IVF/ICSI Support Group

thks kimmy, ron, grace n tzac.

grace, when u going to start ur fet???

hi sisters going thru fet, k i noe how e procedure like??? stil b put for injections lucrin to suppress ovulation???

Thx baby bun, wonder what causes the headache then...hmmmmm... Do u hv any side effects for progesterone jabs? After bfp, still need to jab?
May i know if 2 embryoes are inserted in your uterus and if only 1 embryo survive, wat are the symptoms? Do u hv vaginal bleeding as well?
big hug. hope you get to do your FET soon. You'll be a mummy soon don't worry! You have 17 babes waiting for you!
Kimmy, are you feeling better? I understand how you feel about the blood test! I'm now scared to go for beta test tmrw.. I feel like I'm going to get my exam results whether pass or fail.
So nice tat u hv no side effects. Me envy. I hv sore breasts, thigh ache, slight bloat, tummy cramp.......Jabs till BT.....

All the best to those doing BT tomolo....
Hi wongval!
Yes feels like an exam tmr. Went toilet 5 times today but each time it's lesser and colour looks healthier. I have a very bad headache though... :/ I bought my first maternity shorts today, so paisay and a bit premature I know... But the bloat cause me to not be able to button up most of my bottoms!
Hope we can be hydrotherapy kakis soon!!!
dear all,

Went to KKH for the 1st scan n have 8 follicles. The interesting discovery is 2 of them of 23 n 24 mm which the doctor n nurses are surprised that they are so big. So they suspected of cysts. They took my blood test. Result came out E2 is 3366 for a 35 yr old lady. I asked them n they say is confirmed that the two big ones are follicles n NOT cysts. So happy abt it.

Will we have more eggs in the next two days? I m feeling very sleepy with the injections given each day
Hi Kimmy,

Take good care of yourself. yeah have lots of rest.

Hi Tina,

How your cycle so far huh? I had the same condition as you. Hope both of us strike this time n one stone kills 2 birds.
These 2 follicles will be sacrified n cannot be used as they are too matured by ER. Didn't the dr tell u? If not, next scan u confirm with dr
Hi ladies,

Been reading the forum as passive reader for the past few days.. glad to have received many valuable tips from all.
Good luck to all the ladies gg for beta test tmr!

I've just had my 1st scan at kkivf today. Lining thickness is 12 (normal??). Can't remember how many follicles, but size is ranging from 6-15 (normal??). Doc told me to have 2nd ultrascan on Sat am, estimated to have Pregnyl inj on Sun nite. That means ER is likely to be on Tue and ET on Thu rite? Will the 2wk hospitalization leave start after ER or after ET? Nurse told me after ER, but I cannot understand why not after ET? Anything we do after ER (before ET)?

Actually I feel very very blur thruout this 1st cycle.. dare not ask many qns coz they always rush me here n there, only make sure I understand the procedure to follow, but not the reason behind.. this forum is my main source of info actually :p
Dear Su - I really understand what you are going thru as I have experienced twice before. Remember to not blame yourself & let yourself be upset for awhile..we can only hope for the best but be prepared as well...hugs...& dont give up! It will happen to you too..

Am on my second FET, all I know is that it isnt as straining on my body. Sufferingfrom much less side effects than a fresh ET, which also makes the 2 ww more confusing. I dunno if that contributed to a pbt during my first time as well...

Kimmy - hope you're feeling better & all the best for your bt tomorrow! Will keep you in my thoughts..

Paul le - I will also be testing 1 august, will keep you in my thoughts & prayers as well!
Hi Moo3moo, wow ur schedule is very fast.. I had my 1st scan on Monday n tom will be the 2nd scan only. Don't even know when will be my ER n ET.. My lining is only 6.5. Follicles are prob even too small for nurse to mention..

