IVF/ICSI Support Group

Ching, rebecca is the senior nurse. Short hair, local.

Bbjourney...ohss really quite scary plus you are down with coughing and fever..好辛苦啊!Your DH must be really worried for you. This journey not easy hor? 做女人真难!

Mrs Ching, yah nurse rebecca very good. My veins like her.
Wendy...happy birthday!!

Hope...yep, yep, add me in the list for ET in March...

Btw, how do I get access to the spreadsheet from time to time? Is there a permanent link here to click?
fou fou,
yeah, go for a break. You know, i oso told rebecca when she told me hv to abort this cycle that i tinking go holiday end mar, than start in apr. She says, 'u dun wan dragon bb ah' so i tink tink, ok la .. juz go on wif next short protocal. hehe.

Good luck to all 2WW sisters. How i wish i could had joined u all. Too bad my notty egg 不听话
But nvm la, 明天会更好!
Jmamee, very soon lah. I think next month u can join 2ww le... Hang on ok...

Sarah, I'm watching hk variety show
Ching, i throw them away wor...
but can make egg yolk mask everyday or not? 10-20 egg yolk.. wow can do full body mask wor.
No need so many la...maybe 1 or 2 is enuf la. Can make for hb also ma...I will do it alternate day ba...It's natural ingredient, shud be ok one..

You really eat so many EW ah?
Ching, i have started consume 10 biji yesterday already, so by next week i should be keeping up to 20 biji ba....
the egg stall aunty asks me why buy so many eggs every week... i lie about it and told her that i work in kindergarten school so children need to draw egg...
haha.. i think next week the stall aunty will ask me why buy kampong eggs for children to draw.... LOL

Ching, can one. 10 biji is okay one. you must try tonight....
I eat in half boil type leh...I dare not eat raw, will sure puke one

Kampong eggs?? The aunty must be wondering which kindergarten is that lo... hehe

Btw, I m not taking kampong eggs. I take organic eggs with selenium.
jmamee, i asked Dr zou TCM whether we can eat EW cooked if we cannot stay the raw EW, she said okay.
but how to consume 20biji EW cooked? alot wor.
Ching, i asked for organic eggs but aunty said she never heard of this term wor LOL. so chichai lor, take kampong egg lo, infact kampong egg white is very sweet ler.
How many eggs you buy every time you go market?

You can try half boil or steam like chawanmushi or even fried egg with tomatoes
