IVF/ICSI Support Group

Joyfully, replied

Hi MC007,
Sorry me first time use PM. Din see yr reply and realise I din turn on my PM. Is it go to "edit profile" and then preference to uncheck the "do not send private msg"
Can u try to send me again =p
Randy, we jia you together ok! Im also keeping my fingers crossed for fri...going to chiong more EW today. Can I know which day are you tml since the stimulation?
Babygalore, sorry just realized that your earlier post was meant for me... Thanks much for your encouragement ya.
Luvn hope, i am thinking of ordering tingkat for dinner during 2 ww. If i'm not mistaken, you did the same? Which caterer you used and wld you recommend it.

Eskimobb, yes, am trying for no 2. You in touch with anybody from our batch? My no. 1 born in dec 2009.
SunnieHope, tuna contains high mercury which is not good and Soya products will harden the shell of follicles which might have difficulty for it to implantation. So best to avoid.
hope, tomorrow thurs will be my 11th day.
jiayou jiayou!

i eat EW till wanna puke. ive always been a half boil egg lover.. esp with black sauce dip with bread. now i see egg white i wanna puke. LOL!
Joyfully, if i count the first jab as D1 then fri I will be at D7. What about you? When are you going back for scan? Sorry i think you mentioned it earlier but too many posts and information haha. I just had the jab to stop O today and DH supposed to jab it for me tml....he is stress haha.
WY, yes, i ordered tingkat for lunch and dinner. YLS Catering for lunch and Hilltop for dinner. Hilltop's quite all right so far and portion is more than sufficient for 2. YLS has less variety of food. You can order their trials and try out?
Hope, me same. Husband is quite squeamish to jab me. I dont think I can do it myself so he got to do it.

Abple, your chinese is very good. Fei Chang Bang! Wish you all the best for your IVF journey.
Are you taking any TCM or acupuncture treatment?
Red Velvet, you are having your jab to stop O on fri right? Jia you on sat scan but i think you should be doing great with the high number of follicles
Hey Randy, I m on the same exact day of stimu as you.

So Hope, I am at D10 today.
I m gg for scan on fri, but gg back to clinic tomorrow for jabs.

I really faintz at the sight of eggs...

Hope and redvelvet, haha... It's ok to pass the stress over to DH, cos think we are lagi more stress... Got to endure the jabs, observe our diet and many more.;p
Hope, thanks. Actually, like joyfully, I not too worry and will be happy with 7-8 follicles. The important thing is to have good and strong eggs. That counts more to me lah.

Joyfully, take meat or whey protein. Cold storage sells almond milk at refrigeration section which contains high protein content too. Birdnest also good alternative. Got to be creative now. Crucial moments.
In touch with a few of them through Facebook but I forgot what their nicks are since they use real names in fb. My girl was born in Feb 2010.
Red velvet, Joyfully and other sisters, I felt so much better after talking to you gals. Managed to calm myself down and not to worry too much. Just chiong on EW and leave the rest to fate and hope for the best right?! Bird's nest high in protein also? Hee then can consider. Im taking more EW, fish and chicken now.
Eskimobaby, just curious if you don't mind sharing, is your first gal conceive naturally or through ivf? You jia you and hope you can spread bb dust to us soon!
Joyfully, Randy, Have you try adding the egg white into Milo?

I put 2 ew inside the mug and pour in boiling hot water. only 1/3 full of boiling water. Then add in 3 teaspoonful of Milo and mix them. At least, for a change.
Hope, birdnest is glycoprotein. Mixture of carb and protein. Very nutritious.

Lunvhope, birdnest is liang har. I dunno leh. My yi shi didnt say cannot eat lei. I just know that it is good for skin cos of its growth and immune-enhancing properties. Ai Swee auntie. haha..

Hope, in doubt dont take birdnest.
red velvet, i'm also not very sure leh. But i know preggie ladies don't take birds nest in first trimester. Most start only from 3rd trimester. So i figured must be some reason. Your tcm doc say okay har? Then shld be fine i guess.
Sunstillshines, thanks for your creative suggestion. Will give it a try tomorrow.

Redvelvet, thanks for the food suggestion to increase our protein intake. I am also as concerned as Luv, on birdnest being liang. R u taking it now? It may be gd to check with tcm since you are seeing one now right?

Think i'll eat more cod fish and beef as well... Hope and Randy, let's chiong more for protein and pray that our follicles grow strong n healthy before ER.
jiayou jiayou!
Hope, just went to google. Edible bird nest is neither cooling nor heaty. But if you are not comfortable, don't take it. Take chicken essence/soup.
Joyfully, not sure yet abt ER. Will have to go for scan on sat to see if eggs grow to expected size. Nurse at Raffles said usually day 8 or 9 counting day 1 of stim if everything goes well. Quite fast hor.
Wow, Redvelvet, that's very fast... As compared to ours using the old jabs, ER is usually after day 11 to day 15.

Cool, am so happy for you.
so I presume our ER and ET date will also be quite near to each other. That's super great!
I think bird nest not taken during first trimester because foetus still can't absorb whatever mummy eats yet. Placenta only fully formed at the end of first trimester so usually bird nest taken from 2nd trimester onwards cos baby can absorb better. Moreover first trimester got morning sickness so puke everything out very wasteful keke
Red Velvet, tks.
Not bad lah, even if i (shamelessly) say so myself. Especially for someone who started off with 哑巴中文. Teehee!

I am seeing a Shanghainese TCM doctor here 3 times a week.- includes d acunpuncture with the electric devise for 20 mins, cupping and the ear points. I believe my 1st IUI worked becos i was seeing him for 2 mths prior treatment. But i didnt before the 2nd IUI as it was winter here.
I tried asking for medicine twice but his advise was that i stick with acunpuncture. DrS also had told me strictly no TCM and fertility pills, just rest the ovaries. So i didnt push for it after that.

I will be continuing my TCM when i am in Sg. My Dr recommended me 3 TCM Drs, Dr. Zou included. His 1st choice a 70 something TCM Dr has already retired. I may either see his 2nd choice, Dr Gu Fa Long. Aparently he is very good Plus he thinks if i mention his name (it's all about guanxi here in China, right). Dr Gu will look after me well.
http://www.tsaofoundation.org/integrativeHealth3.htm (FYI) or go see Dr.Zou as she seems popular among many of you here.
Red velvet and joyfully, thanks for the information! Yah we chiong more protein now!!! Wow red velvet thats very fast! I think its coz you are progressing well? I asked the nurse today...she said usually D12 being the first jab as D1.

Eskimo, thats so cool! I hope I can be as lucky as you to strike on the first!. So is your FET now your frozen baby back then?
Thanks Eskimobaby for the explanation. You mean, you mean still can take birdnest. Yippeee...Happy me.

Jning gave me some good EW prepping ideas. EW omelet with cheese and ham. Tmr I am eating omelet with cheese and green onions. Yummz.

Hope, I dunno whether it applies to all IVFers. I asked the nurse usually when they do ER on patients and she said day 8 or 9 if the follicles grow well.
