways we can do to change the results of our decisions...but this TTC journey really humbles me..todya, i hva no choice but to believe that luck really plays a hand in our lives sometime..i started off wanting a kid very badly esp after seeing all my frens moving on next stage...but perhaps after close to 3yrs of trying (2 failed IUI + 1 failed ivf), i seem to hav lost the drive...i wasnt that upset when i fail the ivf vs when i failed iui for the first time...sometimes i even wonder if i still wan a bab7y as badly as before...or i am just leaving it to fate...if hav , good lor...if no, there's nothing else i cna do...
dream, ^5.. after ttc so many years and been to see many fertility clinics, all said that we have no prob conceiving and send us back home to ttc on our own. Until last yr, i pricked up the courage to try IVF. I strongly agreed with you. During the break, we tried naturally but also no luck. So its really fate.
dreambear.. hahaa u so cute.. this cyclogest inserts is giving me irritating side effects like mood swings, headaches, shaking hands, cough and my eyes are slightly swollen. I called in to ask the nurse, they told me its pretty common cos its a stronger med den the previous one given during the 1st fresh IVF.
Hi hi ladybuggy... Thanks for the info on eu yan San. M on my way to south bridge branch c he qiuling. Since my sis in law swear by her. Lolx. U try to b s zen s possible ya... Jia yo.

**wave wave* babyjourney! How r u dear? Miss some of the sisters here...alot graduated Liao... Me still "studying" boohoo.... Hahahaha
Wa, got pple rem me I feel v flatten.. Thks Chris! It has been a tough but very enriching experience. My twins are 6mths old now. Must admit I m not a v patient mum though..

Positive, thks. Yes yes, hope I can serve as an encouragement. I conceived my twins via 2nd ivf at the ripe old age of 40! Think most of u here are younger than that. Jia you ok!

I1bb I hope won't see u here in this thread after ur nuh attempt! U go girl!

Wave wave bbjourney! How's things?! I know the FB v happening! But I scare I join then I realise how slow or non kiasu I m compared to u all!
dream, Hi-5! I feel the same. When you are competent in your life, you tend to plan for things in an orderly manner. When things go bad you tell yourself this cannot be happening, why me? Then you try to push it and thinking we can control the results. This IVF journey has helped me to relearn myself and redirect my thinking. MOst importantly, it has helped me to learn acceptance. Accept that things can really be out of our hands, not within our control. I was so defeated earlier but realised that this is not a afterall not a competition, but a journey in our lives. Keep the faith!

Babysteps, congrats!!!!! good no of eggs. rest and lay down till you feel better. Iso drinks really helps alot for relieving the bloat.
Min81: maybe you are more sensitive to hormonal flunctuations.. Did he give you anything to help you with those symptoms?

Bubbub:You have 5 good ones

Abple: thanks! Yours is a miracle.. a blessing in disguise!

i1bb: the sukamaram kasayam is a mix of stuff, but I think like TCM, better see the doc before taking it.

Babysteps: You made it! Lets hope you have many swee fertilized embryos there.

Dreambear: i think i am reverse of you, I am worry less this time after worrying a lot first time.. haha.. anyway, stay relaxed, good or bad, no control, only be diligent, if have to go thr, might as well choose to go thr happily right

Babyjourney: good to see you.. ahh.. good older timers coming back to bless us.. so fortunate of us.. baby dusts already started to fall... hahaha
if you keep in mind that 得来不容易, you might change and become more patient ;) must really 珍惜your 宝贝们! I am happy for you that no matter how tough, all turn out well!

Muff: You echo some of my feelings there too! We are all in the journey to be better model role for our kids ya!

Ladybuggy: JY! When is your BT this week?

i1BB: You study so diligently, sure will graduate with flying colours one ok! :D (* I really love your nick but I always spell wrongly.. Haha!)
i1BB, I am fine. Back to work already and my baby just turn 5mths old. Jiayou ok!!! I know you can do it and you must "study" hard hard and pass with flying colors okie. Hugz

Cockcock, dont worry abt how fast/slow and KS/non-KS. I also v slow one, but I slowly learn and pick up from the mummies. Come join us lah.

Sparkles, yes I m in the FB group.
Chris, Hello!!! i want to give my support to the sisters here who are there for me when I needed support last year. Without their support, I dont think i would hv come so far.
A topic that will somehow pop up in your IVF journey on embryo quality.

