IVF/ICSI Support Group

babysmurf> have a good rest in hospital.. sometimes in hospital can rest better. so are u able to claim this hospitalization with insurance?

godislove> is this yr FET aft yr first fresh? yr spotting stop? i think best is to rest at hme lah.. must listen to dr :p

godislove n sasha> do u continue yr supplements during stim, n what u eat for lunch n dinner during 2ww?? stim can still brisk walk or do hsework?

sandra> i dun feel excited leh.. but nervous abt jabs..

leor> glad u are doing ok except for the af thingy.. wow dr tan so hot also.. ya me wait for af then start lor..

LS> even left one also must put, cos its still a hope. u can also buy immunocal at sgh pharmacy at $105.70 per box

chrisL> good luck for yr scan tmr n yr coming FET! yr flu is better?

nov rain> i think u can try clomid for one cycle or another more exp medi that can also helps in ovulation but less/no side effects. and at the same time try tcm for 2mths to see if can help yr ovulation

joynfaith> i also have spotting b4 mense (aft my lap). it cud be hormone imbalance or lining prob.. either yr gynae can give u some medi or yr tcm also..

jelly> as long as its nt red its ok, u can monitor for a while n rest for now..

min> maybe tell prof tt u wanted him to do for yr ET, maybe he nice enuf to arrange in jan..

Lin> yup... I think I will try clomid for one cycle.. Anyway my next appt with Dr chew is in late Dec.. Hopefully this month I strike naturally... Pray hard..I will also ask Dr about the other med... Thanks for the advice
Jelly, when I did my fresh cycle in Aug, had to put the crinone gel also and yes, there were like crumbly brown bits that came out. Quite gross but read up and found that it is normal. Now for my FET, dr didn't prescribe Crinone for me, so just Progynova and Utrogestan. Then after my spotting, went in for a jab (dun even know what was jabbed in..haha) and then nurse gave me Duphaston to take twice a day. All taken orally.

Don't worry too much ok, remember we are pregnant until proven otherwise (PUPO)! Let's stay positive!
just 1 silly question.. did u guys snack during ivf?? lols.. cos i was snacking the calbee spicy prawn crackers..then remember no spicy n prawn!!! omg...
Lin, I didn't take any supplements except for Folic Acid and Vit C. Also have been eating 2 eggs every morning for breakfast.. that's all..

As for 2ww, can pretty much eat anything as long as not spicy, too oily or too cooling, i guess. Nurse also said no pineapple, papaya and banana.
Don't rush to start cycling. Do it when you are mentally ready. Wish you luck in trying naturally too!

If the spotting become heavier, please give your clinic a call and see whether they allow you to do early BT. Meanwhile, just bed rest as much as you can

Hey, all your embbies are very strong leh! This is very positive. I believe they will sure stick tight to you when you reunite with them tomorrow. All the best!

All the best to your scan tomorrow!
Yes, Mrs ching, its getting heavier, i jus saw a blood clot and when i wipe, its red. I call my clinic but they say cant do anything now. Only ask me to go for early BT tomo am.

Meanwhile should i continue let it be or I can get help somewhere before tomo. My clinic refuse to entertain me until tomo am.
i cant find the 24 hr clinic in NUH, can i go to any women's clinic or A&E for jab or medicine support. I m not a kkh patient, can i go to kk n get support?

More n more blood clots, looks like gone case le.
Jelly, maybe can try KK or TMC? They shouldn't turn you away if you need medical support right, even if you aren't their patient? Take care! Praying for you..

For nuh, can go a&e.. Last time i told them i was bleeding and was brought to front of queue.. They got doc from maternity ward to check and called prof.. They can access all ur records.. But if u stay nearer to kk, maybe u wanna go there.. Praying for u..
wondersss : lol nvm lah since u eat a little already
drink more water n try not to have spicy food
i agree with godislove on the fruits to avoid

Godislove : ur with tfc also right? can i ask u abt the progesterobe test? if they dont call u its ok right? wats that really for? tks!
Sasha, Progesterone test is to test ur progestrone level whereby the hormone helps to prepare uterus for a possible pregnancy. i've went for my BT this morning for both progesterone and estrogen. nurse called me up in d aftn to go back for a jab for progesterone support as mine is at low side. wondering anything can help to boost progesterone level?
Joynfaith, wld yrs b progesterone prob? Or luteal phase defect? *touchwood

Hi small bunny, some ppl will have spottings after et
hi all Ladies,

I have 14pkts of Immunocal supplement for sale at $20 including postage. Expire on Feb 2013, pls PM me if anyone keen, thanks
hope your doc can managed to squeeze you in jan slot then!
crossing fingers and toes for you!

Lin yes i think i recovered already but then today working started sneezing again..maybe i caught the bug again!!?? Hopefully not sia!

praying and hoping that your spotting will stop..
Yo min, hope u can be squeezed into jan! Go with your heart. If prof is the one who gives u more confidence n u feel more comfy with him, just stick to him lor... As in if cant squeeze in jan (touchwood), then do in feb ba... My opinion only

Hi hi Chrisl, u starting fet ya!! Rooting for u dear!
Lin, it's something to do with my body hormone. I was told my body could not do a swtich to produce progesterone from ovulation, thus have spotting. I spot one day this cycle, maybe the full cream milk did the help. I read that full cream milk has certain hormone unlike low fat milk has removed certain hormone. Maybe I body lack of that hormone so after taking full cream milk, it help me.

