IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Sunflower
I will be starting Lucrin 24 July. We are closed buddies. Let jia yu and BFP together..

Hi Missfairylady
Don't give up now. You have come thus far and just endure for a few more days.

Hi Orangey,

You may copy the below list to your excel spreadsheet.

<font size="+1">Updates!!!</font>

<font size="-1">Planning to do IVF/FET</font>

1. Snow-White88 (Jun 09)
2. Norashidah (Jun 09) - NUH Prof PC Wong
3. Fellaine (FET) (Jun 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
4. Ellsa Hamid (FET) (Jun 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
5. Sue (Jun / Jul 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
6. Fandz (Jul 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
7. humbug (Jul 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
8. Jane Neo (Jul 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
9. SunFlower (Jul 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
10. December (Jul 09)
11. May Leo 2000 (Jul 09)
12. Minnie (Jul 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
13. Sandy Foo (Jul 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
14. May Leo (Jul 09) - KKivf Dr Marianne Hendricks
15. CherieC (Jul 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
16. Chen (prettiebaby) (Jul 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
17. Rosypink (Jul / Aug 09)
18. ML (Jul / Aug 09)
19. Greenie 09 (Aug 09)
20. Parimalam (Aug 09) - NUH Prof P C Wong
21. Libby (Aug 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
22. Monica (Aug 09) - Kkivf Dr Sadhana
23. Elle (Aug 09) - SGH Dr Yu
24. Littlemilk (Aug / Sep 09) - NUH Prof. PC Wong
25. Catherine Soo (Sep 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
26. Nesnes (Sep / Oct 09)
27. Jude (Sep / Oct 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
28. TnT (Oct 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
29. Dilemmagal (Oct 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
30. Noi (Dec 09) - NUH Prof. PC Wong
31. Brownie77 (FET) (Dec 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
32. Tany (to try naturally with clomid) - SGH Dr Roland Cheng
33. Ickle - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
34. Babygalore - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
35. Gloriajeans - NUH Prof. PC Wong
36. Zaza - SGH Dr Yong
37. Dream - Gleneagles Dr L C Foong
38. Nicole Chua - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
39. Ros - Kkivf Dr Sadhana
40. Boon Boon - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
41. Meowmeow (FET) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh

<font size="-1">Stage 1 (Lucrin) </font>

Orangey (18 Jun 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
Iwant5bbs (19 Jun 09)
Nit (20 Jun 09) - Kkivf Dr Kelly Loi
Fairyrose - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
Meow (04 Jul 09) - NUH Prof. PC Wong
Fat Babe (09 Jul 09) - Kkivf
Die (10 Jul 09) - Kkivf Dr Kelly Loi
Green Muffin (10 Jul 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
LK (13 Jul 09) -
Iwant5bbs (19 Jul 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh

<font size="-1">Stage 2 (Puregon / Gonal-F) </font>

Missfairylady (25 Jun 09) - SGH Dr Roland
Lyn - Kkivf Dr SF Loh

<font size="-1">Stage 3 (2WW) </font>
BFP!!! BFP!!! BFP!!!
Wish Upon A Star - Kkivf Dr SF Loh (10 Jul 09)
jas1982 - Raffles Dr Thong (13 Jul 09)
Babe79 - Gleneagles Dr LC Foong (13 Jul 09)
Wensi - Kkivf Dr SF Loh (17 Jul 09)
Sophia - NUH Dr PC Wong
Jaas - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
Fresh (ET 12 Jul 09) - Kkivf Dr Sadhana
LingLing22 (ET 10 Jul 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh


<font size="-1">Blessings On The Way!!!! </font>

Kimberly Kurek - Raffles Dr Sheila Loh
Bees - Thomson Dr Cheng
Lina - KKivf Dr SF Loh
Cactus (Twins)
Sophia Cheng
WY Koo – Germany
Pau le – France
Develyn (Twins) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
Serene - Kkivf Dr SF Loh (Antagonist cycle)
Axjess - Kkivf Dr Kelly Loi
Faith - Thomson Fertiity Centre Dr LC Cheng
Chameleon (Twins)
Eskimobaby - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
Sierra79 (D17-517HCG) - Kkivf Dr Sadhana
Labbitpj (D17-627HCG) - Kkivf Dr Kelly Loi
Alyssa (FET – Blastocyst) (D17-1300HCG) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh

Calm down gal... Jaas has already offered some suggestions to you. Hang in there, we are all behind you, praying silently for you. Everything will be fine. What you need now is to calm down and think positive ok. Rest well.
Hi Ladies,

I have been following your threads passively during my 2ww.. My 2ww has come to an end now and I would like to share my experiences with everyone:

My BT should be today but I had requested for an early BT on Day 13 as I had some staining in the morning. I had been having light cramps throughout. The results of BT came back and it showed a BFP at 48. It really came as a bonus for me and HB. We thought we had lost the battle initially. Anyway, I asked the KKH nurse if other supports, like injection or medication were necessary since I have bleeding, she kept insisting not necessary and wanted me to continue with the progesterone inserts and have more bed rest. That I did.

However, as I called one of my friends who also had bleeding during her early pregnancy, she revealed that her gynae gave her a jab and medication once she was to discovered to have staining. I was worried, therefore, I emailed Dr Loh the same day, who replied at night around 9plus to ask me to go back to the hospital the next day to receive the progesterone injection and duphaston medication.

Early next day morning, my cramps had taken a change for the worse and my bleeding also became heavier. I was already breaking out in cold sweat and feeling dizzy when I reached KKH. I spoke to the same nurse who insisted no other supports was necessary the day before, about Dr Loh's decision to let me have the jab and medication. She said must show her the email as a proof (what is this?). When I told her that the bleeding had become more, she had a worried look on her face.

As I was looking pale, my mum requested for me to warded as she was pretty scared that I may faint anytime. Therefore, I was warded for 21/2 days at KKH. During that period of time, Dr Loh did not even once came to my ward to look at my condition. I had very bad cramping during my stay in the hospital and my bleeding had take a change for the worse. All this while, Dr Loh did not come although I had told the ward doctors that I wanted to see him.

And during my stay there, the ward doctors also could not help me much as they said that mine was not a natural pregnancy (IVF). All this while, Dr Loh did not come and access my condition.

Yesterday morning, they did a BT for me to see my HCG level, it was still positive but had dropped by half to about 26. The ward doctor said they had informed Dr Loh about it and Dr Loh said to discharge me and asked me to continue with the duphaston. No conclusive statement was given to me at that point in time. I asked the ward doctor about my condition but she could not answer, and guess what, she asked me to go back and email Dr Loh myself. I got pissed off and told her I see no point in going back to email him when I am in hospital now and they should be giving me more info about my condition before discharging me. She relayed my questions to Dr Loh and came back with the answers to my questions and also said that Dr Loh sends his sincerest apologies as his clinic is full.

I went home with many doubts and unanswered questions. So, today, i went to seek professional advice from a fertility specialist in private practice (Dr Noel Leong from TMC). After my talk with Dr Leong, I have decided to switch to private practice as the support given was much much better than at KKH. The experience at KKH was really like the fast food restaurant experience with no personal touch. I was left on my own when I was bleeding and I really find it ridiculous that I have to email the doctor to get the support that I need.

I kept thinking that if the support could have come earlier when I requested from the nurse on the day I discovered the bleeding, this may give my pregnancy more hopes of survival. I am pretty angry with the nurse for taking matters into her own hands without even consulting the doctor first. Anyway, Dr Leong had said that most likely mine will be a chemical pregnancy and there is a high chance of losing it.

Ladies, just sharing my experience with you and really I do not mean to dishearten any of you. But, please do not take staining lightly and make sure that you do get the supports which you need. If you think that you really need other supports, do go all the way out and seek help. Do not let the nurses take things into their own hands, speak to the doc, if necessary.

And btw, one of my friends just shared with me that another friend of hers also had done her IVF with Dr Loh, and she had spotting problems too. She called the clinic and again the nurses told her no problems and things like that. She could not reach Dr Loh and in the end she consulted her gynae in private practice outside and she is on her way to deliver her little one soon. I do not have doubts with Dr Loh's medical skills and knowledge but really there's no support given and you really need to find all means and ways to reach him if there's a problem.

