IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

Thanks Cahyasuci & Caramel!

I'm not young ah.... Hehe... 37 yrs old... It took me 6 yrs to wake up and do something about my pregnancy... Selama ni, I keep trying to conceive naturally. The first m/c, Dr Aziz said there's no reason for it, just takde rezeki... But I had to undergo 2 'washing' operation to remove the remainings of my m/c. I was bleeding for more than a mth, which is abnormal for a woman who m/c (doc cakap paling lama org recover n stop bleeding is for a week). The 2nd m/c was ectopic pregnancy.

It's norm for AF to come abit late after the previous failure... I was told it's becoz of the drugs in our body, so it will take some time to recourse back the cycle. Insya Allah, your Aug cycle will come as per norm.

*hugs to all ladies* Stay strong & keep the faith!

Hi lily, thanks for replying. Hope my next AF will come as per normal. Been ttc-ing for almost 4 years now. I dah start feeling stressed when i didnt manage to conceive after 1yr of marriage. You so relaxed lah. Maybe coz pple ard u nvr pester u abt kids. Care to share tips on how to remain cool when faced when insensitive pple out there..

Oh u under dr aziz before..hes a nice guy kan? So at ease wif him..I used to be under him as well before i switch to prof wong. U had ectopic pregnancy? Did they remove ur tube during the m/c? Take care..
In comparison to some ladies, I'm fortunate for not having pple to pester me much. My mum didn't pester me sangat coz she redha but can see in her sadness that she didn't have any grandchild (I'm her only child who is married), whenever her friends or relatives have lot of grandchildren. My MIL pun tak pester coz her own daughter also dun hve any kids even being married for more than 15 yrs and that dia tak mengharap as much coz she already has 6 grandchildren. Yg pester I are the aunties sebelah my husband... So kecohness!! Tanya mcm-mcm, ada yg suruh I gi jumpa some makcik to berurut lah, ada yg suruh I makan some vitamins lah. I cuma sengih kambing je masa dorang cakap. It's my MIL or my husband will tell them "belum ada rezeki... Allah yg menentukan" ataupun kenakan dorang balik to say "lupa Allah ke?"... Something like that.

I think I'm able to maintain my cool sebab my side relatives tak pernah tanya coz they know what I've gone thru.... Cuma my husband's relative je yg kecoh. Whatever it is, I bersyukur to hve lots of support from my husband, his siblings & MIL who are there to fend these pple off.

Yup, Dr Aziz is a nice guy... Tapi jauh seh for me... He's at the East, padahal I stay at the North. I took him becoz most of my frens had him as their gynae. Nope, my tube was not removed at all. Dr Aziz cuma kata rahim tu masuk salah saluran, that's y ectopic.
Hi Syrian...I maybe doing my FET in end of the year or so..Haven't really decided on it yet...Hehhehe...Insya-allah our dreams will come true soon...;-)..Amin Amin.

Lily...Thanks for sharing with us..Ur story is really inspiring....Take care..And have a smooth pregnancy ahead...

Few more days to Raya...Hai not really looking forward...Hahahah...
Hi Cahaya, I still cannot change my nick lah via "Personal details". Already changed my display name as caramel but sama jek..gd to know that u have seen prof & hes optimistic abt ur next ivf. Did u ask prof abt saizhen as proposed by Sis Bubbli? NUH ada tak? Did he prescribe u anything for ur egg quality? He only gave me & hb vit c and e..

Btw, what are u planning to do these 3 mths before next round? planning any new strategy that is different from ur 1st round? hehe..as for me, I planned to go for my 2nd fresh next mth in sept. My 1st IVF i tak buat acupunture. But this coming round, I dah start acupunture. Hope ada difference lah. Insyallah..So when my aug nye cycle starts, kena call chr to start my nor-e. But my AF kinda messed up. My July cycle just came on 30th. Supposed to come on 25th. Duno when my aug cycle will come. Excited to start next round but fearful jugak..;)

Hi dear, Prof asked me to come back on the 2nd day of menses next month/Sep. Maybe further tests needed before he prescribe me any medication or treatment. NUH nurse is retrieving all my blood test reports from KKH, I think once Prof have seen the reports baru he decide what to do next with me tak? Next appt I will ask bout Saizhen ..

Syrian, this time I add Royal Jelly+Bee Pollen+Propolis in honey (3in1) & Maca roots powder into my daily supplements. 3in1 for egg quality. While maca roots good for hormone imbalance. Hoping to get my menses naturally after taking the maca root. I'm planning to do cupping bekam & acupuncture once or twice a month till Nov.

InsyaAllah you can see the diff with acupuncture. Continue yr supplements & don't stress yrself k..! I'll pray that everything will be smooth fr u syrian. :)

Left 3more days to Hari Raya, me too no mood nak celebrate Raya but my hubby this year excited to change almost everything in the house. Grrrr... terpaksa lah ikut dia kesana sini to racky barang2... :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Salam Ladies,
Hope you are feeling ok. Must be busy right coz Raya is coming.
Want2bamommy, congrats on your success.

I think some of you ladies are with NUH right. I was with them for all my cycles.
I do like their service then. Hope they are still good as before.
One thing I like at NUH, the clinic is on its own. SO tak kecoh2. Unless you are seeing Prof where he is stationed at the main clinic which can be quite crowded at times.
Thanks Su_Yana!

