IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

FET is Frozen Embryo Transfer dear...
My fresh all didnt turn out well..
This is my last journey coz i dun hv any more frozen embryos..
And to go thru IVF again with all the stimulations is just too time consuming..
But I am thankful to Allah that this time FET is very smooth..
Juz come for u/s to check ovulation day and when ovulated,itz time for transfer..
So it is less stressful for me..u hv any embryos left to freeze?

Alhamdulillah. Good to know that it is a smooth one for you. I don't have any frozen eggs dear. Although all 6 retrieved are matured eggs, only 2 are fertilized. So I'm relying on these 2 miracles. Tuhan sajer yg tahu perasaan I hari2.

Just sharing something here. The one who's most excited and supportive ever since my 2WW started is actually my mum. Every weekday without fail she will either bring food here or cook for me. Keeps asking what I want to eat and goes all out to look for it. (Smlm dia carikan durian, just cz I shared with her that someone in the forum said durian helps to warm the body) . She was very positive abt this...that I keep on praying that I wont disappoint her. Well, my elder brother has 2 children of his own..my younger brother has 1. I'm married for 6 years...and no children of my own.
U noe mothers are mothers. No matter how old u are, and how long u have been married, whether u are sad or happy...all these never escapes from her eyes lah. She must hv known how I feel whenever I am around babies. Haish..pagi2 ni emo lah pulak.

Salam Sue,

Bila i baca ur post, air mata i dengan i tak sedar mengalir. Mmg lumrah hati seorg ibu tetap melihat kita sebagai anak kecil walau ape jua umur kita, sue. Dia tidak akan memilih kasih syg antara anak2. Walaupun kita da memberi dia cucu atau tidak. Ibu tidak akan membandingkan antara anak2 dia. For me too, My mum has always been there for me since ive started TTC. For any f/u, she will try to accompany me if hubby ada hal keje. Walaupun I pergi appt seorg, dia akan telepon & tanya ape dr kata.

Skr ni I dlm stim stage, I share with her to abt the protein intake. She went to supermarket & bought me 7 pieces of salmon, telur kampung, tahu lah tempeh lah! Haha.. (siap tanya, i ada mkn ke tak hari2)
Haha! Dlm hati I, bole ke i tertelan tuh semua. Tapi bila tgk air muka ibu mkn je la. Ni semua pun utk kebaikan kan..

Insyallah dengan kita hari2 berdoa & dari berkat doa ur mum you akan berjaya. Insyallah Allah akan makbulkan.. Ameen..
Salam Sar_San,
Sorry yer buat u emo jgk. Hehehe..
I agree with what u said..Alhamdulillah..our mothers are supportive of us.

InsyaAllah...praying for ur success too.. and also for all our strong sisters in this forum.

Oh btw, read the blog. Most of the things there is so true to me. Thanks for sharing. ..
Assalammualaikum my Muslimah sisters. I takde IVF/ICSI stories. Just nak share my happiness & kesyukuran dgn apa yang I dapat. I dah 44 tahun. Nikah kali ke 2 when I was 41. Already have 2 boys from previous marriage aged 18 & 14. Hubby nak ade baby girl (pasal dia sendiri ada 4 boys). Besides reumathoid arthritis and heart palpitation, I takde any other serious condition. Maybe just slow at having babies. I actually dont want to put too much hope in conceiving...but suprise-surprise...after losing 9kg and taking supplements, I am 7weeks pregnant. My first appt at KKH on 20 Sep 2013 with Dr June Tan. Alhamdulillah.
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salam sisters, may i ask, for dried red dates+dried longan, do we drink thruout the cycle? lepas buat iui/ivf, masih boleh minum? tanx..
As salam Sue Dazey,
Insya' Allah ur 2 little embbies will make it..
Sememangnya ibu kita sayangkan kita lagi2 dlm perjalanan kita untuk mendapatkan zuriat kita sendiri..
Untuk I, I rahsiakan perkara dari semua org kecuali suami I sebab I taknk hampakan my mother..
Jikalau Allah swt ingin kurniakan my hubby and I zuriat,mungkin masa itulah I akan beritahu my mother..
Right now I jz go about my daily routine...sempat g kite flying lagi juz to take my mind off things for awhile..
Dugaan menunggu Beta hanya Allah saja yg tahu....
Assalammualaikum my Muslimah sisters. I takde IVF/ICSI stories. Just nak share my happiness & kesyukuran dgn apa yang I dapat. I dah 44 tahun. Nikah kali ke 2 when I was 41. Already have 2 boys from previous marriage aged 18 & 14. Hubby nak ade baby girl (pasal dia sendiri ada 4 boys). Besides reumathoid arthritis and heart palpitation, I takde any other serious condition. Maybe just slow at having babies. I actually dont want to put too much hope in conceiving...but suprise-surprise...after losing 9kg and taking supplements, I am 7weeks pregnant. My first appt at KKH on 20 Sep 2013 with Dr June Tan. Alhamdulillah.