Finally, seek help when necessary and it's always better to hear from the horses' mouth (doctors). This is what we r paying for.
Thanks Jaas, i am in between stage 2 and 3 now. probably er on next tuesday. this sounds really stupid but i am thinking how i can poo before i go for er (cos i am pt for stage 4 piles). so how many hours of fasting will that be 12 - 13 hours? sorry to gross you and all the sisters out her this way.
Hi Wish upon a star
Sorry to hear of your case. Take care and rest well.

Hmm...didn't know Dr Loh is so busy till no time to review his patients' cases. Am a bit worried now as I am under him.. Will listen to your advices and insist to see doc if there is anything wrong. Thanks.
hi wish upon a star,

sorry for what has happen to you and thanks for sharing your experience to us. I do agree that KK lack the personnal touch. Will bear this in mind. Please take good care now and tiao back your body and try again.
Hi there,

All you knowledgeable people out there, I was reading the last few threads and there is many terms I don't understand. I am new here in preparing for ivf at kk. Have just done all the initial test and will be seeing the doc this coming monday for all the results and if my husband and me is suitable for ivf. Any advise for newbies like me would be appreciated
iwant5bbs No worries. This is the reason we all are here to receive n get support. frankly speaking it is hard to get poo on er day. my er was schedule at 7.40 am n i was told not to have anything after 10.30pm. As it is the meds make most have constipation. You might need to discuss ur piles with dr so that it can be addressed. All the best for ur ER. Relax n dont stress. It helps

Wish Upon a Star thanks for sharing of ur experience for benefit of everyone. We pray for ur preg. Even I had bad experiences with KK n wud defenitely switch the clinic primarily due to unavailablity of dr n the lousy service. I cried right b4 my ER b'coz the nurse at th front desk was so rude to me n my hubby. Ofcourse, we were anxious as first IVF at KK n they dont tell much n one keeps guessing. So we asked questions n she was so rude. Not to mention the dr is not availabel ever to answer ur queries n the nurses act as if they can handle everyting n keep giving the standard answers. It is not worth to go thru such an emotional process at that cold place. Again its just my experience n other people might think otheriwse.
hi Wish A upon A Star,

Thanks for your feedback.. It really shock me how come KK works like this..

It also hit me coz I juz complained abt staining this am and the nurse told me not to worry and call them bk when there's heavy bleeding.. And Dr Loh hasn't reply my emailed (which i sent since 1pm)..

So now I'm feeling alittle 'lost' on whether to go straight to KKIVF tmr am or go to a private gynae or juz 'ignore' &amp; wait to see if the bleeding got worst or not coz i only 10dpt today.. think it's too early to do BT ..
Hi Greenie,
Dun worry too much, jus seek help and speak to the doc to ease your doubts, whenever necessary. What I know is Dr Loh is jus too overwhelmed with the many IVF patients he has on hand now, that's why if he is too busy to reach us, then we reach out to him lor

Hi Iwant5bbs:
I am still trying to overcome my sadness as we were so close to success this time round as me and HB have TTC for 4 years, I know it's a shorter period of time as compared to some of the ladies here in the forum. But, me and HB have been consoling ourselves with the thought that at least we did get a BFP afterall, although it may not survive. So, still it is a little bonus to us. And also, I am also trying to grin with fact that at least my womb can hold a pregnancy.

Hi Fresh,
Thanks for the advice. I am thinking of visiting Dr Zou in AMK since its nearer to my home. I have been seeing Dr Jin all along at Raffles Hospital. She is good except that it is quite a distance from my home.

All Ladies, please do not get disheartened with what I went through ok? I really wish everyone here will get a BFP without having to go through what I did.
Wish Upon a star,
Sorry to hear your story. How are you now?

Did Dr Noel Leong in TMC suggest anything to you or any other support given?

Rest well.
Hi Wish Upon a Star
It is great to see you have such a positive mindset afterall. Do tio your body before you try again. All the best and thank you for sharing with us.
Wish Upon a Star,
Sorry, cross posting so didn't read your message at 10.19pm while I wrote the message.

