IVF/ICSI Support Group

fuyutsuki: I chose Prof Ng due to good reviews from my DH's ex colleagues who gotten a pair of fraternal twins from him. But like you I was skeptical about consulting private specialist as we know some of them are not so ethical. Based on my experience, I find Prof to be a conservative and careful doctor. He started me on very low dosage of both suppression meds, Suprefact and low stimulation meds, Puregon. Thanks to that I did not hyper stimulate as I am already having slight symptoms of that after ER. Imagine some other docs who will prescribed 400/600IU of meds... Not only will it cost me a bomb, my health will be at risk. He also did not get me to do unnecessary tests or see me that often in order to charge me more on consultation fees etc. Overall he definitely knows what he is doing. A very confident and steady reproduction specialist. The reason why we skipped both IUI and natural conception is that we are suffering from MFI (male factor infertility) and the only way to go is IVF else we will probably have to wait for a decade before we may get a slight chance. For those who are about to embark on this journey, have a relaxed and open mind and dun keep focusing on the end results for a start. Set small objectives to achieve and you will find it less stressful. Like for myself, I will look forward to start of suppression, pray that all is ok, start stimulation, pray that no adverse effects, pray about the good growth of follicles etc. Slowly and surely you will get far and before you know it 2ww awaits you. I also started on a regime of supplements like folic acid, spirulina, CoQ10, pynogenol, acidophilus (as I am prone to yeast infection) , tcm and acupuncture. May seem like a lot to do but I think it helps my body handle the tough regime of synthetic hormones, hot flushes etc. Lots of fluids is required too so that it helps clear your system. Egg whites and high protein food recommended by sisters of this forum were very useful too. I have just completed ER and waiting for the next step to ET. I think most of all, keep yourself in a happy state of mind, watch some silly movies and have a good laugh. This is one golden advise from gas who succeeded. Taking it easy. I will be glad to share as much as I can

Whitetiger- all the best

Sunshine - yeah, I heated up chic ess a bit before drinking. This is the 2nd time I was drinking, so dint really observe the first time. Anyways as u said it jst lasted for few mints. Glad that u girls advised me on time.
White tiger,
IVF is done at IVF centre, not at the private suite. I was with private suite before changing to clinic D where consultation is done. Blood tests & scans all done at IVF centre located just behind Clinic D. As long as you're a pte patient, u can specify dr. As for daily jabs, the nurses can help but just think it's very troublesome to travel all the way for daily jab. You can get hubby to help. I wanted my hubby to be involved all the way, so I got him to jab for me.
enigmaysl: thks for sharing ur experience
i am definitely more assured now, will heed ur advice to take 1 step at a time. all the best in ur ivf journey
White tiger,
I've only seen Dr Loh twice before officially starting on IVF. Cos I had already done other tests under other dr in Kk. Scans and reviews are done by other drs on duty at the IVF centre. ER and ET are done by Dr Loh.
Garnie16, how did you manage to find Reproductive Encrinologist (RE)? Someone told me that there isn't many RE in Singapore.

Whitetiger, which clinic are you from?
Am currently on 2nd round ivf at tfc. But chances slim cos started spotting already.

My mil keeps bugging me to change to kkh (cos one of my cousin's wife got bfp after 1 round ivf there)
Whitetiger, I am also with TFC. Did you do FEt this time? This is my 2nd FET with TFC. When is your bt date?

The staffs in TFC are very friendly... we only need to jab lucrin and gonalf ourselves...
fuyutsuki: ER is generally done under sedation. I won't call it GA cos it is milder. You will be totally knocked out. I was most freaked out by this procedure but having gone through it, you really feel nothing. It is just like a blink of an eye, u will be awake and all over. Just remember to ask anesthetist to add anti nausea meds cos it helps big time
Jia you Linda! You will make it!

Sunnie: I had a leak waterbag and infection gets in. But my case was a rare one. Thus leads to major failure. My family had a difficult cny, it was a terrible period for all of us. So this fet is a major decision and they all supported me.

So please take good care. Miracle happens on me and I wishes it will happen on all of you.
Sunstillshines, unfortunately, i never had any to freeze. So this is my second fresh.

I hv needle phobia, so have always gone to tfc for all my jabs. A bit leh cheh but at least feel assured that my jabs r done correctly.