Alhamdulillah sis..Allah swt memberikan u peluang lagi sekali utk mendapat zuriat..semoga baby u sihat walafiat...by the way apa tanda2 yg u pregnant? U pakai urine test kit or any preg symptoms? Hope u dun mind me asking sis...oh and wat supplements u take sis?
salam sisters, may i ask, for dried red dates+dried longan, do we drink thruout the cycle? lepas buat iui/ivf, masih boleh minum? tanx..
As salam rainbowsweet...
I can't answer tt question coz I tak pernah minum air longan+red dates..
But a lot of people in the forum say to eat brazil nuts and supplements such as vit B6,vit C and zinc to aid in embryo implantation and also boost fertility for pregnancy...u can give them a try...brazil nuts can be heary so take maybe 2-3 brazil nuts a day
Salam pagi semua.
Is it normal to wake up 3am everyday.? I tak boleh sleep no matter how hard i try.
im on my 2ww. Today is my 10th day.(need to go back ivf centre on 17/9) I have been having brown discharged since semlm(4am). Its on and off. I hvbeen having cramps on n off also
Last few days i just start makan brazil nuts. Is it becoz i makan too many? Is it a bad sign to hv brown discharged... im worry n so sad... can anyone advise me...please.... thanks
As salam Sue Dazey,
Insya' Allah ur 2 little embbies will make it..
Sememangnya ibu kita sayangkan kita lagi2 dlm perjalanan kita untuk mendapatkan zuriat kita sendiri..
Untuk I, I rahsiakan perkara dari semua org kecuali suami I sebab I taknk hampakan my mother..
Jikalau Allah swt ingin kurniakan my hubby and I zuriat,mungkin masa itulah I akan beritahu my mother..
Right now I jz go about my daily routine...sempat g kite flying lagi juz to take my mind off things for awhile..
Dugaan menunggu Beta hanya Allah saja yg tahu....

Salam Rashal,
Yaa.. betul lah dugaan menunggu masa 2ww. Skrg bila dah sihat sikit, I kluar jgk dgn my husband and family. Tapi kalau byk jalan...dah start cramps..terus terduduk hehhee.

Cuma this mrng cramps mcm more painful. Im hvg fever too. I'm refusing panadol so drinking as much water.
Salam pagi semua.
Is it normal to wake up 3am everyday.? I tak boleh sleep no matter how hard i try.
im on my 2ww. Today is my 10th day.(need to go back ivf centre on 17/9) I have been having brown discharged since semlm(4am). Its on and off. I hvbeen having cramps on n off also
Last few days i just start makan brazil nuts. Is it becoz i makan too many? Is it a bad sign to hv brown discharged... im worry n so sad... can anyone advise me...please.... thanks

Salam Blurs,
Ur BT is the same.date as mine. I wonder if u r one of the ladies I saw during my ET that day :)

Initially I pon kept terjaga.. bt nowadays Alhamdulillah I cn sleep well...only occasionally I sadar pukul 430... I cuma amalkan minum susu hangat, tido dgn wudhu and doa skit sblom tido.

U hv tried brazil nuts? I heard its a good practise during 2WW. Abt the discharge am nt so sure. And as a first timer, I would be as worried as you cz i have zero knowledge in IVF.. bt..InsyaAllah Blurs, pikir yg baik2... kita sama2 doa yg terbaik k. *hugs*
salam sisters, may i ask, for dried red dates+dried longan, do we drink thruout the cycle? lepas buat iui/ivf, masih boleh minum? tanx..