May I ask how many days of puregon you had before ur 1st scan?
Hi sunbelle, i had to abandon my may fresh ET as there were some complications with my uterus at that time. Dr advised me to wait until next cycle & do regular scans as well. I've just done my fet on 20 july & will be testing next week. So far not as much side effects as when I was doing fresh ET but am bloated, some constipation & some dizziness. Had a very bad headache 2 days after fet, & also lots of watery discharge. Prob caused by progesterone inserts twice a day. Also on progynova 2 pills twice daily. I have probs with my ademyoma, uterus is v enlarged so difficult to say. Thanks for asking though & I'm wishing you the v best too! X
Hi hopeful, 7 days of puregon, 200iu per day, started on 21 Jul. 10iu of lucrin too. Maybe mine is quite fast due to my cycle is quite short ~31 days?
Good luck in tomorrow's scan! Dun worry too much & pls rest well!
wongval thanks for your concern
Those still in 2ww or still in progress better listen to hazel or ron advise.
On the BT must phone by 1pm latest for result whether good or bad then get support medicine on the very same day. Even if spotting poor to BT, better make sure you know your bhcg reading first before you act necessarily. I started taking support pills the next day.. one day late cause me spotting to become a heavy bleeding.. just admitted to
hospital and found one precious sac via v scan at 24hrs clinic..only 4weeks plus now. There is still a risk of miscarriage. I must pray hard for bleeding plus cramps to end real soon.
Learn from my lesson and don't allow the same thing to happen to yourself. Take care!
All th best to those taking beta test today and Monday.
Miracle baby, it must been hard on u. U must gambatte and u n ur bb will pull thru this hard period k. Like ur nick, ur bb will be a strong n miracle bb so u must always hv positive thots. Hv ample of rest and positive thots, we will all be here to jiayou for you.

Kimmy and wonggal, my bag is ready to put your bb dust in it. All the best to ur bt today. Bfp on the way. ;)

Morning gals, TGIF finally!
My little joy, wat I m going to tell u now may not make u feel better. DUN worry! U r in good care at KKH. Worrying will only make u more stress ful & that is not going to do your embyro good. By not worrying outcome may be much better. Many mommies spot or even bleed but still move on to deliver a healthy bb. One of them bled so much n she was in Hk somemore holidaying! I know is v tough not to worry. I too worry n stress up whenever I m going to see dr Loh for review now. I m Scared of the scan. But I keep trying to tell myself not to stress coz My BP Shoots v high when I m stressed n I will fail the routine tests b4 seeing dr Loh. High BP will do me n bb more harm.

U can pray. But calm urself down ok. Look positively n rest well. Dun walk, use bed pan if needed. Our prayers r with u.
Miracle baby,
Stay calm.. I hope ur under CRIB there (Complete rest in bed) dont move too much dont stress urself. Just think positive. Pray coz it will help u.
Thanks miracle baby!
Will keep that in mind!
Wongval... I diahorrea 5 times yesterday and 3 times this morning although quantity reduces each time to almost baby portions and colour looks healthier.
Can eat charcoal? Anyone knows?
Miracle baby, I knw it's tough but stay positive and know that with God all things are possible! You can defy & defeat all adversity!
Hi Miracle baby, rest well.. All will b well..

Hi Moo3moo, just finish my scan. Need to continue purgeon. 3rd scan nx Monday. Prediction of my ER is nx wed or thurs. Lining at 13.. And follicles r growing so slowly.. The biggest is only at 12..
Thanks everyone for your support. REally appreciate it.

Went and did Hpt yesterday, cos I had some spotting, and result is negative. Going down soon (with heavy hearT) for blood test. Sorry if I poured cold water, don't mean to, but I'm feeling v down.

Kimmy, all the best! I think yours should be BFP cos you have all the symptoms. Must pass me your baby dust k?

miracle baby, thanks for sharing. Hopefully the bed rest will help!
miracle bb
hang in there, my 1st pregnancy i bled from before official BT to 12 weeks, then started bleeding profusely from week 16-18, started premature contractions at week 20, bedrest almost for all the pregnancy, premature c sec but bb still survive and is an active toddler now.

so hang in there, take progesterone support, proluton jabs, stay in bed, keep your mind occupied and hope for the best.

since you are already warded, ask the hospital to do hcg every 2 days, the rise in hcg will boost your spirits and give you tangible encouragement to help you hang in there.

go for BT and hope for the best.