Esok dah raya... cepat jugak masa berlalu... ingin mengambil kesempatan untuk ucapkan Selamat Hari Raya kepada all sisters di sini. Maaf kalau ada salah silap masa perbualan kami. In the meantime, let's pray that all of us continue to be strong and keep the faith. Insya Allah segala keinginan kita akan dikurniakan olehNya. Amin
Wow this forum has changed so much! No wonder i havent been getting updates on my email. How's everyone? Im sorry to hear about ure BFNs for NurA and Cahaya, please do take care of yourselves for the next stage of your journey! Gosh after so many months from my failed fresh, I still do tear when I read your stories! It really does strike a chord in you, and each and everyone of us who has had to go thru this route has a common bond that we share. Bubbli, you getting ready for FET? Thats so exciting! When are you planning to go thru it? For me, Im still contemplating on doing it in Dec. Its just too stressful a journey, and i dont think im ready for it yet. And I have too many work commitments too. But as usual, Im also not spared the Hari Raya " cruelty" that we all have to go through. Kalau belum kawin, "bila nak kawin? da ada boyfriend?" Kalau da kawin, "Blom ada anak? Bila nak ada anak? Nanti da tua susah." It just never ends. But im grateful my MIL and FIL do not bug us anymore. Now they just tell relatives that we are "relaxing" for now. An eccentric uncle of mine asked brazenly, "Mana anak?" That got me so mad so I just replied, "Anak? Entah pulak. Nanti saya carik" and walked off ;P I cant be bothered to 'jaga' people's feelings when they dont even bother to 'jaga' mine. But hey, let's just enjoy the rest of our Hari Raya in better spirits!
Wow this forum has changed so much! No wonder i havent been getting updates on my email. How's everyone? Im sorry to hear about ure BFNs for NurA and Cahaya, please do take care of yourselves for the next stage of your journey! Gosh after so many months from my failed fresh, I still do tear when I read your stories! It really does strike a chord in you, and each and everyone of us who has had to go thru this route has a common bond that we share. Bubbli, you getting ready for FET? Thats so exciting! When are you planning to go thru it? For me, Im still contemplating on doing it in Dec. Its just too stressful a journey, and i dont think im ready for it yet. And I have too many work commitments too. But as usual, Im also not spared the Hari Raya " cruelty" that we all have to go through. Kalau belum kawin, "bila nak kawin? da ada boyfriend?" Kalau da kawin, "Blom ada anak? Bila nak ada anak? Nanti da tua susah." It just never ends. But im grateful my MIL and FIL do not bug us anymore. Now they just tell relatives that we are "relaxing" for now. An eccentric uncle of mine asked brazenly, "Mana anak?" That got me so mad so I just replied, "Anak? Entah pulak. Nanti saya carik" and walked off ;P I cant be bothered to 'jaga' people's feelings when they dont even bother to 'jaga' mine. But hey, let's just enjoy the rest of our Hari Raya in better spirits!

Salam _Nur. You are right that all of us are bonded here due to the similar route that we had to go through. Syukur that we are able to share our feelings and notes here. I also had some relatives asking ridiculously, "Mana anak?" at this year's Raya. Nak cakap, dalam perut, tak boleh pasal masih siang.... so in the end, my mum je yg reply, "Allah maha berkuasa, anak tu akan datang bila-bila ditentukan."

We should see the bright side of things... apa yg kita lalui akan buat kita lebih kuat dan matang... so I believed that all these nonsense remarks will not make us bothered that much and will make us more determined to berusaha. Insya Allah, doa kita akan dikabulkan. Fighting ladies!
Wow this forum has changed so much! No wonder i havent been getting updates on my email. How's everyone? Im sorry to hear about ure BFNs for NurA and Cahaya, please do take care of yourselves for the next stage of your journey! Gosh after so many months from my failed fresh, I still do tear when I read your stories! It really does strike a chord in you, and each and everyone of us who has had to go thru this route has a common bond that we share. Bubbli, you getting ready for FET? Thats so exciting! When are you planning to go thru it? For me, Im still contemplating on doing it in Dec. Its just too stressful a journey, and i dont think im ready for it yet. And I have too many work commitments too. But as usual, Im also not spared the Hari Raya " cruelty" that we all have to go through. Kalau belum kawin, "bila nak kawin? da ada boyfriend?" Kalau da kawin, "Blom ada anak? Bila nak ada anak? Nanti da tua susah." It just never ends. But im grateful my MIL and FIL do not bug us anymore. Now they just tell relatives that we are "relaxing" for now. An eccentric uncle of mine asked brazenly, "Mana anak?" That got me so mad so I just replied, "Anak? Entah pulak. Nanti saya carik" and walked off ;P I cant be bothered to 'jaga' people's feelings when they dont even bother to 'jaga' mine. But hey, let's just enjoy the rest of our Hari Raya in better spirits!

Salam Nur...Well of cos we feel the sadness when we hear BFNs...I do too...But we have to be strong to move on and look forward..My wish for everyone here is to succeed...I nvr wan anyone to go tru wat I went tru...

Hmm me is not super ready for FET...masih tgh fikiran..hahahah..I guess the fear of mc is still lingering..I did get over it but I have this fear that still grips me till today..Tgkla mcm mana eh this year...My clock is ticking super fast...Yikes...