Sorry to hear that. Please tio your body and try again.
Hi Wensi,
My staining on the first day was red. Is yours brown? I think it will only be worrying if it turns red.

What I understand as i read the threads in the forum is that brown staining could also mean implantation bleeding. But, if it gets worse, then it will definitely be good if you could seek a second opinion from a well-established gynae but before that, I think it will also be good to get hold of Dr Loh first.

Btw, I discovered that you have to send your email to both his email accounts (i.e. the KKH email acc and gmail acc, stated on his namecard), although he usually replies using his gmail acc.
wish upon a star
My heart goes to u when im reading yr post.. I can imagine how u feel in facing with the cold treatment at kkh while u are anxious abt the bleeding.. Hope u are feeling better by now.. Did dr leong suggest what u should do now?

I believe dr loh is really overload.. This is the main problem with the dr at govt hosp.. Drs dont have control over the no of patients they have to attend... There is alot of people wanting dr loh to be their ivf gynea.. Just look at the list here.. Almost 95% is under him and this does not include those who did not come into this thread..

So one can imagine how many patients he has to attend each day.. I believe even if he really want to visit his patient at the ward.. He dont have time.. But still i feel kkh and the drs there should improve on this.. Why other dr in kkh like dr sad can visit at ward probably she do not have as much patients like dr loh.. I guess this is the price u got to pay for a popular and experienced dr in kkh.. Esp with the govt sub in ivf.. Alot pte patients switch to kkh.. And many would want to go for the popular dr in this case is dr loh..

I wonder if one day he switch to pte practise would he still be so popular considering the -ve comments on him here..
Hi Vinwee,
Dr Leong said nothing much could be done at this point in time except continue with the duphaston tablets. However, he has asked me to go back tomorrow for a BT to see if the HCG level is still dropping before he can give better suggestions.

Oh btw, I made a pleasant discovery today. Dr Leong seems very experienced and I think he used to be the head of the fertility centre in KKH (Dr Loh is currently heading). He told me he is currently a visiting consultant at KK and he also trains the docs at KK monthly. Hope he will be my god-sent saviour.
hi Wish Upon A Star,
the problem now is my discharge is turning red, but the volume is still little..
it's brown staining but when u wipe with the tissue, u'll see red blood on it..
so i also dunno if this is 'urgent' enough to dash to KKIVF tomorrow...
hi ladies, saw dr loh replying email via his mobile. dun think he log into the kk system to reply.

hi Wish Upon a Star, prayed for you. hope that Dr Leong will be your God-sent angel and the tablets work. Rest rest.
Hi wish upon a star, i understand ur frustration and the sadness abt the service kk had delivered to us. I juz had my ivf cancelled.

My experience goes like this: Was at kk on thrus morning 8am for scan. Waited for one hr to be scanned and was told to wait for the next door 'doctor' to explain to me wats the next step coz i only produced 2 follicles. It took an half an hr. When its time to be seen by the doc i was told to abort this cycle and convert to iui and u know the best thing is when i was tearing in the room the nurse still talk to me abt the cost of iui. After that, went to get pregnyl jab at the pharmacy came back and was told to go back to phamacy again coz dr loh juz said wanted me to continue my puregon jab for another 2 days so the whole morning busy walking up and down. Look, we r humans with feelings and we r not a robot and do things without feelings. I mean i cant comment abt dr loh skill coz i m not even fated to go thru ER under him but wat i want to say is kk service really sucks big time!
For u if u find dr noel leong comfortable maybe u juz stick with him .....
Hi Wensi,
Think it will be good to call KKIVF tomorrow and tell them, see what they say. If not, ask them to page Dr Loh. Really cannot reach and could not get the help you need, seek advice from your personal gynae.

