IVF/ICSI Support Group

Snuuggly, according to the embryologist, this is quite a comfortable number. But I forgot to ask abt the grading! Was too focused on my full and exploding bladder then.

ladies, any cure for stiff neck? Last nite sleeping position not correct. this morning woke up. hav a terrible stiff neck. whole neck and upper shoulder is veri painful. Cannot turn to my left side, cannot lift up my head. sobb..
serene ah, when i have stiff neck, I will put those medicated plaster. Also, I will persist and try to turn the other side forcefully. Keep stretching.
Hi Nip, Congrats! so happy for u. Its really exciting to know abt the twins. Very motivatg for all of us. Do tk care. Best wishes..
GOOD LUCK for your ER tomorrow...many many eggs...

and please drink alot of water after ER and even after ET, in fact 2L is not enough, cos when I was on drip, they wanted to put 3L in 24hrs, but after 1L, my condition improves so I was allowed to be discharged.

Grabbing babydust from you!!!!
So happy for you!
snuuggly, thanks for the advise. I dun dare to near my head. veri painful : ( go home will buy those medicated plaster.

Hi ladies, can i get COQ10 at waston, guardian?
bobzai, thank you very much. I also hope lotsa of eggs!
Will take note to drink more water. I like drinking water, so no problem! Glad to hear you are feeling better now. BFP BFP!

Serene, hope you feel better soon. TCM should also help wor.
Dear ladies, thank you for your well wishes. You will also bfp, I am sure.

As to what I did, I am very blur so no accup for me. I just ate the brazil nuts and folic acid ( which I started taking 3 months ago). I did not really have bed rest cos I have. 3 yr old. I rested 1 day after et and then 4 days later went for the cruise. I think the cruise helped cos I was enjoying myself. Actually the few days before blood test, I have spotting so I convinced myself that my af will be coming....
Hi nip,

I am new here and am happy for you on your bfp!! I hope I have the same luck next week. I didn't have complete bed rest too but have consciously slowed my speed when walking and abstain fr carrying heavy things.

Have a blessed preg journey!!!
Went for my Day 9 scan today and lining is at 9.1cm. Biggest follicle is 16cm and the rest are around 11-14cm. Today saw 11 follicles instead of 9. Angela said its fine and I should be having ER next Wed instead of Tue.

Called Dr ZOu with the results and she said to start daily accupuncture from tmr till ER. But I am having exams this weekend..so will probably skip and do Acc on Mon.
All e best snuuggly for ur er..hopefully u will hv a lot of mature eggs..i hope i hv ur strong threshold of pain too if i get the pregnyl jab..v nervous for tomorrow scan..my stomach dun seem to bloat tt much aft 6 days of puregon..hwever i did take white eggs n blackmores so mayb it cld b tt reason..

Nadia n valteen, thx for the assurance on er n et..guess i should nt worry tt much..mayb i shud go body massage this sunday to ease my tension..

Nip..congrats on ur twins! Hope to bfp like u too!
Hi Valten

I'm also in 2ww.... transferred 2 last Tuesday. Result will be on 5th Feb. When is your blood test?

Btw, sharing with you gals here, I did my 2 IUIs (unsuccessful) & my 1st IVF in 2007 successfully.... now my gerl is turning 4 this sept.

So wishing you gals, All The Best!!!
Hi Faz,

Which hosp/ dr you with?? Strange I did my transfer 2 days later than you did but my preg test is 28 Jan. Great to hear your first ivf success and hope this one will too!!

You had strict bed rest for your 2 times 2ww?
I am with dr sf loh.

Wow, you steady! Any discomfort? I keep feeling some cramps or pulling sensation at the lower ab. Now getting more anxious on the test as each day passes.
all the best for ur scan tomolo... =)
may u have lots of good quality eggs...

hi rashal,
u can do it in early stages of puregon stage, at later stage, u wont feel well enough to do liao...

hi faz,
ur blood test is before mine... mine is on 7 feb... and i doing fet onli on next thurs... lolz..
Same lor, my hubb project management too.. Once kickstart, Monday no night.. Can b stressful during TTC n IVF journey worrying over d timing, energy to BD etc

My hubb doing accunpunture too, 2x a wk fir few mths prior IVF.other than dr Zou, we previously were with Clementi dr tan, a tampinpiness sinseh n Bukit bAtok. We tried a few. But his sa result is inconsistent thou

After d failed IVF, due to busy work schedule he hardly accunpucture lohz.

Ladies doing FET, other than accunpuncture n all d nutrients, vitamins intake on ourself, does ure hubb continues with d vits,accunpuncture? Thou FET,but I was told we shd concurrent BD to upZ d chance.so still need gd quality of sperm right?
Ceraine, at least your hubby still guai guai go for accup. For my hubby, i think it's easier to kill him than to make him go for accup. No choice loh, I'm pumping him with Vit C everyday. Hope that will helps.
Morning Sistas....

Snuggly: best of luck on ur ER.. ;-)

Hepi Weekend to All.. Busy day ahead for me... Got some wedding gift preparations stuff to do for someone not mine hehehe...

Take care all n have fun this weekend...;-)
Cerraine, Valteen.

Art thaw = Artificial thaw

During my 1st IVF, collected 17 eggs, only 9 usable. Put in 2 & left with 7. So now i'm using the 2 frozen embryos for my 2nd try. So hopefully it works again tis time....

I would say Fresh cycles is more "torturing".... But I know we gals are Strong to endure all this pain!!! Jia You!!
morning sisters

Snuggly.... jiayou!!

Faz emb can be forzen for so long(4yrs)?? u work the next day u FET huh? wow no need to bed rest meh? what support are you on? sorry so many qns..
U rnot on any jabs for ure art thaw(FET) yah???
I intend to rest 3days after ET.. But shall see Hw.

All d Best to ure er... Good luck!
Take Ginger drink consecutively for 3 days to reduce bloat...
Jok: yeah, if not wrong can froze for up to 5 yrs

Ceraine: No jabs at all, doc give me only oral medication & pessary (insert into rectum) till blood test lah.
Hi sistas,went for scan today n doc say gt 5 eggs..sizes are 12,7,6,6,7..dr is increasing to 250iu of puregon mon muz cum back again..do i hv anything to worry abt?
Rashal, I believe you are referring to follicles. Guess puregon has to go up cos follicles are still small. Guess that's nothing to worry abt now. Just take the puregon as advised and scan again. They should be growing bigger!

U at Kkivf this morning too??

Rashal: continue with the puregon n up ur protein intake.. It will help with the follicle growth... Wish u all the best
