IVF/ICSI Support Group

Shoes : If not wrong, the progesterone & HCG is the same.. think its called 'Pregynl' which is oil based. The last fresh cycle I use 'Ovidrel' is more do-able... feels like jabbing lucrin only..

Think it also depends on the nurse administering the jab. Coz had a super bad experience when I was TMC previously...

BBChloe : Yah man... the prices of things here are crazy.... I usually shop till I drop when I travel...

been telling myself to sleep early since ET day but hard cos I normally sleep very late. Past 2 days will only fall asleep around 1am & will wake up about 8 cos medication & jab time.
i think when i was doing the jab, it was painfully but when i think back now, i cannot remember the pain ... haha maybe like a bee sting

dun worry abt the jabs, its nthg compared to delivery .... i was told

ya ya mine is Pregynl.

ya their 'homebrand'is really much much cheaper in US. just joking with u la, think u wil have a hard time to carry those stuff back if we ask u to buy.

Have a good night to those who r sleeping now.
I did pregynl during my iui, it was 10 times worse than puregon! not too sure if the GP that jab me is not experience or not wat it was really painful!! can gonal-f and puregon share the same pen? I got 2 puregon pen at home, one "spoilt" another one in the fridge waiting to see day light hahaha
off for my 3rd scan...;-)

so sleepy and tired....wish I can sleep somemore...hehehehe

Morning to all Sistas...Have fun today....
Good morning!

I'm sure your scan will go just fine. Looking forward to you joining us for the 2ww.

I'm still sleepy... also wish can sleep longer but have to force myself to wake up. Going to have breakfast now then go for my BT.
Morning gers.
BabyChloe - Good Luck later !
Nadia - Do update us on yr 'growth' !!

I was walking around just now & felt a sudden twidge/ achey feeling at pelvis there .. think the puregon is working its magic ...
Hi POPPY! Long time no see.
Sorry for the late reply...you haven been coming in here often ya?
How are you? how many weeks now?

I am not sure if its twins yet coz the scan is fuzzy and Angela cant give a sure answer...another scan would be done tmr to ascertain...hopefully i would know...
coz i have been waiting already... heee... :p

U take gd care yeah?

Nadia, Babychloe, best of luck!!!!

Told my boss last wk tat I'm gg for 2wks HL lv. To my surprise, he agreed! I told him I'm gg for IVF BUT IVF does not exist in his dictionary! Anyway, as long as he is ok, I'm more relieve. I've not told my dept colleague. Think she will not be happy! Ha.
Good to know Blissful !! 1 thing less to worry about ...

How u feeling ?? with yr lurcin jabs ? When is yr 1st scan + BT should be this thurs / fri hor
Elo Sistas: Got back from my scan..my follicle has increase in size i.e +1.5 each...but still need to jab Puregon today..last one..tomolo morning Lucrin..then at nite Pregnyl at KKH 24 hrs...

Friday is Er liao...heheheh...I did ask the dr on my slow growth..he said it's normal for us PCOS...so those ladies who is on stim and have PCOS..need not worry k..as long dun overstimulate can liao...take it easy..all will be fine...

For now need to update Dr Zou...accu again tonite...hehehe
Wow ... Good for u Nadia !! This fri will be start date for all good things to come !!

Did u purchase extra puregon since u extended yr stimulation period ...
Blissful: Gd ur boss k with it...So now just take it easy and go tru the process...Come come to Stage 2 soon..;-)
Feeling normal now wif the lucrin jabs. 1st scan is next Monday. I'm excited & nervous. Dun know wan to take mc or half day... heheh

How abt u wif yr puregon jab? U jab both at night huh? Dr Zou told me can jab 1 in the morning, the other 1 at nite woh. When is yr scan? Yr ER/ET shd be next wk, rt? Its very fast leh...hehe...Gd luck to u!
Blissful: Thanks dear..I just hope all goes well..not only for me..but to all of u brave ladies...we will all have wat we dream for soon....

We will be here waiting for u to join us...;-)
I'm jabbing both at night. it is easier for me to jab at night no stress or rush. I will continue till kkivf ask me to jab in morning ususlly nearer to pregnyl jab date.