i also get high BP whenever waiting for dr loh's appointment. partly scared of the scan but more of wondering what's his mood is like, plus the long waiting time nowadays always get on my nerves, prob becos my boy gets impatient with the long wait and it's a huge relief after each appointment :p
I love the nurse at kkivf! Turns out they couldn't draw blood
From either of my arms because 24hr clinc that day damaged and bruised all my veins that day so nurse called in this v nice mo who had to draw blood frm back of my hand and was super skillful in doing so. Gosh, the blood clot of my arm from 24hr is disgusting.....
Wongval - ya wait for BT. The nurse just joke with me that 24hr probably dint do beta hcg test for me becuz I may be disappointed at the results... So this goes to show it can be top early to detect.
I got no symptoms too except diahorrea? And that's probably a bad one bcuz nurse said so jialat! And even marked 'urgent' in my BT form so that they can test if it affected anything...
Morning All,

Had my second puregon jap this morning. GG back to KKH on the 4 aug for scanning. Anyone who is ard the same date?

So excited and am trying very hard to keep my spirits high.
And reading this forum makes me happy coz i know im not alone!!
Hi Sistas doing BT today - tons of good luck. (Wongval - Hang in there. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst). spread some precious babydust once you get the good news, ok?

Hi Su - many of us have seen blood before beta - damn irritating after all that effort.. Here's a quick link starting point to get you thinking about what to ask your doctor when you are seeing him/her for post-failure consultation. There are many other better sites but I found this one is a good starting point... (keep in mind US site so some things may not apply in Singapore)


As one of the sistas mentioned earlier, no doctor can tell us why ivf didn't work so unless something went wrong during the protocol (ie. trigger too late, eggs not matured, etc). After ET, it's all in God's hand. Maximise your time with Doc during that session to ask the questions focusing on how to make the next session work, what is the protocol for the FET, what are the success rates, etc. You have many tries for FET so that's good news already. Keep the faith - we'll get there someday. It just takes a few more tries for some of us. The strong sistas like Hazel and Babymaking are an inspiration.

Hi Miracle_baby - rest well & praying for your little fighter.

Hi Hopeful - good to hear the follicles growing. Are you increasing your eggwhites?
GM Sisters!

Kimmy, Wongval and others doing BT today - Wish you goodluck.

Su - don worry, I too agree, it jst takes couple of tries before we succeed.

As per my update, I still dint receive any reply from Dr Loh as of yesterday, neither was I able to reach him on phone. So I called up KKIVF centre and told them that I dint receive any reply from Dr Loh. I was asked to email kkivf centre. So i resent the email ccing themas well. I got a reply from them with an apology and they will raise raise the issue with their director and investigate and get back to me in a week's time. Meanwhile Iam waiting for my next AF due in another 10 days. So that I can start my FET agn. Doctor yet to confirm though if I can start after this AF agn.
Bbmaking, how to bring BP down when anxious ah? My last visit my BP hit 160/90+! hv to rest n retest again. When I test at home or at normal GP, it is always 120/80 at most.
May i know how long should one rest before starting the next FET cycle? Is it 3 to 4 months till your menses become regular. I have irregular menses after the failed treatmt. May i have some advice on this?
hi hazel, you must be feeling anxious so that why you hv high BP. I also hv high BP when i start my treamt. The GP told me to relax and dun worry n BP will go down again. Its a psychological thing.

I am new to this forum and I did my FET and waiting for results on 5 Aug. I am also going back to the clnic for daily progestrone jab. I have done a few IUIs and the first IVF was also unsuccessful. Just hope for the best this time.
i also got to retest 160/80, normally 120/70. deep breathing suppose to help but it didn't work for me. dun know why, but nowadays i very gan chiong and jittery esp when things don't go my way, prob subconsciously stressed over baby. this pregnancy is going too smooth.
Hi snoopy69

Me too need to go for daily progesterone jab. BT is after national day. Do u hv any side effect fr the jab?
amy, it is better to wait atleast 3mths for ur body to return to normal. Some Dr did not mind we start in d next mth after failed cycle but in my point of view our body need a rest too..

Hi tzac,

I don't have any side effects so far from the jab. The nurse said that some ladies don't absorb well via the progestrone inserts. Are u resting at home for the full 2 weeks?
