IVF/ICSI Support Group

apple> u/s = ultrasound

Apple, hi...i didnt read into sypmtom leh. I also dun knw when my pulling feel start cos i had ohss mah...so thought it was cos by ohss wor. Sorry cant help. Am quite relax and my brain blank blank de...just enjoying my durians almost everyday...keke...and basically i start work from 10dpt le...so while working also wont think so much into sypmtom.

u/s - Ceo had reply for me le. Thank you.
Dear sisters, i am worried now.. jus started puregon this morn and jus found fresh blood(ie like spotting kind) at noon...my period ended on Tue/wed...anyone encountered this during puregon jab? i asked kk nurse, she says most prob body still expelling blood due to lucrin, but if continues and getting heavier, need to go down to scan again.. to see if anything wrong.. any sisters have similar experience?
hi Snuuggly, Moomoo and Stickybfp,

mi hv been resting at my mum's plc since my 6th.. sigh..During my 6wks, i gt bleeding & abdominal contractions n was given 1 wk outpatient leave fr my gynae fr KK to rest. Following d 1 wk, i observed tat i hv on-off slight blood discharge. N went to see my gynae & was hospitalised for 1 day n was given 2 wks hospitalisation leave to rest. Doc said twins nid to be extra careful during d 1st trimester. And since my 6th wk, my MS starts to kick in..sometimes i will vomit after my meals..everytime no appetite.. aiyo.. feel veri tired n shacked..

nw into my 10week liao...hoping my MS disappear.. and be bk to co. to work soon.. can see my boss super-stressed nw.

Moomoo, yes, its my 1st fresh cycle..

Snuuggly & Stickybfp, hw's you doing? jiayou jiayou!

Blue, gd luck for yr BT tmr!
Thanks sistas for the well wishes.
But won't have high hope on it, check urine test yesterday was -ve, would check tomorrow before going for BT
Really hope miracle can happen
hi melodi, good to know tat ur cysts have shrinked. Most probably the suppression jab suppressed ur hormones and cause the cysts to shrink. Welcome to stimulation stage, cycle buddy : )

So far clb, joanne, u and I are in stimulation stage liao.
Blue, dun gif up hope..
i remembered d nurse said urine test not able to detect wan..dun thk too much nw...all d best to yr BT tmr..jiayou!
Hi Snuuggly, thanks! May I know how much dosage you are on puregon jab? Do you encountered any side effects for that?

Hi Joanne03 and clb, I just received call from nurse can start injection purgeon tomorrow. My E2 level 36 only. Almost same like Joannoe03. So low is ok now right?

Hi sticky and blue, best of luck to both of you. Jia You!!! And good luck to all of us here.
hi vio, take care of urself n ur babies : ) 1st trimester will pass by before u know.

hi blue, miracle will happen de. All the best to ur bt tomolo : )
Anyway, I'm on schedule to do my first IVF in April. Abit worried dont know whether will have side effect anot? I really need you gals for more advise and information...
hi melodi, ur E2 r suppose to be low as u hav been jabbing suppression jab for 2weeks plus. Suppression jab is suppose to suppress ur hormones remember. I remembered my nurse told me for long protocol E2 shld b less than 100.
My E2 is 168 which is abit high as I m on short protocol. No suppression at all. Dun worry too much okay. Most importantly we must learn to relax now.. Stress free will increase the chance of bfp ;)
Is there anyone here interested to get Herb Valley COQ10,72 capsules? It will cost around S$50+ or lesser(depending on the qty we ordered) if ship in from Australia. Shipment takes about 1 week to 1 week plus.
Hi serene, thanks for assuring me. I really feel more relax by coming in to the forum too. At least I am more prepared now on what is going to happen next
How are you now? ER, ET also end of this month?

Actually dr zou been telling me about your case too to assure me everything would be fine although I have cysts. At least I do hope to have a chance to go through this cycle. Now is hopping my stimulation stage would be smooth n cysts stopped growing at the same time.
Vio must take good care yeh? Rest more!

I mc just last week....so now recuperating before i try again.....

Melodi, i started on 200 and went up to 400 coz follicles grow very slow.
hi melodi, u veri smart leh. How did u deduce Dr zou was talking abt me? I m her 1st patient tat ever develop 6 cysts after 2weeks of suppression jabs. My E2 level tat time was 14000. Therefore hav to abandon during Feb cycle. I took dr zou med to get rid of the cysts for a mth.

Due to my af, i haven go to look for dr zou for accupunture. So she most probably haven know i started on my stimulation jab already. Going to look for her tomolo : P
Hi Snuuggly, *hug* take good care of yourself well first. Will BFP soon again. Jia You!