Embryo fragmentation.
Fragmentation are tiny bits of the cells which pinch off when the cells divide creating little 'bubbles'. One can think of it as if you were breaking apart a piece of crusty bread. When you try to break the bread apart, crumbs, or fragments are formed. These fragments are of no use to the embryo and are considered “junk” pieces of cytoplasm. Fragmentation can become worse over days, but they can also be reabsorbed into the cells.

There is a possibility that the fragments can crowd the growth of the cells but where these fragmented embryos do grow through to blastocyst, you can see that the blasto pushed the fragmented pieces out of the forming blasto to the edges around the shell. When the blasto hatches all the fragments are left behind in the shell. It is worthy to note that a highly fragmented embryo will have decreased chance of reaching to the blastocyst stage.

Fragmentation can also be an effect of ICSI as the injection needle may affect the genetic material in an egg. One way to avoid this happening if the dr thinks this maybe one of the causes, is the use of a special light which allows one to see the genetic material to avoid damaging it.

The factors that causes fragmentation is still debatable. The factors pointed out as possible casues are currently: egg quality, stimulation protocol, lab and culture medium, sperm DNA. A rule that is good to go by when considering how fragmentation affects pregnancy is, the higher the degree of fragmentation, the lower the likelihood of pregnancy. However, like a perfect embryo might not produce a pregnancy, a slow fragmented embryo can result in pregnancy of healthy babies as well.

A DNA test can be used to determine if there is fragmentation in the sperm DNA known as SCSA. It has been determine that a sperm DNA fragmentation of over 30% will not result in pregnancy however keep in mind that though SCSA test can give the sperm analysis but at the end of the day, in actual ICSI, there is no test yet specified in selecting sperm with little or no DNA damage before insemination. The only way to improve the chance of selecting a "normal" sperm is to reduce the percentage of DNA damaged sperm in a sample by vitamins, healthy diet, no smoking etc.
Chris, good info. I was so scared when lab called me to tell me I have substantial numbers of fragmented embryos, sian. But anyway now I realised nothing is for sure in IVF as well. So I will just pray hard ;)
Lin, dreambear, ladybuggy,

Thank you for your replies
I'm usually ok with it but this morning woke up feeling kinda overwhelmed.. Blaming it on the hormones too! Haha.. It doesn't help that I'm always perspiring even when sleeping in aircon rm, more frustrating..


Hug hug.. Don't worry too much.. Leave it to the doc to worry for us.. Hehe.. Can always come here to chit chat with us..


How are you feeling after ET?
Ok with the inserts? You know, I thought I'm supposed to be getting better with the inserts.. In the beginning I never felt it coming out, thought i expert already.. Hehe.. Starting few days back, I keep feeling the flowing out every time (sorry, tmi! hehe).. Hope my body's absorbing enough..
Chris, thanks for the info on fragmentation...learnt something new again today... I did a D2 transfer... i only rem the embryoist mentioning abt classifying the embryos into Grade 1-4 and soemthing abt fragmentatino..do u know if this is the same thing?

my embryos were frozed based on D2 transfer...just wondering the chances of thawing them and keeping till blastocyst stage before ET
Lin : how many did u retrieve eventually if you dun mind me asking?

Chris : yeah at least got 5 ( dunno can make it or not, will see at the scan tomorrow). Guess no point worrying at this point, I done my best

Baby steps : congrats on so many eggs retrieval...

Min : I bought this blemish cream from drx clinic which called blemish spot and its very effective and I dun think its harmful. I have very oily face...when I wake up from sleep, wow t zone super shiny man...

Dream: I am married for 10 years, 3 failed iui and 1 failed ivf ... All my GFs are on their next stage ( kids are mostly 5 to 6) and I cannot explain how envious I am.... This is my 2nd ivf and I have a strong support group of GF ( including the forum, I don't participate actively but every day I will read all the postings cos it makes me feel that my journey is not alone
.... So I feel less stress at this point in time.. ( haha dunno what will happen in 2ww) ...

Dr zou was telling me a lady had 3 kids conceived naturally but all turns out to have Down syndrome and had to abort each time... So she got exasperated and decided to do ivf, choosing the best, she had 7 good eggs and sent all for DNA testing to ensure they have no genetics disorder,,, 1 test is 1k so 7k all in all.... Guess what, all the 7 eggs died cos the test is too stressful for them... Bo pian... Nothing she can do I guess... This is really, I done my best and rest leave it to fate

Min : I think the body is trying to tell you it has enough progesterone... Cos your body has also been producing their own progesterone ( with the embies successfully latched) so the body will expel anything extra ... Perhaps a good sigh too
