IVF/ICSI Support Group

Wendy, Happy Birthday! May your wishes come true!

Jonjonbear..thanks..are you joining us soon in our ride?.hang on there ya...

Bbjourney...my wishes include you n angelxuan too..we are the closest cycle buddy...
woow. here is full of babydusts wor.

let me recap again, we have 8 sistas ET in Feb2012; and in March2012 - there will be Ching, myself, and anyone else?

me very kpoh hor.
dear sisters, just started stimulation on monday with gonal f and menopur and lucrin.

but this morning, started to bleed a little. wondering if this is common? this is my first long protocol
happy birthday wendy! may all your birthday wishes come true! yes it will! and thanks for including me in your wishes.. so touched! actually our birthday v near.. mine is this sun
take good care.. next time pple see yr bloated tummy and ask how many mths pregnant, you can proudly declare yes, u are pregnant! when all sisters graduate, rem the gathering ching is supposed to coordinate? (yes, let's arrow her, heehee)

booboolina, so excited for u! yes yes, you will bfp, and v high hcg later on... i will tune in here for your update... i know all sisters here are behind you and awaitng your good news eagerly.. all the best!!! many sisters BT next week, we hope to hear more and more good news! jia you all
Wow! 10-20 EW is a lot leh. Dun think I can eat so many la... I plan to eat at most 6-8 daily when I start my gonal-f. But see how it goes la, if I feel bloated, then no choice hv to up the intake lo

For March 2ww sis, pls add Mamaleen also. She also starting stimulation on Thursday as me
then next one will be u ya!
Eh Eh cock cock,
I was only suggesting a gathering la.... But I dun want to be the organizer la.... Let's appoint someone who is very "on" one to be the organizer la....

Forgot to thank you for adding me in ur wishes too... Very touched. Thank you thank you!
Initially I really hope that I can be cycle buddy with u, Bbjourney & angelxuan... But too bad, 3 of u were doing short protocol while I m doing long protocol

Nvm, I believe 3 of u will sure waiting for me at the bfp area! Dun leave me behind ya!!! Hehehe
Dear Wendy, Happy Hatch Day! Hugs
I really hope your b'day wish will come true for you and all of us!

Btw, I just got to know that as my hcg BT falls on a sat, I will only know my result 2 days after that..so I'll be doing almost a 3ww.
CockCock..thanks for your wishes too..you are our leading BFP now..So Hope every sisters will BFP and graduate and join you in other forum soon..
I really hope i dont need to think twice when ppl ask me if i am preggy..hope can get BFP and tell them...YES..i am..cross my finger..haha
Wendy, sure we will both get bfp this round! Hurray!!
I am getting really excited for all Sistas on 2ww. Bfp, Bfp, bfp
for all Sistas craving to be a mother.
Booboolina, I am getting so excited now for your Bfp, as if is waiting for my own result!
AngelXuan..my Bt next tuesday..
Hope..you are on our roller coaster ma..that why dont need to invite you liao...heehee..unless you want to take the plastic bag with COCKCOCK aso??haha
Cockcock..you are much luckier le..get a bday present before hand liao..haha..for my case,i am still waiting for it loh..hope is a belated one..heehee
Yoyoyo!! Sisters! Morning!

*singing & clapping.....Happy burfdae to u! *hey hey* Happy burfdae to u! *hey hey* Happy burrrrrrfdae to Wendy.....Happy burfdae to youuuuuuuu! *hey!* May all your wishes come true this year!

Haro cock cock & hope! Im here im here...woke up at 11am n busy reading up the posts here...n munching my hearty (*fattening) breakfast....lolx...Miss me???

