IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi babybun
I am also a hep b carrier and for carrier, there is no injection needed.. Is ur hb carrier too? I hope no as if both parties are carrier.. Kid born will definitely be carrier.. As for my case, my hb is not carrier but because i may spread to him during sex, he needs to take injection every 5 yrs to prevent get the virus fr me.. Yearly health screening will check his level in the body and it will reduce as years go by so he need to inject again after check level is too low.. As for bb born, my son hv to take a hep b booster jab to prevent him fr becoming a carrier too so a carrier still can give birth.. No worries k and yes, theres no injection required for carrier except yearly screening for ur liver..;)

Hi clb
How r u these days? Still got vomit? Any implantation spotting u got? Me feel nothing except slight cramp occasionally and not so hot anymore compare to beginning few days.. Think no chance liao as i remember if bfp, our body shd get hotter n hotter..;( but i am the opposite... Sigh..

Hi gals, am a silent reader. Saw Dr SF Loh yesterday and he suggested short protocol for me. Anyone can explain on the short protocol procedures?
i am on short protocol meaning 12 days of jabs only. reason: I am a poor responder of the drugs and age. I am 34.
I have few eggs probably coz of my endometriotic cysts and also age ba...
thanks all sis for ur encouragement. I also hpe it is bfp for me...
76> Tks for the reply. Is this mean that the whole process will complete in about three weeks time? Am also a poor responder and low ovarian reserve. This is my #2 IVF fresh. No frozen embryo fm #1. Hope u will BFP this time round.
Ron - thanks for the comforting words. The IVF form states to continue inserts even see bleeding. I didnt put the insert since yesterday afternoon as tot gone case liao.. but after seeing what u gals said this morning, I just inserted 3 and will insert another 3 tonight... hope it's not too late....
Hi sisters, was just wondering if any of you did a blatocyst transfer? Meaning transfer is 5 days after er? I heard that chances increases if you transfer a day 5 blastocyst?
J03- no vomit now, but taking small meals as feel bloated easily. Tks for concern. Haiz,also no implant spotting.dunnoe what I feel is cramp or bloat. Tryin to tell myself must have faith that a miracle will happen,u do the same okie?if u take tcm med, body temp shld still be maintained at optimal level for conception,juz that u not aware of it. Yck no symptoms also strike.but easier said than done hor, already decided with dh go vacation if fail.
Clb, bcp is birth control pills. Have to be on it for 2-3 weeks, wait for menses to come then start stimulation.

Joanne, hubby is not a carrier. I have not been doing liver screening. My mum is a carrier too and she seemed fine so I didnt bother to check further.
Wishing BFP for those due for BT soon : JT, J03,leith, YCK, Itjabi, Melodi, Giselle, 76, clb and .... (if i miss out someone, sorry)
Babybun- diff protocol fr u, din take bcp. Where will u be doing Ivf at? Im with Kk. during the growth stimulation of eggs, I think the accup helps. Just to share with u. U best to book more slots with dr tan during tat period. During suppression stage dun need accup.
Hi bbbun
Me got take ocp pills and start lucrin on day 16 instead of the rest who start on day 21..;)

Hi summer
Thk u.. Will spread bb dust here if i got bfp..;)

Hi clb
Yes.. I get very bloated always after a full meal.. But i thot the bloat is ok so just eat like normal times lor.. When u going test hpt? Think i will test on next wed..;)
J03- I tot earliest test is day 14 next thu,assuming strike singleton? Wow, u brought forth ur plan from next weekend to next wed.

Sometimes when I too bloat, will puke out some of the food. So decided juz eat smaller meals.
Thanks summer.
<font color="0000ff">Dear J03,</font>

The accu wasn't very painful but a little uncomfy, i tried playing with my iPhone to distract myself, lol. But after flip over, cannot play, then rest lo, nearly doze off.

She is very kind and provided me with some explanations. She advised I go for accu twics a week for circulation.