Ya true wat u said..the qns won't stop..Even kalau kita da ada anak...Bila nak dpt lagi satu la...Etc etc...But really after reading ur post on how u answered ur uncle...Seriously very funny..Sorry dun mind me..I really did laugh my heart out...Memang kdg kdg tu nak kena kasi yang pedas2 sikit...Biar dorang terasa...

Yup lets enjoy the spirit of raya....

Oh yes to all sisters here..Selamat Hari Raya Aidlifitri..Mohon Maaf Zahir Dan Batin...Kalau pernah saya menyakiti sesiapa disini...Minta maaf byk2...Semoga semua ceria2 di raya tahun ni...Insya-allah Amin...

Want2bamummy...Bagus jugak ur mum answered for u...U just take care and enjoy urself...Biarkan org nak ckp apa..Ur dreams is already coming true...;-)..Take Care Sis...
Hi ladies..hows everyone? Selamat hari raya aidilfitri semua! Maaf zahir & batin. Mohon maaf if perna terkasar bahasa & menyinggung perasaan anyone while chatting here. True enough as wat u gals said, im very thankful to have known u gals frm this thread. A place where we can share our deepest feelings & fear freely. A place where we build a bond among ourselves with one ultimate goal..to eventually have a child to call our own..no one understands how great our heartfelt desire is to be a mummy..

I also tak terkecuali frm those laser pple..Went back to hb's kampung where smua sedara mara berkumpul. Told u gals before tat this raya, most of his cousins have newborns to celebrate wif. Could see how happy they are to have a complete family, bergambar bersama. Bedek if i ckp tat i tak jelos. So envious of them. Hanya Tuhan saje yg tau how i felt at tat moment when i make a silent prayer tat insyallah our family will be complete by next raya..sebak kejap..

This makcik also made a comment when i salam her.."ini yg kawin years ago kan? Mana anak??" She said so loud tat org tgk me. So paisey lah. Juz cant be bothered & walked away. Nasib my MIL sampok saying nvmlah lum ada rezki, if ada rezki, adalah. So tak baiklah tat makcik. I noelah tat u got lotsa cucus & ur kids are v productive. Takya nak rub salt to my already not-yet-recovered wounds ( still cant forget my last BFN)..haiz..this wkend will be another round of jln beraya..confirm will encounter more laser mouths!! Anyway will juz learn to chill..hope u gals will have a great raya ahead..we still have one another to turn back upon kan! :p So in the meantime..will try buat pekak je..
Hi ladies..hows everyone? Selamat hari raya aidilfitri semua! Maaf zahir & batin. Mohon maaf if perna terkasar bahasa & menyinggung perasaan anyone while chatting here. True enough as wat u gals said, im very thankful to have known u gals frm this thread. A place where we can share our deepest feelings & fear freely. A place where we build a bond among ourselves with one ultimate goal..to eventually have a child to call our own..no one understands how great our heartfelt desire is to be a mummy..

I also tak terkecuali frm those laser pple..Went back to hb's kampung where smua sedara mara berkumpul. Told u gals before tat this raya, most of his cousins have newborns to celebrate wif. Could see how happy they are to have a complete family, bergambar bersama. Bedek if i ckp tat i tak jelos. So envious of them. Hanya Tuhan saje yg tau how i felt at tat moment when i make a silent prayer tat insyallah our family will be complete by next raya..sebak kejap..

This makcik also made a comment when i salam her.."ini yg kawin years ago kan? Mana anak??" She said so loud tat org tgk me. So paisey lah. Juz cant be bothered & walked away. Nasib my MIL sampok saying nvmlah lum ada rezki, if ada rezki, adalah. So tak baiklah tat makcik. I noelah tat u got lotsa cucus & ur kids are v productive. Takya nak rub salt to my already not-yet-recovered wounds ( still cant forget my last BFN)..haiz..this wkend will be another round of jln beraya..confirm will encounter more laser mouths!! Anyway will juz learn to chill..hope u gals will have a great raya ahead..we still have one another to turn back upon kan! :p So in the meantime..will try buat pekak je..

Hi Syrian....Salam Aidilfitri...Sama2..Mohon Maaf jugak..Yup this is a place where we can share and understand each other journey and comfort to each other...

biasa la laser pple is always ard ...worst scenario is during raya or gatherings...heheheh..Yup siapa yang tak jeles when we see other's hving babies...My side ada 3 cousins who r expecting..their 2nd and 3rd lagi..younger than me and married earlier lagi..of cos hepi for them..sad for me...hahahah...rezeki masing2...for us we have to werk harder and seek medical help to achieve our dreams la...

eeeksss..Makcik u ni...Menyampah nya...Nasib baik ur MIL back up...

Hope our next journey will be a success..Insya-allah...Hope good news will come these few months from all of u..
Hi bubbli, true lah laser pple are always around. We cant avoid them. Will juz keep a low profile, tats the best to minimise getting hurt..

Thanks for the wishes. Insyallah success will come to all or us soon..juz keep the faith..amin amin..
Hi all,

Bubbli, I can understand your fear. Happened to me too so I know the feeling.
When I got pg during the 3rd attempt, I told my mother not to tell anyone unless they see me and find out.
I don't want the hassle of explaining if tak jadi again.
Every time I go for check up I takut just in case the scan showed the same thing like my first pg.