Hi dear..U can drink the longan red dates with wolfberry throughout the cycle..It keeps the womb and body warm..Cuma remember to drink alot of plain water cos the drink is very heaty...
Salam pagi semua.
Is it normal to wake up 3am everyday.? I tak boleh sleep no matter how hard i try.
im on my 2ww. Today is my 10th day.(need to go back ivf centre on 17/9) I have been having brown discharged since semlm(4am). Its on and off. I hvbeen having cramps on n off also
Last few days i just start makan brazil nuts. Is it becoz i makan too many? Is it a bad sign to hv brown discharged... im worry n so sad... can anyone advise me...please.... thanks

Hmm brown discharge..u ada call the clinic and ask for additional support? Urs is under KKH ke? Try to rest more...Maybe implantation...Dun worry so much..Byk kan rest...Take care k
Salam pagi semua.
Is it normal to wake up 3am everyday.? I tak boleh sleep no matter how hard i try.
im on my 2ww. Today is my 10th day.(need to go back ivf centre on 17/9) I have been having brown discharged since semlm(4am). Its on and off. I hvbeen having cramps on n off also
Last few days i just start makan brazil nuts. Is it becoz i makan too many? Is it a bad sign to hv brown discharged... im worry n so sad... can anyone advise me...please.... thanks
hi blurs, abt the brown discharge, it could be ur embbies r trying to burrow deeper. So think positive, yeah. Usually sum ppl hv this brown discharge between day 10 to 12
As salam rainbowsweet...
I can't answer tt question coz I tak pernah minum air longan+red dates..
But a lot of people in the forum say to eat brazil nuts and supplements such as vit B6,vit C and zinc to aid in embryo implantation and also boost fertility for pregnancy...u can give them a try...brazil nuts can be heary so take maybe 2-3 brazil nuts a day

ok..thanks a lot sis.. ive checked out brazil nuts..will get soon!
Hi dear..U can drink the longan red dates with wolfberry throughout the cycle..It keeps the womb and body warm..Cuma remember to drink alot of plain water cos the drink is very heaty...

hi sis....okie, tanx ! i've a naturally 'cold' system-asthma history, so drinking this can really help to warm up my body.. :) i will cont to drink a lot of plain water still
Blurs dear,
Maybe itz juz implantation bleeding..
As long as it is not full blown AF(menses) then think u shud be ok
But if u r still worried can call up KKH and ask them whether u need additional support..
Pls hv more supplements like vit B6,zinc and brazil nuts to support ur body well being..
hi sis....okie, tanx ! i've a naturally 'cold' system-asthma history, so drinking this can really help to warm up my body.. :) i will cont to drink a lot of plain water still

Hi rainbowsweet,
Can i know where did u get the longan red dates?

I hv asthma too and with this kind of weather, ive been taking the inhalers.
Hi rainbowsweet,
Can i know where did u get the longan red dates?

I hv asthma too and with this kind of weather, ive been taking the inhalers.

hi suedazey, i bought the dried red dates, dried longans and wolfberry in separate packets at hockhua tonic..then brew for 15-30minutes and then drink warm.. i use the recipe/qty frm this site:


i halved the qty to get 1cup only.. so far since i start drinkg it n with the cold weather, ive not used my inhaler.. u try k..
hi suedazey, i bought the dried red dates, dried longans and wolfberry in separate packets at hockhua tonic..then brew for 15-30minutes and then drink warm.. i use the recipe/qty frm this site:


i halved the qty to get 1cup only.. so far since i start drinkg it n with the cold weather, ive not used my inhaler.. u try k..

Thanks so much rainbowsweet.
Maybe I shld drop by the kedai today to buy.
Salam ladies, how r u gals doing?

Sar_san juniors, sorry late reply. I understand what u going thro. Endo is bad. A very bad condition to have for us ladies. Was so worried abt no conceiving as endo affects our fertility greatly. Den if endo is at ovary, might affect egg quality & quantity. I was on contraceptive pills before my 1st fresh. But stopped a mth before tat cycle. After tat failed cycle, i was not encouraged to be on contraceptives again. Prof said juz let the natural cycle happen so tat can clear the massive hormones frm the failed cycle. Scheduled for my next round end sep/early oct. Any cycle buddies?
As salam Syrian and Sar_San Juniors,
I also hv a history of endo and had to go keyhole surgery for this..
I am using Lumiglow cream to help with my endo and Alhamdulillah it has worked for me
As I hv lesser pain during my monthly AF..itz pricey but in the name of getting well I juz gave it a shot..
may i ask, for the acupuncture at raffles hospital, usually when is the acupuncture session? i cant afford weekdays sessions cos' my workplace is like hujung tanjung-jauh dari raffles hospital. does prof zhao has saturday sessions, if anyone knows? thanks in advance.

nak tanya jugak, can we do foot massage during 2ww? i searched in the net and the answers seems varied...
may i ask, for the acupuncture at raffles hospital, usually when is the acupuncture session? i cant afford weekdays sessions cos' my workplace is like hujung tanjung-jauh dari raffles hospital. does prof zhao has saturday sessions, if anyone knows? thanks in advance.

nak tanya jugak, can we do foot massage during 2ww? i searched in the net and the answers seems varied...

