IVF/ICSI Support Group


I thought I was the weird one. All along I started ocp at night. Lucrin I also injected at night. First few nites with the combi, I was also slightly breathless and heart pounding. Kept tossing and turning the whole night. Finally when ocp stopped and it's just lucrin, I had a few gd nites sleep. However the hot flush attack came on 2 nites ago. So now it's back to sleepless nites. Didn't expect to only get the hot flushes half way through the lucrin jabs. Hope you'll fare better.
Syrah - cos today I'm very busy at work, since I'm on leave tomorrow I'll go in the morning.

Sesame - my flu is still very bad and today it's 3rd day Liao! This bug really very stubborn!
Nina, you shd see Dr Loh during consultation before ivf. Then you will be referred to kkivf. Then you will not see Dr Loh till ER/ET.

Not every patient will know abt their dosage of puregon prior to start of stage 2. I asked Dr Loh, tts y I come to know about it.
Nina, no, you will only be scanned by the sonographer and then a doc on duty will attend to you.

Then they will call you in the afternoon to inform you when the dosage to continue and the next scan. So I supposed you will be due for ET/ER next week.
Nina, its the final jab liao. Even if it is painful, we also got to bear with it. Everyone's threshold of pain is different. Perhaps you dun find it painful?

So far you are managing well with the puregon and lucrin jabs rite?

Dun worry too much.
Nina, just tell him woman's op lo and tell him you wish to keep it btw u and him. Nothing to paiseh abt. You intend to tell him the truth?

Gentleman is easier I find. Women superior more difficult.
kopibaby... you hv got an email
Blurlet: So fast u are going to start the journey. I wish you all the best. Ok, if you don't mind to order 3 boxes, we can share and order now as me and my friend also can order 3 boxes each so we can meet their promotion required.
Meaning to say, total 10 boxes (FOC 1 box) divided by 3, each of us will get 3 boxes and 20 pouches, total cost is S$1,000/3=$333.33 (each box average is $90.90, original S$100).

I just checked with my friend, she is fine to combine with us. If you want to order now, we can call them today before 3pm they will deliver to you next working day. Tel: 62818229 http://www.funggohpharma.com.sg
If you are fine, i can call them now and tell them total 3 person sharing and deliver to 3 places. Once I make the order, I will post here to let u know then you can do the same, just tell them that you are sharing with the person just call.
Nina, I start on TCM & exercise 6 months ago. Took Royal jelly, spirulina, coq10, folic acid, vit c, cordyceps pills everyday. I try to eat more fish and home cooked soup nowadays. Will drink chix essence 2-3 times per week and red dates drink everyday. I also avoid all cold drinks. Will start on immunocal soon.

But dun worry too much, some ladies here din do much also bfp.
Does anyone go to Dr Zou for TCM (at AMK)? I need to contact her on HP cos they are closed on Wed, and i realised that I have misplaced her HP number.

I just went for my final scan today and I need to do ER on friday!! I need to check with Dr Zou urgently on something right now....

Anyone who has her Hp, can pls let me know?? plssss..... thanks heaps!
I thought of skipping the scan tomorrow and just monitor, if by end of today the spotting stop then I'll cancel my appt for tomorrow
Winniepooh : if its only light spotting / staining it's normal. During my ocp cycle I do get tt during mid / towards the end. I mentioned to my tcm, n she say it's normal when on ocp.
hubby did ask why CARE ask me to go for scan, I told him cos they more careful and wanna make sure everything is ok, since I got appt on sat I shall monitor till then
Hi Nina. based on my experience lucrin will takes abt 28days, while puregon around 9-11 days. For my case I was on lucrin for 28days & Puregon 150iu for 11 days. I've got a very bad teeth pain at my left side during the Puregon jab. Ask KKIVF & they said it is not a side effect. so I ask the Dentist, & he inform me that it happen because of d injection . After my ER the teeth pain no more.

The Puregon dosage only be known after the scan & BT (1 weeks after lucrin jab). They will inform u the dosage & when to start Puregon.

Take it easy. Drinks a lots of plain water during the jab.

i went back to see my doc for checkup after last week failed FET. actually these few days i'm quite ok, sad but not tooooo saaaad. but today went to see doc, i feel that maybe i should have done more. but doc says success rate only 20 plus %, so sometimes its unexplainable why no success. i felt sad again.
baby33: dun be so sad mah...we can still try again...dun look back...Stay positive..rest ur body well..and go for another try mah..Nvr stop wat we have started..We will fulfill our most precious dream soon...;-)..HUGzzz to u dear...
baby33: me now resting...Oct go accu..then Jan go for FET...I didn't even ask the Dr why it fail..just didn't wan to look back and feel sad mah..not good..need to keep my spirit up for upcoming FET...I did my best..It's just not meant to be..HE haven't answered my prayers yet mah...Stay positive dear..I know how u feel..
nadia - you're so focused. r u working ? jan will be your 1st FET ? i'm going to use the chinese gender calendar and try for a dragon baby boy.
yup me werking dear...yup Jan is 1st FET...dragon baby is which year..next year..me dun know chinese calendar..so sowie...yup that's the spirit..Keep on going..Losing our embbies is definitely sad..But it has already happen mah..So dun think abt it so much..Go for short trip or sumthing..then keep on going..;-)
Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum and have been a silent reader of your posts for the past few days.

A short intro on myself:
Age: mid 30s
TTC: 2 yrs
Just had op in Oct last yr for removal of endometrioma on one of my ovaries
Recent HSG discovered one of my tubes blocked
20 Aug just had my 1st IUI
Still awaiting BFP...keeping my fingers cross

Can anyone advise when is the best time to HPT?

ttcingbb & sryah, am done with my OPU this morning.It was pretty ok, apart from feeling cramps, I am still kicking strong.