**waving hands at Booboolina* Yoooohooooooo...I AM WAITING....... For your bb dusts.... I standby 20 cartons liao.... wanna catch put in n store...lolx
talking abt BFP as bday gift , i feel so sad..
my 1st try last april, bfn which makes my bday so sad n crushed. then tis month, DH bday, i thot i can give him a wonderful gift end up bfn again.
coming april try, i so scared to face it, i m not even counting down to it..haiz
I1bb..YOu finally appear..haha..thanks for your bday song..
..Wow..why you standby 20ctns to catch bb dust?? yr bt 20days later meh?
Dollygal..this round different for you..With many of us taking the roller coaster ride and hugging one another...we will graduate together..
this is a trend..proven through statistics..once any sisters BFP this cycle,the trend will continue..
Dollygal, this is okay to be scared afterall what we have been thru is not easy. so be fear, be happy and try again! JY wor
i1BB, if you standby 20cartons for babydusts, i will standby 50cartons wor. because i got many more to collect by the time of my ET heheheee
Ahhh...wendy, Hope "caught the ball" somehow...I meant I think got approximately 20 girls tis 2 months gg into 2ww n BT ma...i standby 1 box 1 gal. Hope so kiasu, standby 50! lolx.
Huwah, got party here har.... So happening!!!!

Just "shoo" down 2 eggs from Yakun, now hide at cafe to wait for my appt w Dr zhao at 2pm....

Angel. I saw u at the counter w hubby but i urgent i went toilet first. When i came out your went off liao. The nurse tot i went for pregnancy test today. Pengz.
Hello i1bb! Good that u hv gd rest.. Wendy, actually yr birthday gift already in the making n cld be firmly stuck to yr uterus by now.. Just that u don't know or can't confirm yet
Bbjourney, hey I just missed u by a bit! I must be looking rather sad right? Today my progesterone BT not v smooth, have to draw a 2nd time then got blood flow out. So I got a plaster on each hand. My DH laughed at me and said I look pathetic
then I realized I have to wait extra 2 days to know my preg result coz my hcg BT is next sat and they operate half day & won't hv reply from lab in time so only next next Mon then can call me. Nurse said I can do hpt but might not be accurate as there might still be left over from my last Ovidrel jab. How's your BT today? Are you seeing dr Zhao for acu? Dr Zhao asked me to stop acu already and wait.
Angel, i can only see ur 背影。 otherwise, u would hv saw a bloated lady standing behind you. Who draw the blood for you? There is another couple who came for bt, and i also saw the wife out w one plaster on each hand. So i can imagine how u look n feel lor. :p Mine first try can liao. Maybe mine done by different nurse.

Can do your pregnancy test on friday?

I seeing dr zhao to make me pee more. I hv mild ohss. Sianz.
Bbjourney, wah I m not the only one with 2 plasters, u lucky gal. Actually I hope I also hv Bloating leh..I heard it's a good sign. My tummy just look fat from the eating & lazing around. For the preg test, it will be even less accurate if I do 1 day earlier as my last Ovidrel jab is next mon thus not enuff time for the injected hormone to leave my body. I guess no choice, have to wait longer. Is your last Ovidrel jab originally scheduled to be on Sun?
You kena poked two times is far better than me liao. That day I went for my E2 bloodtest, I kena poked 4 times leh... 1st by Shamseah, 2nd by Nora, 3rd by a doctor called Michelle lim. And then they gave up, asked me to go TMC lab. Aiya, my fat cover up all the veins oredi
Angel, you r right. My last jab is suppoed to be n this sunday. But Dr Loh told me to stop the jab immediately. U bloated abit can liao okie.dont be like me. My stomach is big, hard n i kept burping. Very 辛苦。 Last nite at TMC, my hubby said i look like 5mths pregnant.

Ching, i also fats cover veins and v shy veins, always hidding. Shamseah managed to draw my the other time. Today Rebecca draw for me, maybe next time u can ask for her?
Ya, the lab person also shake head...said pity me... Next time, I will request to do bt at TMC lab liao. Dun want to go thru the torture again
Wah, ur stomach as big as Wendy's ah? She said hers also like 5mth pregnant leh... Who is Rebecca? The Chinese nurse ah?