Alhamdullilah tuhan kasi I semangat masa tu

Anyway cakap pasal makcik2, bila tak da anak Tanya pasal anak.bila da
Ada satu Tanya number 2.
My makcik tau I susah nak Dapat anak, bole Tanya bila nak lagi satu...
Sebab my younger cousin pg again, anak dia baru 4 bulan, pg with twins
this time round.
I Macam nak cakap, tuhan da kasi satu, I bersyukur. Tak tamak. If Ada, alhamdullilah ...
Hi all,

Bubbli, I can understand your fear. Happened to me too so I know the feeling.
When I got pg during the 3rd attempt, I told my mother not to tell anyone unless they see me and find out.
I don't want the hassle of explaining if tak jadi again.
Every time I go for check up I takut just in case the scan showed the same thing like my first pg.

Alhamdullilah tuhan kasi I semangat masa tu

Anyway cakap pasal makcik2, bila tak da anak Tanya pasal anak.bila da
Ada satu Tanya number 2.
My makcik tau I susah nak Dapat anak, bole Tanya bila nak lagi satu...
Sebab my younger cousin pg again, anak dia baru 4 bulan, pg with twins
this time round.
I Macam nak cakap, tuhan da kasi satu, I bersyukur. Tak tamak. If Ada, alhamdullilah ...

Hi Su yana...Selamat Hari Raya...Maaf Zahir Dan Batin dear...

Ya the fear...Hai no matter how hard we try to get it rid of it..It's really hard..Anything can happen All in HIS HANDS...

Tu la semangat mesti nak kuat...

Biasala la..like I said earlier..they won't stop bugging...Dah ada satu..Nanti tanya lagi bila nak ada another one...Hai...
Salam all
Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Dan Batin

This is my 2nd attempt of doing IVF. Dulu I take Gonal F,this time i was given Puregon .
I berdoa hopefully kali nie.. allah akan izin kan i dapat cahaya mata... insyallah amin amin.. :'(
Today is my 5th day of me taking the Puregon.
I ada read from previous posts.. advises : take plenty of water,essencen of chicken,10 biji of egg white daily.
Is there any advises for me...
Salam Blurs..

Salam Aidilifitri to u too...

Hmm ur 2nd attempt is using puregon...Diff protocol...

Insya-allah Amin Amin...Hopefully this time round everything goes well for u..

Hmm yup take plenty of water...Essence of chicken is good, warm ur body...

Eggs eh..hmm Dun need to take so much...But u can 2-3 egg whites a day if u wan...Then can increase it after ur 1st scan is done..The more follicles u have..the more eggs white u may need..This is to avoid OHSS...

For the meantime..u relax..and enjoy this new journey..Dun stress so much ya...

Try to avoid any cooling stuff...Take care dear..Hope to hear form u..;-)
Thanks bubbli26.

You ever take puregon.. how it works ,how long is the process?
I can start to take the essence of chicken.. (planning to buy later,hopefully not too late)
What worry me is my hubby's sperm count.
Any thing to eat for guys?
Hi All,
Biasa lah mulut orang we sure tak leh tutup.. BUt i guess its like cam normal,.. people will tents to ask..
" berapa org anak".. esp this raya... i takut nak jln beraya.. people will kept asking.. memang i radha but hati ini.. mudah tersentuh if talks about having babies..
Thanks bubbli26.

You ever take puregon.. how it works ,how long is the process?
I can start to take the essence of chicken.. (planning to buy later,hopefully not too late)
What worry me is my hubby's sperm count.
Any thing to eat for guys?

Yup taken puregon before..It's almost same protocol to GonalF..U shld have ur scan done on Day 7 on injections....So from there they will decide how many more days of injection..So ur ER shld be very soon...

Hubby sperm count..He can try these few things:
10 types of food that will increase sperm count
It's not just folklore that oysters can act as an aphrodisiac. Because oysters contain high levels of zinc, they are effective in increasing sperm count. In fact, a study published in the "Journal of Laboratory Clinical Medicine" found that zinc deficiency in men decreased sperm count in four out of five study members. The sperm count increased as soon as the men increased their zinc intake.

Mom had it right all those years when she insisted that you eat your greens. Dark, leafy-green vegetables, such as spinach, contain high levels of folic acid. When eaten in conjunction with foods high in vitamin C to help absorption, the folic-acid containing vegetable helps to increase overall sperm health and motility. Furthermore, according to a study published in the March 2002 issue of "Fertility and Sterility," the combination of zinc and folic acid were found to have a positive effect in increasing sperm count.

Eating eggs can not only help increase sperm count, but it can also improve the chances of fertilization. Eggs are in high in vitamin E, an ongoing deficiency of which has been linked to testicular tissue degeneration. The antioxidant quality of vitamin E can help to counteract the negative effects that free radicals have on our body's cells, including sperm.

Fruit Salad
Oranges, grapefruits, strawberries, cherries and other foods high in the antioxidant vitamin C are incredibly effective in preventing low sperm count and damage to sperm. Eating a fruit salad can help your body absorb folic acid and helps to counteract free radical damage. Interestingly enough, the semen of men with a diet of up to 1,000 mgs of vitamin C a day has less clumping than that of their deficient counterparts. This can increase motility, which in turn, increases the chance of fertilization.

Walnuts & Almonds
Both walnuts and almonds are rich with arginine, an amino acid that increases sperm production and blood flow. Increased blood flow makes for stronger erections, which, though unrelated to sperm count, is correlated with higher rates of fertilization.