They have Sat clinics...U can call them and check on their operating hours...Tak salah Sat they are open full day...;-)

For foot massage..I tak pernah try..Any sistas can advise?
They have Sat clinics...U can call them and check on their operating hours...Tak salah Sat they are open full day...;-)

For foot massage..I tak pernah try..Any sistas can advise?
thanks bubbli26! i dah call the clinic and dah book appt w dr zhao for next wed, 6:30pm. lucky their last appt slot is at 6:30pm. boleh jugak rush frm work. phew!
They have Sat clinics...U can call them and check on their operating hours...Tak salah Sat they are open full day...;-)

For foot massage..I tak pernah try..Any sistas can advise?
i asked in another thread and foot massage is not advised as can cause strain in abdomen and may cause m/c..
Morning ladies,
Its d14 post transfer.. just 4 more days.. I'm hit by the most unbearable rashes. Not sure if i suddeny develop allergy to crabs cz this has never happen before. This is so worrying. . What if I need to eat med or take jab to stop the rashes?? Will it affect the one inside?? :'(
Morning ladies,
Its d14 post transfer.. just 4 more days.. I'm hit by the most unbearable rashes. Not sure if i suddeny develop allergy to crabs cz this has never happen before. This is so worrying. . What if I need to eat med or take jab to stop the rashes?? Will it affect the one inside?? :'(

Hmm ur rashes is similar to mine...u ole call ur clinic to ask for advise..I did take some meds for it to hepl ease the rashes...can be due to progrestrone or hormones dear...Gd news on the way..
hi sisters, just to confirm, we can do acupunture during 2ww rite?

yup can...if u r doing in raffles..u will sign an IVF accu package...So once u r nearing to ur ER..u let them know..Then they will tell which day to come for accu...

Norm is on the day of ET 1 accu..after that a few days later 1 more accu.

I did accu during my 2ww...;-)
Salam syg sista semua,

How u all's been? For yg gg for BT 16/17 good luck, mesti berkoba2 countdown lagi beberapa ari je lagii kan.
Im so anxious waiting for follicles to grow to required size. My ER estimation has been postpone for 3 times. Now taking lutropin. Sakitnye mcm kena semut api sey. Any advise?
Helo dearies,
I've been feeling rather depressed lately. My rashes has gone bad and I decided to go KKH at 1.30am last night. Doc mentioned that I could hv fungal infection bt didnt dare give me anytg except for calamine lotion. Now other than the itch, the area has started to swell up. I had difficulty walking. Pain while walking and sitting so I rather lay on my bed most of the time. Its just 2 days to my BT now and im just worried the infection will affect my results. Hais... :(:(
Salam pagi semua.
thanks bubbli,rashal & sue dazey for your kind advise.
i dah called kkh. As pernormal they asked me to monitor. on n off there are brown discharged. Just pray
to Allah that everything will go smoothly. Insyallah amin.
I am going for the blood test on tue 17/9... so i just wait for the day.

sue dazey, hope you have a speedy recovery.. insyallah ami
Helo dearies,
I've been feeling rather depressed lately. My rashes has gone bad and I decided to go KKH at 1.30am last night. Doc mentioned that I could hv fungal infection bt didnt dare give me anytg except for calamine lotion. Now other than the itch, the area has started to swell up. I had difficulty walking. Pain while walking and sitting so I rather lay on my bed most of the time. Its just 2 days to my BT now and im just worried the infection will affect my results. Hais... :(:(

Hi Sue...Dun worry...Actually there's a med which is safe to eat during pregnancy or 2ww...I took that during my last preg..I had the same problem like urs..Rashes can come during early pregnancy...

