IVF/ICSI Support Group

Prev my progesterone level is not very high ie. ONI 80plus. Wonder hw would tat affect my bfp state now?

Can any sisters advice on e low progesterone level? I really quite stress on this. Thks !
When I read that so many sisters who bfp with even high hcg levels but miscarried it really makes me nervous...ivf pregnancy seems so unpredictable.
that's the exceptions rather than the norm. many with low levels of hcg but still went on to have a successful birth.

ivf pregnancy is just the same as normal pregnancy, just that we know positive much earlier and can monitor the hcg levels and need more progesterone support.
hi everyone,
i've been silently reading for the past couple of weeks. intend to go for fet next month... already made appt to see dr loh next wk.... i wasn't thinking too much about it as i thot that if god decides to bless me with a 2nd child, it'll be good.

A little history abt me... i have a daughter from my 1st fresh cycle in 2009... my girl is 17 months now so thinking of trying for a 2nd child...

but dunno why i'm feeling the jitters now.... dunno whether my embies will survive the thaw... whether i have any problems that i need to resolve before i can embark on fet... previously i had recurring polyps... i thot i was nonchalant but apparently not...

hi hazel, nice to see u here again
Hey snoopy, i quickly grabbed some brazil nuts and ate after reading ur post. haha. so now time for me to prepare myself for the upcomg scan.
kiwis and cherries are actually very nutritious fruits for pregnancy... cherries contains lots of folic acid... kiwis has calcium and vit-c... i ate quite a lot of these 2 fruits during my 2ww and throughout pregnancy but of cos not excessively... del monte bananas can't take... my mum kept reminding me not to take during pregnancy...

my bloating didn't subside until week 9... i was so sore that i couldn't even turn myself while on the bed... i looked like i was 5 or 6 months pregnant then... i was already hospitalised during the 1st of wk of 2ww due to ohss... anyway, when i went to see dr loh after i bfp, he smiled and told me i had to bear with it cos ohss will get worse with bfp... so i had to be on HL until almost wk 10 before i returned to work...and my ms also didn't kick in until the ohss subsided... so it's good that ur ohss has subsided then can enjoy ur pregnancy more..
hi eskimobaby, can u share with me what type of foods to eat during your 2ww after ET for your 1st successful cycle that leads to +ve pregnancy?
Bbliss I feel some pulling here and there it's ok don't worry. I asked her if hcg level can tell whether singleton or twins. She said now still can't. My hcg is 1000+.
Hello everyone ! For those who had been through IVF, can I ask if it is absolutely a must to rest for 2 weeks at home after ET? I know the longer the rest the better but I thought maybe the 2nd week should be ok to go back to work.

Thanks in advance!
Bbliss are u on pessaries? My dr says these are best. Use 3x a day.

Just want to encourage all those going thru TTC n 2ww, I've been TTC for 7 yrs and never gave up. Trust God and go for as best treatment as you can.

Thanks everyone. I am still in shock
Arghh... seems like my post is lost.

I took 2 half boiled or hard boiled kampong eggs... Usually will be oatmeal cereal in the morning... I also took chicken essence n 2-3 pcs of brazil nuts daily. I ordered for lunch as I didn't wanna walk around too much... ate kiwis or apples.... Drank only warm water since start of cycle n also bought those instant red date n longan tea to make hot drinks... Try to as stress free as possible... I still remember watching DVDs n chatted online in this thread with others who r doing ivf ard the same time.

hcg level can't really tell... I had 1000+ for hcg also... n mine's a singleton.
Thks peko.. U must rest well n think positive k.. Today u r at what dpt?

Congrat to both peko n ariel. Ariel, i oso ttc for 7yrs n still trying.. Sigh.. U didnt try iui before embark on ivf? Is this ur first bfp? So happy for u.. Rest well gals..

Hi Blessings
First ww is impt to rest due to implantation happy at first wk.. 2nd wk is ok to work to distract urself but must try stay relax too..
hi ladies..

i am considering IVF. Been trying for 1 year, help from TCM for past 3-4 months. HAve to admit i am not very consistent in taking my TCM medicine too.

my hubby's colleagues mention that most of them go for IVF in his line - stress, working environment, etc.