Dr Zou calculate for me say by 1st week aug should be ER/ ET date. should not be any later then 8 Aug.

Now feeling some effects of puregon .. previous 2 days like got no feeling ... cos the pelvis there like got achey/ slight twitch feeling
JJ: our BT shld be close with Seaview...heheheh

I also had the twitching achey feeling...good sign follicles r growing...;-)
mel ocean, Faith Chen & Blissful2010,
Hi ladies! I'm back!

Thank you for your well wishes. How I wish todays's my preg test day but it's only the 3rd day after ET. Still long way to go. he3! Like tokkie, BT is to check E2 & Progesterone level. Result out only after 3.

Been up since 7, going to take a nap now. ZZZZzzz
Hi Ladies!

It's been a while. Was down with fever, sore throat over the past week and now still voiceless

Good news is that finally after more than a month I've finally started to ovulate! AF shld be 1st week of Aug and can finally give KKIVF a call. Can't wait to start now
Yes u mentioned it previously and we were still discussing it. I'll just leave my fate now to the higher powers. I pushed from Jul to Aug cycle and still no diff since AF didn't report in Jul. Will just pray for the best
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Nadia, good to hear everything is on track
So ER Friday and ET Monday?

BBChloe, nap well! :p</font>
as long as you are prepared for it, then it should be okie. cos as long as your er/et don't fall on that week.

personally i feels that I choose dr loh, cos we need him for ER and and esp ET. but like I've mentioned before, as long as you are comfortable with any arrangement, then I don't see any issue le.

=) which means i can collect another bag of baby dust from you real soon...!!!
<font color="0077aa">iloveshoes,
ask you...will your priorities change after bfp?
i was asking myself, why am i working so hard doing so much, styduying so much, when ultimately, who knows, i might just dump all, and be sahm becos of my kids....

the thought of this, makes me so bo chup abt all those office politics....bo chup about those colleagues who just making life miserable for others.... haiz....feeling so moody..</font>
<font color="aa00aa">miracle - I guess this is a rhetorical question cos there isn't a real answer to it. It is rather a personal choice, really depends on what you and your husband decide to be quality of life I guess.

As for studies, I've earned back my ROI long ago, so not too concerned about that one. Being a Working Mom need not always be a bad thing if there is a way to achieve some balance.

Office politics exist everywhere, it is how we make of it that makes the difference. If you choose to bo chup others who are making life miserable, then dun let them affect you. Don't give them the power to change the way you lead your life. I often joke with my staff who come and unburden about others who are making their lives difficult on purpose, I tell them, aiya, to them, maybe their career is everything. To us, its just a means to an end. If they want to win, let them la!

I think as new generation educated women, we are blessed to have a choice. To decide what we want to do with our lives and hey, if being a SAHM tickles your fancy, then go for it. You're a teacher aren't you, take that sabbitcal leave and come back when you are ready. That's the best of both worlds already.
<font color="aa00aa">blissful - great to hear your boss has approved of your HL. Frankly, I wouldn't worry too much about your colleague's response to your plans. If she can't react maturely to your plans to take personal time off, then please, don't get affected by it. So not worth it. One day, the tables can easily be turned and it is SHE who needs to take time off work to attend to personal matters and that's where you can step in, and show her who is the bigger person.

It is funny how people feel like we are taking leave on purpose lol</font>
wow, glad to know winnie, syrah, ineedmiracle, tzac also on aug/sept cycle....hope i didn miss-out anyone.... me tot i'm the only on aug/sept....it was such a relief!!!

if af report on end of aug, 2 wks will fall on early sept.... Jia you sistas! Those sista who BFP, please keep some bb dusts to us!!!!!

BabyChloe, how's ur BT?
<font color="aa00aa">blissful...rotfl, good la. I serve my purpose then. Let me go put a check mark to my to-do list...;P </font>
ilovesohoes: Yup i tink my ET shld be on Monday lor..Friday then I will ask..just now forget to ask hehhe...So Monday will be D3 transfer rite?

Dr Zou so nice...tomolo close still will accu for me...Really appreciate her help....alot..alot..alot
wow so nice to have so many pp to keep me company during the cycling time...

miracle: i m seeing rcm at the moment. hope it will work wonders for my tis 2nd cycle :)
