IVF/ICSI Support Group

Perhaps you can try taking all the supplements and good food that the ladies here have suggested (e.g. egg white, immunocal, red bean products, etc) if you're not already taking? And hope for the best! Guess staying positive and stress free is also important.


You see prof Wong means private rate Liao. He is head of the department le. I asked before.


Waiting for KK to call. Waiting waiting waiting.
Jia Xin

Is this your first attempt? Have you book an appointment? You will need to go through several blood test etc before proceeding.

Depend on your company, I usually took time off in the morning for scanning and blood test. I failed my first attempt and will need to go back for review in Jan 2012. Going to start my new job next week. I am really just keeping my finger cross.
Sashamama, Good luck for ur BT.
Hi sashamama,
Ya i called NUH to check... for him no subsidy but i will still get the Government grants...

Hi Elain,
ya first appt is in Jan.. and first attempt
i also dont know how.. kinda headache..dont know to reject or not to reject the job

you better clarify for the sistas here what you mean by "subsidy"? Are you referring to Prof Wong's consultancy rates, or the government co-funding?

There are basically 3 types of cost:

(a) the doctor's consultancy & scanning rate (and i believe the sistas are referring to his rates are Private doctor consultancy rates, and not subsidised doctor's consultancy rates).
(b) the cost of the meds. Usually if you do IVF at government hospital, the meds are cheaper than private.
(c) cost of the procedures itself - ER & ET and all the sperm/embryo culturing process cost.

The sistas who did IVF at NUH probably can help to confirm, but I believe if you do your IVF at NUH, subject to at least you and/or DH are singaporean (if one is PR/foreigner, then got some criteria, etc) you may be entitled to receive the government co-funding (ie. Government grant), regardless of whichever doctor you choose. See link below.


Sistas from NUH pls do correct me if wrong as I am not from NUH
Exciting! Hehe. U gotta drink more liquids to flush out the excess hormones do that u won't feel so bloated or uncomfy.

Yes there may be more follicles than detected by scan but doesn't mean all will contain eggs or contain mature enuff eggs for fertilization.
Hi ron8129


Hi ladies doing IVF in NUH
may I ask is there any diff between going direct with Prof Wong or going through polyclinic and get referral to see the general IVF doc?
As what I know from NUH they got 3 IVF docs which mean if go through Polyclinic i cannot choose my doc...but are the docs experience?

which one is better?
Jia Xin

Since this is your first attempt, my guess is you may start ur IVF cycle only in Feb.

The hospital will arrange for you to go through a counseling session which may fall on another date. While waiting for the counselling, you will need to go through some checks and blood test. The cycle will not start unless you completed the counselling.

Also it depend on whether you are going through the short or long cycle. I did my in SGH but not sure if the process is the same for all hospital.

My first appt was in end Aug, counselling scheduled end Sept. Started my cycle only in Oct.
Hi Jia Xin,

I did my fresh cycle in NUH and I was a subsidised patient. That means going through polyclinic. But you can't choose Dr. There are 3 IVF doctors and all are good. So you will get to see any available Dr on your appointment day.

As for the charges, there is no difference between private and subsidised rate for IVF procedure. Only for lab tests, consultation fees and medications are subsidised. But the amount is not much (<S$ 200).

Have you tried other procedures (like IUI) before? Prof usually suggests to try IUI first if you haven't tried any assisted procedures. For IUI, the difference between private and subsidized rate is quite big. It costs 1000 for private and 400+ for subsidised.
Hope it clears.
谢谢你!Eskimobaby.. i think this way im 2DT then..it's my 4dp2dt today..this morning woke up with a strong menses like cramp...and very watery discharge..so i quickly went to insert a progesterone tablet...you also 2ww now right? you got tempted to test hpt not hehe ;P

sashamamacrossing my fingers for you!

Luvnhope I advise you to take very small frequent meals per day..and take more fibre rich food..say like brown rice replace white rice..it'll help very much with the bloatedness and when you feel bloated, just carry on with the water + protein intake ..know it's hard when you feel queasy..jia you!
keep us updated abt your ER..btw, you injected pregynl already?
Hi coolcool

200 is quite a lot....

for me i was with Private Fertility specialist, Dr Charles Lim at Mt E

due to my left tube is not function as i got twice ectopic and my right ovary eggs dont seem to be matured hence going through IUI to me is pointless... so he recommend me to go through IVF straight...due to government have subsidy hence he refer me to NUH
of course... Tempted to test every day... hehehe... The progesterone inserts do cause cramps so it may be due to that so dont worry so much ya.

Just sharing info....
Thanks eskimo! Will try to drink more fluids.

Hey Chrisl, thanks for the tips too! Is pregnyl the trigger shot? Getting that on Wed. I hope I am not too affected by OHSS and will still be well enough to do ET. *keeping fingers crossed*
yes Luvnhope, it's a trigger shot to mature the eggs

eskimobaby have you a 2dt or 3dt? i tried to find info on the day by day of the embbies for 2dt can't find leh..only 3dt and 5dt list
Hello everyone..

Can I knwi if anyone is going thru in gleneagles?? And NUH prof Wong. Was it a long wait?
Coz I was advices to go thru IVF by my gynae.
She recommended me a doc in TMC.. but its bait far for me.

Thank you
Hi gals,

I've been hesitating to post cos everything is unconfirmed. Today is 17 days past ET but my HCG level is only 167.5. I am given progynova and duphaston. On Wednesday, will go for another BT. I've been researching. That level is very low. Here's a link for your reference, posted by someone else here before. http://www.betabase.info/showBasicChart.php?type=Single

2 years ago I m/c at 8 weeks, low HCG, didn't even see heartbeat. Had to do a d&amp;c. Feeling down now but will just hope for the best.

