IVF/ICSI Support Group

Bbliss, no i dont have leh...but only bloating and now headache the entire noon & evening....

Hi hopeful
Better stop taking red bean soup as ur lining hv enough thickness now.. If too thick, cycle may need to be aborted n optimal thickness is fr 8mm to 14mm.. Just continue with ur whites and immouncal will do.. All the best to ur er/et.

Hi tzac
Count start fr Er day..
Hi hopeful - nice follicle growth over the weekend
I'm sure you triggered correctly - probably so pro by now in jabbing yourself hence no more pain. Can relax for 1 jab-free day & good luck for ER.
Hi Joanne, you mean lining can be too thick and cycle will need to be aborted? Oh no.. i did not know. And my lining has already exceeded the optimal range. How now? I should not drink red dates with wolfberry tea now too right?

Oh no.. I am panicking now!! Follicles too small, lining too thick.. This is bad news.. How how?
Hi hopeful
Relax, no worries.. Mine oso reach 14-15 that time and got bfp but thanks to my antibodies issue that result in mc.. Just pray dun get even thicker as u still got few more days to ur et.. Hmm.. Red dates is gd to keep ur womb warm. Just that no more red bean soup for u.. Relax k, all will be fine..
Hi Joanne, thx!! 1 more weird question I have.
By keeping tummy warm, it will increase blood flow thr n hence increase lining? So shd avoid red dates? (sorry I know u said ok but I thot of this weird theory)
Also shd I continue to go for acupuncture aft ER? N sgd I continue wif using heat pad on tummy b4 ET?
Hopeful, r u with KKH? Dun think cycle will be aborted. My first fresh cycle lining was at 14mm a 2-3 days b4 ER. I asked dr Kelly Loi who is now in pte then if too thick no good. She said not in ivf. I bfp that cycle too.
Hi bbliss, thanks for ur advice! Will rem to drink milk 2 hrs aft green tab, starting from today..

Hi sunbelle, thanks for advice, I wore a dress yest for ER. Yup, it was much easier than wearing pants coz I was feeling giddy due to sedation. Vomited 3x, 2x in the hosp, 1x on cab. I guess I was sensitive to the anaesthesia/sedation coz the 3 other ladies before me were ok, no vomiting. Same thing happened to me during last op to remove breast lump, vomited until 6x.. sigh.

Nurse mentioned 12 follicles, but not sure whether she was referring to no. of retrieved eggs, mature eggs or fertilized eggs?? Was surprised tt KK procedure is to transfer D2 embryos (ER day exclusive). I thot std was D3? Anyway, I requested for D3 ET, so ET day is Fri. Will ask more fr my doc, Dr Marianne. I'm glad tt no more sedation on Fri.. All the best for ur ER!

Hi hopeful, not sure whether choco milk is ok. I drink fresh milk coz I like the smell haha, but low fat. Mebbe as long as protein is high, it is ok? Good luck for ur ER too
Hi to all,

I am starting my lucrin jab on 15th August. Can anyone advise me on whether I should start eating egg whites from the 1st day of lucrin jabs or only when starting Puregon jabs?

And when do I stop? after ER or ET? Thanks in advance.
Hi Hopeful, HCG shot refers to Pregnyl, 2 nites before ER, rite? Nurse administered into my thigh (or buttock if you wan). Slightly more painful than puregon only, dun worry!
Morning all,

Getting nearer n nearer to my BT n kan cheong now. Almost wanted to test hpt but manage to ren haha All the best to those in ER, ET n 2ww. Any1 doing BT next wk?

Snoppy69 sorry to miss this buy may i kbw which hospital r u in?

I m thinking if tis cycle fail, dunno to do anither round or not as i m aleady over 40s liao....sigh

Today i feel perfectly normal, no symptons, no nauseous, nothing at all.....wonder is this a gd sign.....
We can drink red date tea even during the stimulation? When should we start taking red bean soup, after the first scan or before the first scan?
May i know if anyone cook their own meal after ET? I wanna to cook a simple lunch for myself like porridge/noodles. Is it advisable? I order Tingkat food the last time and they got chinese herbs, shrimp in the food.
Hi mmfeen, I think quite a few sistas cook themselves. Can try some simple fish, veg, soups, etc. Can also go out to eat or ta-pau, just eat well. HL not really full bedrest or confinement, just to allow us to have non-stressful environment & allow ovaries to heal after ER. Best advise I think I received was to eat as if we were pregnant during 2ww - lots of veg, fruits, etc. Good luck.
Hi hopeful
I only know that if u keep ur womb warm will be gd for embbies n red dates n heatpad help but no heatpad after et k. As for accupuncture, u can do anytime as if lining too thick, it can help to control the thickness to optimal level. I remember doc zou say too thick is no gd as it will break down n embbies may fall out too.. She say other gynea say that too. As long as urs didnt reach 17mm to 18mm, u r fine k..

Hi Ron
All the best to ur coming cycle.. Eat well n rest well.
May I know grade 3, 11 cells consider good? What is the cells about? I just done my transfer. Any food need to be avoided and any foods can take to increase implantation chance? Thanks
Hi Easy,

I am only like 4 days early then u to start the lurin jab. U can start to eat egg white when u start the 1st jab, take 2 1st.