I have endometriosis went for operation 3 times. I also have adenomyosis where the blood grows on my muscles and I have to be bed ridden for 2 days during my menses. Every single month i keep thinking of going to hospital for painkiller jab, ever called my gynae to come my house to jab me before but she didnt come la, just ask me to take painkillers and wait. I take 3 types of painkillers, double dosage, still no use. heatpack use continuously, if cold liao, id get DH to warm it for me again. I'd also get DH to massage and i just try to sleep, while breaking out into perspiration. Super jialat!!!

My appt was 730 but i reached at 8, there was space for me first, then my DH abt 10mins later. We didnt expect to have accu on 1st appt, lol.

Now I understand the costs are reasonable. My mum did ask me go eu yan seng cos of the TV shows. My friend did mention Ban Choon Chan but i just kept hesitating cos of what u said too, no privacy and need to brew bitter med and mainly, super long wait.
Hi all , i am new here , hb been done 2IUI ,2IVF , will be do 3ivf in july , i am here hope sisters here can guide together as not so alone , may be is my last time as not only $$ issue , my age catching up ...38 yrs liao ..i need a lot of encourage to go with this round. My FSH 13.8 ,any sisters here knows how to improve ?
<font color="0000ff">Hi Key,</font>

I am new here and also super new in this journey too. My 1st appt is the coming wednesday with PC Wong at NUH. What abt you? Who's ur gynae?

The ladies here are very active and supportive. You are at the right place!!! Let's jiayou together!
Joanne: you stand a good chance...rest well...mine was 1.27 10dp3dt so I gave up and I remembered the nurse saying anything above 5 is a possible pregnancy...JY!
Hi MMS ,
I m with KKIVF ( 1st time ) , Last month apt KKH -Clinic D with DR Wendy, Next appt will be mid June , therefore i still dunno who will be my gynae .
j03, after a nap so many posts...good
Actually i still don't know what level of P level I should be looking at so i assume it is alright ba because I read b4 too high also has side effect and also meant that I cannot do HPT next week also right. Tomorrow going for jab again then will be higher then. Hmm...I think i will finish up my durians later and eat no more then.

clb, hee nvm...even if BFN this time, we are already mummies of dog, cat and hamsters before. If one day i really confirm I cannot have any children through IVF, might consider keeping another dog...see how kek kek.
Hi clb
Actually if singleton, we will be able to detect by day 13.. Like leor.. As if no bfp, i hv to prepare for heavy af.. Dun want to caught in surprise.... Of course, look forward to bfp too..;)

Hi mms
Do u wait long at doc zou place? How u find her? Actually is gd to start accu early as it takes three mth to see the effect..;) so the earlier the better..;) actually famous doc xia rong fr eu yan sang and doc zou is under the same teacher.. No wonder i find their accu point similar.. ;) i try all the tcm u mention above after ttc for 6-7yrs.. So can save u $ to explore..;)

Hi key
Welcome and i admire u as three fresh ivf.. Hope u will bfp this time..;)
J03-im wavering Liao. If know earlier, I'll have time to grieve before starting work. Are u taking off on we'd to test?

Mms- does adeno affects fertility, oh dear, sayang u.to suffer the pain like this every mth.

Melodi- me too, tot of getting a dog n a cat. But ever tot abt adoption also....
clb, hi5
I also thought of adoption b4 but nevertheless, don't think too much know. ha ha maybe we already BFP but don't know only :p
Oh.. Sotong me.. Then test on thursday..;) nah.. Wont take off lah as test is early morning first urine..;) so dun take alot of time.. But think back.. Do i hv hpt to test huh? Hee.. Got to check my o and hpt stripe stock.. U plan to test on thurs too?
Melodi- okie, yup dun think too much first. Juz found out poodle is ranked top 3 in terms of trainability, next to border collie.
. Anyway, help me hug ur daughter on my behalf, she's so cute!
J03, yup shld be thu morning. Means wed night wun be able to sleep liao. Thinking abt it makes me nervous Liao!

