IVF/ICSI Support Group

<font color="ff0099"> Valteen

Is it?? i'm already on the way?? ahahahhaa... i didn't know that... =P


I am not very young actually... when i saw him, i was 31 yrs young... hahaha.. now already 32 yrs young lor... by the time start and if lucky, give birth i'll be 33 yrs young...hahaha..
I bought those wheat grass tablets to swallow... i like the smell cos smell like green tea latte...hehehe...</font>
valteen, yup I am in Sales.
Perhaps you should discuss this issue with your dh soon? When are you starting your IVF?
It took me a lot of courage to decide to say bye bye to my job, so seriously think about it, dh support is very impt.. I have one colleague failed 1st round of IVF so she decided to resign and she bfp the 2nd round.. i wish i can bfp too with this decision! haha
To me, career can always find it back, but time cannot find back (age catching up!) so i will do what i can to have a higher chance of bfp..
hi clb,
thanks... =)
u too jiayou...

hi bingo,
i see... i have faith u will de... bfp is near...

hi apple,
my hpt today is -ve...
thanks for ur words...

thanks melodi and blue for ur wishes...

hi blue,
may ur bt be positive tomolo...
hi stickybfp, today ur dpt9 right? U test too early de. U planning to test hpt till ur bhcg test? All the best to u. i will b waiting to collect babydust from u : )

hi clb, u still have spotting? Hope is clear now. Take care.

hi snuggly, good to see ur positive attitude. Build up ur body and u will bfp again next round : )

hi blue, all the best to ur bhcg later. BFP!! BFP!!!
Hi bnb, blue and sun
All the best to ur bt!!! Bfp bfp all the way..;)

Hi gals
Me on mc today due to down with flu? Had seen a gp n tell him i am doing ivf.. But me still struggling whether shd i take the medicine?;( if take, maybe faster recovery.. But yet worry the effects of the medicine ok for me or not.. Sigh.. Very contradicting..Any advise? Thk u..
Good morning everybody

Sun and BNB
All the best for your BT..加油加油!

When is your BT? Good luck too

Just pm you, please check. Thanks
Joanne, if you have doubts, you may want to call up your ivf hospital and check with them. If they say it's ok, it may be better to take so that you can recover faster.
I was down with flu too before er, lucky manage to recover.

Blue, all the best for your bt :)
Hi joanne03,

take care and better call the nurse to check.

Today is my first puregon jab. After the jab, quite painful that I have to lie down a while. Having headache since yesterday too. Still think want to take MC or not.
Morning sisters! Had my scan yesterday and doc said my eggs a bit small
Need to jab 2 more days of puregon with higher dosage.... haiz
For thomson tcm, you only went for accu, no tcm med? You were with them during your ivf journey, hw abt prior your ivf, were you with them?
Can share the cost of their ivf accu? 6 sessions right?
I'm considering between thomson and raffles... Not sure if they are the same.... ;)
Thk u suyana n melodi
good idea but i hope nurse will know wht is the medicine for as they r not doctor..;)

Hi melodi
Oh no.. U inject urself? How many iu u inject? Puregeon shd be ok as i try it last soiui too.. Drink more water as this time dosage is more... Take care.. N sleep early at night..

Hee.. Todai i can spend more time with sister here as no need to work..;)
hi joanne, call ur kkivf to check if it is alright to take flu med during stimms. u can take vit c. mi also having some coughing especially in aircon room. i m trying to gulp down lots of warm water as reluctant to take coughing med.

hi joannet,up ur protein intake. will help e growth of ur follicles. wif e increase of e dose of puregon, ur follicles will growth to ideal size. dun worry
Thanks Serene. Took 4 egg whites last night and will eat more today before go KK tomorrow... Hopefully all is fine so can do my ER next week...
joanne03: last time i ask can take gastrics meds during jab, she went out check and came back with answer.. so i guess they will check with doc or someone more experienced if they are not sure ...

melodi: sayang u, ya, agree puregon more painful than lucrin...maybe u hit a pore or blood vessel, tat's why more painful.gulp down more water..jiayou!

Serene: tks, yes it 's now slight brown spotting, hopefully will end by today..btw, i missed out on ur previous postings, which day are u on puregon, r u with kkivf too? =)

BNB and Sun: Good luck today!!!

Sticky: jiaoyou =)...most likely implantation spotting .. rest more now..
Hi gals
Thks for ur kind advise..;) will call them later as morning they very busy..;)

Hi sticky
Hows ur spotting? Stop? If yes the congrat.. Must be implantation else maybe u asks for early bt to get more support? Take care..

Hi clb
Maybe just discharge old blood.. No worries k..;) all will be fine for u...

Hi miracle
Hi hi.. Nice to see u post... Hope u r feeling better now... Jiayou n u will bfp if u dun giveup k..;)
Hi joanne03,No I did not take MC cos need to pass some work to colleague. Maybe half day later cos now beside headache, feeling feverish too. I am on 300 iu so a bit on the high side.

Maybe still not too use to the jab. My DH injected for me this morning but tomorrow onwards he is out for business trip for a week plus so has to see whether myself or my mum already. Don quite dare to push the needle in actually. Really admire those who can do it themselves.

Hi sisters, if not feeling well can go accupunture? Will accupunture help during stimulation stage. The nurse ask me not to take chinese med anymore so I am thinking should I stop chinese med but continue egg whites and a packet of immunocal everyday. Reason is I am those type that get heaty very fast and I have been having hives for almost two weeks also. Eat med also no use must drink a lot of water.

It is after accupunture then I get hives but Dr Zou should not be the TMC stuff so I continue. Has told the IVF nurse also and because that happen before my lucrin jab so also doesn't matter. Just that I feel very uncomfortable only when itchy. Anyone get hives during IVF too or you gals heard of that? Anything to help it get better? See two GP actually but still having it.

Wow...long story, giddy giddy :p
Hi Melodi, I am also ono 300 iu puregon for last week and these 2 days is 400 iu due to small follicle size. I prefer to inject the puregon myself. It's actually not that difficult just have to get used to it....
Hi melodi
Me only on 200iu and hope got many good follicles.. Hmm.. U shd try jab urself.. Take a deep breadth n all will be over.. Just move in slow n steady ya..;) if u asks ur mum, i think she will feel very upset everytime she poke u as heartpain.. U can do it since both joanne can do it..;) jiayou woah..
Hi sistas, sorry to say that I have no babydust to spread to yr.
I already roughly know the answer. Though is difficult to hear the news, but had accepted it.
Will be cheonging again after 2 round of menses.
Melodi, i dont have cysts. But i was on 300 iu for 7 days. Tot it's normal so also never ask them why. Think i asked too few questions liao.. must ask them more next time.. Now becos of my follicle size, need to increase to 400 for 2 days. Hopefully is good news tomorrow...
BNB, *hugs* Jia You and try again.Don give up.

JoanneTan, I also learn from the sisters here in forum then I ask the doc and nurse in KK. Else they will just say ok, ok and left us blur blur

Joanne03, I am feeling quite giddy now and guess having fever le. Just back from office to home to rest. Cancelled my accupunture today too.

Hi sisters, anyone know if we are in stimulation stage, can we drink some Chrysanthemum tea. My mum is brewing some for me not. Dr Zou told me Chrysanthemum tea still not too liang. Is it ok? Anyone drink that when u feel too heaty during IVF cycle?

