IVF/ICSI Support Group

Winnie: Agree! Gossip.. They don't gossip in front of you but behind and to my MIL faint...anyway wish that this NEW year those haven't BFP will all BFP together !!! Those BFP have a smooth smooth 9 months

good morning sisters...

i think we all have this cny fear ... why not we jus gather together and celebrate cny ourselves .. hahaha

Gongxi Gongxi!!!
I'm on cyclogest insertion.

tks for your information on polyclinics subsidy.

For FET we aren't looking for gd follicles.
We looking for best lining to do FET too bad !
If for fresh cycle ya it is good to have very goods follicles sizes ar ~
Btw, wat is yr lining today, still 7mm ?
ya ... was talking to the nurse in kkh yday she say for FET grade of emb not important alr... its the surviving rate of the emb ... oh very worried lei .. dun knw my 10 emb will shui shui or not ... haiz ..
Ladies, just turn deaf year to all those nagging. It's true, when no kids, ask when first 1, when have 1, ask for no 2....

Last year, during my family gathering, people also keep asking me for no 2, I just said wait till ml becomes 5 mtgs first. They keep quiet after that. Heh.
Faithbb, lining increase from 5 to 7 today but I test -ve on opk so continue test tmr, if still -ve then test again on sat and come back for scan.

Dr Zou told me many ppl tot do fet only care abt lining but actually follicle growth is also impt becos it determine the womb condition. The body must be ready to conceive then chances of success will be high especially for doing natural fet. For medicated fet, everything is under control.
Minako, are you doing ER & ET next week? If yes, then we are cycle buddies wor

I say until so positive like my follicles confirmed growing and I can ER next wk....hahah
piggy - now my #1 not even out they ask when I plan to have #2!!! I'm gonna reply I'll close shop after #1 cos no more energy + finances to take care #2!
piggy ... i hope so too ... the nurse say if i putting 2 they will thaw 2 see survive thaw or not ... thaw till survive one than do ET .. so 10 emb oso not alot lor ... hahaha but still glad i hav these 10 precious embies hope they "shui shui" and this time round 2 can stick hard hard to me.. pray hard. piggy dun worry alot of sistas here dun hav many but good quality one ... so when ur FET?
<font color="aa00aa">winnie - then u'll invite much talk - about how money isn't everything, how nowadays parents spend too much to spoil kids..ya da ya da ya da...just say see how la..then LOOK? what's that zit on YOUR face?</font>
in tis case hw wud we know of wombs is in good conditionand chances of success will be high to conceive leh ?
Any idea mention by Dr Zhou...can you ask her again to understand clearer for the girls here to knows as well.
Stickybfp, *high 5*!!!! ya we'll bfp n shut them up hahaha! Lucky my parents n in-law nvr ask. Me married for 11.5yrs le leh, only these few years then decide to hv. Too late to regret Liao.

Snuuggly, must b +ve. Sure ER next wk

Winnie, ask them to finance u lor then u plan ;)
Winnie: Yours is extreme.. hahaha funny relatives already have 1 inside stomach how come ask when 2nd one faint

Jok: My expected FET is in mid Feb when my AF come end this month...

Minako: So i see.. im on medicated FET so guess not much worry but definitely more expensive
Minako, if you ET on MOn....then we can be cycle buddies

I say until like I confirm follicles got grow and that I can smooth smooth go ER/ET....hahah.
Aiyooo..pardon my double post. I thought my earlier msg did not go through.

Janice, yeh trying to be positive. Am eating lotsa of eggs...haha not really egg whites. Overdose on cholestrol man!
Hi Snuuggly,
How many egg white u eating???
Woah... so fast for you hor... how are you feeling? normal?
How many eggs u hv now??

Hi Mina,
All the best to your coming ER/ET... same for Snuggly too... so envious that u gals can start doing ER/ET already so fast...:)
Hi Shoes...
I haven't start jab yet... Will start IVF only next month after my AF come end of this month... Have experience with three time IUI using Puregeon injection so I already get use in injecting myself... think now no painful already...deadmeat liao... haha...
Hi sunstillshines,

Not too sure if u are looking for this gynae - Dr CT Yeong. He's in private practice with TowYung Clinic at Tanglin Shopping Centre and does ivf in TFC (before the suspension) as well as Mount E fertility centre. I was under him under my ivf and I chose to Mount E for the lab for ivf. He can be contacted at 67374433. He will see u at the clinic at towyung.. ER and ET at Mount E. Great doc !
hi gals,
i rem somemore asking for fet diet or fresh cycle diet
wanna share my diet

hi gals...
ur all so good... can eat anything ur wan... me finally started my diet properly... been slowly adapting my diet for a week plus... today finally implement it fully...
ur hear liao sure think i very poor thing de lor...
5egg whites plus 1 slice wholemeal bread
1 piece fruit
1cup low fat milk plus protein mix
1 piece fruit or a small serving of veg
3 tablespoon brown/red rice
some veg, fish and soup...
1 immunocal with yakult

sure lose alot of weight de... haha...
oh, plus red dates longan drink or ginger tea as much as possible... and red bean soup now and then...
Joanne, I never really eat lotsa of egg whites.
Just made it a point to eat more eggs during meals, be it fried eggs..hard-boiled eggs in noodles etc.. I remove the yolks whenever possible. On an average, I think I only eat 2 eggs a day ah....note not specific egg whites wor.
I am feeling very normal. No side effects. No bloatiness. I do not know how many eggs I have. I started puregon last sat. Supposed to go back KKH this sat to check. I guess they should tell me how many eggs I have then? Or they will not say until my ER? Now that you mention, can someone advise me what am I to expect for the first check this sat since I started puregon?
Finally got time to come in &amp; read. Dam busy at work.