Hi Serene, hee Dr Zou been telling me about the 6 cysts whenever I ask her about mine. :p

Hopefully this cycle would be smooth smooth for us.
hi Snuuggly, yeah..i will..tks..
ic.. u take care of yrself too ya! jiayou jiayou! All d best to you! mi wanna hear gd news fr u soon

Hi joycelyn, ivf will hv some side efforts, eg. bloating at abdomen. Tat's why we must hv a gd protein diet like eating egg whites (half-boiled) type, royal jelly for u & yr Hb, vitamin supplements, Immunocal (extra supplement to egg whites), CQ10, vitamin C, etc. Avoid cooling /heaty stuff, remain in a 'balanced' state for ur body..n most imptly, drink lots of water to flush out toxins fr d jabs. For myself, i avoided TCM medicine as advised by my TCM doc throughout my ivf journey.
In addition, dun be stressed n stay relax n positive throughout d journey. Its not going to be easy..but i m sure d sistas here will bring lots of encouragements n advises to you. All d best!
hi Snuuggly, yeah..i will..tks..
ic.. u take care of yrself too ya! jiayou jiayou! All d best to you! mi wanna hear gd news fr u soon

Hi joycelyn, ivf will hv some side efforts, eg. bloating at abdomen. Tat's why we must hv a gd protein diet like eating egg whites (half-boiled) type, royal jelly for u & yr Hb, vitamin supplements, Immunocal (extra supplement to egg whites), CQ10, vitamin C, etc. Avoid cooling /heaty stuff, remain in a 'balanced' state for ur body..n most imptly, drink lots of water to flush out toxins fr d jabs. For myself, i avoided TCM medicine as advised by my TCM doc throughout my ivf journey.
In addition, dun be stressed n stay relax n positive throughout d journey. Its not going to be easy..but i m sure d sistas here will bring lots of encouragements n advises to you. All d best!
Congrats sticky!!!! I'm sure it's implantation. I'm happy and I feel positive for u!!!!!!

So when do u intend to test?

Me went to the mall today for 2 hours and came back for insert. Feeling great with no symptoms. So cold in the mall.

What do u do today?
Hi All,

Started Lucrin tody. Did my jab myself in the morng. Made DH to go late to the office, as I wantd him to be with me while jabbg for the first time. I ws lookg at the needle for 5 mins with a scared look, finally with DH encouragement and my self motvn, able to put in the needle. Ws not that painful ya. ok. Am happy, days shd now run fast.

Vio and Snuggly, long time to see u guys here. Keep updtg ur progress. tk good care of urselves. rememe the hardwork u hv done to come to this level. keep ur health as top priority. tk care.

All other sis, wish you all good luck.
Sticky : really hope and pray it's BFP for you =)...been reading ur threads and gaining encouragement from your long journey ...

Blue: good luck for tomor.have some faith..heard alot of sisters go hpt -ve but BT is BFP.

Snuuggly: hugz and sayang, will BFP this time round! =)
Hi Valteen,

I just collected my incentives hence will give the resignation letter 2 weeks later. My af will most likely visit me end of March or early april so after serving my notice, just nice for me to rest at home during 2WW without thinking about work! when are you starting your IVF? Is your hubby supportive of you quitting?

Hi Sticky,
haha not confused lar..
I've tried 2 X SOIUI (failed) and first time doing IVF in April, I am with Dr Loh.
Partly why i want to quit is because i mc last year (conceived naturally) and i blame myself for overwork myself during the period, hence i really dont wanna take any risk to lost it if I bfp this time round, my work can be stressful and i need to walk alot meeting clients etc. Another reason is also IVF is quite draining physically and emotionally, and my job demand is so high, quite scary to think of matching both together and i cannot imaging if i bfn, so sad liao still have to crawl back to work and face colleagues/bosses who know about me doing ivf.. so me and hubby decided to set our priority right and i will quit lor, hopefully this sacrifice will bring me BFP!! if not, just take it as taking a break lor.. haha
<font color="ff0099"> HIHI LADIES...

finally home in my own comfortable bed...hahaha... today no chance to come into forum at all..

AGNES... i dun know abt counselling... cos dr loh just told me he's going to start my ivf in may and kkivf will call me ... they asked me to bring down my marriage cert and ic on the 15...hehehe... so maybe no counselling cos when i first went to dr loh beginning of last yr, i already told him i want to IVF... he just keep on telling me i'm too young... until when my BT shows that my FSH is very high.... then he told me unless my FSH is down..if not not possible..

then recently my BT shows that my fsh indeed gone down...but my estrogen level is high... but could be due to a cyst that burst on my right ovary... that's why estrogen is high...

so he immediately told me he's starting me on ivf... so i think on 15 is just to sign all the necessary forms?? oh...i think my timing is 9 plus in the morning...</font>


Which line are you in? Sales? I have not seriously discuss wif dh abt this - only mentioning in passing. I am half hearted not that I like my job. Hehee...Am really in a dilemma. I really hope I have the courage to just throw in the towel and say 'Well, that's it, job! Bye Bye!" Haiz...
