IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hcg minimally doubles every 2-3 days for a healthy pregnsncy.If u hv waited till 30th, wouldn't it be over 2500 in hcg at least?
Ariel, count backwards from BT date Loh. The nurses said higher hcg more stable. Hcg doubles minimally every 2-3 days in early healthy pregnancy. But end of the day, is not a good measure of viability of the pregnancy. Most impt is 6+ wks scan. So if hcg is low, dun get too upset. If high also dun get too complacent. Just treat whatever reading as neutral n be positive.

I read an article that said "40% risk of miscarriage upon tested positive. The risk drops To 10% when fetal pole & heartbeat are seen at 6+ wks. The risk drops further to 1% at 10 wks"

In the aug mother & bb magazine, it wrote that if a pregnancy is normal with no spotting n cramps, nothing will happen when the MTbs carry heavy stuff, exercise, baby dance or have mild falls. Bbs are well protected in the womb by the water sac.
i feel like crying. i jst got a call from kkivf. they were supposed to take out my embryos yestdy for culturing to blastocyst to transfer on this thursday. the nurse said that the lab person forgot to take out the embryos yestdy for thawing. and tody it is too late to take it out,hence have to cancel this cycle.

I jst broke out. i screamed at the nurse. i feel helpless. all the efforts i put went waste. i donno wat to do.
Miraclebb, don't worry too much now ok.. It will all be well. Understand you have a toddler? Try not to carry him/her now ok? I also try not to carry my 3yr old.

By the way, went for my 6 weeks scan. It's twins.
That explains for the terrible morning sickness.. The dr says 3 things to reduce ms: 1) small meals 4 times a day, no spicy food, 2) ginger in food or those crystallized sweets, 3) she says some patient says that the motion sickness wrist band worked for them. Anyone heard before?
Hi hope283, sorry to hear that. Sorry to sound ignorant. But can't they thaw it today n transfer a few days later?

Hi babybun, congrats!!!
hazel, it was 800 2 weeks after ET, and my ET was 2nd day after ER. Is it 17/18d? Just praying everything goes smoothing the next 3 wks before the next scan.

Blessings, So to think about it, i have twins with even with my 800 hcg, Wah, yours is so confirmed twins! When's yr next scan? This Friday? Or next mon?
Hope283, hugs too. Can understand your anguish at this moment after all that we go through just for this day.

Don't give up hope and maybe it's a strike the next round, rather than forcing through this round. Hugs hugs.
gong xi gong xi awt! so urs its twins
think u din expected it, must came as a pleasant surprise to u. u can start planning for the babies le. wish u a happy and smooth pregnancy ahead. must take extra care.

hope283: its terrible n disappointing to hear tat. I am surprised to hear tat coming from kkivf. did they try to help or offer any solution to u? i think they owe u an official reply and apology since causing u to cancel the cycle when u have mentally and physically prepared for it.
Hello all! I'm new to this forum but I can really identify with what everyone is going through. I just had my 3rd ET (second EFT) on 20 July at ME and am trying to wait patiently for blood test on 1 August. I'm Malaysian but undergoing IVF in Singapore and am lucky that I can stay at a relative's place for long periods of time.

I have endometriosis and adenomyoma in the back of my uterus and have had painful periods for as long as I can remember. Our first fresh ET was done last year and was actually successful, but unfortunately I miscarried the day before I was meant to go in for Wk6 heart scan, which was heartbreaking. Then my second try was EFT in October last year, but was not successful.

We just went through our second round of IVF in May and came out with much better quality embroyes and egg quality, which was better than the last time (maybe due to all the tonics and soups I have been drinking from my MIL from Hong Kong!) Then on the day of the ET, doctor found some floating liquid at the top of my uterus, and recommended to wait until next cycle to do transfer. At first when I heard that, lying on the bed in the OT, I was a little crushed, because I thought, one more obstacle again... but then I realised thank God we managed to find this, otherwise we would be dumping our Grade 1 embryo in a pool of water! So maybe it was a blessing in disguise..

So that's why I am in Singapore now waiting for my BT on 1 August. I was wondering if anyone has gone through anything similar, and also I thought I'd just share my experiences..