I like dr cheng but if this time fail, most likely will be 'forced' to switch dr. Btw, how much gonal f r u on?
whitetiger, I also like Dr Cheng. He is really good and I feel very safe with him. I was on 300iu. How about you? I was at risk of OHSS and the procedure was terminated after ER and all my embbies were frozen. As such, this is my 2nd FET from that fresh cycle. Really wasted a lot of time...

I have asked dh to jab for me. At first he was scared but after he saw me doing everything on my own, he also want to get involved so I asked him to jab for me. After a few times, he got used to it. Maybe you can ask dh to jab too?

It seems to me that the jabs for the sistas from kkh are done by themselves... I remembered that someone even have to jab progestrone onto their buttock everyday during the 2ww... I find that their protocols are quite different from ours.
Hi gals,
Just curious to ask... Before we go for the bt after 2ww, some gals had their AF reporting... Does AF come anytime within the 2ww or what?
Whitetiger, i think 2 days ago you posted that you are inspired by the book Supernatural Childbirth by Jackie Mize. My friend has given me a zapped copy and i did not read it... How did you find it inspiring?
admire your strength & courage! Can't imagine what u and ur family had gone tru. Jia you and let's BFP for our BT next Fri

The drs are very experienced. I feel comfortable asking them questions.

During my ER, I regained consciousness b4 the entire procedure was over so could feel prodding and some pain. Straight after a 2 hr bed rest and observation after ER, hubby & I went to eat Mac for lunch!
Sunstillshines, it is a gd read ( I keep going to pg 106). Compared to my first ivf, found that it helped me panic less for my 2nd. I still worry but less panic attacks this round. Am on 375 but though I had more follicles this round, still ended with nothing to freeze. The thought of doing another fresh, I very Xian already.

Fatefully, af can come before bt, especially if not successful. Yesterday and today, I keep going toilet to check and check and check.
I will be starting my d21 inject on Sept 28, need some advice, the more i read the more blur i am

When should i start taking folic acid, conceive well gold, chicken essence, egg white, brazil nuts etc and which brand should i go from

Thanks for the advice
Whitetiger, I just realised that my friend only zapped from pg 95 to 125. Now I know why I find it very incomplete...

Frankly, immediately after my last failed FET, I cried and told myself that I am not Sarah nor Hannah...I cannot wait til 80...

But now I feel much better already after studying Esther and Ezra.
Hi sunniegal & whitetiger,
My suppose AF is on 14th but I had my ET on 9th, but till nw AF hvnt report (hope nt). So which mean even if I bfn my AF will also come late then?
Thank sunstillshines I reached too early for my jab. Have to wait till the time. Hate this last jab. Cos they always do at my leg. Super painful
sunstillshines, I was with CAREIvf, with Dr Angela Ho, their clinic was at Paragon and they just moved to Novena. I find them a little expensive, so decided to go SGH instead.
sunnie_gal: to regain consciousness b4 the entire ER procedure was over sounds scary leh. can we check with the anesthetist on the dosage before they begin the procedure?
Piglet02, u did the hcg trigger shot at kkh 24hrs? Now can do the jab on the sides of the butt. My 2nd fresh the nurse jab on my butt for me. Totally painless!
Hi Hazel the nurse manager asked me to chose. She said both the same. Ended up I do at my thigh. Very nice of her trying to talk to me when doing the jab. Is the after effect that is pain.
As expected, my af reported. Pretty disappointed. Don't know what is the problem... Why my embryos cannot implant?

Has anyone switched ivf doctors before - can shed some light on patient records? Do we hv a right to get copy of our medical file? Or only copy of tests done?
Hey whitetiger, hugs, tk care. U tried ur best, as we know result is not in our hands. Pamper urself with a nice dinner or an outing and then think abt next action.
Hi babyj,

I did mine in 2008. You should ask sistas who is doing fresh with Him now. Heard protocol is so different from mine time.

Just relax.
Hi Mc 007,

Yes, don't despair. I read a case study in the book "Tao of Fertility" that a lady with very little ovary left did manage to conceive and bring to term. There is another sister who has high FSH but bpfed with ivf and is doing very well. She also took a few months of DHEA.

Keep believing in you that it can happen and it will happen one day. Dont give up. Baby dusts to you k..

hi linda,

great!!!! good luck. do walk about for better blood circulation. did you ask for asprin?

Whitetiger: maybe your next ivf you request for assisted hatch and asprin. mine was successful becos dr loh did these for me. hope it helps.

Hi all,
Just came back from hospital collect my BT result.
Anyone can advise me about the HCG level? My HCG is 180.Today is D8(i did FET-Blastocyst Culture).Thank you.