Nov_rain, there is another medication (can't recall the name) similar to clomid but more expensive. I've tried clomid but lesser my mucus and of course different people has different response. With another medication, no issue on that.

Wondersss, I didn't snack during the process. Try to have a healthy and balanced diet. : )

LuvNhope, I am waiting for the day to join MTB, hope the day will come soon.

Ching, thanks for your advise. Wish our dream will come true soon. At what stage are you in now? Sorry, I wasn't following the thread frequently.

i1BB, I'm not sure if I've luteal phase defect. How to know? Blood test? I don't have this issue before the recent months though I used to have that in my younger days.
Morning ladies.....

Jelly....pray for u and hoped u r alright ! God bless...

Lin: agree with u.....even if one also must try..... Hopefully everything turns out fine .....btw what is the purpose or help for using immunocal ?

Sandra :morning ..... U also very early .....btw I agree with u ....the v insert I don't like too....I read the side effects ....seems like it caused my bleeding .....it can cause bleeding de.....and the main thing u need to insert deep inside....so it's not good....and the thing is KKH never ask me to stop the insert despite my bleeding .....so I really detest that v insert....go for jab if u can........
good morning ladies
hows everyone feeling?

Jelly : how r u now? bleeding stop?

Qegg : how r u feeling? going for jab?

Sandra : i m getting old! u did mention about the progesterone thingy to me before! thank u!
Joynfaith> morning! Ok I will go n checkout the med.. Sigh never knew to ovulate is such a difficult task! Thanks for the advice and listening.
Hi ladies, thanks for the push to go a&e. The doc take my urine test results n it's bfn last nite, prof din propose any jab , except to up my crinone to 2times per day.

I m still bleeding this am, looks like af report. Anyhow I at nuh now to get more support.

M glad got this forum strong support.
Jelly, take care and hope everything goes well soon. JY!

Sandra, Sasha, i've went back for a HCG jab - Pregnyl 2000iu yesterday aftn. dr din presribe me with additional support, i was told to continue my Duphaston. my progesterone level was 5.6 yesterday standard: 2.6 - 50+ .

Adeline, all the best for ur ET.
Good morning ladies...

Jelly, *hugs* Just pour all yr thoughts here and we are here for u..

OMG.. is TGIF!!! Going for my first scan tomorrow.. normally are we able to detect anything from the first scan?? hehehe
Qegg, thanks for the information!!

Without any coffee perks makes me sleepy... *yawns*
I really salute to the sisters here say quit means quit!
How to do it..??
Jelly, be strong, *hugz*.... Stay positive ya!

Adeline, all the best for your ET later ya!

Wondersss, like what Qegg said. So excited for u.:). Take care n drink alots water ya.
Hi Sandra, u can request to do a progesterone BT to check if u have luteal phase defect. According to the net/link, I think if ur af comes less than 10-12days after your O means your luteal phase no good thus even if embryos good it implants but not enough time to tell yr body to stop shedding blood (af).

Hi jelly, all the best. Just do whatever u can now n Dnt move ard too much.

Hi wonderss, tmr scan u shd b able to c some follicles
Oh n wonderss, mayb u can take decaf coffee for a start to help u quit. I also cnt quit totally. I still drink coffee n tea but limit to two cups a week. Moderation is the key word or at least that's how I console(bluff) myself. Hehe
Jelly, Hug! Hope the bleeding stop after jab support. Jia you!

LS, immunocal is protein. I took it daily for immune system. (Touch wood) So far I dont fall sick hehe. U may call the distributor for more info @ Tel: 6281 8229. Evelyn can explain very details for you at no cost lolz. Or u may read more info from this website: http://www.funggohpharma.com.sg/imm.html

dont worry! stay positive

Winderess, i also cant survive day without coffee, what i did is i took decaffean coffee from nespresso machine. How many jabs you did for tomorrow scan? are you in short or long protocol?
LS, FYI, I started to drink immunocal Dec 2010 before I start my first IVF. I drink all the way till I deliver in Oct 2011. Thereafter, I stopped for awhile cos too costly liao. Now I started to drink again since Sep to prepare my FET early next year. I strongly believe it does help me some way but dun knw where lolz. Maybe is just my believe ba. Haha... If possible I would like to drink it lifetime if financial allow yayy!

Grace, iBB, thanks!! Coffee is like a addiction.. Without it, my mind is in a blank and keep yawning while staring at the computer.. is a torture..

Prosepina, Today is my third jab and im still ok..but have not start popping eggs..:p
Im in short protocol.. im thinking y im not eatings eggs yet or not trying v hard.. lols.. guess dont wan to give myself too much stress to myself... or im jus plain lazy! hahahaha

Leor, i also wan to try immouncal but $$$ is the issue.. with all the supplements, TCM really drys me up.. hopefully i can still bfp with just plain eggwhites..
