IVF/ICSI Support Group

I'm doing day 2 blood test next mth so likely to start with sept AF! need to sort out my work before I disappear after ET too cos I work in bao sua bao hai pte ltd!!
didn't realize I was so tired! Slept shiok shiok! he3!

mel ocean,
still don't know BT results. Was told it'll out at 3. 10 mins more... Wow, so many cycle buddies in SEP. You sure won't be bored ; )

no 'sound' from you? Hmmm... wonder what are you doing ; ) wink
mel, so you using Aug AF? If so, we can be cycle buddies
My AF usually reports end of the month!
sesame - from the smallest thing to major things all I handle leh. only thing I no need to do is cook lunch and mop floor! I can imagine my phone ringing non stop doing my HL
Hi, Sister.

Just came back from work.. Asked boss for leave and its approved.. Feeling very restless, maybe with the symptoms (Bloatedness, abodminal pain). Walking abit of limping, cos yesterday went for the trigger jabs... Thigh feel numb.. haiz...

Nadia:- Congrates!! Guess what??? We will be meeting this Fri....
sesame - my work cannot off hp! the only thing I like abt my job is flexi hour, other than that hate it to the core!!
mel, hope our AF comes around the same time

blissful, ya, I heard from Dr Zou that now the protocol on supression for KK has prolong. Hmm...I wonder whether we will be overly supressed? Dr Zou also wonders???
Seaview: thot u won't come online...hehee...can I ask u something..ur HCG shot yesterday was in a box..mine wasn't strange hor..but i tink the same lor...wat time u gg for ET?

How ur ER today?
Nadia:- My ER will be tomorrow.... ET will be on Friday.. We will be meeting each other again... hehe....
That's strange?? The box indicated Pregnly.. Yours??
sesame_oil: Yes dear...very near liao...heheheh...

Seaview: Mine too but not in box..it's in the container like the Lucrin...the brown container..well the same i tink..is it painful? Mine is tomolo nite at 9.30am

Friday I have to be there at 8.30am
sesame oil= thanks...

Nadia:- ok.. :p Me just came back from work... Feels very restless, and thick skin called boss whether can take leave... luckily, she approved...
ya... dun work also die cos cannot survive on one income. like now so many urgent things pending but customer not cooperating. sometimes just vent my frustation on my poor DH, he's like my sandbag absorb all my vent!
mel- thanks

Nadia:- the jab is not painful... but after the jab, you will feel very numb... I still feel it till this very moment...
Hi all,

Bad day for me today. Threw up twice, now at the hospital, waiting to see my doc.
hope everything is ok and my little embbies are still holding tight to me. Update more ltr.
winniepooh, keep cool,once cycle starts must be relaxed and don't vent on your hubby cos we still need aach other's support during the cycle and every day. Can understand your frustrations. To me, work is only secondary. More important is family. Hee...
can still recall before my ER, so many things going through my mind... so hard to sleep but do try to get a good night rest alright. We'll be here waiting for you tomorrow ; )
babchole:- ya! ya! so many things in mind... No words can discribe what is the feeling... Feels very excited, and yet worries.. No friends can understand it, except sisters in the forum.... Hopefully, can sleep well tonight... Yesterday, cant sleep well, that's why so restless, plus bloatedness etc.. and thick skin called boss for leave... sigh
tokkie: dun worry ...hang in there..all will be fine...;-)

Seaview: heheh...try to relax...and distract urself mah..since on leave...enjoy ur day...;-)

feeling numb..k la..numb i dun mind..pain argh...i scared...

can't wait to see u on Friday...hehehe
Hi Ladies,
Ning from CARE just called... my E2 974 & Progesterone 114.

Was told to increase *Progynova from 4 to x6/day. On top of that, I'm on:
* Utrogestan 100mg x3
* Crinone x2
* Fraxiparine jab x1

Anyone can enlighten me on the readings pls? Thks!
sesame - I really dunno how when I have to be away. have to work from home for sure... yesterday I just mention to my DH during my rest period how to settle my lunch, he say he'll get his mum to buy me lunch! I rejected that straight in his face... dun wan later one bao qing tian stay at my door

babychloe - immpossible to get DH to pop by home during lunch cos our office is in JB. but I'll seriously consider ordering tingkat

sesame - I'm putting tingkat as an option now, need DH to agree too. worse come to worse scenario is I go back niang jia
