IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi Melodi and joanne03, i jus emailed Dr Loh with my concerns and he replied...guess what he said.. he said nurses got it wrong and he's not travelling..he cc the nurses' email in his reply..so girls, let me confirm with the nurse first thing tomor morn and i'll update on the forum asap.. hopefully it's true.. theni'll have to apologise for the worry caused these few hrs...

Oh that's great.
Thanks for emailing him CLB

Nite nite
morning gals.

hii joanne, i started my stims jab yesterday. i m jabbing gonalf not puregon. yesterday my e2 result is 168. e nurse told mi result is ok.

actually for my last mth af after stopping e supp jab, i hav abit of bloodclots. but my flow r veri heavy n long(almost 1 n half week). tis af, i hav no bloodclots but flow is heavy.
good luck to ur scan today.
Morning gals....
Oh really.. Clb.. Sadz.. Shd hv read this forum last night as i hv been thinking n worry abt it whole night..;( now is so much of a relief to know that..;) am at kk now, will check with the nurse too so wait for my reply k..;)

Hi melodi
Oh.. So u need to purchase another bottle of lucrin since i think i wont hv enough too though today is only day 14 of my injection..

Hi serene
I see..so whts the e2 requirement before can proceed puregeon?
Hi morning

Joanne03, yes I think I need to buy another bottle cos running out soon also.

Wait for clb and you to update me later. Tomorrow I will ask the nurse again too for my cycle. Also hope that my e2 is ok n can proceed to next stage.
Hi gals..
Finish scan, they say my lining 7mm... Is it too thick to proceed stage2? If yes, what will happen? Then they say maybe af still not complete but i worry as no more bleed today..

Hi stickybfp
If 7mm thickness on lining, how? No good? What shd i stop eat to stop having so thick lining? Sigh..
hi Joanne03, the nurse haven replied me yet, they say will dble check and call me... hopefully you can confirm with them coz you are physicallyu there? =)

the nurse told me need to be at least 5mm and below de... maybe they will say wait for ur blood test then decide again.. i did a first E2 scan last week, 8mm coz my period jus started that day.. so i had to go back yesterday to rescan... then become 5mm....maybe nurse will suggest u continue lucrin for a few more days...but they will re-assess together with ur blood test also...dun worry too much..btw u said u had hiccups along the way, me too.. can share with you next time... in office now... at least we know we are not alone in this..=)
good morning, ladies.

Melodi/clb/joanne03 - that's good news to hear dr loh's available & no need to extend the lucrin. Everything is starting well
jus received call fr KKIVF.. dr loh confirmed not travelling, phew.... so we do not need to delay anything..=) Joanne03, so sorry for the worry caused to u last night de...=(...hope you would be able to rest well today... u taking off today for the scan? dun worry, becoz you today only D13? so prob still on thicker side?
Morning girls!!

Joanne I think u worry too much.. Is not going to help u in ur whole process.. U must try to relax n goes with the flow.. 7mm lining sound okay to me.. When I'm on day 14 lucrin jab 7 day after AF come my lining already 8mm n I carry on for another 7 days lurcin jab my lining only goes to 8.9mm so not to worry okay ;)
clb - i'm mid-way through Puregon. Looks like you will be able start Puregon tomorrow if you want - yeah! At least have the option to stop the Lucrin jabs... It's good that you girls have few buddies cylcing together. Is this your first cycle?
Hi Ron,actualy i'm worried abt starting Puregon... coz i had quite bad bloating last time when i took clomid + have gastrics problem...how are u feeling right now, mid way thru the Puregon jab? any uncomfy?

Joanne03, what did the nurse say?
Finished ET on Monday.. Keep getting back pains especially at the right hand sides.. So painful that I can't even sleep.. Weirdly only at night? Any similar experience??
Morning girls

Joanne try to eat mushroom (fungus)I forgot the exact name. It's to make the lining thinner. Hope this help. It help to clear the old lining too.
clb - Puregon suits me much better than gonal-f (was having bad dreams on gonal-f, puregon sleep like baby.. hahaha). So far all is well.

Personally, i find no need to think too much &amp; sometimes being in the forum makes us more <kan-cheong>, coz everyone's reaction &amp; symptoms is different. I am not w/ Dr Loh but I believe he's one of the best in the country so we just have to trust our docs know what they are doing...All we can do is reduce our stress levels to create friendy environment for our embbies

that said, I think i am secretly addicted to this forum .hahahahaa...
Definitely babydust for you, Sunshines!
(More icons "stolen" from Cutie!)

Are you planning to go test @ TFC on Friday?
Morning sistas.
Stickybfp- still the bloatedness, but hor I keep having -ve thoughts, very scare le.
Yesterday check urine test was -ve but think was too early to test. Was very depress yesterday.
How are u?
clb - also drink lots of water (2-3litres a day) will help prevent bloatness. I didn't do that in first cycle so had mild OHSS, so gulp up on the water once you start stimming tomorrow.

BNB - maybe too early. Keep the faith &amp; stay positive. *babydust*
Hi ron.,
Thk u.. Reach office safe..;)

Hi piggy
Thks so much for sharing ur experience.
When u check lining at day14 is 8mm.. Did u start ur puregeon next day or continue with lucrin for another seven days before start puregeon? Ya, i am very tense.. Shd rest more..

Anybody can share her experience whether my case is ok pls? Thk u..

