IVF/ICSI Support Group

Booboolina ol e best for your BT tmrw. U wil BFP tomorrow. Do remember to update us ya
so dat we can catch your baby dust

I1bb n heartheart: I think that is y ET room no carpet. Wait kena blood n urine. Then poor poor cleaner has to clean up. Very busy.

The last time I waited for Dr Tan till last pt for ET law. Till the nurse ask me to go release myself n drink water again. 2nd time drink only little n Dr Tan just going ahead to do the transfer.
Anyone organizing for durian feast for ladies in 2ww. I also looking for durians haha. Going into my 2ww for ttc naturally. Haha

Eating durian is an advice giving by one of the kkh nurse.
hi all... started work for 2 days. Trying to get back to the routine.

Congrats i1BB for joining the sisters in 2ww! Rest well!

All the best to booboolina for your BT tml!!!

Hi jmamee, good luck to your next try too. Short protocol really sounds better. Anyway, you want to know how was it when I get back to office...
Was actually not that bad, those closer colleagues did not ask at all. The other team members just ask how was I and I replied "Good". If they continue asking, I just reply that I had a good rest & I'm ok now. The conversation will end there.

After much consideration, think I'll try and ask my boss for a few days leave & go find my DH for a short break next week before I see Dr Tan on 6th Mar.
Bigbear: don't think of the witch. U all have done ET. Now Tell yourself u r a mummy n believe in your beanies. They are the strong n mindy one. Catching your bbdusts. I standby big big bag to collect from you all.
Nurul: I staying in the west. Too far to go n DH don't like to go geylang. I know jurong west market or bukit timah got sell but limited supply.
Maybe ask DH go Malaysia's plantation n eat all I can.
I1bb, no lah, cannot steal ur limelight. ;) I couldn't make it in the morning. Had to special request to go in at 1plus. But gotta wait for doc to come lor.

Eskimo, yeah, thankfully proceeding smoothly so far. Phew! but this is just the first hurdle! Hope things go smoothly for u too!

Boohoolina, good luck for ur BT tmw!
Thanks Ching
i really hope its good news!

Thanks Heartbeats
I wish the best news of High HCG for you too
don't worry, dont invest too much emotion into it, everything will be ok, and even if it is not, we'll keep trying, okay? hugs!

Actually LuvnHope, the nurse told me not to eat the first time round but did tell me to have one slice of bread if i was very hungry. but for the consecutive ones, they said no need to fast cos no sedation.she explained that they ask us to fast so that they can sedateus in case of emergency. but for those done before without complications, they tell u to eat if u want la.. hope that explains..

i1BB, actually during the ET i just did, the full bladder was such a nightmare! i went with a full bladder but they said must wait 30 mins, so i emptied and drank water again.then when it was my turn, i went in and waited for like 10 mins, bladder bursting, the nurse said doc late so again i emptied and drank water again... finally doc came and my bladder was only 3/4 full and i had already drunk about 3-4 litres of water by then!

Thanks Cock Cock
Hope its twins

Thanks Big Bear
Best of Luck for high HCG to u too

Thanks Huda
I hope your words come true
sure, will definitely spray all my baby dust on u lovely ladies
Luv, KK told u to fast right? Ai yo then fast lor... Steal my simi limelight lah.. My limelight over le leh. Haha.

Thank q ALL SISTERS who wished me... Many many thanks. I using iPhone... Diff to scroll up n down to type n thank each n individual of u cos I ish jin blur one... N so many of u so nice to wish me... I feel so blessed....Keke...

Here's wishing ALL sisters whose BT is round the corner... I wan grab bb dusts!!!

Thank q cock cock!!!! Hugs
Glad to know that u r felling better. I believe u will recover very soon.
I think dr.zhao mentioned ur case to me just now. She said her patient is quite sick during 2ww, cough badly. Immediately I think of u. After that, she reminded me not to drink too much LRD coz my body is a bit heaty also.
Heartbeats, my mentality is same as you!! Hi5! It's good if we can stay zen lor.. After all, we are quite "old birds" at this le... Fall down get up n walk again nia! Hopefully shun shun no fall down at all ya! Huat ah!