Brazil Nuts
Brazil nuts contain high amounts of the nutrient selenium which, according to a 2001 study in the "Journal of Andrology," is essential in development of normal sperm and in increasing sperm motility.

You may not think of water as a food, but it is an essential nutrient and an important factor in increasing sperm count. Adequate hydration is necessary to keep body cells functioning optimally, sperm included. Drinking eight to 10 glasses of water a day can go a long way toward helping your sperm go a longer way.

Whole Grains
Whole grain foods such as bread, cereals and crackers can increase your chromium levels, thereby increasing your sperm count. In a literature review of studies of the effects of chromium, the journal "Biological Trace Element Research" found that many studies indicate low chromium levels are correlated with decreased sperm count.

Decaffeinated Beverages
Giving up your morning cup of coffee or your midday soda may be difficult, but it may be essential if you are trying to increase your sperm count. Though the mechanism by which it happens as of yet eludes scientists, men who ingest caffeine daily have lower sperm counts than their decaffeinated counterparts

Yup true biasal mulut orang tak ole tutup...Kita scotch tape je la mulut dorang..hehehe
Salam ladies. How is everyone?

Thanks su_yana for the encouragements and thanks to _nur too.. u take care yrself too aite. Hopefully it is still not too late for me to wish eid mubarak to everyone here. I am still waiting for my aug menses, despite drinking maca root daily my menses has yet too arrive. Now I am on Jamu as well. Hopefully it will come soon. I'll try my very best not to depend on drugs/medicine to induce the menses.

want2bemummy, have u gone for the baby scan?
syrian, currently u are at which stage now?
blurs, how yr experience using Puregon? I felt bloated while on Puregon last time.
bubbli, thanks for sharing sperm count food booster!
Salam ladies. How is everyone?

Thanks su_yana for the encouragements and thanks to _nur too.. u take care yrself too aite. Hopefully it is still not too late for me to wish eid mubarak to everyone here. I am still waiting for my aug menses, despite drinking maca root daily my menses has yet too arrive. Now I am on Jamu as well. Hopefully it will come soon. I'll try my very best not to depend on drugs/medicine to induce the menses.

want2bemummy, have u gone for the baby scan?
syrian, currently u are at which stage now?
blurs, how yr experience using Puregon? I felt bloated while on Puregon last time.
bubbli, thanks for sharing sperm count food booster!

Salam ladies! Hope everyone is coping well.

I went for my first scan on my 5th week. The screen showed flickers which refers to my bb heartbeat. All looks normal and went home happily. However, my happiness turned to huge fright for me when I had a huge brown bleeding in the evening. Continued to hve brown spotting the next day. I went to KK O&G the next afternoon to get some support... Maklum lah I takut my nightmare of going through another miscarriage. Geram jugak bila pikirkan balik... I had to pay $150 for nothing! The senior doc on duty hari tu refused to give me any support jab or any medication to stop my spotting. Dia asyik kata it's ok... Nothing wrong... Even though I told her my past history of brown spottings leading to my miscarriages. Tak nak gaduh further, I left feeling disappointed and worried sick. Lepas tu I terus bedrest the moment I left KK in the afternoon. Can u imagine my fear and anger when there was lots of fresh red blood on my pad on that same day, at night? Terus pergi balik ke KK O&G and I terus give them a piece of my mind of having to make another trip there on the same day just bcoz nobody wants to help me to save my bb. Baru lah the duty doc gave me the hormone support jab. Dugaan I... I had another round of fresh red bleeding the next evening despite of havinga strict bedrest at home. 2nd night in a row at O&G resulted me to be warded in.

Alhamdullilah... The spotting/ bleeding stops... I'm still on my 2nd week HL... bedresting at home. Went for my 2nd scan last Monday... Syukur, baby is growing well. Risau jugak sekarang bila pikirkan that I'm back to work on next Monday... Now, I'm thinking very hard to look for another gynae at other hospital since KKH is not giving me that much care. Anyone wants to recommend me a gd gynae?
Hi want2bamummy..wat a scary incident. Syukur bb is ok. How come they are like tat? Mcm not showing the least concern pun abt ur worries. They shd be more careful & give u more support based on ur history. I think u better go find another gynae frm other hospital whos willing to show u more care & concern for ur needs..The best for u now is to sufficient bedrest & not to feel stress k. I dun have any gd gynae to recommend but u can try dr aziz or dr fong frm nuh. They are both soft spoken & caring male doctors whom i am comfortable with. Take care k..

Hi cahya..juz had my aug menses. Already book appmt with CHR for my nor-e pills next week. According to them, my scheduled ER & ET based in their calculation might be 2nd wk oct. But prof will be on leave frm 11-20 oct. haiz..realy hope he can do it for me..*worried mode* But to postpone to nov, even worse coz he will be on leave for 2 wks..hmm I hope ur menses will come soon so u can start ur next step. Try not to worry so much. Makin risau nanti makin lambat lak menses dtg. Try to take it easy k sis..
Salam ladies! Hope everyone is coping well.