Any advice how i should proceed coz i know nothing about it.
Hi eskimobaby, i'm thinking of trying for 2nd one too. I hv gone through 6 unsuccessful cycles at Nuh and Care. Now wondering if I shld go to dr Loh. Or shld I give up! First one was ivf too. Successful after 1 st round at that time. Very numb now. I think everyone who knows think that I'm mad. Where else can I go? Any recommendation?
Hi snoopy69

Backache could b i m back to work after only 1 wk rest. Must b due to sitting too long. Dunno abt tummyache as no constipation leh. Bowel movemts shun shun leh ... Sorry to mentuon this here.....

Just curious, any1 measure bbt during 2ww? Me nothing better to do n take bbt today heehee

Today is D7 if i count eT day as 0, can i test hpt huh? Very eager to knw results ....
Congrats Ariel! Maybe twins for 7 years of hard work!

Joanne03, I salute ur faith too! Jia you! I'm sure ur prayers will be heard one day. So qiao! I started ivf journey for 7 yrs too. But was luckier because I had 1 successful pregnancy. I'm trying for #2.

So which stage u at now? You waiting for FET? How many embies left?

Today is my day 14 past transfer.
Eskimobaby, hi hi. When u see dr Loh, remind him of your recurring polyps n make sure ur womb is still clear of that b4 FET. Ask him to do a vagina scan n if necessary SHG to confirm. My polyps last time cannot be seen abdominal scans. Wasted so much time with a gynae at KKH who always perform abdominal scan for me. It was discovered St SHG n when I went over to see dr Loh he saw them via V scan.
Ariel - congrats! You made it.
. Takes so many years of effort to have a bb!

Tzac, great to hear u are ok. Maybe u too kancheong le. Try to relax ba.

JC - you may want to book an appt to see a gynae first to run through the various tests before deciding. Perhaps, can try IUI first?
Congrats Ariel! 7 years is not a short timing.

Yeah really envy those whom have been TTC n great that we all have each other to support. yeah so happy to see so many people BFP lately n indeed a great encouragement. Hazel, your postings have always been very encouraging n reading them makes me feel good.

Mi goin for my ER on we'd. Now at KKH waiting to take pregnyl jab. Only k take at 8.30am. Tot k take earlier n go back n rest cos tmrw needs to go back office to wrap up work. I sincerely wish all of us to BFP at the same time.

Yeah my parents n family have been very very supportive.
Can share which tingkat catering is good huh?
Bbliss,Vann, Kimmy, I think is normal to have some pullings so long as it does not accompany by severe cramps.

Try to rest more n dun move so much. Have lots of warm water n no cooling stuff. Remain positive. This is what I m telling myself too
hi hazel,

i started increase my fruits intake once preggy, i crave for berries, oranges, kiwi and apples. Esp oranges..but was told not to eat too much as will cause baby to have phlegm.

Mrt trains are usually very packed and now is the flu season, i get especially scared when surrounded by people around me in trains who keep sneezing around me and I got no where to shift cos the train is too packed. I just pray hard tat i don't catch the flu..

Hi peko
Still hv 8 darling left.. Ya, waiting to do Fet now as just mc on May.. How time flies... Day14 at hundred plus is ok.. It will double on wednesday k.. Rest well.

Hi sunbelle
Usually we dun go for tingkat as we r not sure did they put any herbs in the soup or ingredient.. Is better to cook home cook food else normal food outside..

Hi tzac
Whts ur bbt? It maybe not be so accurate since we take injection or insert support so dun take it too hard.. Hv an early rest at night since need to work the next day.. U will bfp soon..;)
Joanne, I did 8 IUIs before starting on ivf. It was a long journey as dh wasn't keen to do ivf at first. Just don't give up n we women hv a biological clock ticking inside so give yourself the best shot while you can.

Tzac don't think too much. Day 7 is too early to test n u may get discouraged if negative. I was so tempted to buy hpt to test at home too but resisted the urge till BT tdy. Nurse said hpt may not test positive as still early, day 14 for me. So wait n be as relaxed as possible. Do things to keep occupied.
Hi snoppy

Yup tats y i try to tell myself to taje it easy. Din stay too late though still OT on first day back to work. I thonk i hv all the wrong symptons haha even the legs r aching though i din walk much today.

Hi joanne

Yeah juz take for fun. Today take n its 37.01, will c whats the reading tomolo. I m hving daily progesterone so think it makes bbt high too?