This FET very odd wor... Need to fast. And I was given anti biotics wor... No ER leh... Funny hor...y must take antibiotics
To sisters in 2ww and waiting for BT, all the best!!
may good news come ur way...

I'm left with 2 jabs of lucrin and scheduled to start Puregon this Thursday. When must I start eating the egg whites??
Oh yah hor... Never realized its for this reason. That time fet lie down almost 30min to wait for dr loh I think I'm more familiar with the ceiling than the floor haha

I m also starting stimulation this thursday leh! But I will be using gonal-f. I already start taking 2 EW daily since yesterday. Which dr are you with?
Ching...that's great...we can be cycle buddies.
I'm with Dr Kelly Loi at Health & Fertility Ctr....what abt u? Looks like I better start with my egg whites tmrw. This is my first time so I really dunoe what to expect etc. What is the difference between Puregon and Gonal-f?
Hi LuvnHope, if u r very hungry, just take a slice of bread to last u thru... dont worry too much abt it..

Good night everybody
Hope its great news tomoro! Thank you so much for all the blessings and well wishes
Babysmurf & Ching, I have no symptoms at all, but I live by Faith, just got to belive and make believe. Sure have lots of bbdust to share wi all! Thank you
I m with dr.loh at Thomson Fertility Centre. Puregon & gonal-f are both stimulation drugs but from different manufacturer. If u hv any questions, can ask the sisters here... We are here to support & help each other
baby journey, take care and drink more water..hope you will feel better after a night of good rest.

1BB - happy resting during the 2ww and hope to hear a bfp from you..and bobolina, hope you strike tomorrow!

ladies, saw an active thread about drinking water before the ET..i recalled my fresh cycle my bladder not full enough, was made to drink water but still cannot..in the end, my dr actually pump water in from below...wah, lousy feeling coz so full until i really wana pee..then after the ET still have to rest like 20mins.i cheong to the toilet once i was given the green light to get up! hahah.
Tk q snoopy!! Wah! Pump water!!! Faint!! Kk cannot rest so long de. Finish ET at most ma si rest 5 mins nia n Kenna shooed away lo...
Dear sisters... I've taking lucrin for 9 days already, 5 more to go. Nurse told me that will hv 1 menses b4 the E2, but till now, ntg at all...

Anybody hv this kind of experience b4? Pls adv... Thks....
Very good morning sisters!

Booboolina, wishing you again that today is the day you get a bfp & high hcg!

Mrs Ching, sorry for late reply, I KO early ytd coz took no nap whole day and too exhausted. I was there around 3:20 pm. How about you? To think that I1BB, you and I were at Raffles Hosp ytd but didn't get to bump into each other..what a pity!

Bbjourney, hope you are feeling better. Have you seen dr Loh and did he prescribe medicine or antibiotics that are safe for u to take? Dr Zhao also mention that one of her patients is v sick - got fever & coughing and i think it's you too!
Angel, good morning. Later i go collect advertising fees from Dr Zhao. hahahaha... Yes me fever n coughing when i saw her.

Rush down to see Dr Loh last nite, he asked me to stop the jab and give me duphaston. I already had antibiotic when i saw the doc at TMC 24 hour clinic on sunday mrng for my fever+cough. Dr Loh said can take that them.
wow.. so many posting to catch up... hasn't have my conceive well, my eyes already feeling giddy...

BBjourney, are you feeling better already?

Ching & sistas who consume EW, maybe try to increase your EW intake to 10-20. Dr Zou said it's good to increase to 10-20 during the stimulation stage.... (just passing the information what the TCM thought wor..)
As I grow a year older today,I hope I have a belated present next week for my bloodtest result...i wish to get a bfp next week together with all the sisters in 2ww as well as cockcock to have a smooth pregnancy ahead..mrs Ching,snoopy69 n dollygal to join us soon in the roller coaster rides...may my wishes come true n wish all the sisters the best of luck ahead...

Sorry if I miss out any sisters in our roller coaster rides...