Btw, how u choose ur doc. Cos I book the appt but nv mentioned to me which doc i am under.
Snoopy, all the best for your Friday blood test! I have to go for an early blood test, my menses are here.

Shall arrange for my frozen embryos transfer soon
Hi Fatefully,

My doc is Dr Tan Heng Hao, who is recommended by my gynae in Raffles. My gynae is a family friend. She says Dr SF Loh is very busyand have a packed schedule, so she recommended Dr Tan. if you want a specific doc, you will have to specify when you book your appt.

you can only choose doc if you are a private patient (the cost is higher).
I went to see a tcm physician at Marine Parade. He told me to boil chicken juice to drink during 2ww. May i know if anyone of you know the steps to boil chicken juice?
mmfeen2011> sorry to intrude this forum. i aso see ban choon chan. he aso told me to do the home made chix essence.

if u can, use black chicken. its better. if canot. use chicken breasts. take away the fats skin, if black chix, wash cleanly. put the chix into a bowl/plate, then the bowl/plate put into a pot. then u steam the pot.

dont put any herbs or anyting. jus plain chicken. then u steam it, the chix will 'perspire' and after 1-2 hrs, if u steam one whole black chix, u can get one full bowl of essence. if u use breast meat, u can get 1/3 bowl of essence
Dr tan hh delivered my gf with twins via c section cox dr sf Loh was away. When she went to the GP to clean her c section womb. The GP commented that the womb is v nicely sew in a straight line. So, u hv got a good looking n skillful dr. Bedside manners also not bad!
Monsterina- sorrry to hear your menses has come. Ya i waiting for friday lor. Continue to jia you.

Tzac- i am not with any hospital. With dr ann tan fr women & fetal centre.

Mmfeen - you can consider preparing simple meals like porridge / noodles. Can add more vege / fish to your diet. More under control. I also prepare own meals at home.
I'm also thinking of cooking simple n nourishing dish myself at home during the 2ww and also before Er stage. I estimate I start my puregeon ard aug 15.
Dear all,

Thank you so muchie for sharing so much tips. yeah experiencing some bloatedness after ER. Dr Loh is very busy. Yo, spoke to a few ladies whom are waiting them. Glad to make frens with them. This journey is definitely made simpler with frens along.

Yo, what to do at ET huh? how long do we need to stay there huh?
Ron- u gone thr alot. Hope u bfp tis round.
Maybe I miss out that u in 2ww.
Think u also didn't post much over here abt yr er, et & embbies cell hor.
But nvm, u bfp 1st & I be waiting for yr babydust
j03 & ron - I just drank the homemade chx essence. So qiao hor
Hi Hazel, thx! I m wif SGH. I better check wif them tom if there will be any issues if lining too thick.

Hi Joanne, thanks. I will see what doc say b4 deciding if I shd go for the intensive acupuncture btw my ER n ET. I m so afraid of overdoing it now.. M only eating egg white now. No pt eating egg white aft ER right? Since dun need to let the follicles grow already..

Hi mmfen, I also see him for TCM. Did u buy d herbal boiler from him b4? If so just follow what gingerbreadger say abt the preparation of d chicken n put it in boiler.. No hassle at all n very yummy!! I can't wait to drink it nx wk! Hahaha...
Hi all

Just used guadian hpt to test n can c a faint positive. The line become darker as time goes by, does this mean gd news? Any1 use guagian brand before? The line is not in the center, a bit to the right, is tat rite? Me so excited now....Gonna test till BT but cheap hpts still not arrive.....arghhhh.
Hee bnb
Really qiao.. Ehh... I think ron not in 2ww yet.. Right ron? When r u doing urs bnb? I think u will give me bb dust first..;)
As me not sure when do yet..

Hi sunbelle
Share?? U mean bb dust? I think u will share with me first as me hasnt decide when can do fet..;) regarding abt president election, me more concern whether got replacement leave or not? Hee.. As holiday in singapore really miserable..

Hi Hopeful
Hmm.. U still hv to eat egg white as it helps to curb ur bloatedness incase u hv ohss..touchwood.. Actually accu wont increase ur lining.. According to doc zou, if lining thin n do accu, it will help thicken.. If thicker lining n do accu, it will control it fr increase further.. Relax gal... U will be fine..

Congrat tzac!! Guardian hpt is ok for test too.. Last time i try test on clearblue, within one day, the cross lines get darker n darker so u will see it gets darker but must compare against the same brand..;) btw, u r at dpt what day today? U maybe having twins if can detect sooo early.. So happy for u..;)
Thx all for the well wishes but gotta wait till nxt wed BT. Pardon my asking again so progesterone will not affect the hpt results, rite? So sorry but me cant believe it.... HCG jab to trigger before ER is 20jul so it cant b the residual hor..... Aiyo me cant wait for D day now.....

Joanne, i m d12 today counting ER as day 0
Facial can do but dun touch any part of the body once pregnant. Eg shoulder, back etc. Tell beautician u r pregnant. She will know how to handle facial for u. My facial nv stop. Except the use of some electric appliances during facial my beautician stops.
Congrats in advance
when I first test hpt strip those cheap type I got a faint line. That was my last one so I asked hubby to buy clearblue for me n guess wat the stick was faulty n the control line only darken halfway. I gave n waited for bt hehe