Hi apple
I think u refer to black fungus.. Thk u.. Think is too late as my bleed had stop today..;(

Hi clb
Had bought puregeon. Nurse say wait for their phonecall this afternoon for bt result.. Stress again.. If all ok, will start inject puregeon tomorow.. Same as u? Ya, one thing relief is doc loh not on leave..;) will sleep early n well tonight if bt result is ok for me to proceed..;)

Hi moo
Hows ur scan today?

Hi blue
Relax relax .. Know is easy to day than do.. U must hv positive thots that u will bfp k..;) all the best to ur and baby75 bt on coming friday..;)

Hi sticky
U do daily hpt test again? When ur hcg bt? U will bfp this time k..;)
Hi ladies!!! Today I'm back at work ... Do can't put anymore cute icons ... Hehehe... Will do so tonite when I'm home...

Want to ask ah... Do u ladies tell Ur supervisor that u going for ivf??? If not how to explain the HL???
Hi joanne03,

I am actually very blur. Today is my day 17 and I thought supposed to go on date 17 which is tomorrow. Hee the nurse just called me and give me a shock asking me where am I? :p Luckily is lucrin stage can delay one more day. > <
cutie - welcome back. you always so happy-la.. I didn't want to tell coz my office is small &amp; everyone will ask (which for me will add alot of stress coz we didn't tell our parents even!). My boss 3 kids is via IVF so i think he will be understanding but I just dun want too many "eyes" knowing of my journey. I am planning to take 1 week HL (considering either: stomach problem or woman problem explanation
), and 2nd week my own leave.
Hi Ron, thks for tip on preventing OHSS

Hi joanne03, from piggy, we know Puregon does not neccessarily need thin linning.. so relax liao...yup i'm starting puregon tomor...i'm quite kan cheong one also... so we need to calm each other down...u go have lunch.. kkivf only called me after 1pm yest , so dun wait now..

Hi melodi, heee... guess you are the more zen kind..can relax and dun keep looking at the dates =p..
my dept also quite small. all aunties with kids liao... so keep asking me when my turn.. and they keep talking abt their own kids during lunch.. so sometimes i feel really stress or sian or left out..i've 2 females bosses, initially they keep asking me also.. after i told them abt ivf for me, they shut up now...and i did tell them not to tell others... prob i'll use excuse women's problem when i come back to work [if I fail this round's ivf =( ].. so cutie, depends on the situation u r in at work.
hi gals
Yeah!! Kkh had call me and they say i can proceed stage two tomorow as hormone fully suppress and my first scan will be next thursday!! E2 level is only 36..any advise whether this reading is too low? Now can really relief and relax fr yesterday to this morning fright ...hee..but abit worried as really starting now..;)
Ron: like bnb, I m feeling quite down now. Bought 2 pcs pack of clearblue fm watson yesterday, even got a 20% discount. Dh said too early to test so I "ren". Thought of testing this morning, the 1st thing in the morning, again, I "ren". My boob like sore but like not sore. I feel normal leh.
I think I will test at home first instead of going to tfc.

Cutie: I hv the impression that u r a bouncy girl. Hahaha...
Hi cutie
Me will be taking own leave for first week and back to work on 2nd wk as dun want pp to suspect anything..;) i think i know u before at the ttc forum and chat before as that time u also use many cute icons..;)
Hi experience sister
If we start our stimulation tomorow.. Roughly when we will be doing our er? So that i can start plan to take leave.. Thk u..
hi blue,
=) i pray for u... may u bfp on bt day...
fri rite?
i cant send u a pm le... can pm me ur email?

hi joanne,
me bt on 21st
erm... ur lining is too thick le... doc say can stimulate???

hi apple,
during af can take black fungus... helps to thin the lining...
Hi sticky
Oh no... Really too thick.. Wht shd i stop eat to stop lining so thick huh? Reddate? They asks me proceed leh.. Wht will be the bad effect to hv so thick lining?
u taking red dates now?
never mind, jus go ahead and stimulate... meanwhile u can reduce ur red dates drink... to alt day...
gals with thick lining can bfp de...
Joanne03 - you may want to call the clinic and ask the nurses if there is an estimated date since they are so organised and have put everyone to start on the same day (Thu), they may have also worked out your estimated ER/ET date. However, the actual ER may also depend on how you respond to the drugs. You may only know during your next appmt when your ER will be.

I am not w/ Dr Loh so maybe some sistas who cycle with him have more information.
hi clb,

No I am not those zen type but blur type lor. Oh no then is it means that I would be one day later then you all? If tomorrow then scan, is it Friday then i can start puregon injection?
very scare my ER and ET will fall on weekend.

Do they do ER or ET on weekend?
Sunshines &amp; BNB - know that "blah" feeling during these last few day. Stay positive, ya? Just a few more days &amp; will know results. All we can do is keep positive, and know you have done your best for your embbies. Nothing is confirmed until test day. In the meanwhile, hold on to some *babydust* for today-la!
Hi sticky
Am actually taking red date drink alt day all the while.. Will red date cause thick lining? Hope it will not increase too much further..

Hi ron
Ok.. Will asks them next week after scan.. Thk u..

Hi melodi
Dun worry.. Just one day late.. Not much difference..me exact same day start puregeon with clb and same gynea.. So coincident..

Hi clb
When is ur day8 scan? Also next thursday?