Stay strong!! x
awt: oops! all along i assume u are wif kkivf leh, coz many sistas here are wif dr s f loh. since u are under dr sheila loh i'm sure u are in good hands.
actually i m still abit worried inside if i really strike twins. how to cope later maybe hv to quit job liao. good thing i see is i can close shop after tat. ha ha..but as what hazel said the nos. is jus a reading, imptly is the 6wks scan. my scan is next 2aug, long wait man! somemore now i m still on leave but glad i continue my leave coz i m coping wif nausea since week 4 onwards. its only until reach mid noon then i feel better. then next day the cycle begins again.

How bad is ur ms so far?
Babybun, stil rem me?? my dear cycle buddy in may...
Million congrats.. **do I get an additional bag of ur babydust for my upcoming fet?** keke... Ages not logged in forum & 1st thg I saw is yr BFP news.. Woohoo.. Do take care & hv a smooth 8 mths ahead!!
Hope. Is ur doc dr Loh? Pls lodge a complaint with dr Loh. Being HOD he shld do something abt this screw up. Make sure u din hv to pay a single cent for this FET. I know all these wun mAke u feel better but at least u shld make sure justice is done.
Congrats miracle baby and babybun! So happy for you two. Good luck to kimmy and wongval for your BT this week.

Am on lucrin 10iu for almost one week but I don't feel anything at all except for a slight tinge on heat on my tummy after injecting. Am I supposed to feel anything? My blood test and scan will be next week and I can't wait to start on puregon!
Tzac, I tested on the day I felt like af is coming. My usual symptoms on the day of af is tiredness, bodyaches and cramps. I thought it's gone case already but it's not
Yes, 2 tabs 2x a day. Has the spotting stopped? U were given 1 mth supply right? So, shld last u 2 wks till u see him. U go count the tabs. If not enough, ask him for prescription n u ask ur hub to go down n take. Alternatively if u do go 24hrs for prolution jab, ask the dr on duty for more duphaston n told him u dun hv enough to last u till u see dr Loh.

Just rest n dun carry heavy stuff, incl ur other kid. Spotting should stop with these additional support if it is caused by that.
Though they r many causes of spotting, most commn reason is Progesterone level released from pregnancy is not enough. These support will supplement that n has to be taken till end of first tri after plancenta is fully formed. Is common for some mtbs to hv lower progesterone level n thus they need more support than others. Dun worry too much. Btw, no squatting also hor!
thanks hazel for being there for me!
spotting still on but not alot.. touchwood.. now I fear going to toilet though I feel wet.. light cramps coming back again.
I am still monitoring.. hope tomorrow will become better for me. Been trying hard to relax but can't help worrying..
I will take note of your guides in case I need to go 24hrs. Thanks so much!
And I don't forget to thank those who show concern and congrats me.
Sorry to damp this happy moment if I am.. don't let my case cause you too much worry. Take more care ok!
Thanks again
Wow! Congrats babybun! Its great to get more babydust!
All the best for the next 9 months!

miraclebaby, hope the spotting has stopped.

Kimmy, I keep having discharge and keep going to toilet to check!
I admit, it is cos of my low level hcg though I really understand it is only reading but it sounds more unstable, it give me too many reasons for the causes like spotting etc.. I must be so unnecessarily paranoid. Am I?
Congrats AWT! Twins! That's awesome! hopefully suang bao tai! :D

Anyone can enlighten me? If I continue on progesterone inserts, does it hold back your period even if you are or are not pregnant? I'm currently thinking, is it because I have progesterone inserts that's why no spotting... Dunno why I have v low faith...
Wongval - if AF want to come, it will come even with the inserts. These last few days are most nerve-wrecking but hold on & try your best to stay positive
My little joy, no it has nothing to do with your bhcg level. My first preg, bhcg was only 118 at d17. I hv to repeat the BT 3 days later at d21 n still low at 300 over though it more than doubled implying healthy. I didn't even see any tiny drop of spotting in first tri. 2nd preg bhcg 1000plus on d17. Very High so shld be stable right? But embyro stopped growing at 5 wks - empty sac.