I went for my first scan on my 5th week. The screen showed flickers which refers to my bb heartbeat. All looks normal and went home happily. However, my happiness turned to huge fright for me when I had a huge brown bleeding in the evening. Continued to hve brown spotting the next day. I went to KK O&G the next afternoon to get some support... Maklum lah I takut my nightmare of going through another miscarriage. Geram jugak bila pikirkan balik... I had to pay $150 for nothing! The senior doc on duty hari tu refused to give me any support jab or any medication to stop my spotting. Dia asyik kata it's ok... Nothing wrong... Even though I told her my past history of brown spottings leading to my miscarriages. Tak nak gaduh further, I left feeling disappointed and worried sick. Lepas tu I terus bedrest the moment I left KK in the afternoon. Can u imagine my fear and anger when there was lots of fresh red blood on my pad on that same day, at night? Terus pergi balik ke KK O&G and I terus give them a piece of my mind of having to make another trip there on the same day just bcoz nobody wants to help me to save my bb. Baru lah the duty doc gave me the hormone support jab. Dugaan I... I had another round of fresh red bleeding the next evening despite of havinga strict bedrest at home. 2nd night in a row at O&G resulted me to be warded in.

Alhamdullilah... The spotting/ bleeding stops... I'm still on my 2nd week HL... bedresting at home. Went for my 2nd scan last Monday... Syukur, baby is growing well. Risau jugak sekarang bila pikirkan that I'm back to work on next Monday... Now, I'm thinking very hard to look for another gynae at other hospital since KKH is not giving me that much care. Anyone wants to recommend me a gd gynae?

Oh want2bamummy..Scary incidents....But Alhamdulillah ur lil one is k...A very strong lil one indeed...Hmm not sure whether u wan to consider to see Dr Loh /Dr Benjamin Tham at TMC...Both r good...

Unless u wan to stick to KKH...Then try to find out the days ur dr is having clinic...So in the future if u hv the same issue..Call the clinic concern directly and get the dr to revert back to you. Not sure who ur dr is...But it may be advisable to feedback to ur dr..Ask him or her to see whether u can be on the prolution injection till u have completed ur 1st tri...No harm trying...

meanwhile u take care..rest well..If really can't go back to werk as yet..Extend ur HL further..Our precious is more impt than anything else...
salam pagi semua

bubbli:thanks for sharing the food listing.
cahayasuci: i cuma suffering backache n tummy cramp.
want2bamummy : me doa kan u & bb sihat. . insyallah amin

today i am going for my egg extraction is it called ER
i am having all the mixed feeling now.
watever it is just pray to allah for the best.
Thanks ladies for your concern and doas... Syukur Alhamdullilah.

I called Dr Sandhana but each time the nurses at KKH told me to go to O&G since my doc has clinic on certain days only... I just felt that there's not much support. Even when I'm warded, they gave me contridicting answers... Nak cakap murah kita bayar for all the treatments/ hospital bill, tak pun murah...

I memang pikir to go back to Dr Aziz... The only thing that put me off is that his clinic is super far for me coz I tinggal kat Yishun. My past experience there also the super long wait despite hving an appointment with Dr Aziz. Anyone been to his clinic the past yr? My friend told me his clinic dah tukar system... No longer has long wait. Wonder if Dr Aziz still delivers kat Raffles Hospital or he is strictly kat Parkway East Hospital?

Blurs - that's the beginning of the real exciting process, the ER... That's for me lah... Dun think too much or else you'll be stressed... When will be your ET? Insya Allah, everything will go smoothly for you.
salam pagi semua

bubbli:thanks for sharing the food listing.
cahayasuci: i cuma suffering backache n tummy cramp.
want2bamummy : me doa kan u & bb sihat. . insyallah amin

today i am going for my egg extraction is it called ER
i am having all the mixed feeling now.
watever it is just pray to allah for the best.

Blurs u r welome....Wow ER alreadi..Wish u all the best dear...Insya-allah all will be fine...;-)
Thanks ladies for your concern and doas... Syukur Alhamdullilah.

I called Dr Sandhana but each time the nurses at KKH told me to go to O&G since my doc has clinic on certain days only... I just felt that there's not much support. Even when I'm warded, they gave me contridicting answers... Nak cakap murah kita bayar for all the treatments/ hospital bill, tak pun murah...

I memang pikir to go back to Dr Aziz... The only thing that put me off is that his clinic is super far for me coz I tinggal kat Yishun. My past experience there also the super long wait despite hving an appointment with Dr Aziz. Anyone been to his clinic the past yr? My friend told me his clinic dah tukar system... No longer has long wait. Wonder if Dr Aziz still delivers kat Raffles Hospital or he is strictly kat Parkway East Hospital?

Blurs - that's the beginning of the real exciting process, the ER... That's for me lah... Dun think too much or else you'll be stressed... When will be your ET? Insya Allah, everything will go smoothly for you.

Oh u r under Dr Sadhana....Hmm by rite u r paying private rates rite..She should be able to help more...U call KKIVF is it? I know she has clinic in Clinic D...Not sure whether in TPS though...

Hmm Yishun is far indeed...Unless u wan to try the KKH Private Clinic in AMK..Not sure which gynae r good there though...

Hmm or y dun u try Dr Aziz clinic and enquire more..See whether their system is better now...
Salam Adeq Zie...Looking for preg symptoms? R u in ur 2ww? Or u are alreadi preggie...Dun mind me asking..