Don't congratulate me nor ask for bb dust yet ya? I'd update again on Wednesday.

Meantime, take care gals!
Hi Chrisl,

Thanks for asking about me. Haven't been logging in as was suffering from bloatness and sore ovaries of both left and right after ER. Only start to feel better today.

I had retrievel of 25 eggs but only 6 managed to fertilised and transferred 2 of grade 4 &amp; 5, 4 cells each. Hope that they will implant and have a BFP soon:)

How about you? Feeling good so far? My stomach look like 2mths pregnant and feeling cramps sometimes. Our dates falls the same in ER, ET, 2 days transfer. Exact cycle buddies
Anyone given oral med Cabergoline after ET? I was given and google that this med is prevent ohss and good for PCOS patients as it is an anti-prolatin. Anyone taking this med too?
Hi Ocean!

Good good that you feel better! I was starting to wonder cos the last time you posted i tot you said that you did a booboo on one of the jabs..so i was thinking if you did managed to still go ahead with the cycle or not. But it is all good then!
Did you managed to freeze any? My ER this time was painful!! i teared and let out 'owwwwww!!!!' then doc and nurse said 'it's ok it's ok..' i kept thinking it's not ok it's painful!'..but thankfully it's over and done with

im just taking it very easy and doing minimum things, watching tv mostly and going online reading, Yeah me too! feeling cramps esp today..You eat brazil nuts? I eat with raisins cos i find the taste better with raisins..alone seems too 'nutty' for me .. jia you &amp; BFP together hor!
Hi Sashamama, stay calm, similar initial results doesn't mean will yield same outcome. Most importantly, stay happy, eat healthy, and all good things and good thots shall be translated to your fetus's well being
Avoid spicy food too, I read that it can affect the nerves of fetus (dunno how true, I just avoid now). If you think support may not be sufficient, can request for more, usually with sf Loh's intervention, things may be a bit different.
Hi LuvnHope, yes bloatedness tends to worsen after ET. For mine, it got better after 3dpt. I would take egg whites twice a day, once in the morning, once in the mid/ late afternoon cos I usually feel bloatedness peaking in the afternoon, and after downing the egg whites, bloatedness will miraculously subside

Take lotsa fluids too and eat small frequent meals, walk after meals if possible. Stay away from food that causes bloatedness e.g. soy beans, onions, outside porridge, egg yolks, etc. Can try to pass gas more often or burp more...

Hope you feel better soon!!
Hi Ocean, I took carbegoline too cos I also have more than 20 eggs extracted. Hope you are managing your bloatedness well.

Wishing you and your buddy cycle Chrisl all the best
Tromso, thanks!

Not looking forward to more of the bloatedness, but gotta keep the goal in sight and work through it! Seems slightly better today for me, hope can maintain it at this manageable level.

Not sure if it happens to any of you. Plain water tastes repulsive to me now... arghhh.. if this were morning sickness, it'd be worth it, but I'm not even there yet! Hopefully soon! Heheh...
I know it's easier said than done but hang in there. There's still hope *hugs*

Yes, bloating will get worse cos of the trigger shot n also depending on the number of embies retrieved.
Hi sashamama
No worries.. Tell urself that it maybe due to late implantation k.. Ur reading will double tomorow..;) know is not easy as i am stress for my bb first hb scan too but we really still hv to think positive ya.. Rest well in the mean time..

Hi eskimobb and many 2ww gals
Ur bt coming up when? This week? All the best to u gals too..;)
Dear gals,

Thanks for the encouragement. I'm staying positive. Been testing with the cheap hpt since day 8. And there has been faint lines getting slightly darker everyday. Only today it got obviously darker and appeared faster. Hoping it's a good sign.

Last night I couldn't sleep, read the forums til very very late. Here're some info I found to share:
Previous google doc of gals here.

Tips on how to increase sperm count

Dos &amp; Donts for IVF

Stage 1 (Lucrin)
- Cut off cold drinks
- water intake 2L/day 
- drink DOM to build up the body
- chicken essence X 1 3x/week
- egg white x 1 daily

Stage 2 (Puregon / Gonal-F)
- Ensure milk or Anmum milk
- chicken essence x 1 alternate day
- Soya products (high proetin food)
- water intake 2L/day
- Brazil nuts
- egg whites x 2

Stage 3 (2WW)
- increase egg whites intake
- Ensure milk or Anmum milk
- 2-3 pieces of Brazil nuts daily, some take 5 pcs per day. 
- can also take sunflower seed, pumkin seed, and flax seed 
- No pineapple and water melon
- No squatting or carrying of heavy weights (anything that stresses the abdominal muscle)
- No hot sauna or soaking of lower half body in bathtub
- No intercourse
- Do not stand or sit in a position too long. Good to walk a bit to promote circulation
- No raw food and avoid oily and spicy foods as it may cause an upset stomach. High hormone levels cause bloatedness and hence add to discomfort
- No strenuous exercise
- No other medication (eg. TCM) other than those given by your Dr
- May have white to brownish pasty discharge. If feel itchy, to drink cranberry juice and use shower head to spray warm water on the "area" thoroughly
Clear my sis scan and AMH bleed test. Going for my 3rd fresh cycle. Still have to wait till next April. Just manage to slot in as the last pt.

What can I do increase my chances in the meanwhile?
