IVF/ICSI Support Group

I cant agree more.. everytime i go for my jabs now, she will take time to talk to me, check if i m feelng ok. and she is super excited when she help me scan the babies one... ``

Carrie, u oso with KKIVF? I reached ard 730am and before 12 noon, the nurse called. But the nurse beri funny lor, purposely paused to announce the result...like got drum roll before she gave the results.
Rose : i m in Gleanagle. hahaha your nurse was so cute. If i were u when she paused to give the result like : I cant breath and ask the ear to focus focuss.....Take care and start to browse abt pregnancy forum what to do and dont then hahaha
thanks nm!
Counting down by striking out dates on calendar...hee hee...
Rose...where is ur source? maybe we can g motivate ourselves by clicking on these adorable cherubs!
Poppy and Rose, Congrats on your BFP...really share your joy. do continue to eat well and rest enuf, and then just enjoy the journey to motherhood!
baby, yeah..me too...tummy is growing quite big... cannot hide the babies liao...keke...

i kept putting off my frens when they ask me to go out leh...

today feel very restless... dun feel like doing anything..just want to rot on my bed... hb just dragged me into the bathroom to take my shower...

pink destiny, i will also b at CARE next Fri.. next week my schedule changed to tue and fri...
Panda: What time will u be there? I am there for ultrasound coz Sat is trigger. Haha I undstd what you mean...sometimes I also very "nua"...the bed is the best plan...and I haven even BFP-ed leh!
BTW, Angela said my lining today (Day 4) is 6.4mm...dunno if its gd or bad...
rose congrats!

Panda maybe ask babies what they like to eat and can go out for a bite.
i am very full...think ate too much le, after dim sum had an old chang kee curry puff...now eating strawberries. do u feel tired in the afternoon? seems like every afternoon zz monster will hit me but i just need a nap of 30mins, will felt more energise. by the way want to ask u why u give urself the nick pandawife ar? today i saw the panda biscuits at ntuc and tot of you, told hubby this girl has triplets.
pink, i havent make appt yet...i tink will do it on tue.. u hv to b there early morning for Dr Paul to scan?

D4 lining not critical.. dont worry...

Gan, everyday i ask them wht they want leh..hehhe..bt they cannot tell me... i feel lazy to go out.. plus sat sure crowded everywhere..my hb will be very paranoid coz scared pple will knock into me...so later he will go out and pack food for me.

hee... my nick ah.. coz my hb has dark eye circles! i always call him panda..so i m panda's wife lor
ohhh..i m usually tired late afternoons..like 430-5pm kind of timing...then i will nap..which is bad...coz when i wake up for dinner, i feel very awful.. usually just wake up nausea attack one...
pandawife, mine around 3pm plus...just now nap around 4pm. hahaha i like the way u decide on ur nick...i shld have think of my nick last time. so lazy just use my surname

nm i didn't have breakfast today. =P so ate dim sum...then so old chang kee...suddenly felt like eating the curry puff lor. forgotten i also had a glass of milk. think i can do without dinner le...coz now my tummy is supper bloated.
pink destiny, now can drink tea but during 2ww better dun drink any herbal tea or floral tea coz not all suitable for preggy. only drink those u check with ur doc
hello gan: Angela said no caffeinated stuff...and tea is my fav drink. Now I go everywhere with lukewarm water
like old ah ma...
I haven taken panadol for the headache. It's been there whole day...
gals...u all talk abt tea..i suddenly hv craving for a cup of cold green tea..my favourite.....diao.. bt cannot drink!!

gan..i cant decide on nick...thts y call myself pandawife ...hehehe..nt exactly very creative..
pink destiny, english tea is "liang". no choice for the sake of TTC. like today during dim sum, i can't order the chinese tea and soya bean milk...also only drink warm water, boring right? u having headache from the injects?
Gan: I see...this morning I drank warm soya bean milk? Guess that is a no no as well? yday I wanted so much to drink Hong Kong milk tea but gotta hold it in... hope the "suffering" is worth it!
Panda: Yday I took a sip of hubby's coke. Wow shiok leh...
nm: I dun have rice tea. Guess for safety, I shall forego all tea, including japanese green tea and decaffeinated floral tea...
pandawife, u can tahan after 1 sip??!! i dun dare to take that sip leh....scared i can't control after tasting...that sip become 1 big gulp!

balroggal, how r u today?
Panda: Agree leh...there is a slight "burnt" smell in the aftertaste...some ppl love it. I guess to me, I need to slowly appreciate and acquire the taste.
Balroggall: how are you? Still spotting?
pink destiny actually soya milk i am really not sure. a gf who went thru ivf asked me drink lotsa soya milk said the gynae advised her during her ivf. my sil also asked me drink said she took that everyday in place of milk and my nephew the skin really very fair and nice lor. but recently a sister mentioned soya milk is "liang" and tickles mentioned she had spotting after she drank. So i dun dare to drink now coz i am confused whether soya good or bad.
gan..can..just 1 sip ..plus my hb big panda eyes staring at me when i sip leh...hahahahaha....

aft tht i told him cannot buy those things tht i cannot eat or drink..heee......
Haha All those nice drinks must refrain .... I " ren" until blur Liao but no choice . Pink: now can slowly wean off these drinks . Hey wat about Ginger Ale? Can drink?
haha such nice discussion on drinks. Ok, Mon I go ask Angela whether can drink or not.
I heard that it contains an ingredient which has a cooling property...hence no gd for TTcing...again Im not sure. I thot it shd be rich in protein
gan, i tink its different body constitution leh....tht day i black out at paragon, my hb oso went to buy me a cup of warm soya bean milk..and when i went back to CARE..i was drinking it in front of angela and ning..both of them never say i cannot drink..

after i was better, i told ning i rested at star bucks for a while when i black out...she thot i was hving coffee there and quickly told me "u know u cannot drink coffee rite?"

i had soya bean milk about 3-4 times since BFP.. no issues so far...bt not sure about taking it everyday..
nm, generally during 2ww and 1st tri..best to avoid carbonated drinks... angela says if wanna take, drink 100plus.. i asked before..coz i craving for 7up..hehe...
speaking of Ning, she was like saying "wow u gals know one another?" and looked bewildered when she saw me congratulate Poppy.
And I told her "ya, all thru ONE forum".
Now I haven met Panda and Mel...
pandawife honestly i always tot soya bean milk is a healthy drink...and i had that during my 2ww. just that after i heard what Tickles said and my own exp in my early pregnancy, i abit scared, so didn't want to take
pink, i told ning abt this forum...bt i tink she never thought there are so many of us...heheh..

mel wil b at CARE on wed to do her pregnant test..hee.. maybe u will bump into her..