Salam bubbli26...Me pun tk tau coz me tk check...heehee!
Coz me dah missed ma period for 2wks+...Coz me lately, rase nk muntah (tapi tk leh muntah)...N beside dat, skrg kalo jalan sikit, dah start termengah2...Rase semput gitu... = (
Salam all. Dah lama tak masuk ke lelaman ni. Alhamdulillah, dah ada pula group Muslimah IVF. Much needed. :)

Sebenarnya, beberapa minggu ni, asyik tertanya-tanya je whether nak go thru IVF sekali lagi. I got married in Dec 2009 tapi masih belum dikurniakan zuriat. Doctor kata tak ada masalah apart from sperm morphology. Dah pernah cuba SO-IUI sekali dan IVF sekali. Did IVF in Feb/March 2012, got pregnant but due to the declining hcg dr kata it's not strong and it would miscarriage itself. Since then, we took it easy and just try naturally tapi masih belum ada hasil. But recently, ada juga terfikir to do IVF again. Should i? I don't have any frozen embryos.
Nak tanya....kalau private hospital, masih takde govt subsidy eh? And, what about medisave...is it still $6k, $5k and $4k from medisave?
Salam bubbli26...Me pun tk tau coz me tk check...heehee!
Coz me dah missed ma period for 2wks+...Coz me lately, rase nk muntah (tapi tk leh muntah)...N beside dat, skrg kalo jalan sikit, dah start termengah2...Rase semput gitu... = (

Hmm..u can test if you want since u have miss ur period for 2 weeks plus..Hopefully gd news...Ur symptoms is similar to preg symptoms...Wish u all the best...;-)
Nak tanya....kalau private hospital, masih takde govt subsidy eh? And, what about medisave...is it still $6k, $5k and $4k from medisave?

Salam Mama Leen...Hmm if u r strong again to fight tru the battle..Then y not Sis...Did ur dr suggest any supplement for ur hubby sperm issue? That time when u did IVF ..was it in govt hospital...U can try to do in NUH..heard gd reviews of Prof...If KKH ..then can consider Dr Tan....

Hmm for private clinic no govt subsidy...But u can use the Medisave grant though...Yup it still stand at 6k, 5k & 4k..So if urs 2nd fresh cycle then will be the 5k...
Salam Mama Leen...Hmm if u r strong again to fight tru the battle..Then y not Sis...Did ur dr suggest any supplement for ur hubby sperm issue? That time when u did IVF ..was it in govt hospital...U can try to do in NUH..heard gd reviews of Prof...If KKH ..then can consider Dr Tan....

Hmm for private clinic no govt subsidy...But u can use the Medisave grant though...Yup it still stand at 6k, 5k & 4k..So if urs 2nd fresh cycle then will be the 5k...

Haizz...the govt shld really consider giving subsidies for surgeries at private hospitals. I'm under Dr Kelly Loi at Paragon Medical Suites so kalau ada apa2 procedures, can only do it at Mt E. Pernah juga consider go govt hosp but susah pula nak transfer records etc and my husband kata better for the same dr to follow up since she dah tau our condition all along....hmm, tapi the $$ is painful...hehhehe. The dr pernah berikan some supplements for my husband (after the IVF though) but dah lama ni kan so recently, my husband pun dah tak consistently consume the meds cos he said at times, the meds give him headaches.
Haizz...the govt shld really consider giving subsidies for surgeries at private hospitals. I'm under Dr Kelly Loi at Paragon Medical Suites so kalau ada apa2 procedures, can only do it at Mt E. Pernah juga consider go govt hosp but susah pula nak transfer records etc and my husband kata better for the same dr to follow up since she dah tau our condition all along....hmm, tapi the $$ is painful...hehhehe. The dr pernah berikan some supplements for my husband (after the IVF though) but dah lama ni kan so recently, my husband pun dah tak consistently consume the meds cos he said at times, the meds give him headaches.

well true...but wat to do..this govt always things that if u can go private..then u have lots of $$$...But it's unfair for some of us...Like me I went to KKH and did my 1st IVF cycle..But unsuccessful for fresh and even FET..so went to Private instead as wanted to check further before proceeding for 2nd fresh..And since KKH dun have the growth hormone injections during that pt of time..I went ahead with Private...Of cos very costly la..But yield way better result...

But now KKH has the growth hormones...And I heard NUH pun is better nowadays...So govt not that bad afterall..If u wan to go under Govt then y dun u ask for medical report from ur private gynae..then bring over with u to the govt hospital...

Gg to govt hospital is not that bad afterall cos they have improve alittle..;-)..Save $$...with medisave & govt grant...so it will benefit u..Consider Sis..
Alhamdulilah.. i am home and resting.
Bubbli : i pun tak expect it to be soooo fast. I did my pugeron injection for about 8 days jer..
want2bamummy : thanks sis... insyaalllah .
Tadi dr managed to extract 11 eggs.. hopefully all in gd quality. Now my perut super cramp. i ever read from previos post abt drinking brands essence..when can minum tht drink ?
This saturday, i will do my Insertion(ET) .
Alhamdulilah.. i am home and resting.
Bubbli : i pun tak expect it to be soooo fast. I did my pugeron injection for about 8 days jer..
want2bamummy : thanks sis... insyaalllah .
Tadi dr managed to extract 11 eggs.. hopefully all in gd quality. Now my perut super cramp. i ever read from previos post abt drinking brands essence..when can minum tht drink ?
This saturday, i will do my Insertion(ET) .