At late stages also may have the same problem..try to keep ur skin moist..not too dry..I sampai taruk bedak sejuk..Sleep mpre if possible so at least u wont be thinking of scratching...Take care
Salam pagi semua.
thanks bubbli,rashal & sue dazey for your kind advise.
i dah called kkh. As pernormal they asked me to monitor. on n off there are brown discharged. Just pray
to Allah that everything will go smoothly. Insyallah amin.
I am going for the blood test on tue 17/9... so i just wait for the day.

sue dazey, hope you have a speedy recovery.. insyallah ami

Blur...Go today if need be...Tomolo or today dun make a difference...Normal private clinic test on D14...KKH is D17 tak salah...Go for the bt...Get early support...

Take care dear
Hi Sue...Dun worry...Actually there's a med which is safe to eat during pregnancy or 2ww...I took that during my last preg..I had the same problem like urs..Rashes can come during early pregnancy...

At late stages also may have the same problem..try to keep ur skin moist..not too dry..I sampai taruk bedak sejuk..Sleep mpre if possible so at least u wont be thinking of scratching...Take care

Thanks Bubbli,

Ya hve been sleeping the whole day smlm. Kesian my husb has to do all the hse chores. Poor him. I hope doc cn give me antibiotics or something as soon as possible. Going back to work on Wed.
Im going for my BT tmr too.. So if I go early mrng, I dont hv to do the insertions right?

Blurs, who knows i may bump into u tmr...best of luck to u. InsyaAllah...
Thanks Bubbli,

Ya hve been sleeping the whole day smlm. Kesian my husb has to do all the hse chores. Poor him. I hope doc cn give me antibiotics or something as soon as possible. Going back to work on Wed.
Im going for my BT tmr too.. So if I go early mrng, I dont hv to do the insertions right?

Blurs, who knows i may bump into u tmr...best of luck to u. InsyaAllah...

Sue...Gi buat Bt today if want to..No harm...Wish u all the best...Still do ur inserts until they say otherwise....Take care
As salam sisters,
How are u all feeling today?
I juz gt back from KKH for my blood test...
They said my beta was 187...their standard was 250 for it to be a confirmed pregnancy..
so I hv to go back on Thurs for another blood test in the hope that it doubles..
This makes me all the more nervous..
I pray for sue_dazey and blurs to hv a gd beta tomorrow..
As salam sisters,
How are u all feeling today?
I juz gt back from KKH for my blood test...
They said my beta was 187...their standard was 250 for it to be a confirmed pregnancy..
so I hv to go back on Thurs for another blood test in the hope that it doubles..
This makes me all the more nervous..
I pray for sue_dazey and blurs to hv a gd beta tomorrow..

MasyaAllah thanks Rashal, I'm already turning into a nervous wreck right nw.

Meanwhile hang in there.. insyaAllah the number increases by then. U take care.
Thanks rashal. insyallah the number will increase. How long you wait for them to tell u thr result?
by the way berapa kali kena take blood test eh? Will they cont our HL ? Hhehehee
i pun seram juga for besok.
sue... all the best for besok... i have to be there by 7.30am... i just bring the utrogestan along.
Thanks rashal. insyallah the number will increase. How long you wait for them to tell u thr result?
by the way berapa kali kena take blood test eh? Will they cont our HL ? Hhehehee
i pun seram juga for besok.
sue... all the best for besok... i have to be there by 7.30am... i just bring the utrogestan along.

Juz nw I sampai ard 9.10am..although they asked me to be there at 7.30am..
But the queue for bloodtest very short so by 9.30am i dabis...they say between 1-4pm will call me
But ard 12.20pm tadi they already called me so maybe the lab test is ard 2.5-3hrs...
Knowing KKIVF, after 12pm aru dorang free sket so most prob after 12pm they will call you even though u dtg siang...

If ur HCG is between 0-5, then u r nt pregnant...if bigger than 5, ada chance you are pregnant but they will ask to come again to re-take blood test to ensure the number doubles..if the number doubles within 48-72 hours, then the embryo is growing and not stagnant...
Ni yang buat I nervous...mudah2an insya' Allah my number will double...Aamiiin...

By the time bloodtest, dorang tak continue HL anymore...actually I ni takde HL pun since they do ET for me on 29 Aug 2013...been up and about at work...penat jugak tapi I tawakkal je pada Allah swt...

Sue Dazey...dun forget to apply ur calamine lotion and maybe put ice at ur rashes and sleep in aircon room to lessen the itch...