Will pray hard for you..
As my bleeding was discovered in the morning, i thougt it's my period coming. But, i did not want to take any chance and requested for early BT, which showed +ve. Subsequently, I asked for jab and other supports from nurse at KKIVF but she kept telling me not necessary at this point in time, to continnue with the progesterone inserts and to have more bed rest.
Wish upon a star, i really feel sad and angry abt how kk treat its patients. Maybe the nurses got authorization from superior to take charge on assessing patients condition by themselves but who is gtg to answer for it if anything dangerous should happen? It is juz so cold treatment from them juz coz they r too busy!
I guess KKIVF is seeing too many IVF patients at the same time and the doctors' plates might be very full now. Think the nurses must be so overwhelmed too. Perhaps that's why everything becomes so mechanical. But then again, some ladies here may have positive experiences to share. I guess maybe we are just one of the few unlucky ones.
Hi Ladies,
Wah...i haven't been here for so long...

How are u gals? Itjabi, Lina Ang, Zaza, Juju, Lyn, Orangey and the rest of u lovely gals.

Gals, i need opinions, I will be going for ET (2nd Cycle - from artificial thaw) this tuesday.. and i remembered Dr Loh telling me this time i just need 3 days HL and rest at hm.

Anyway, I can't afford to take 2weeks of HL as the important exams are right ard the corner...is there anytg else which i need to eat to strenghten the womb besides the inserts (thru the 'behind') ...this one sounds messy...

i've been going for accu at Dr Zou for the past months before my AF also...

I hope the 3 days rest after ET will be sufficient...
<font size="+1">Updates!!!</font>

<u>Planning to do IVF/FET</u>
1. Snow-White88 (Jun 09)
2. Norashidah (Jun 09) - NUH Prof PC Wong
3. Fellaine (FET) (Jun 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
4. Ellsa Hamid (FET) (Jun 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
5. Sue (Jun / Jul 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
6. Fandz (Jul 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
7. humbug (Jul 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
8. Jane Neo (Jul 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
9. SunFlower (Jul 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
10. December (Jul 09)
11. May Leo 2000 (Jul 09)
12. Minnie (Jul 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
13. Sandy Foo (Jul 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
14. May Leo (Jul 09) - KKivf Dr Marianne Hendricks
15. CherieC (Jul 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
16. Chen (prettiebaby) (Jul 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
17. Rosypink (Jul / Aug 09)
18. ML (Jul / Aug 09)
19. Greenie 09 (Aug 09)
20. Parimalam (Aug 09) - NUH Prof P C Wong
21. Libby (Aug 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
22. Monica (Aug 09) - Kkivf Dr Sadhana
23. Elle (Aug 09) - SGH Dr Yu
24. Littlemilk (Aug / Sep 09) - NUH Prof. PC Wong
25. Catherine Soo (Sep 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
26. Nesnes (Sep / Oct 09)
27. Jude (Sep / Oct 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
28. TnT (Oct 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
29. Dilemmagal (Oct 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
30. Noi (Dec 09) - NUH Prof. PC Wong
31. Brownie77 (FET) (Dec 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
32. Tany (to try naturally with clomid) - SGH Dr Roland Cheng
33. Ickle - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
34. Babygalore - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
35. Gloriajeans - NUH Prof. PC Wong
36. Zaza - SGH Dr Yong
37. Dream - Gleneagles Dr L C Foong
38. Nicole Chua - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
39. Ros - Kkivf Dr Sadhana
40. Boon Boon - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
41. Meowmeow (FET) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh

Stage 1 (Lucrin)
Iwant5bbs (19 Jun 09)
Nit (20 Jun 09) - Kkivf Dr Kelly Loi
Fairyrose - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
Meow (04 Jul 09) - NUH Prof. PC Wong
Fat Babe (09 Jul 09) - Kkivf
Die (10 Jul 09) - Kkivf Dr Kelly Loi
Green Muffin (10 Jul 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
LK (13 Jul 09) -
Iwant5bbs (19 Jul 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh

Stage 2 (Puregon / Gonal-F)
Missfairylady (25 Jun 09) - SGH Dr Roland
Orangey (9 Jul 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh

Stage 3 (2WW)
BFP!!! BFP!!! BFP!!!
Wish Upon A Star - Kkivf Dr SF Loh (10 Jul 09)
jas1982 - Raffles Dr Thong (13 Jul 09)
Babe79 - Gleneagles Dr LC Foong (13 Jul 09)
Wensi - Kkivf Dr SF Loh (17 Jul 09)
Sophia - NUH Dr PC Wong
Jaas - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
Fresh (ET 12 Jul 09) - Kkivf Dr Sadhana
LingLing22 (ET 10 Jul 09) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh

<u>Blessings On The Way!!!! </u>
Kimberly Kurek - Raffles Dr Sheila Loh
Bees - Thomson Dr Cheng
Lina - KKivf Dr SF Loh
Cactus (Twins)
Sophia Cheng
WY Koo – Germany
Pau le – France
Develyn (Twins) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
Serene - Kkivf Dr SF Loh (Antagonist cycle)
Axjess - Kkivf Dr Kelly Loi
Faith - Thomson Fertiity Centre Dr LC Cheng
Chameleon (Twins)
Eskimobaby - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
Sierra79 (D17-517HCG) - Kkivf Dr Sadhana
Labbitpj (D17-627HCG) - Kkivf Dr Kelly Loi
Alyssa (FET – Blastocyst) (D17-1300HCG) - Kkivf Dr SF Loh
Be strong okay. IVF is really trial and error so don't lose heart and try again. Frankly speaking, I am getting scared too but I told myself no matter what, at least I give it a try and I am trying to be as positive as I can. No doubt I try to be positive, sometimes I still worry but then, I think as long as we are able to start IVF it means we have a chance to BFP
mel_irman: hello! All the best for ur cycle.. Im good. Thanks for asking..

Wish upon a star: I had bleeding too but mine was a different experience as i went for my scan n dr loh discovered 2 heartbeats. A few days later, i had very heavy bleeding n was rushed down to KKH 24hr Clinic. There they discovered that 1 of my bbs heart beat had stopped.. However i was given progestrone jab straight away and was hospitalised.Although, i lost one of my twin am greatful that the other is doing well.Dr Loh didnt come a visit me, but all my queries were passed to him by the ward Doctor. Pls stay +ve.. God will take care of everything k??Can understand how u r feeling. Be strong..God bless
Hi Itjabi
Thanks for sharing your experiences with us! And am glad to hear that the other twin is doing well too.

At least you were immediately taken care of when bleeding was discovered. But in my case the nurse kept insisting not necessary to have other supports. I should have gove to the 24hr clinic when I discovered the bleeding straight away. It's a lesson learnt.

In my case, Dr Loh didnt come and see me (it's fine, can understand that he's very busy) but the ward doctor had wanted me to send my queries through email to him after I was discharged which I found ridiculous..
hi wish upon a star,
hugs about what happen. It occur to me during my 1st try as well. Had BFP at level 60 after 2ww, then had to return every alternate days for BT, to see if the amount increase. When the HCG amount reached about 300, they stopped taking BT. I asked for jab, they refuse to give and insist on only the progesterone pills.

Then after 2 weeks, bleeding occur. Again they refuse to give me jab. At that time i didn't know about this forum, so didn't know where to seek help and didn't think of email Dr Loh. I was left all alone, just bleed for few days. During the bleeding, i went back 24 hours clinic daily but they took BT and refuse to give me jab too. The doctors at 24 hour clinic did scan for each visit and never ask me to admit. Being lost on the next step, i went back to my previous gynae from kk as well, made appointment and seek advice. He is more experience and can tell immediately that i lost the pregnancy, further BT to see a decreasing level. I agree with you that if kk cannot provide any support, really need to go other gynae for help immediately. But i continued staying with kk for more tries as due to the cost factor and subsidy, i could not switch to private. You take care and hope a change in hospital will provide better support.

hi mel imran,
how are you? all the best for your ET. It would be good that you can rest longer. But if not possible, do take it easy when you return to work after 3 days. Do you need to walk alot at work?
hi mel imran
i did artifcial thaw too (FET), Dr Loh told me e same thing. i took 5 days mc. i did FET on Sat &amp; i return to work the next wed. i cant take too long HL too. anyway, its ok so long u take things slow. u wll transfer which day embryo. u need to know when implantation after transfer. Dr Jin, Raffles hos, told me once implantation process done, can go back to work.

take brazil nuts k, its gd for implantation.

take care.
Hi Greenie,

ya, we are close buddies

Hi Ladies,

yes, there are 2 Sunflowers here.