Do u think can test hpt on 8 days past ET?
Congrats on bfp!!!!!! Woohooo yr hcg levels are fantastic!!! Welcome!! Yay we can start exchanging notes. Hee

Hi Eskimobaby,
Thanks for the info about the bloat. It's back again! Right now I use it as a motivational symptom. Hiak!!!

Hi bbliss,
Yes I get discomfort, pulling ard abs area. I so bo Liao, went to take another bhcg w my pte gynae just to see how the figures double. He says once hit 1500 can see sac liao!!! But I shall tahan till the 16th aug!

Oh Ariel, yes my gynae told me pressaries provide better support ;)
Today at pte gynae was told to do urine test and even my line was faint! He says it's cause of early pregnancy. So resist the urge to test if u can, haha. I did my best to wait till blood test too!!! ;) bb dust to u!
Kimmy- will try n resist but as days go by, the more i feel it will b a negative. These few days keep hv cramp likexaf coming. Sigh
Dont trust the hpt yet! Some need 50hcg to detect even a faint line and even mine darken today (day 20) after a 10-min chat e the doc. Yr hcg doubles every 48 hours right, so meaning from now till then it could be 40 to 80 to 160 to 320 and so on!!! ;)
Hi ariel
Woah!! 8 iui!! Ur preservance pay off today.. Congrat!! I will continue work hard n hope that day will arrive soon!

Hi tzac
For twins, the earliest u can test is fr day10 to 12. For singleton, can test bfp on day13 onwards. Dun be too stress ya.. U will bfp soon..

Hi kimmy
So ur hcg level is at 1500 today? Congrat to u too..
Hello j03,
I'm not sure what's my hcg today. Will only know tmr and wed when I take another one... Hmm hope it doubles swee swee... BT day was 349...
Hi Ladies..

Can i check if there is any restrictions in the total number of IVF sessions we can do??

I just had my MC last week During Week 17th..Am going for my FET once my body is ok..I do understand that FET is not as good as natural cycle,Thus,I do not want to waste any chances on this if there is certain restriction on the IVF session we can do in singapore.

Please advise.Thanks
If on progesterone inserts or jabs, can start testing with hpt as early as from d8, counting from embyro age. That is when implantatiom happens. So if is at KKH, ET is d2 embyro. So 6 days later can start testing. That is the time KKH asked patients to do progesterone BT to see if progesterone level is sufficient to support pregnancy if implantation is successful. After implantation at abt d8, hcg will start to increase daily if pregnant. Those sisters in 2ww would be able to Verify n count the days fr ET of embyro day 2 to P BT.

That means hpt can pick up hcg as early as d8. In my Previous FET, I detected v faint line on D9. Of course some sisters can detect later at d10-d12. That is why pte hospitals such as raffles test hpt on d14 from ET (not 14dpt) coz implantation usually is fr d8-d12 from ovulation date counted as d1. For ivf, ER=d1=ovulation. In KKH ET=d2/3.

Those on pregnyl jabs cannot test so early coz pregnyl is hcg. So even if not successful hpt will still give false positive. So these sisters can only test 48hrs after last pregnyl jab earliest. Ie d13/14 counting ET as day 2. By then, hcg from pregnyl jabs shld be gone from the body, hpt if positive will be caused by hcg produced from pregnancy.

Those with KKH, Bhcg BT is on d17/18 counting from ET which is day 2/3 age of embyro. A sister said she tested positive at 100 over bhcg 14dpt. If she is with KKH that means d17 at day 3 transfer.

I m just wan to put things into a more accurate. so dun mind my kapo ness. :p
Kimmy, 1500 bhcg can see sac. 7000hcg (if I didn't remember wrongly) can see fetal pole m heart beat. So, no PT to waste money n go for scan at pte gynae also. Coz, wat dr Loh wan to see if fetal pole n heart beat. Also no need to waste money testing bhcg too unless u plan to test every 3 days till 6+wks scan. If not, u cant really see the if the increase in at healthy range also. Be patience. U will get ur wish!
Hi ladies,

How do u all settled your food during the 2WW? If dun order from tingkat , then it will be for someone to help us buy huh?

Ariel, congrats n welcome to e club

Tzac, e AF cmg type of feeling Mayb an indication of +ve! Juz hang on n u be in e club soon

Kimmy: y do u need to do BT trw n we'd? So freq?

Sunbelle: if can, try to eat more homecooked food rather than ta pao. Try eat more nutritious food esp more protein based food. When is ur BT ? All e best to u ya !