So dun read too much into bhcg reading, is normal to spot for some mtbs. Just up the support. My gf took 2 tabs of duphaston 3x a day! Her twins already born!
Watever the outcome we can't control. If so, y worry? Just do wat we can & think positive thoughts. I know is not easy, but got to try. If spotting is v light, wait to see if the extra duphaston works. If not, Just go for jabs. Cramps take warm drink n rest! Try to take ur duphaston at regular timing so tt the progesterone level remains fairly constant n wun fluctuate too much.
:| so I am into the wrong idea.. Thank you for enlightening me with your evidence.
okie I believe you. I hope to see no more spotting tomorrow. Like what you say, you are right that the 6wk scan most important and I hope to see my little one with heartbeat is There.
hi wongval,
no spotting = good sign right? Heheh. I also got discharge on my undies whenever I go to the loo and Im thinking uh-oh..becuz I've heard other sisters saying that during their 2ww they are super dry down there...haha oh well.
What I know is that we're 3 days and 2 nights away to our BT soooo I'm hoping the best to come out of it. Heh.
p/s: bloating is still here. urgh. but its gone down a little. Bit by bit I suppose.

Miracle baby,
Hang in there...we are all here for u! :D

Congrats Awt on Twins! woohoooo!

Thanks Chocolate Soh for your wishes! Hehe. Definitely hope to keep the bb dust rolling around this thread
Thankyou sisters for being so supportive and guiding me correctly.

I have lodged a complaint with Dr Loh. It is so frustrating that KKH staff can be so careless. If not for Dr Loh, KKH was not my choice. Its just for his expertise I have chosed this hospital makg some compromises.

But now, Iam thinking about other options. I will see how Dr Loh will handle this issue. Based on that I will make my next option.

Hazel - I also heard very good reviews about Shiela loh. Can you please advise, about the waiting time, personal attention and cost factors in Raffles for FET?
Hi everyone, been reading this thread for a few days. I am with Dr loh sf and waiting for my bt next friday... It feels good to read positive news and have wonderful support from everyone...

Not sure how many of us are doing this... Or i am a weirdo. I have been talking and singing to my embryos in me.. Hahaha

Baby dust everyone!
Kimmy, wongval, I've the discharge too.. Think it's the wax from the uterogeston. I've been feeling slight nausea here n there. Had a miscarriage 3 years ago n when I was pregnant I felt some nausea too..wonder if it's the same. I really dunno!! Do you all feel anything diff?

Hazel thank u for the detailed reply!

Congrats to the mummies to be who have tested BFP. And for those who have not, I'm sure we our turn is very near

Sorry to hear about the screw from KKH. I am intending to culture mine to blastocyst and I guess I need to be careful. May I know how many embryos do you have? I have 8 embryos left so not sure whether sufficient for blastocyst.

I'm sorry but I dun mean to scare you. My previous pregnancy started with brown spotting and partly because I didn't take enough rest as I google and read from other forum threads that spotting is quite normal. I also got an increase dosage of duphaston. So in the meantime, do take your medicine faithfully and Rest More. If the spotting persist, do not wait and see but to call your doctor immediately. But of course some mummies had spotting and manage to deliver healthy babies. Pardon me if I have worried you. Will keep you in prayer. Do have plenty of rest.
May I know what is the desire thickness of the lining for transfer. Mine was 7mm and was told to increase pronoyva and scan again on Fri.

Anybody taking blastocyst stage or any cycle buddies here? Think my transfer will be next week.
Hope, shiela Loh is ex-head of KKIVF centre. Dr sf Loh moved up in 2008 when she left for raffles. Bk in KKivf, her q was super long n waiting time was even more terrible than sf Loh. She n sf were popular among patients then. My gf told me she was v patient n spent alot of time answering patient's concern. My other gf has 2 boys under her without ivf. She has pcos & Sheila gave her medication to grow her eggs n monitor ovulation for her. When the time was right, she asked her to try at home on her own. This eg showed that shiela was willing to spend even more time on her patients as this mtd is time consuming since needs daily scan.

When she moved over to raffles. Many of her patients from KKIVF didn't follow coz of cost factor. That explain why her name is not often memtioned in the forum now. at raffles is much shorter too. In raffles, I hv also heard of a screw up similar To yours due to the oversight of a nurse there.

That's all I know n can share.
Oh ya, a no of patients chose sf Loh bk then as shiela Loh's q was super long. But now, patients still chose sf Loh despite his weird temper n long q instead of dr sadhana or dr hh tan though they r gd too. Y? Coz sf is known for his expertise, skill n most importantly miracle hand

Thanks Hazel. I will come up with a decision after seeing Dr.Loh's reply.

Ocean - I have 9 embryos, 2 are grade four and remaining grade three.

Yeah, after this incident, I feel its better to be proactive.
