IVF/ICSI Support Group

dragon year is 2012. ok, will take your advice. will continue eating my spirulina. will go on short hol in oct. you take care too yar ?

oic..2012...Hope u strike with dragon baby.....continue with spirulina..it's good for the body...u take care too dear..STAY HEPI AND POSITIVE...Our turn will come soon..;-)
pinkaddict, its Oocyte Pick Up or Egg Retrieval.

U r super solid! After so many eggs and still doing so well. Continue with the good work and rest well. Cant wait to know how many fertilized tmw
pinkaddict, Due to my no. of follicles, I am not proceeding with ET as I am at high-risk of developing OHSS but I will be starting my FET procedure soon!

.. Hope my cramps goes off soon.
Crossing my fingers on the fertilization rate.
Shainie: Yup me doing FET in Jan...it will be medicated FET...We can be cycle buddies...there is quite a no. of sistas doing FET during that period too...
hi nadia, understanding that you are going to do FET as well. Out of curiosity, can I check with you on your FET protocol ?
Day: I dun have regular menses...so if by end December no menses yet..I have to take the medroxyprogrestrone...Once menses full blown call KKIVF...From D2 take 2 tabs of Prognova (can't remeber the exact name of the pill)..then D9 increase to 3 tabs...on D14 go for scan to check lining...if all k..can do ET 2 days after that...

Mine is medicated cos I have PCOS and do not ovulate...

60??? wow...so many ah...are u over stimulated..?

I had 15 retrieved, oredi feel soo bloated and uncomfy, i can't imagine how u r feeling...

Mine is only 15, is it considered little?
kitin, I was surprised by the fact that I have that no. of follicles. Prior my 1st scan, i was quite tired and felt bloated and once I knew of my follicles count after the 1st count, I max up my proteins intake and i was coping well with the bloating effect. My RE and dr zou mentioned that I look well for a person has that many no. of follicles. Initially I was worried that my follicles would not grow well but fortunately things turned out ok.

Don't worry about the count, its the quality of the embbies..okies
Just 1-2 strong ones and you will be BFP.

rest well, and prepare your body for FET...

btw, how did you know that only 30 out of the 60 are viable, did they inform you on the spot?
nadia, yes yes, was told to gulp 100+ or longan ginger water and continue with the mega protein intake (the sight of eggs makes me freak now) for the next couple of days..If anything amiss, i must get myself warded.
kitin, my clinic's embryologist informed on no. of viable eggs 30mins after my OPU. Now crossing my fingers on the fertilized yield.

Are you with KKH ? All the best to you..
I sent email to your email addr which u've registered when u sign up for tis motherhood acct

WOW..60 eggs..lucky you are well prepared.. Keep us posted on the no.of fertilized eggs... getting excited for you..
do rest well & take care!
Nina, not v well prepared la. Just want to try my best though it might not end up with a bfp. But I just dun wan to blame myself later on if things dun turn out fine. Watever outcome it is, at least I can give a pat on my shoulder and says I hv tried my best.

Immunocal is says to be v high in protein and will eases bloating during Stim stage. Instead of eating so much eggs which will make us v sick, immunocal will be an alternative.
baby33, dun feel too sad abt it. Like what Nadia says, be +ve. Try again when you feel ready.

Nadia, You are so +ve! Good luck in your FET.
ttcingbb, its 60follicles.. i think i will explode if i hv 60 eggs.

sesame_oil,am on 300iu GonalF. 11 days of jabs during stim stage.
Actually i am considering the ease of consuming Immunocal over eggs. The price is pretty okie as it is like slightly over $3 per pack.

I work long hours and if everything goes swee swee, the period for stimulation stage is also one of my peak period at work. I cannot afford to take leave during this time or I won't be able to take the HL later..

Day, Cool that is alot of eggs. Must take care and pu pu for FET!
day, is your dosage consider high? Is there any difference btw Gonal F and Puregon? I wonder whether my 240iu is equivalent to 300iu GonalF?
miracle, u shld mix immunocal w ur fav drink..hahaah..then u wun find it so eeeks..i m OJ person..so i like it w fresh OJ.

live, i din know immunocal helps w constipation...hehe.. now i m depending on lactulose for bowel movements.. r u still taking immunocal now?

sesame, immunocal not fattening at all.. no worries..
<font color="0077aa">Protein helps in egg and sperm quality. So if anyone is wondering what is the latest timing we should up the protein intake to improve our eggs quality, then it will be start of stimulation stage.

Of cos, if we can take protein way before the stimulation stage. =)

So while we are so focused with our egg quality and protein, don't forget our DH, we need their sperm to win the race</font>
sesameoil Yes, I think the GonalF dosage is slightly higher becoz of my age and my slightly higher FSH levels. But i turned out to be over-stimulated. Understand that GonalF is more "concentrate" than Puregon. Dr Zou did mentioned that 600iu Puregon is equivalent to 450 GonalF.

I am also taking Immunocal after finding out on the no. of follicles and like what PandaWifey mentioned, its not fatty.
Sesame_oil: well like wat u said mah...at least I know that I have done my best...so at least I dun feel so guilty/too upset that I didn't make it...Staying positive is important...Another new journey coming up for me..To look for...;-).Best of luck to u...Hope u have loads of beautiful follicles growing in u....;-)
Ladies, abt the practice safe s** thing, can anyone advise do we need to practice tt during lucrin period also?

Gals, though we need to practice safe s**, but please do not avoid it cos we need to discharge our hubby's spermies to replenish the new ones also. every few days must release. else all the old soldiers inside and no new ones.
sesameoil, there are various factors which will determine the stimulant dosage. Age, hormone levels + any prevailing problems in the ladies will all affect the dosage.

day, my fsh not v low also. Its 7. Guess they will up my dosage as the stim goes. I m trying my best to exercise to bring down the fsh level before ivf.