Melodi, wondering if u will be testing next week? Ur last Jab is early next week?hmm not sure when the effects will go away.
hi! Joining you ladies here. I've been married to close to 4 years now..Docs recommended IVF, so my 1st appointment with the hospital is on 30th May..im kinda nervous!
<font color="0000ff">Dear clb,</font>

Adeno doesnt seem to affect fertility much i think, hv forgotten, lol. But fibroid and endo will, they affect shape of womb and reduce the surface area of lining where implantation can take place.

Dr zou says next month when pain abt to start, go see her for accu for some release. hope it'd work!!!

<font color="0000ff">Dear J03,</font>

I didnt wait long to see her le. when i finsihed was already 9plus and i think still got 2-3 people having accu, although they close at 9.

Just now, i tried the med for the first time. really dreaded it!!! looked scary... mum told me to add some honey, which i did. i had no sweets so i hurriedly eat a banana after taking the med. i scared bitter, lol.

Not too bad afterall, DH had no probs at all drinking his.

Honestly, I'd rather pills, lol.

<font color="0000ff">Hi key,</font>
Why next appt in june huh? sounds quite long to me, sorry i am super newbie in this.
Hi MMS!!

It's in the local hospital about 3hours drive as im not in Singapore currently. So it's double stress for me to experience things so foreign .. but im taking it as they come
Next wed! Wow so exciting! Are you or any of the gals here taking folic acid or any other supplement concurrently?
<font color="0000ff">Hi chris,</font>

Where are you located now? Im not taking yet, i know i should!!! there're pre-natal multi vits and also pure folic acid, really cheap here in singapore unity pharmacy. Good to start folic early
some of us are are vising chinese doc for chinese med and accupuncture too
Hi J03 ,
I also admire myself i dare ..but no choice , i hv to .. otherwise time running short i don't want to regret , if really don't hv at least i hv put effort on it. jia you ALL, don't like me 38yrs, stressessss la ;@)...

Hi MMS ,
KKIVF long Q .I See them Feb ,my Q in July , so appt will be June , and July start after AF come.
<font color="0000ff">Dear Key,</font>

That is a long wait! But all good things need time

<font color="0000ff">Dear Chris,</font>

Norway is a far far place! Never been there. I've only visited Dr Zou, recommended by ladies here, once, yesterday was the 1st time. Yeah, we gotta persist in accu

<font color="0000ff">Itjabi,</font>

Hi! I heard sometimes cramp is because womb expanding due to pregnancy, i'm unsure cos it's been 2 years since i've been active in TTC thread, reading what other gals say. All the best in your journey!
Hi ltjabi
Is normal to hv cramp.. Me hv been having cramp for almost everyday since day 1 of et.. Is not whole day.. Just few times per day right? Is this ur first ivf?? Dun worry k as it is too early for af to come now..;)
Hi clb
Haha.. I think my hand will tremble when pee on the stick and when waiting for the result.. Dun like the stress and blood pressure will shoot very high at that moment...
thanks all for the bb dust...hope my Wed OR will yield quality results tho i dun have the quantity.
Joanne and summer
i also have low ovarian reserve.I jabbed 3 injections per day for 12 days, then my OR is day 14, ET is expected to be day 17, and BT will be 10 days after ET, so altogether about 1 mth for short protocol.I am at Gleneagles.
Mms and Joanne: the cramping is on off n I feel very oily don't know n contispated too. Do u feel the same Joanne. So worried coz I can't really rest completely as we r leaving with my parents n I dun want them to know as not to make them worried
had argument with hb too until I was sooo angry until started feeling abit pain. Now regret it. Hope my embbies forgive me n stick
Chris - can try royal jelly too. said to help us produce good eggs. The jabs are a little painful
but do-able.
Hi ladies
I did my hpt last night and it was BFN. Will retest again tmr since i bought e twin pack. If result will still e same will just wait for af to come which should be mon or tue since mine is natural cycle. Don think can wait till clinic test. Then it game over for me.

Jia you to all ladies here.

Hi key: I'm 39, still doing ivf. So don stress yrself. Take it easy. Sure bfp.

Hi itjabi: It is normal for d cramp. This is due to all meds that's we r taking during d 2ww. Relax... If too cramp juz sit down n rest.
