IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Melodi, maybe you go tomor morn, they see ok, then u start on same day? they dun do ET/ER on weekend.. they say they will control by using the dunnoe what jab at the end to release the egg such that it wun fall on weekend... so dun worry, let the nurse do the worrying for u.

Joanne03, yup next thu morn... same same...did u need to buy 2nd bottle of lucrin? i need cos i'm on 20 days lucrin b4 start... so guess diff gals respond diff...
Ya lor, maybe I ask them can I start tomorrow. But is it injection always had to be on the same timing. If i start tomorrow afternoon, means that every afternnon I must inject puregeon in the afternoon or can i switch to morning on the next day? Anyone do that before?
ron: i agree with u, we start comparing our symptoms and numbers, and get stress again...but then, we share useful tips here also.. hee..ya, i only started on this forum recently, already on this website every hr or so at work... if boss knows, will faint.

melodi, i asked nurse yest.. she says for eg, if you jab this morn, but decided to jab at night going forward, you can start jab tomor night..tomor morn dun jab.. so a one time change like this to re adjust ur jabbing timing is fine...=)..but u can dble check with nurse to be sure..
Hi ron, yes. So mean that if my hormone is fully suppress and can start Puregon jab, the earliest is Friday then. Hmm...How I wish can start the same days as the rest.
Melodi - if you appmt is tomorrow, still got chance you may start Puregon Thur night
clb - haha.. ya, me too. i keep the forum site on my computer coz sianz at work, but have to quickly change page when he walks pass... hehehe..
Hi melodi
I think they will asks u start next dsy.. Dun worry, we may still do er et together since different pp different rate in egg developing..;) so no worries k..

Hi cdi
Not sure need 2nd bottle or not leh.. Me today inject 14 times, still can inject another 14days.. Enough?

Hi sticky n piggy
All the best to ur bt next week.. Pls give us tons of baby dust after bfp.. We need it as next will be our turn..
Hi ron
The kk nurse told me they prefer we inject lucrin n puregeon at the same time.. Dun think they will suggest night time.. As i ask them just now whether must inject at same time with lucrin and she say yes.. Hmm...

HIHI PPL...sneak in during lunch... just a quick hello to all!!!

Thanks for the advice... i think i will just follow the same and keep quiet... cos i was on MC just for 2 days and not only my level ppl knows..the office at another level also knows!! gosh..just imagine if i told them i'll be on IVF..i think the entire co will know..scary sia..better not...

most prob i'll just tell them women's problem as suggested..hehehe..

SUN... i'm a super cheerful and bouncy person... cos i believe in miracles and being positive... of coz, not to have too high a hope but reasonable hope...hehehe... and being positive will help in being relax... which is very impt for us..to be relax..

hehe..i'll be off now... ppl back in ofc..=P
hi joanne,
actually lucrin and puregon can be at seperate timing of the day de... dunno y ur nurse said that...
in fact... even if jab both at nite also can... there is not particular timing... jus keep it consistent onli...
Hi Joanne03. I normally jab both lucrin & puregon in the morning. The nurse said to jab 2 different sides and alternative everyday...
No sign also Lorre. Halyards. Only today feeling like sick sick biz of the weather. Hot cold hot rain. Ahhh yoooo....

Let's us pray the best now. Do u bedrest the whole day?
Hi ladies,

Anyone know what is the purpose of red dates tea. I've been taking it. Now is my D1 af and will doing FET this cycle. Can we continue taking red dated till our ET & after ET?
hi apple,
this cycle... i'm not in my top form... i more like cannot be bothered at all...
so no i didnt bedrest at all... prob i did in the first few days... then after that i do my norm stuffs...
i been having af cramps... my dpt is 11 but dpo is 14 liao... so the cramps are getting more intense and af is due very soon... think before bt af will come liao...haha...
but hey, all the best to u... no signs also bfp de...
Hi sticky
Hmm.. Maybe my english poor.. Actually i mean the nurse suggest we took both lucrin n puregeon at the same time and not separate time as in one in mOrning n one at night.. Like wht joannetan mention.. Same timing, alternate side so i assume if lucrin already inject in the morning then puregeon will be in the morning too.. But if lucrin already inject at night the puregeon at night too..;) dun worry.. Usually pp will bfp at the most unexpected moment.. U will bfp since u no expectation so no stress..;)
Btw, can advise is red date will increase lining? If yes, i will stop take at the moment.. Thk u..

Some sisters have cramps and still bfp. Don't give up hope.


You just did your FET last week - think the signs won't start so soon?

Jiayou both!
Hi clb
U mean if need 2nd bottle of lucrin, they will asks us buy on e2 bt n scan day? Thot when almost finish then they will asks us buy.. I hope my current bottle is just nice for me too.. Btw, i dun understand why we still need to suppress hormone when stimulation already going start?
Stickybfp: I don't think our body is will adjust to our normal cycle as we are still on Progesterone medication. These medication will make our body still think we are in the Luteal phase. If so, then I don't think yours is af cramp leh?? Am I right?

I just check the calendar and knew that today is my CD35!! My goodness! I don't have any symptom of bfp or af cramp leh...

Anyone can advise?
Vann - maybe you should go in to clinic for a check if bad pain, or at least try to contact Doc. hopefully they can prescribe something for the pain if nothing serious
Vann - can feel ovaries like heavy and "moving" abit when walking, sometimes tingling sensation at the ovaries, and bloated, small small pain like starting of cramps but not big bad pain. I kena mild OHSS 3 days after transfer but still not much pain. If bad pain, safer to go & check up earlier - maybe all you need are some painkillers. but better go and check up if you are finding persistent bad pain.
Ya...I can feel that ovaries like heavy and 'moving' at the right side...but can't sleep at night due to the pain...I tested for OHSS on the ET day but the nurse say I no OHSS. Don't want to take so much medications and affect emmbies.
Yes maybe you just temporary stop red date tea, i didnt take at all, hope mine 2.5mm not too thin...

Hi sistas, beside folic, conceivewell, immunocal and eggs white, what else do we need to take during stimulation stage? Thanks.
Haven't been checking in for awhile. Good luck on ur cycle! Hugs! I went to see Dr Loh today at KK. Find him to be a jovial chap. Good vibes. Have arranged for a fresh cycle to start in May. Will do natural FET in Apr.

Good luck to all here!
hi gals with kkivf
After e2 scan, nurse prescribe a medicine for hubby say is antibiotic.. And say must sit without walk around for half hr after take the medicine.. No milk before n after two hr when take the medicine.. Woah.. So many requirement.. Do ur hubby get this medicine and does the same requirement too? So strict ah?
Yoiz sticky n piggy, have faith lah... But then again sticky's attitude is good in a way... Relax relax no stress... Like Tat higher chance BFP hor!!

Hi Joanne, my hubby got Tat antibiotic too n very soon after Yr ER u will start on this antibiotic too! For 7days

hi ceo
lolx... i dun think no stress up any chances of bfp at all... haha...

hi bcube,
jus pm u... =) nice u can start soon... good luck dear