Wow! This is your diet plan ah!

Will u feel giddy or not? This is very little leh...
hi leor,
Ya lor... Is very little... But my last fresh cycle i upkeep such a diet on start of af... No choice lor, for the sake of healthy baby...
And i got anyhow eat abit la... Heehee...
But generally must keep such a diet... Last cycle, i felt hungry so took extra glass of immunocal with milk... Super turn off... So no appetite liao... Haha
But during stimulation stage, totally no appetite liao, cos of ohss....
haha shoes, it's me lah :p so u asking how joanne feel or me? hehe... buserelin jabs sting &amp; itch leh so my dh wl jab saizen 1st then buserelin lor. 3rd day of buserelin le, i've been feeling tired and hot not sure it' decap or both decap &amp; buserelin leh cos b4 buserelin already feeling some hot flushes, not get worst

stickybfp, wah u very discipline leh. my last 2ww, i dunno wat to do and eat, i juz refust to eat anything n i lost lots of weights too
this time round i'm not gonna do that le, think a balance diet is ok ba?

snuuggly, when u go and scan yr eggs sizes, remember to ask them if not they dun give de wor. this happened to me lah not sure about other sisters.
Snnuggly, tink you better cut back on the eggs. The protein will be lesser if egg is fully cook. If you take fried eggs, it just piles up on the cholestrol while we need is just the protein. Try eat only soft-boil and always remove the egg-yolk if you are eating more than 2 @ one go. Eat more meat &amp; fish also.

Faithbb, Dr Zou only said if one can ovulate naturally with good follicle size and lining means the womb is in good condition. Prior to ovulation, the follicle &amp; lining must grow at rapid speed (1-2m per day). This means the body is in preparation for pregnancy to occur.
Janice: so this sat scan is to see the size of eggs ah? Ok I will remember to ask them...bring pen n paper to note down.

Sticky, if I am not bloated during stimulation, does it likely mean I do not have ohss? Dr Loh said I am at risk of ohss before I started the cycle but i do not feel anything sial. Chumz...wait no eggs.
Snuuggly, yours is how many days of puregon le? If I'm not wrong, after puregon d scan is to scan Yr lining n eggs to see if u r ready for ER or need more puregon.
Minako: Oh dear....now then i know. Shucks...I thought any egg whites is ok...silly me!
Heng I never eat 5 to 6 eggs each day sial. Jialat. No time liao...hai... I never drink immunocal...never eat enough egg whites....
Stickybfp, now it finally dawned on me why you said eat only soft boil eggs. All the time, I thought u said soft boil coz it's just easier to swallow more egg whites at one go.
Snuuggly, its never too late to start! Tonight start eating 8 soft-boil eggwhites. Can also eat quail eggs but must remove yolk. Dr Zou say for fresh cycle must eat 8-10 eggwhites a day le. Even after et, also must continue eat but can switch to full boil eggwhites. For fet, 2-4 eggwhites is enough. I also only started on mon. Later go home must eat again cos tis am no time cook.. Ha!
hi rita,
Depends on how many eggs u retrieved? And how many follicies were there during er?
how badly bloated are u?
Go weigh and see if weight increase or decrease?

Hi snuuggly,
Dun worry...
Alot of ivf dun change their diet and they are fine... Really have to depends on how well ur body can tolerate the hormones...
hi rita,
Egg white contains good protein... Can take for many reasons... For egg grow, for repair and replace of cells...
Hm... I think u dun need to upkeep alot of eggs... =) think ur normal diet can liao...

I will be transferring 1 if my embbies can cultured till blastocyst stage. If not, I go back 2 on day 2 stage.

KKH will do jab for you daily if you can't do insert. Alternative, you or your DH can do at home.

Is it painful to do insert thru rectum? I was also asked by the nurse to do rectum but I scare leh. Haven't tried rectum before. Does it need to be inserted deep?

What minimum lining is consider good? Is it the thicker the better or too thick also consider no good?

Does medicated need to wait till +ve on opk then can proceed with FET? KKH schedule FET for me when my lining is 8mm, they didn't mention anything about +ve.

Have you start thawing the embies? Will your hospital call to inform you how many survive? When is your FET? Are you in KKH too? Sorry for so many qns. I am so anxious waiting for call but no news from KKH yet.

Can see your diet is healthy and high in protein. Think I am going to plan 1 healthy diet like you too
But will you feel hungry with your diet? I am a carbo person.

Where to buy immunocal and how does it look like? Sorry, I am quite sotong. Thanks