Hi Jas, Fresh and LingLing,

Hope you get BFP!
Hi ladies, haven't been checking the forum for a few days now ....

I am so sorry to hear that you had to abort your cycle. Is IUI a better option for your case since the puregon jabs weren't working well? I hope you'll pick yourself up dearie. Perhaps get a copy of all the reports from KKH up till this point and consult another gynae and see if they agree that you should revert to IUI instead of give ivf another try. A place where there would be more personal attention for you ya.

Seems like a lot of ladies here have had bad experience at KKH. I know that when I 1st started out, I was also on the verge of giving up, ditching KK and considering changing to another hospital. But fortunately for me, I hang on and saw it through. Agree that Dr Loh is super busy, though I'm surprised he wasn't able to even spare a few minutes to visit his own patients when warded. I guess at the end of the day it's a personal choice. If for any reason we are uncomfortable at the level of service or attention, we should change to another which/whom we are more comfortable with. After all, you're paying for the whole procedure and want the best outcome along with sensible service. Guess KKH (esp Dr Loh) is simply getting too crowded now ...

Your ET is tomorrow? All the best to you dearie!
Hi Sunfl@wer, Gloria and Sierra,

Thanks for the well wishes.

I'm still feeling energetic for the past few days after ER. Last night, I was full of energy and anxiety leaving home at 11pm to collect my iphone at Com Centre. On the way, I start to feel a bit strange. When I reached the place, I became to feel nauseas. The queue was LOOOOOOONG. I just alighted for 10 mins and I told my hubby I need to go home now as I'm feeling slightly cold. True enough, I vomitted twice on the way back home. Slept immediately after drinking a glass of warm water.

This morning feeling better except tummy still pain. I'm able to take my breakfast and seems pretty normal again. I will be staying at home today to rest for my ET tomorrow. I will try to drink lots of water. Later in the evening, I will be going for my last accu.
fresh, glad to hear u're feeling better again. And yes, do drink lots of water. Remember dun put on perfume hor, also wear bright bright to welcome the embies.
Hi all, thanks for your advise and i will follow all the do's and don'ts.
I will try to be strong. It is not easy as it seems.

WIsh upon a star, its so sad what u went thru. I know what you mean, we need some personal touch also from the gynae. Even during my ward stay, my gynae personally meet me and look into my case immediately. However, good that u change the gynae because we need some reassurance from someone and where does it lead answers.

Fresh good luck..
Lina and Missfairylady
Thanks for your words of concern.

I've seen Dr Leong this morning and my BT is showing a declining trend of HCG (dropped to 6), therefore, Dr Leong had said it shld be the end of the episode. But, at least, he said that the fetus did implant in my womb afterall, which may be a positive sign. Me and HB have arranged for FET in Aug and have just gone to KKH to arrange for the remaining frozen embryos to be transported to Dr Leong at TMC.

In the meantime, I'll just resume with my spa, haircut, pedicure........ haven't been doing all these for nearly 2 months. Staying positive is the most important
Try to take in some protein like Hot Soy milk. My SIL says we need lots of Soy protein during this period of time. She recommended Protein powder (can get it in any supplement stores) cause her gynae in Taiwan asked her to drink at least a cup a day for implantation and healthy embryo developments. Take at least 2L of water which is sort of hard for me but I'm trying my best

All the best for your ET! :D
Lina, hi, i'm fine thank u..

Alyssa, thanks for the suggeston, tuesday will be my ET, maybe i'll ask for HL till sunday then will come back to work on monday.

When does the implantation occurs usually?

Where can i get Brazil nuts? Can i take essence of chicken with cordyceps?

Hi Wensi,

How r u?? Did you go get a 2nd opinion on your condition?? I think u shouldnt take it lightly. I feel so sad to hear so many sisters here were on the verge of BFP but in the end lost it due to not enough support. KKH really takes bleeding too lightly and always advice pple to go down only when heavy bleeding. C'mon! when heavy bleeding occurs is already too late!! Dun they understand?! So please if you r still staining... quickly seek opinion in pte gynae...