Blurs...Gd la for 8 days...Ur eggs r growing well..U can start the chix essence now..No problem..U can put hot bag on ur tummy for the time being...Remember to drink lots of water too...It will help with OHSS or crampiness...

Take care and look forward to unite with your embbies..;-)
Thanks bu bli..
i got some issue to enq..
i cant even walk. Every steps , i can feel the pulling cramp at my tummy..till my "below" i can feel the effect..I tot by now i shd not feel any pain..n i feel like my chest heavy when i breathe.. is this wat the call ohss ??
Thanks bu bli..
i got some issue to enq..
i cant even walk. Every steps , i can feel the pulling cramp at my tummy..till my "below" i can feel the effect..I tot by now i shd not feel any pain..n i feel like my chest heavy when i breathe.. is this wat the call ohss ??

U will feel crampy... Chest heavy.. It can be OHSS.. Try pump in more water n protein... Raw egg whites .. Isotonic drinks...

Put hot bag n hv lots of rest.. Make sure u can pee well too...

Some tight chest can be due to after effect of anesthestic..

Monitor.. If gets worst go to A&E KKH.. Dun wait too long..

Take care k..
True. Thank u, dear. Will consider carefully. If I were to proceed with ivf again, shld be at the end of the year, insyaAllah...but so far, I haven't fully decided or talked to my husband abt it although I'm sure he wld agree to it. Kalau govt hosp, can we choose when to proceed with ivf or is there a queue as in depending on availability of resources?
Salam everyone.
Im so glad to find this page...cz i have a thousand and one questions relating to IVF. Alhamdulillah.

I'm currently going thru my 1st IVF with KKH. This morning did my eggs retrieval. Total eggs collected 6. A little worried lah.. sbb mana2 I baca, some ladies boleh sampai 20+ eggs.
Bt doc has nt told me the quality yet. I will get to know this sat when I come down for embryo transfer. ..
Salam everyone.
Im so glad to find this page...cz i have a thousand and one questions relating to IVF. Alhamdulillah.

I'm currently going thru my 1st IVF with KKH. This morning did my eggs retrieval. Total eggs collected 6. A little worried lah.. sbb mana2 I baca, some ladies boleh sampai 20+ eggs.
Bt doc has nt told me the quality yet. I will get to know this sat when I come down for embryo transfer. ..

Salam Sue Dazey. Alhamdulillah for the 6 eggs retrieved. Don't be worried. Banyak eggs doesn't necessarily mean very good cos one can be more at risk of getting OHSS. Apa yang penting, kita doa semoga the eggs are of good quality and will fertilize to become good embryos. :)
Salam everyone.
Im so glad to find this page...cz i have a thousand and one questions relating to IVF. Alhamdulillah.

I'm currently going thru my 1st IVF with KKH. This morning did my eggs retrieval. Total eggs collected 6. A little worried lah.. sbb mana2 I baca, some ladies boleh sampai 20+ eggs.
Bt doc has nt told me the quality yet. I will get to know this sat when I come down for embryo transfer. ..

Hi Sue..Like wat Mama Leen says...Quality is better than Quantity...That wat most dr wants anyway...Those who retrieve more than 20+..Doesn't mean they have good quality eggs...So dun worry to much...Just look forward to unit with ur beautiful embbies...Take care & Rest well k.
Anyway sisters.. any advises on what I shld eat or avoid eating during this period ?

Avoid eating any cooling stuff...Any white veggie...Cold drinks...Eat more fish...or meat..try to avoid chicken..unless kampung chicken la...

Rest well..Stay hepi...
True. Thank u, dear. Will consider carefully. If I were to proceed with ivf again, shld be at the end of the year, insyaAllah...but so far, I haven't fully decided or talked to my husband abt it although I'm sure he wld agree to it. Kalau govt hosp, can we choose when to proceed with ivf or is there a queue as in depending on availability of resources?

Hmm Mama Leen...Not sure how govt hospital Q is...KKH shld be abt 3 months wait I guess..Try avoid doing during end mth cos Drs may be on leave..KKH will have their 1 or 2 weeks cleaning closure in KKIVF...Try to do it before CNY if can..cos it hits CNY then Public Holidays will be an issue...

U can discuss with ur hubbie and fix ur appt..Then ask the dr...Then target a date from there...;-)

Wish u all the best dear...

Salam everyone,

I've been lurking around here for quite sometime, trying to find out more info abt ivf. I already have 1 kid, but we've been trying for 3 years for our 2nd with no success. Recently went for a check with Dr Aziz, he gave me the all clear but husband's swimmers not doing so well so IVF is our next best solution. Im halfhearted about having to go thru this. On one hand I should be thankful that I at least have 1 child but on the other hand, very kesian to see my kid so lonely. Let's not even talk abt the pressure I get from pple around me.

I think someone mentioned about the wait time at Dr Aziz's clinic, kan? No diff in the system pon.. It's still a lonnggggg wait. Dr Aziz is a very nice gynae, very frank and u can tell he genuinely cares for his patients. But he is a very busy doctor so certain things he will just delegate to his assistant. E.g. He prescribed an injection for me to help with ovulation...but the injection is administered by his assistant (who also mans the reception desk, collect duit, kasi obat).

Anyway, alhamdullilah its Friday!! All the best to the ladies here currently going thru ivf/considering ivf. May our doas on this blessed Friday be answered, insya-allah. To the ladies who are already expecting, take care rest well & have a smooth pregnancy ahead!

